594 Reviews For Sprint-Nextel Headquarters & Corporate Office

I opened an account with sprint in oct. 2011 and closed the account before the grace period and returned the phone to a srint store in mckinney texas, well of course im receiving a bill stating i owe $618.40 and no one can seem to figure out where the phone went, i never receive any phone calls back so im gonna contact an attorney and the BBB.........Sprint is scomplete rip off dont get service with these guys..........RUN>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I think it to be unfair that if I cannot access your site from my current provider phone that then only can I qualify for the $100.00 switch rebate. Your company is making me upgrade my current features to get access to sprint.com. I then will have to leave Verizon.I should not have to go through that change to qualify. There should be an alternative for those of us who do not have the internet with our current provider. I have been lied to prior to my switch. Now I see that the $10.00 data fee is NOT needed but an up sale so, even this was a lie too!

Ditto on all the comments above! I too have been given the business by Sprint and trust me I will tell everyone I know not to use this company. Their customer service leaves a lot to be desired and I told them in their store they need to go to school to learn this fine art. The idiot had the nerve to ask me to leave the store and that they would not give me credit for a purchase that was within there own policy of two weeks. I told him to call the police if that was what he felt he needed to do. I to will report this sorry company to the BBB. They Suck big time!!!!!!!!!

Spoke with Amelia with customer care, (or should I say, Customer Careless), anyway... I needed to have those 10.00 data premium fee's waived on my statements every year. The reason I do this is because they cannot keep from posting that charge on my account, hence they add up and up, and it is annoying to say the least to go through, so you speak to a different representative every time and explain. Originally I was promised that because I am a "Silver Premium" whatever customer that I am "grandfathered" in and "exempt" from the 10.00 "Premium Data Fee", and it was marked on my account "In House" and was understood by both parties that they (Sprint-Nextel) would not ever charge me that fee as long as I was a loyal customer. The reason to say that was to hang on to, and to retain us as "long Time Customers). Now after saying that...Amelia comes back to me from being on hold and proceeds to tell me that they will only be crediting 240.00 of the 360.00 of the funds that were expected. I told her that was not correct, and she explained that sprint will not include the replacement phone that was swapped out during that year and on another line we upgraded a phone and that they were not going to include that one as well. I quickly pointed out the details of our original agreement as mentioned earlier. She denies that even happened....I wanted to speak to a supervisor because my debate was falling on deaf ears between dead air...Now on HOLD Now Heather the "Supervisor" came on the line. We said hello, and I pleasantly explained the situation exactly as in paragraph 2, and she went into a pause like she was going to say something, but instead I hear a whisper, like someone is feeding her information, and then she blurts out " well sir you signed a contract when you upgraded your phone and you are bound by your legal contract to pay the ten dollar fee" If that wasn't spoon fed... I said it should be noted on my account that I am not to pay any Data Fees ect. There were no conditions at all, unless I leave Sprint and then return if any. She states her comment again; I hear a low laughing sound after my response. I worked in a call center; I know people can listen in. I thought she was extremely short, didn't want to, or CARE TO help or compromise the situation in any way. I told her she ruined an almost 12 year relationship and I will not renew my contract, and in her very smart mouth way said,... “shall I connect you to the Cancellation Department? Laughing in the background was heard again. I was livid now, I asked her for her last name, and she refused, I asked her what state she was in ,she said Kentucky. As a Supervisor, I she failed her job in resolving this matter or in the very least explaining reasons or offering something else, or even being sorry for what her company’s policies were. All she wanted to do was to throw me away. A 12+ year valued customer in a highly competitive industry. Her only solution was to happily divert me to the cancellation dept. My only hope in writing is for some Sprint -Nextel Executive to read this and re-train Heather, and Amelia from Kentucky and reading some of these other call center situations, an extreme overhaul is recommended. Disappointed and Angry in Louisiana!

