594 Reviews For Sprint-Nextel Headquarters & Corporate Office

Sprint Networks sucks!!! They have no value in their customers! I was practically made out to be liar, they were condescending, and just unprofessional! Never buy any notebooks they offer no matter how good the sale because they'll find a way to get that sale back from you on invalid charges later. How is it that you can access the internet via WIFI through your router at home yet they claim you are on their network, on their server, and charge you outrageous money claiming you've used they datacard. Incredible...There has to be someone to complaint to about this. Anyone have any information on where to call?


I'm so upset with sprint. I've been on the phone for more than 2 hours for no answers. I've been hung up on more than 5 times. While being very respectful and polite. To finally being transferred to departments which aren't open. I've spoken to supervisors with very little knowledge or understanding of what "customer service" is and should be. I pay money, now I have to also donate my time. Never again will I recommend your service...

I am so upset with Sprint, No stars is more LIKE) Sprint Does not VALUE there customers I have been given the Runaround for To LONG) Purchased Broadband On July,24,2011- at BEST BUY Regular Monthly Bill has been $47.00 even My Last bill i got was for $547,00 this bill is due Jan,17th.2012 Sprint told him he had to Deal with Best Buy for Everything since he Signed Up Through By Saying this is the WORST is ( SPRINT ) so will see what's Next???? Sprint SUCKS,

I have be a customer since the 90's. Due to my pacemaker Sprint is the only phone I can use. Yesterday, I went in the store to get a new phone because I was having multiple problems with the phone. The unpleasant guy asked I leave the phone & pacemaker. Apparently, he was on drugs!!! I reported him right away. GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE NO LONGER EXIST!!!

Wow... I have been completely in the dark and am two months late to this no more unlimited 4g mobile broadband game. I was lured in by the Iphone and quickly discovered I would need internet at my home if I wanted to continue talking and surfing at the same time as I had done with T-Mobile for the past sereral years. I was advised that I could aquire a Mobile broadband device with unlimited 4G which would also give me unlimited fast internet for my laptop as I lived in a 4g area on 10/19/2011!!!! The deal seemed to good to be true because I was also receiving a $10.00 Discount on the data plan because I had a Simply Everything Plan on my I phone. So I was sold on it even though friends had suggested I go with CLEAR, I chose to go with sprints MIFI 4082. I was pleased with everything especially my bill which was $113.58 for October, November, December, January and February. Now all of a sudden I get an email saying I was 2GB over my 3GB allowance. I was shocked and I wondered if it had switched to 3G with out my knowing. No something worse, far worse and deceiving had happened. Sprint ended their unlimited 4G for mobile broadband devices 1 month BEFORE I was sold this mifi device and entered into a two year contract! Why I ask was my service not interruped until my February billing cycle which began on January 27th? I am so confused and to be honest hurt. I was baited into a contract and plan that was no longer valid. I can even remember the associate who sold me the device over the phone telling me that I was lucky to live in a 4G area that I would have unlimited 4G internet. FYI I got used to HULU and NETFLIX and was using an average 30GB a month! I quickly canceled my Plan and requested there be NO ETF which was all honored immediately. The next day I took my mifi device and original sales receipt to a Sprint store to receive a refund which I thought would be no issue. Boy! was I wrong. Not only was the associate at the store very un-accomadating but the person she put me on the phone with yelled at me and said that the day prior and error had been made and that I would be receiving no ETF. I was shocked!!! I said transfer me and she said "no, I am the only person you can talk to regarding this" I simply hung up and called right back, the next associate I spoke to said she was confused because she could see how the ETF had been canceled and then reinstated the next day! Wow.... what kind of business is Sprint? Regarding the refund of the device which I was sold under false pretences.... No final word yet, was reccommed I go to sprint.com/buyback they offered me $8.00, I originally paid $187.31. I have contacted dan@sprint.com and the Kansas City Better Business Bureau. This whole experience is a Night mare. A bad dream and I just want to wake up. After being promised correspondance from Dan's office as well as multiple call backs which never materialized, I called back each time getting a different responce. Most recently the sales rep. told me they were going to research the initial sales call to see if I was accurate in saying that I was sold the device and plan based on my NY region service area having unlimited 4g... now I have to wait longer.

Bought an Evo 3d off the internet, went to get the earpiece fixed at the repair center, no one helped me for 55 minutes, I left and called Sprint and reported the store. Within 5 minutes he was sending me a replacement phone, said I would be charged 35 bucks. No issues no problems. Done and done.

I was told to end my contract by porting to another company on the 28th of the month by customer service. She then said I would get a bill for $50 for early termination (after being with nextel-Sprint for about 10 yrs.) So, I went with another no -contract company and received a bill for $83.99 and per customer service, I didn't change my number on the correct date (even though it was the date the nice customer service person had given me) ...so..."You're outta luck, lady". For $33.99 I will never go back to Sprint EVER EVER again.

