1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

On Wednesday November 10, 2010, at approximately my brother and I went to Lowe’s in the city of Pico Rivera to purchase some tile. I pressed the button for assistance in the tile department. I noticed that nothing was happening, so I pressed it again, still nothing. I then went to the desk and pressed the other button and finally I heard, “Assistance needed in the flooring department” and then I also heard, “Assistance needed in the tiling department”. After three to four minutes, a lady with blond hair and a Lowe’s apron came to me and rudely asked, “Are you the one pushing the buttons”? As if she was speaking to her kids or grand kids. I said yes, and then asked if Lowe’s had anymore of the same cut piece of tile I brought with me to match from the left over tiles of my first purchase. She looked at it and said, “We don’t carry that size”! I stated not the size, and explained to her we were looking for the same color and brand. She said, “NO! We don’t have it”. She walked down the tile isle and left. That lady was very rude and unprofessional. I was so surprised of the service I received from Lowe's on that visit. I have been a long time customer and have spent thousands of dollars at Lowe's to redo my home. You could come to my house any time and you’ll see I am a devoted customer. Almost every item was purchased at Lowe’s. I was so upset. If she doesn't want to work there, she should quit and let someone who does want a job to replace her. She should not be working there. Please speak to her and give her a couple of weeks of costumer service training. Remind her that she is there for the customers and not just for her to hang out at Lowe’s. The cashier was a very polite young man. I told him about his co-worker and he seemed to know the lady I was talking about. As he apologized for her behavior I could see he was embarrassed. I am very surprised at the service. I have always received nothing but the best service. What is going on with Lowe's? Please don't make me start shopping at the other home improvement store (H Depot) I don't like that store.

I recently had to purchase a hot water heater for my home. I had to go back to get more parts and was PHYSICALLY THREATENED by an employee. Not sure what kind of people they have working for them but if I were LOWES and had a male employee threaten a woman like I was he would have been fired on the spot with no questions asked!

My husband & I shop at Lowe's on a consistent basis and for the most part haven't had any problems,until recently. We special ordered a fireplace for our home on September 19, 2009 we just recently (2 weeks) ago had propane hooked up to it(we have NEVER used it!) and discovered that it does not work I have misplaced my reciept so I visited my local Lowe's Store in Hollister , Missouri only to find out that they could not look up a reciept from 1 year ago, my husband went to our bank to retrieve all of the information Lowe's needed to get this reciept, we were promised a week ago that the corporate office would email us the reciept we still have no reciept and we still have a fireplace that DOES NOT WORK we spent over 800.00 dollars on this, everytime we call we get the run around and the head cashier at this store is a complete idiot, she is rude and does not seem to know what she is doing ,she does not do anything she says she is going to do, and she plain doesn't care. My question is every time I make a purchase in there the cashiers ask me for my phone number, "so if I need to bring something back they can look up my reciept"??? This isn't rocket science get a better system in place so that your CUSTOMERS can expedite their problems a little quicker and you wouldn't have pages full of bad reviews!!!! If something does not get done about this soon I will be bringing the fireplace into the store I bought it at and dropping it at the service desk making a scene in front of other customers as they may want to know what kind of customer service you have and demanding a refund.I am tired of waiting for someone to get me a reciept for something that should have worked to begin with, if you cannot even stand behind your products or get a customer a reciept so they can take it up with the manufacturer to get the item replaced or fixed then I will not be shopping in your store anymore because the Home Depot is actually closer to where I live I do not have to drive out of my way to put up with this crap.IT ISN'T HARD GET ME MY RECIEPT SO I CAN GET A REPLACEMENT OR GET IT FIXED AND THEN I WILL STOP CALLING .DUHHHHH!!!!