I needed a replacement phone. Paid the $100 it costs, with my insurance. I contacted their insurance people because they did not have the items needed for me to return my broken phone. 3 months later a $400 charge shows up for an equipment return charge. I have contacted sprint 4 times. 2 times I was assured a call back and that the charge was disputed. The other two times (Thursday and then Saturday) My phone had been disconnected. On Thursday the initial 7 day hold had expired, to which the rep expressed they knew that would not be long enough. Saturday, 3 days after I was assured a 14 day hold my phone was disconnected again. I called back asking to speak with a supervisor. The woman on the other phone would not connect me with one and rather tried to tell me that the balance I owed is from 2 months ago and that I am justly disconnected. I again asked for a supervisor and she denied me. After breaking it down and explaining that my last payment on the 21st covered ALLLLL balances other than the disputed amount I was connected to another department. **Mind you, this is after I told her to review the tapes of my last conversation if needed- to which she replied... "Lord no, no one should have to listen to this twice". I was connected to another department and this time they admitted the charge showing on my account was the charge for the "unreturned" phone. That my dispute had been denied and that I owe the balance. At that time I again asked for a supervisor and was denied. When I asked the gentlemen who his boss was he told me that he would let him tell me his if i called back and asked for the opperations manager. That a dispute was put on my acct for another 72 hours until someone called you back. In Total I have spent 5 hours on the phone with sprint... after EACH CONVERSATION i was PROMISED and Guarenteed that I would receive a phone call before any action had been taking and 4 times I did not. When I called to speak with the operations manager, I was told they were not in, did not have voicemail and it was unclear when they would be back. I then asked for the superior to the operations manager or a manager on duty. Never was what I asked for delivered. This is a SCAM. I have mailed the phone in over 2-3 months ago. I also asked if I needed to file a police report.... Which I will do. If it is the fault of the postal service, sprint should have already realized to switch to a certified system, which also does not allow for civilian tampering. However, I truly feel my phone is in their warehouse, as it was mailed and I am being charged because of their disorganization and greed. I have had a decent experience until this point, however if they do not correct this situation, I will change services, in addition to write to the BBB, local papers, corporate HQ, file a police report and seek reimbursement for the cost of the insured phone, all charges pending to my account and late fees.

I rate you a very poor I have been a Customer of Nextel First when they First open I then was gradfathered into Sprint when the merged. I have been having problem with my Htc Evo Since 05/03/2010 and and I have had nothing but Major Problem with the service and the phone. I have had my Phone lock me out, drop several call,freeze up on me,download my voice mail 3 days later of which my phone never rang. I have taken my phone to your spring repair shops more than 10-15 times. I have even been told by one of your Sprint repair shop that Sprint Can NOT tell them what to do reguarding replacing phones. This was after an appointment was made by Customer care and they instructed the store to give me a replacement phone like what I have. I was told by Tech suppoort I was going to get another phone but never received it. I was told by tech support they were going to look into it and call me back never received a call back. Sprint has dissapointed me very much and I have been loyal and patient. I would not recommend Sprinto anyone they just want your money!!!

RUDE STAFF at bandera road and 1604 San Antonio, Texas, in less than a month they change my phone 4 TIMES, I paid 90 dollar per month FOR A PHONE THAT IS NO WORKING!! They don't give any REASONABLE options, I had an accident a few weeks a go, and I couldn't call the police or 911 my 3 daughters between 7years old and 2 years were with my that day in the accident, the screen froze I wasn't able to make or receive calls, THE ASSISTANT MANAGER insinuated THAT IT WAS MY FAULT, because HE NEVER SEE THAT PROBLEM BEFORE, I was in that location for 4HOURS with my 3 daughters you can imagine that, I ASK HIM PLEASE THERE'S ANYTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, HE WAS BEING REALLY SARCASTIC AND MAKING FACES, I rise my voice because is like the 8 or 9 time I went to the office obvious I was really mad, AND HE TROW THE PAPER TO ME AND ASK ME TO LEAVE, AND I SAID NO, O SO YOU ARE GOING TO WAIT 1hr and 30MIN AND I SAID YES!!! SO HE WENT TO HIDE AT THE BACK OF THE STORE, I STAR CRYING BECAUSE IS FRUSTRATING THAT I CAN'T DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. WORST SERVICE EVER

I have 2 contracts up for renewal with sprint, My experience with Account services started out just fine. The person I spoke to agreed to call me back with a final offer to agree to 2 more years . After no return call , I called again and spoke to a different person. I repeated my request and was ultimately put on hold to "Speak" with a supervisor. Well , the person who I spoke to went straight into defense mode and gave me very little opportunity to speak. Every time I spoke , I was fed company policy from a script. I was finally able to jump into the conversation long enough to schedule a cancellation date ! This got me off the phone without just hanging up. RUDE reps do not keep my business.