After 8 years of paying sprintmfor fair service . Just to busy to shop around. Sprint has cxld my service because my son texted too much. I believe sprint advertises unlimited texting. HUGE LIE!!! Okay I asked to port my number to t mobile which by the way will save me money. Sprint is refusing based on what? That Mr shipman is an asshole

After 8 years of paying Sprint to much for fair to poor service . Just to busy to shop around. Sprint has cxld my service because my son texted too much. I believe sprint advertises unlimited texting. HUGE LIE!!! Okay I asked to port my number to t mobile which by the way will save me money. Sprint is refusing based on what? That Mr shipman is an asshole

In November I called asking for the last 15 days of my upgrade period to be waived. I received awful treatment, and the same condescending talk mentioned here. I received an email asking whether or not my issue was resolved, and I let them have it. Before you say I should have just waited, I had a legitimate reason (needed iPhone for Rx program at work). Anyway, I received a call from a manager who facilitated an immediate resolution and he called me back afterwards to make sure I was pleased. I was ready to fight because I was so mad, ready to leave and go to another company, but I was treated very well and they deserve the credit for a job well done. WW

Would like to be able to give them a lower rating as one star is too high but... I once was a "valued customer" but after the past few years of terrible service, lies, and rip-offs, I am happy to say I am no longer one of their "valued customers"! They have turned into the worst wireless phone company that I have ever experienced! They make a mockery of customer service and their term for long-time users:"valued customer". The only thing I will miss is my phone! After having read many posts from dissatisfied consumers like myself, I am wondering how much longer they can even maintain their number 3 rating... I would rather use a cheap trac-phone than be a customer of theirs! Their dealings with their customers based on what the previous posts have said,my own experience and the reviews on other sites only further show how despicable this company is. Hoping that if enough people complain to the FCC or the BBB or wherever...that they will be facing a class action suit soon!

First of all let me start by saying this is the WORST experience I have EVER had talking to anyone on the phone about service .... I mean I got to the verge where my body temperature actually went up because of the harassing verbal abuse I received from this one Agent Kathy 7202062215 Sprint - Finance Escalations Managment Review Teams HAS NO BUSINESS WORKING IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS AT ALL .... This woman is better suited at Wal-Mart in the stock department far away from customers .... She in so many words called me a liar and proceeded with her dismissive condescending tone to tell me SHE has the power to resolve my issue she just DOESN'T WANT TOO !!!!!! I mean I felt verbally 'violated' during this 15 minute call .... The entire situation happened when I was charged a reconnect fee for letting the service lapse for about 2 hours ... to which I called and spoke to an agent on Dec. 29th and made a partial payment and after complaining about the reconnect fee was told that if I made the rest of the payment by the 4th of January it would be WAIVED .... I made the payment on the 3rd ... Balance was 50 and the online bill reflected that .... Today I get my bill and I see that not only is it not the 69.99 plus the taxes and whatever else they stick you with to raise it to 101.44 but 197.43 .... I charged the reconnect fee! Now it's not the 50 dollars or 36 or whatever the reconnect fee is .... It's the Principle of the matter .... I was told one thing and something else happened .... So after about an hour and a half of talking to Sprint I get transferred to Kathy 7202062215 Sprint - Finance Escalations Managment Review Teams ... THIS LADY HAS NO BUSINESS IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS!!! From the moment I was connected to her she was being rude .... I was trying to explain the situation and meanwhile I hear her talking to someone next to her and not even paying attention .... So I pause .... She says go on I'm listening ... WHAT???? She says there is no NOTE of the waiver of the fee in my account so it's valid .... Now the previous agent had told me they could pull up the recording to prove what they said .... She said there is no recording, and if it's there it's for training purposes and she isn't going to review it .... I responded by asking her Why would I make a payment 4 days after making a payment? If not instructed to by them? A partial payment none the less ... She goes "I guess you did that by choice, I'm not there with you!" OMG really??? Ok ma'am can you put me on with someone that can take this fee off? Because I was promised it would be waived and it isn't .... "Oh I have the power to waive this, I'm just not going to" !!! So now I ask her how to see what she is seeing online concerning my account .... To which she replies "Mr. Badaan I don't have the time to sit here while you go on your computer and pull up your account"!!! So now I feel like my body temperature start to rise and my face flushed .... I mean this isn't supposed to happen while dealing with customer relations is it??? So I figured the best way is to just get her name and controller number instead of lowering myself to calling her every name in the book .... Well 2 hours later and I'm still beside myself as to how this woman is working with customers .... I told her Disconnect my account .... Then as a last resort I click online to the CHAT button and am connected with Jacob L. an operator who after hearing this .... took THREE MINUTES that's 3 minutes to talk to his supervisor and get the fee waived ... This guy is an ASSET to Sprint and if not for him I would have disconnected ... He not only made me feel like the old Sprint customer but like a person also .... I would hope that whoever reads this will track this lady down Kathy 7202062215 Sprint - Finance Escalations Managment Review Teams and listen to our conversation if they are truly recorded and take the appropriate actions to get this woman out of the position that she is in .... She is NOT of the 'Sprint' fabric and will only make Sprint lose money if she had anything to do with it .... She obviously doesn't care about her job .