Three years ago I was a loyal Lowes customer. My wife and I purchased a washer and dryer and was told it would be delivered the next day. No delivery. A call to the store said it was not in stock and would be a week. 10 days later the washer-dryer was delivered. We charged it to our Lowes Card ... and when the bill came in, we had been charged for two washers and two dryers. Two months later, we finally got a corrected bill ... with interest charges. So, after straightening out that mess, we vowed never to shop there again. How soon we forget? We purchased a new refrigerator and double oven from Lowes on a Friday. Paid by check. Was told that the fridge would be delivered Monday. The oven had to be ordered and would be delivered the following Monday. Put all the food in coolers on Monday ... expecting the delivery between 5-8 p.m. 7:15, called to check on delivery. Was told it was to be delivered with the oven the next Monday. How can that be? I had a delivery statement from them that I picked up at the store? Well, I was told, sometimes at the checkout counter, they consolidate the purchases for delivery? What? WHAT? Anyway, after throwing a hissy fit, they delivered the fridge the next day. Then, two days later, they said I'd have to have an inspection of the "hole" for the stove to make sure it would fit. I told them I had already paid to have the hole cut properly based on the specs given me at the store. Sorry, no inspection (at $50), no delivery. I called and complained to the appliance manager and the stove was delivered. Voila! It fit the hole. Then, five weeks later, the new fridge (Whirlpool) quit cooling on the fridge side. I called. "We'll send out a repairman." Nope. Want a new fridge. They said that's not policy. I hung up and called the store manager. "We'll send out a repairman." Nope, Want a new fridge." He tried to get me to "let us check. It may be something simple." Nope. New fridge. He finally agreed, had one in stock and it'll be delivered the next day. When? Between 1 and 4. Nope, too broad a window. I have to leave work to be home. Narrow it down. 12 and 1:30? Fine. Only it wasn't. I called at 1:30. Couldn't raise delivery and they sent me to appliances. The man had no info on the delivery. Six calls later, I finally had the delivery man call me. "Will be there by 6:30 or 7." Haysus Christo! Is this any way to run a business? Just bought more than $5,000 of appliances ... for a vacation and retirement home. Got a heckuva deal at Home Depot.

My husband purchased a microwave at Lowes, 4055 Welsh Road, Willow Grove, PA on 11/04/2010. We received a confirmation call from Tia, stating delivery would be within two business days, no later than Monday 11/08/2010. Lowes was scheduled to install this microwave. Because they did not show up on Monday, we contacted Lowes, and of course, re-scheduled for Saturday 11/13/2010, for the morning hours. On Saturday, we called Lowes around 11AM requesting the status of our delivery; we were transferred to multiple departments, eventually speaking to Shawn, who was rude. Consequently, since no one was able to provide us with the status of our delivery, we cancelled. Thankfully, we were able to have the purchase credited to our credit card. We will never shop there again. No way to run an outfit.

Lowes is a excellent place to buy tools,paints,repair stuff,do it yourself peojects,holiday stuff.Please do not get windows,siding,roofing from them.They hire private contracters who are not professional.Salespeople after they sell the stuff they wash their hands off.They need to be reported to better buisnees. Iwill not do buisnees with Lowes.

Lowes need to do better job in doing the job on time.They do not respect importance of time for others.They try to win to get the order but once they gey the order they do not care to copmlete the job on time. If rest us us did our job the way Lowes employee do ,we all will be fired. They lost all our business .

I went to Lowe's yesterday believing I had purchased a particular color of paint there but soon discovered I had actually purchased it at Home Depot. At first the young man behind the paint counter said they didn't carry that color when I realized my error and said oh, I have to go to Home Depot. He then said he could look up the color and mix it for me which he did. I decided to walk around while he mixing it and to my surprise found that Lowe's in Waterford, CT now carries one of the best collections of curtains. I had been surfing the internet for a while trying to find the right ones. Lowe's had everything I needed. While I was looking at the curtains an employee approached me and actually helped me decide which rod was the best type for the curtains and why. She stopped back twice to ask if I needed any help. The experience for me was so wonderful that I continued to shop and purchased much more than the gallon of paint I had come to buy. Each employee I encountered was so nice, they smiled and asked if there was anything I needed help with. This is the first time in a long time that I've left a store happy even though I spent way more money than I had planned to. I wanted to share my experience because it made my day.