If I could they'd get a -10 star rating!! I ordered my phone on Jan. 29, received it Feb 1st. Guess what, no battery! Spend 45 minutes on the phone and get transferred 3x just to find out they can't simply send a battery, no, they have to send another complete phone and send a return kit for the one without the battery. Ok fine, another two days go by, get my 2nd new phone on Feb 3rd. When I looked at the service area map it looked like there was more than adequate coverage in my area, ok, then why is the phone ALWAYS on roam??!! It could have 3 bars while just lying there next to me, I pick it up to send a text, as soon as I hit any button on the phone, blink, it changes to roam!! WHAT??? I deal with it for another 6 days and become totally disenchanted, since I am within my 14 day return window I call and get told I have to drive 45 miles one way in order to deliver the device to a corporate store to cancel my service. The next day there is a partial credit on my acct. I have been going around with them for over a week now, they say that they can't credit the rest of my acct. WHAT??!! You're trying to tell me that even though your own policy states that I have a 14 day chargeless window within I can return my phone, cancel my service with you and I won't get charged anything that you're still going to charge me for a month of service along with all of your stinking surcharges, fees and taxes??!! I DON'T THINK SO!!! If Sprint thinks that I am going to pay them one red cent for something that didn't work right from the word go, they better think again!! I'm calling the BBB and every other watchdog investigatory agency in the U.S. about this crap!! AND, listen up Sprint!! If you think you're going to report this on my credit score, HAH, there are already notes being readied so that anyone who looks up my credit can see what you did to me, so you will NOT affect my credit rating!!!! You can all go straight to you-know-where!!! I HATE YOU JACK-ASS JERKS!!!!!!!!!! :(

i have been sold so many faulty pieces of crap htc's by both sprint and t mobile. HTC SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I CANNOT WAIT to get an iphone.

going back into the sprint store for the 4th time in less than a year because my phone sucks and isn't doing SOMETHING right (first, the Ss and Rs on my evo wouldn't work......then the Ss and Rs wouldn't work again....then I couldn't email photos to anyone and now I can't email photos to anyone from my phone NOR can I upload photos to facebook.) I AM GOING TO TAKE YET ANOTHER HALF DAY FROM WORK JUST TO SIT IN SPRINTs STORE so they can "fix" my phone so that it will work for another 3 months before something else breaks...and do oyu think they are going to hook me up with a different phone that works? NO. I can't wait to switch carriers and get an iphone.

I was with sprint for over two years. In the mean time I have had lost my job and lost/damage two phones. sprint was great and I raved about the customer Quality. Somewhere in between those two years...I received the answers "Company Policies" or ""Sprint Decided" and the most notorious one "System Automatically". Hence within the two year time frame Sprint became top notch to just a notch on a dead branch. I've been very disappointed, discouraged and abandoned by the company I felt safe and secure with. I regret stepping into this company, and people asked me to shun away from Sprint but I had faith and trust. Sadly, yet satisfactory I have left the company and Sprint is still harboring over my right to disengage from them. Until my bill reaches near $800-$900 dollars they will settle and be satisfied. Even my contract has meant the requirements and satisfactory. I offered and pleaded over and over to make payments depending on my criteria, yet the people making $40-50,000 a hr. Decided I'm not worth making their salary. Paying $110 a month for 2 1/2 years, late fees $200, Plus $900 on top of that figure, their not concerned nor flinching that roughly $4400 has been made off me. Just another number. Wow, "the now network" is really networking to gain assets. Thanks again Sprint!

Welcome to corparate america people! Pay good money to a big company and get pissed on! I have an EVO shift and I have multiple problems with it! Storm in october my phone was out for a week or so do u think my bill was discounted?? NOT!! How does that make sense?? Ur charged monthly even if ur phone doesnt work that whole month!! I also am very good about paying my bill on time and the one time I was a week late paying sprint harrassed me and threatened to shut me off!! Cell phones are a nice luxury but not a necessatity and when my contract is up I will go back to the good old reliable land line where ill pay 20$ a month with no surprises! In this economy you would think companies would take care of all their customers with respect so they dont lose the business but truth is nobody cares about being descent and honest anymore and the bigger the company the less humaine they become!! Apparently sprint bigwigs have never read what their customers really think about their company and even if they did chances are as long as those asswipes are filling their pockets it doesnt matter!!

So I signed up with Sprint in November 2011. The sales person promised me the corporate discount after two billing cycles I called about the discount they told me I was denied. I told them that I signed the contact under the premise that I would receive that discount. They said it was too late to cancel the contract and refused to consider my problem. In January 2012 I called regarding the CT tax they had been placing on my account. I am from NY. They promised me they would take care of it and put a note on the account. In February when the charge still came up on my bill I called them and they stated they had no record of my call to dispute the tax. Finally, I called stating was going to reduce my account to the lowest plan they have and get a new service. I attempted to transfer my number to T-mobile but Sprint stated that to transfer my number was tantamount to cancelling my current account with them. All I want is a new number on my sprint account, as allowed under the contract terms "up to three times in a billing cycle". Now their saying if I just change the number without transferring it to T-mobile -so that l loss the number for good- their will be no cancellation fee! What just to PUNISH ME FOR RESPONDING AS ANY consumer would! If Sprint thinks I will absorb a 360 dollar cancellation fee based on their companies "switch and bait" or giving me the run around.

