350 Reviews For Verizon Wireless Headquarters & Corporate Office

Verizon wireless will not return my calls hang up on me everytime I call and will NOT HELP ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

less then a month I received a Samsung...well sat night the battery ignited causing damage to my counter and fingers. Of course they gave me a new phone but acted like i was insane. I am told there is no one else I can speak with, however the counter needs fixed ....i want to know why this happened and what was i inhaling when my apartment filled with smoke.

Hello, I have been a happy customer of verizon for many years. I have had no problems. Untill the 2010-2011 year. Getting rid of the "New Every Two" discounts is the biggest mistake ever. That promotion is a very unique part of Verizon, and has been my main reason for staying with Verizon for all these years. Now I know it is because apple doesnt want the iPhone to be at a discounted price. Now here's an idea, DONT PUT IT AS A CHOICE FOR NEW EVERY TWO. Just a thought. I do not understand why verizon couldnt think of that themselfs. Anyway, just letting you know how i feel and probably a million others too. Thanks!!

The posted number of 212-395-1000 is NOT a valid working number. The phone rings then goes dead.

I've been with verizon for 10 years now, and just re-did another 2 year contract which i shouldnt have done. I was thinking about cancelling and they sent me to the retention deparment and they promised me several things to keep me , that they have failed to live up too. I WOULD STRONGLY SUGGEST TO ANYONE THINKING ABOUT GOING WITH VERIZON THAT THEY DONT. I DEAL WITH THIS CRAP EVERY 2 YEARS. THEY PROMISE YOU THINGS THAT THEY WILL NOT DELIVER. I have spent probably 5 hours on the phone with verizon for the witin the last month and they get NOTHING done. I have talked to several supervisors and they get nothing done. It really unbelieveable that a person has to deal with this mess over and over and over again. UNBELIVEABLE.

Is everyone who works for verizon idiots? Just wondering.

It's a shame that I can't speak to anyone in the financial department to get their attention about finding a payment made online (in December) that they have posted somewhere in limbo. Now they are demanding payment in full which would mean that I'm having to double pay a bill that I've already paid, and it's been deducted from my Bank Acct. They insist that I refax them bank statements and information that I've already done once, and they can't seem to find. They apparently think that I'm lying to them about the payment. What a shame, if they don't find the payment and get their records corrected shortly, I'll have to switch to another carrier. I understand that Corporate Officers will not see this message, but I hope that it will be a warning to anyone wanting to sign up for cell-phone service, that Verison may not offer the best deal. Can you imagine how much money they can make by loosing a customers payment and then making them pay bill again, while they investigate the lost payment that may take them years to find. I think that will all the problems listed above in 2010, a class action suit should be brought against them for a large variety of problems with their custome service.

Hello Mr.. Seidenberg I have been a customer for 10 years and have been very happy with our business relationship until this week, when I called to upgrade to a Iphone and was told that I can't until my contact runs out or I can pay $170.00 to early terminate my contact and start a knew one. This was Dumb in my eyes so I called back after my wife shared this with me and asked to speak with a Manager and shared AT&T will give me a new Iphone and take my business. I told the agent I did not want to do this and wanted to make sure Verizon wanted to loss a 10 year customer for $170.00 which makes no sense because I was willing to stay in contract or even sign a longer one. I was informed that the only thing available was to have 2 phones 1 I don't need to get the one I do want. I was then instructed that enough could be worked out at this time and that if I wanted to pay the full price for the phone I then could have it HERE THE MATH Break Contract with verizon 170.00 go to AT&T get new phone 243.00 Total Cost 413.00 Stay with verizon pay full cost 750.00 OH What should I do? OH yea! lost revenue 10 years $9,560.00 avg So let me know in 1 year how that business plan is working out for verizon if you are still there All I can say is DUMB, DUMB, DUMB I do not know if you are aware of this,but I thought I'd drop you a line about it. Cancel my account Bob Cavicchioni

i just went back to verizon,and it was a great mistake. i have a contract showing my monthly bill. but verizon surpassed that by about $75.00, which they said was the tax i owed. i reported to them it was against the law to tax on tax but they couldnt give me straight answer as to what it was, if it wasnt tax.i was hung up on three times, given bogus numbers to call that were no good. thanks to all for sharing your horror stories about this matter.