I upgraded a device and called sprint asked if they would waive the 36.00 upgrade fee because if they couldn't I was still within the buyers remorse period. I was told by a sprint agent they would waive the 36.00 upgrade fee.I recieved a bill and it showed the 36.00 upgrade fee on it. I called spoke to numerous supervisors and numerous agents all. Only one supervior and one agent showed compasion the others treated me so poorly and i've been with sprint for five years now. It's upseting that they couldn't find any notes in the account regarding this so they decided they were not going to waive the fee after I was told they would waive the fee. now I'm locked in contract and I can't return the device and nobody at sprint wants to correct this or even help me with this. Time too look for a better provider who cares about customer loyalty and has integrity because sprint isn't one of them and I will make sure jd powers is aware of this. On Friday night 01/20/2011 and all day Saturday 01/21/2011 I was without all services called sprint told them about this as well and they said they didn't show any outages. I wasn't able to make outgoing calls when I was having the issue because my phone wouldn't allow me to make outgoing calls and they asked if I called them. Of course I didn't because all four phones in my home are sprint and we all had the same issue. Again they did nothing about this. I was called a liar with so many words and they think they can leave it as that. I will no longer be a sprint customer I will pay someone else for better service and customer service. Good bye sprint and Thanks for nothing.

Unfair and unlawful treatment. I was trying to cancel my service since 12-13-11 till now I don't have confirmation number. I spoke with 14 rep located y central and South America, all of them promised to return the call I sold my evo and they charge for monthly payment, I was calling all day long the day before my due date, now they are charging for a new payment plus ETF.

Does anyone really have a phone number to someone outside of customer service, Mike Rosado, Kimberly or Larry McMannis. They've been completely useless and my phone still is not fixed. What is one to do. I'm so pissed off right know I could screem.

I've read the reviews and now understand that I am not alone in my Sprint battle. I have had an Evo 3D phone fixed and replaced more times than I can count at this point. Every time I contact 'customer'service' I have to start my story all over. No one is capable of making a decision nor do they have the ability resolve issues. I have wasted countless hours trying to find a resolution. I am so sick of them 'apologizing' for my inconvenience. Liars. 15 years. 5 lines. I have never been treated so poorly.

At this point I am so upset with Sprint. All I want to know is, WHO DO I TALK TO? I have had Sprint for ten years and had been very satisfied until last year. I have been using a mifi for my internet. I had incredible speed and even streamed video and worked on my website. Then May of last year my data speeds dropped. It would take five minutes to get my email and no more video streaming. So I start calling around May of last year. I have spoken to over 30 people and many supervisors. Every time I call I have to start over. When they write up a ticket for my claim they mess it up. I get multiple answers from different people. Never the same reason. My contract is up this month and I am done. Also I purchased two HTC EVOS last October. One for me and one for the Mrs. The service has just been horrible! They say we will call you back and they do not. My call conveniently drops once I am finally speaking to a supervisor. It takes hours to get someone with any ability to take action on the situation. POOREST CusTOMER SERVICE EVER! I told them beings that I understand Public relations, they need to scrap their whole program and start over. I am searching for NEW PROVIDER.

I make a contract with Sprint, but after 10 days to try it I decide to cancel and return the phones back to the store in Johns creek Georgia the took so long to do what I ask for and in the end they don't even want to give me my whole money back also the buy back my I phone 3GS and now the don't give back to me no even the money they said was worth it 100 dollars so after all this I'm with out phone with out money and with a bad experience I'm sill waiting for the call from the manager so will see what's next

No stars is more like it, actually.. I've been a customer for about 4 years and I've hit the end of the line with them. After calling in over 50 to 60 times a day for about 7 days. They got tired of me calling and routed all my calls to BEN PARKER. Supposedly a top executive in the company. He is the most rude person I've encountered in my whole adult life. He refuses to go through my account with me in detail, stating "my agents already did" and "yur bill is correct" as if I'm I'm just supposed to tuck between my legs. I can see why there are problems with customer service when we have people like BEN PARKER behind the scenes.. That's where it all starts. I can't believe he told me SO when I told him that other agents confirmed my thoughts.

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