sprint sold me 3 iphone 4 & 2 iphone 4s. which i was explained i needed the apple care plus on a 99$ plan that would cover damage, loss or stolen & hardware failures. i agreed this was necessary & purchased the coverage. Later after the first billing cycle i realize only 1 iphone 4s and 1 iphone 4 has the coverage irritated as all hell i call sprint to find out oops sorry its to late we cant add it now. even though they shouldve and admitted to ther fault by not having done what i wanted to begin with. I call apple customer service to add the other phones that didnt get covered and was told this coverage is only for battery, hardware failure and app support.... no plan apple offers will cover loss or stolen iphones. So i was misinformed from sprint by what this 99$ coverage provides and wouldve never purchased an iphone for my children if i knew it wouldnt be covered if loss or stolen!!! completely disappointed and worse over i am with sprint now contracted for 2 years> THEY SUCK PEOPLE and are uneducated in what they are doing. As for me the consumer who has been screwed.. all they say to me is sorry? really WOW

Sprint did me a dirty deal when I purchased my two HTC EVO's. I was told that my first month's bill would be around $200+. However, my first bill was $405.31 and I hit the ceiling. The rep never told me that they charge you a month in advance. Furthermore, I was never told that my monthly bill would be $177.00. I left AT&T with a monthly bill of around $110.00. I thought that I was getting a great deal, but got suckered in by Sprint's BS. Cannot wait until this 2 year nightmare is over. All Cell Phone companies out there, listen up: Agree to purchase the remainder of people's contracts and allow them to switch over to your company. You will make the money, and leave Sprint in the dark.

Today I called Sprint because my phone was to be cancelled in December. Initially I had two lines with Sprint. The first one I cancelled in Sept the 2nd one I was told I had to wait until Dec until the contract was up. Apparently this was never done in December. When I called in to explain what had happened I was transferred, hung up on, called a liar, told I would be called back by 4 diff people- never was. The first four people I spoke to I did not get their names but after that I spoke to Rebecca- finance department Desarai,customer service Sylvia-customer service supposedly a manager-Sylvia I was transferred to -received her voicemail -left a call back number and never heard from her.Then I spoke with Dan in finance -told him he was the 8th person I spoke to could he please help me - he did -he blind transferred me to Kreesha -not sure of the spelling also a supervisor -I was told then she transferred me to Camea - also not sure of the spelling but she would not spell her name for me or give me her id told me I had to give her my information first before she gave me her id and then she hung up on me. At this point I had been on the phone for over an hour. Then I spoke to Dee Dee in finance - I explained to Dee Dee what had happened that my phone was suppose to be cancelled in December when I called in to do so and she told me what everyone else told me that this did not happen. REALLY???? I mean this is why I was calling. I finally spoke to Crystal the only person who helped me- she cancelled the line wow finally someone who could speak "human" It is still not done I am now told I owe charges until now even though it was an error on Sprints part that my phone was not cancelled. After being on the phone for almost 2 hours I can not speak to another untrained representative. This was one of the worst experiences I have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had huge issues with Sprint for he last year, I won't go into details. This note is to commend an employee at the Sprint store on Hospital drive in Glen Burnie, MD. His name is Sid and he knows his stuff! He's very kind and so helpful and I've complained about Sprint, but now I want to give credit where its due. THANK YOU SID!! This guy deserves a raise, he is professional and knows more than the Manager at that store! If ya'll are local and need assistance, go to this store and ask for Sid and I'm sure it will change your mind about Sprint, at least a little bit.

gfFEwL As usual, the webmaster posted correctly..!!

Like many have said before me, 0 Stars would be more fitting. My issue with Sprint stems with their "insurance" option. I initially requested the $7.00 a month insurance coverage for my Evo. After having the phone for a year and a half, i finally lost my phone. When i called customer service, they ignored me (several times) mentioning having insurance. Once the representative restricted the number, she asked me "can I help you with anything else" !! I asked again to be transferred to someone who can help me with the insurance claim. It was then that she told me that i do not have insurance, What??! I asked her to review her notes and phone calls, because i have had this conversation before. In short, she found that I had requested it but it was not applied. I was also informed that since the 6 month correction period had ended, there was nothing they could do. I requested to talk to the supervisor, and to my suprise, she was even less helpfull and meaner than the customer rep. The supervisor told me that although they should have added the insurance on the account, it was my responsibility to review my bill and make sure that I was being charged the 7 dollars a month! I am here because of the attitudes and horrible customer support that I have encountered with sprint. I used to be with T-Mobile for 10 years before i made the mistake of switching over to Sprint. Even after I mentioned that I will be cancelling my service and paying the Early termination fee, I wasn't given the typically "sorry to hear that" or "let me see if we can do anything else" just "well thank you for calling sprint"! I really feel like they do not want our money any more!

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