Purchased cellular and vertical blinds for new home from Store 1193 - East Peoria - Were measaured by their installer - These were paid in full - Upon installed 11/2/10, I thought they were measured too narrow - Called Lowes Installation Manager - Steve Miller that day - Went to store 11/3/10 and spoke with sales lady (she did a wonderful job on helping selection) and she called me 11/4/10 and advised the expert installer and Lowes Installation Manager would call me within the week. I called the sales lady 11/10/10 advising I had not heard from Lowes. On 11/11/10 Steve Miller called and advised they were measured correctly. He was rude, informed me he was not stupid and said I had signed papers stating installation was complete and correct. I signed papers because young installer ahd made notation customer wanted shades wider. He finally agreed to come look at the shades next week.Two weeks after installation. Resolution doubtful.

Went to lowes today for a sale. 75% off halloween stuff. Found nothing. Asked for manager, now get this I was told that the store took a corp write off and through all the halloween merchentdise in the dumpster. Now the manager acted like he didn't know this because he chuckled and said no if they did I would get it and take it home to my kids. LO and behold they did throw away good new merchentdise in the dumpster. Son I would have bought it all for 75% off. I wonder if the stock holders know that their profit margine is going to the dump.And how much more is going to the dump and does it go from the dumpster to the employees car. A manager could make some serious money here.

My nephew and niece bought a refrigerator at Lowe's in Austin Texas on I-620. They called me in San Antonio Texas to get the information from my debit card since I bought it for them. Well little over a week later it went on sale for about $200.00 less so my nephew went back to the store and they said they do price match and there is only 2 ways they can do it, is give $200.00 in store credit or that they will credit back to my card the full amount then we will have to repurchase the refrigerator and it will take 3 days to have the money back in my account. So my account will be $2,000+ sort for 3 days until the monies is back in my account. Why can't the store just put back the $200.00 credit back on my card than going through of repurchasing it over again than holding up the big monies. I'm going to check further into this with the Attorney Generals Office. My E-mail is srharl09@att.net. today is 11/11/2010 2200 Hrs. My nephew is going back to the store tomorrow.

i work for the lowe's in tn, store number#2725. with this new kroncos signing in systems, changes my days off. my days off when i filled out aviability form when hired was to have wednesdays & sunday off. i go to church on sundays & thats my day to give thanks to the lord and be with my church family. church means alot too me. with the new kroncos system , its got me working on sunday now. since been working there, i"ve had sundays off,till. i don't do sundays at lowe's . i work saturdays and teach the kids clinics there too. and have been doing that for over 2 1/2 yrs now. work hard what i do presently now. at this time i want to file a complaint against chris soper, store # 2725. my job title is customer service associate/front end loader. when its extremely busy, one person as myself cannot handle retriving carts and buggys. chris soper has told me to hurry up. am 62 yrs old & am doing the best i can while out there. but chris soper doesn't appreciate what i do out there. as i said earlier. never has said i appreciate what you do out there. as i stated earlier, i teach the kids clinics there at lowe's. when i first teaching it , had only 10 kids show up, now i have over 40 or more attend my kids clinics now. i built it up trying to get the poeple in there. its not easy job out there in the parking retrieving carts& buggys. i think i do a damm good job there at lowe's & it shows. get chris soper off my back. we have a new ops manager who came to us about 2mths ago. his name is scotty& is so nice. a pleasure to work for him, much better than chris soper. i have put in a transfer to a lowe"s store out of state, as i want to be closer to family. my brother has a lung disease & they can't find a cure for it. the store i want to go to is in fenton ,mo #1055, or chesterfield,mo. #0731. please see what you can do to get me there.

I was just contacted that I was behind in my account. That I don't mind. What I do mind is that it was an overseas company that contacted me (India). Thats a good example why our job condition is what it is. An American based company should be using American based companies to work through. If they don't, then I consider them un-American corporation. If you gave those jobs to Americans, wouldn't that help OUR economy and not some other country ? What do you think ? What do you love , your Country or your walet ?