Working corporatevnumber is 212-395-1000. We have been having issues with my wife Droid 1 where after access minutes of conversation she can hear the party on the other end but they can't hear her. After weeks of painful talks with customer support and techs and 3 phones later they decide to try a droid 2 and see if it does the same thing. well they ship us a LOCKED phone. called corporate and now waiting for them to call us back.

I have been with Verizon for over five years. I have to say I have good service but have a major problem dealing with their customer service department. I had made a payment over the phone with one of the reps, she made the mistake of applying the payment to the wrong account even though i gave her my account number and name! When I asked for her name or operator number she said she could not give that information wich I know is bull, I asked to speak to her supervisor she said I would have to wait so I did. I got transfered to 4 different people...none where supervisors. I got hung up on, one guy told me I didn't have the right account number even though I was reading it straight off my bill, he asked for my full social security number and got angry when I said I wouldn't give it to him, he was very rude and hung up on me. They make the mistakes and don't want to correct them. If you ever ask to speak to a supervisor they will hand up on you or transfer you back and forth. They have the worst customer service reps over the phone or in person. I don't know how they have people like that working for them. They have no problem taking our money but don't have the commom courtesy to show their customers respect. When I asked how to make a complaint nobody knew anything! For the amount of money we have to pay for their service you think they would care about their customers more. F**ck Verizon not worth the hassle.

1. The telephone number listed on this website for your offices has been DISCONNECTED. 2.

The customer service at the Verizon Wireless located in the Chesapeake Square Mall in Chesapeake, Virginia is not about resolving any technical problems but obvious just sales volume. If I could rate the customer service with a zero, that would be my rating. Unfortunately, I am in Virginia from out of state and had a problem with my cellphone powering off unexpectedly. The phone was a gift to replace my prior Verizon Wireless phone and less than 5 months old. I was told by the customer representative and manager that there is no tech support to service the phone. In fact, the customer representative move on to another customer as if I had just became invisible. Their recommendation was just buy another phone or take the phone for service to another Chesapeake location which would be another 25 minutes away. With insistance and not wanting to undergo any anger management classes in the future, I calmly requested for someone to examine the phone and try to reboot the phone by taking the battery out and placing it back in the phone. Whether this will resolve the issue remains to be determine at this time. What happen to the good customer service approach here? With the current economic climate, why is Verizon Wireless not trying to retain market share instead losing customers due to discourteous, ill-mannered and non-productive service? As long as the profits are there, the Verizon Wireless individuals and employees pride themselves on rendering a dis-service without a blick of the eye. This must be their corporate mission statement,"Sales gained, customer service disconnect." They are HELPLESS! Verizon may have the greatest network coverage, but enduring a very unsatisfactory and disrespectful customer service is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.

I have been dealing with customer service for three days, and been made promises from customer service that their supervisor will get back to me; guess what no ever returned my calls so I always had to call the next day. I have been a customer of Verizon Wireless since 2006, I have a total of 6 phones I pay for, two separate plans because you have only have up to five lines on a plan. One phone I had lost about a year ago that is on its own plan and the renewal for me to get the discount comes up on 3/1/2011 (less than two months away). I asked since I have been paying on a phone and plan that I do not have if they could renew my contract early so I can use my service I have been paying for….Guess what they will not, they want me to spend full price on a phone. I found out that AT&T (my parents have them) will work with you and let you renew your contract in these instances, especially if you have been a long time customer. Well, just got off the phone with Verizon’s corporate office and I will see, they just said someone will contact me with in 24 to 48 hours….like I have not hear that before.