Purchased a new Samsung washer/dryer set just over one year ago. Along with that, we purchased the extended warranty. Three weeks ago our dryer stopped heating and then quit altogether. We called and LOWES EXT WRNTY set up an appointment for a technician to come repair. Sat home the entire day with no show/no call. I called the subcontracted company to inquire about their lack of call or arrival. They asked me what was wrong w/the dryer and I told them. The man stated, "Oh, I know what's wrong. I'll order the parts and be there next Tuesday. ". The technician then went on to complain to me about not receiving payment in a timely manner for working on Samsung appliances and inquired if I had an outdoor clothesline! Although I was irritated at that point, what choices did I have? We hauled our wet clothing 26 miles round trip to the nearest coin laundry for that week and were elated when Tuesday rolled around. WE ASSUMED that we would get our dryer fixed. Tuesday morning, afternoon rolled by without any word whatsoever. I called the subcontractor later that early evening and they told me, "Your parts are on back order"... I asked them what the lead time was on those parts and WHY they again hadn't bothered to give me a call nor show up! (2nd day I had canceled my schedule and sat waiting for them) There was ZERO concern for me!! I then contacted LOWES WARRANTY to see WHAT IN THE WORLD was going on and inform them of the EXTREME LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM!! LOWES WARRANTY folks told me that there was nothing that could be done because this subcontractor had made a note that my parts were on back order. They stated to me that there was on one distributor that they could order from (J and J Intl.) This could be an indefinite back order, according to all of these folks!!(I asked point blank!) I contacted Samsung and their certified parts distributor has the part(s) that are assumed needed for our dryer (J and J Intl) so this seems to CLEARLY be an internal payment problem and NOT the fact that my dryer parts are back ordered!! We've been nearly a month without a dryer now. No one has bothered to follow up with me and we've spent and arm and leg on coin laundry!! We have guests arriving for the holidays, it's literally below freezing outside (can't use a clothesline) and I'm ANGRY at this point!! I will NEVER PURCHASE ANOTHER APPLIANCE at LOWES!! NOR would I suggest to anyone that they purchase an extended warranty through LOWES!! We could have purchased the part(s) ourselves at this point with the money we've spent on coin laundry!!

My mother purchased some tile to put down in the entry way of her home. She and my step father asked for help on the project due to never having put down tile in a high traffic area before. The employee who helped them showed them what kind of adhesive to use to put the tile down. My mother and stepfather hired me to put the tile down due to their age and physical condition. I am not an amateur, I have tiled several showers, bathrooms, and kitchens over the years, but what happened her was a first. After putting down tile for four days it was time to grout. As we prepared we noticed that the tiles I had put down on day one we moving when walked on. On inspections I found that the tile was loose and I was able to pull them up with little effort. I found that the four day old mud was not dry at all. I found the same problem throughout the entire entry way. We took the mud recommended to us by the Lowe's expert back to the store in Westerville, Ohio, where we were told by a manager the he would refund the cost of the mud but insisted that the mud we had was the correct product. We then went to a tile store that has been in operation for over 40 years and does nothing but tile. The manager of the store told us that the product recommended by the Lowe's specialist was not correct and we should be using thinset. We returned to Lowe's and shared our new information with the manager who told us that the manager at the tile shop was wrong and his employee was right. We then asked the Lowe's manager about being refunded for the money owed to me for the work done and we basically got laughed at. I have never met a more disrespectful person in my life. My mom and stepfather have spent thousands of dollars at Lowe's over the past few years doing projects around their home. They go to Lowe's specifically because they advertise that they have specialists on hand to help you. It is clear to me based on this experience that the specialist advertisement is complete BS and the service you can expect to receive after having a problem will be disrespectful and uncaring. In my opinion, Lowe's is only out to make the next dollar and cares nothing about its customers. My mom and stepfather are out over $300 for my labor and time, and are now not only going to have to pull up all the tile, clean them, and put them back down, but they cannot afford to pay for someone to help them. I will never go to Lowe's again for anything.