I have been a loyal verizon customer for 14 years. In december I bought a droid phone which was supposed to be buy one get one free. First of all to get a free one you have to either add another line, or have two lines for upgrade. I was told I could hold my free phone until my upgrade came available but the upgrade date I was told was wrong. Then I was told I could add a line and get it as a smart phone talks free, but I couldn't put the phone on the line I needed it on. Verizon sayes they never stop working for you, but after talking over and over, being late for work, and wasting at least three hours of my time I still have not got my free smart phone. And would like to speak to someone who values the 14 years of payments, and wants to help resolve my issue.

This is B**l Sh*t!!!!!! Verizon Wireless corporate suckers are hiding their identities so ppl can't reach them!

I have been a verizon customer at my new address since I moved in on 7/07. I have been having internet issues since 6/08 to present (12/28/10) that verizon has yet to be able to fix. On a good day I have internet 10-12 hours, which are the hours I and wife are at work and our daughter is in school. We lose our internet at sundown EVERYDAY. That means 4:30 EST! before we even get home, and yet verizon has no problem billing us for this pathetic service (40.00 a month). about a year ago I decided to stop paying until they fixed it and some poor excuse for a customer service rep in India told me they would waive my bill until it was fixed and verizon would take care of everything. I never got one call for service support until I called back (3 months later) and I was told ALL previous notes on my acct. had been lost (deleted). I tried to schedule 3 appointments without ever getting a call back to confirm. I now have been billed 361.00 for believe 13 months of service that I was previous told would be waived! Verizon still has not fixed my internet and yet feel I need to payed for a service that doesnt work. Whenever you ask for a supervisor or corp you mysteriously get disconnected. My neighbor is now dealing with the same issue and is now refusing to pay his bill! If I had a choice to pay twice as much with the local MD cable supplier I would drop verizon in a flash. I guess verizon knows that my choices are limited which is why they give their customers the run around and treat them like $#%&!

I had a service with verizon for less than 2 weeks, wasn't happy...the reseption was very poor (had a family plan -2 phones everything was canceled and devices were returned on time)...was informed by the sale person as well as customer service rep, than I do have a 30 days trial- "Worry Free Guarantee for 30 Days" , and if I do not like it I'll pay only for the time of usage...just a few days ago recived an electronic notification from Verizon, than my bill is available and its 399 and a change...called to customer sevice-was advised to pay fully, wantedtalk to the manager- the manager or superviser is not there ....its a joke..nice trial for $400!!!

wow had a issue today with my bill being past due when i try'd to make a call this morning i was redrected to the finacial department. The laddy was verry nice and ask me to make a payment by phone so i could have my phone turnd back on, I explanied to her that i would not have any money till Dec 25 at witch point she tells me that if i could make a pay aggrement with them that she would put my phone back on. I told her that i could have them pay'd by the 27 in full and she tells me about a 15$ activation fee that will apply to my next month's bill she allso advies's me that it could be up to 1hr before my phone will work agin. I waited 1.30 hrs before i call back phone still is redrecting my call's to finacial department but i can now recive call's i explaine all this to the customer care agent and she tell's me she see's the problem to give it 15 min's and it sould be working so agin i hang up and wait hr just to be shure and still nothing.... so i call back a 3rd time been like 3.30 hrs now with all the talking and such this laddy tells me i need to pay 100.oo and she put my phone on right now... so im like what kind of game is this laddy let me speak to your suppervisor at witch point Sonya wahaley get's on the line with me from the supervisor dep. I tell her of whats been going on since this morning, She is chewing gum verry loudly on the the other end not even shure she listened to me she tell's me there is no note for it to be turned on and there is nothing she can do. i wasted my hole day finaly verizon breaks it to me phone is not coming bk on sir. u have been making pay aggrements and wating a hr at a time all day for your health! Hate to break it to ya verizon but im deffently mk'n the switch have a good 1

i really wish to thank verison for having to check every bill because it appears overcharging is their new way to gain more money. try to sort it out with the idiots at a call center, who argue and refuse to get managers. then you get the manager and he blames me for a 100$ mess up on the bill. glad the fcc has a complant hotline.my advise is to switch to another carrier, one that does not need to steal. let's see if i get a responce from the morons who read this. iq tests are not required

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