ARGGHHH..WHAT A NIGHTMARE.. i got a coupon for 90% off the ceiling light from the promotion lowes is currently running on facebook and their website. I ordered it right away and arranged to get it picked up at my local Lowes.. never been there before , my first time. its the one at East Rutherford ,NJ. I walked in , handed them the order, and they told me that they cancelled it.. At first they didnt know why it was cancel but went on looking for the light fixture anyway...after 30 mins or so, they finally found the light . Since the online order was canceled, I needed to reprocess the order. well i explained to the lady about the coupon .. and this is when it got ugly. she said,"now I know why its canceled, theres no way in hell u can get 90%!!" i explained to her the whole situation with the facebook..she did not believe one word I said. So I asked for the manager. Manager Bruce comes by and told me that its a fraud to use a coupon that is not from lowes. He states that he worked for 23 years and never once have this kind of coupon. he looked at me as if Im committing a fraud and as if i was a kid or something..trying to scam my way of a light.. I kept trying to explain the promotion that Lowes was running, and he just won't listen to a word I have to say. He automatically thinks that Im lying and that he would have to verify it with someone tomorrow. I even showed him the facebook page on my iphone!!! He took my light fixture back and told me that he'll call me tomorrow..and insist that I leave, Im furious as hell. I mean, At least listen to me!!! or have a open mind about it...argghhh!!! i spent an hour in store and came out empty handed. I wont let this go down this easily..im gonna file a complaint and hopefully i get my light.

I received a flyer in the mail advertising a shop-vac mulcher available at my local Lowe's. After driving to the store, I was told they never received any, and the only store that had any was 30 miles away. They refused to ship it, even if I paid for shipping. After trying to get the product for 1 1/2 hrs. I spoke to the store manager who said nothing could be done. This is absolutely stupid, why mail me this flyer and put me through all this agravation. I thought a satisfied customer was important to your corporation, but evidently I am wrong.

Heading back to the "Depot". Purchased a washer and dryer from Lowe's. Understood that the dryer was not in the store so it would be a split delievery. Washer came no problem-took the ole one. Next weekend waited for the dryer-NO SHOW. Called the store and was told someone would be getting back to me-still waiting for that call. Had someone at my house when they finally did deliever the dryer-DIDN'T take the old one. Called corporate and asked that since I would be spending another Sunday waiting on Lowe's so they can get the old dryer could I please be the first on the list. Was told by corportate and the store manager that called they would see to that. Get a phone call saying they would be here between 11-1. Called the delievery/pick up people and I was told there was never a mention of me being early on the schedule. Lowe's managed to get the bill out within a few days of purchase though. Will be cancelling my Lowe's credit card . Corporate was as useless as the people at the store.

We were in the Gulf Breeze FL Lowes today to purchase a hot water heater, we pushed the button for help as we wanted to ask some questions about some other energy saving water heater products and would need help getting the unit off of the shelf. We had stood there quiet a while after pushing the button and an employeefinally came by and we were asking her what we wanted to ask and she said she could not help us and she called someone else who told her we would have to walk to the back to his desk and talk to him because he was too busy to come to the hot water heaters. I have NEVER had anything happen like this at Lowes and we live right by there and shop a LOT in there!Someone always comes to help when you need it in a certain dept! We did get a hot water heater because we HAD to have it TODAY, ours was 100% gone but we got one we knew something about, not the upgraded one I really wanted. My husband got annoyed that no one would come and just grabbed the one like we had to replace.So we spent 288 rather than almost 500.I have Lupus and my husband arthritis, we are in our mid 50's,sorry, walking across the store that much is not fun for folks with aching joints! I did walk back to the back though to bring back the cart after we loaded it and met Carlos the man who was supposed to have come and helped us. I nicely explained he lost Lowes some money by not helping us! I will go to Home Depot in FT.Walton from now on and just hate that as Lowes is so close but I know my husband will not be back in Lowes again. Thank you, donlesmar@mchsi.com

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