1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I would like to know what kind of scam you are pulling? I bought a fourty dollar gift card come to find out it is only worth 36.07. can you tell me why? I am calling the atterney general to see what they can tell me.

I purchased a very nice refrigerator and clothes washer from Lowes in my home town and decided to purchase the extended warranty on both. The salesman suggested that I put the 1-800 number for the extended warranty in my cell phone for safe keeping should I need it in the future. We are having some difficulty with our refrigerator and I called the 1-800 number and was told that I was "not in their system". Beyond that, I was told that they couldn't locate my name or phone numbers anywhere in their systems and that I would have to call my local Lowes to "see if they can find you". Frustrated, I did just that and was told that their "records only go back 6 months". I have the receipts at home but would like to start getting the service started now, so I called the corporate office, only to be told that they could not help me either. I asked to speak with a Supervisor, I was put on hold for 12 minutes, at which time I hung up and decided to write this "review". I will be purchasing all future appliances and extended warranties from a company that has a much better records retention policy and certainly much better customer service. Thank You

I am very fortunate to work for Lowe's store 126 in Fort Wayne, IN...When I went to apply I was only thinking I would get part time cashier at best with the economy the way it was and I already had a job that I liked...I stress the word LIKED...I was quite shocked when during the interview the store manager Joe Gabriel stepped out of the room and returned a few moments later with an offer I couldn't pass up...full-time with benefits...I was only looking to supplement my other job where I had worked for eight years off and on and had come back to work with a still broken ankle to keep my job only to find my pay and hours severely cut...It was a god send and I haven't looked back since...I sincerely love my job and the people I work with and would not even consider moving to another store at this time.

We purchased a Bosch tankless water heater from Lowes a couple of years ago and one of the selling points was it was guaranteed for ten years. It quit working after two years and Lowes will not take it back without a return number from Bosch. A long and drawn out process across three time zones later (and no hot water)with no resolution yet. Even Lowes personnel, to their credit, helped me make the case with Bosch in VT. that they should houor their guarantee. Lowes is selling products from this manufacturer (Bosch) who will not honor their manufacturer warranties and does not provide customer support in the field. I question Lowes doing business with a supplier that is so unethical and frankly dishonest.

I work for Lowes 2548, in ToolWorld, and I want to send cudos to the department that did the advertisement about the Kobalt Multi-head wrench!!! I have yet to see the ad, I'm told by customers that it's shown during a lot of sports events and with my schedule, I'm not surprised I haven't seen it. Well we sold out every single Multi-head wrench and wish we had more. Our poor customers come begging for it and all we can say is that we are out and as far as I know there is not a store within 100 miles of Spartanburg that has one! We are offering them the option to do a pick up later.. but letting the customer know that we can NOT guarantee when delivery will be. I'm amazed!!! Amazing how excellent advertisting can sell a product. I, myself, thought we would be stuck with the Multi-head wrench for months to come. Sooo, glad I was wrong. Thank you Kobalt. Thank you to the people that produced an advertisement that could possibly have customers begging for such a tool. Keep up the GREAT work!! I'm impressed and I'm actually going to DVR a sports game just to see the ad! Thank you Kobalt for an excellet product and Thank you Lowe's advertisement department for doing such a GREAT job. Sincerely and with great thanks... Joyce Semenuk CSA 4.. Tool World Spartanburg, SC Store 2548

I will never ever purchase another appliance from Lowe's. After reading page after page of unsatisfied customer reviews its a wonder anyone buys anything from Lowe's. My Samsung dishwasher has had two repairs in less than two years. By the time you report the problem, the service provider arrives, orders the part, the part arrives and the technician returns, it is at least two weeks. I'm working on a month with the current situation. I've learned my lesson and you should too. buy your appliances from someone who doesn't contract out their warranty work or you will be waiting just like I am. I guess as long as Lowe's tells you they understand and are sorry that is their idea of customer service

I notice that a late fee is posted in under 24 HOURS of a missed payment but a payment IS NOT posted even after 24 hours has passed? The online payment and real time information is misleading and seems to have some inconsistant practices. And this must be the only creditor I have experienced that calls customers within 24 hours of being late on a payment. I do a lot of shopping both at home in my business at these stores. I don't think Lowes is going to be able to serve my needs in the future. There are plenty of other home improvement stores that do not operate in this manner. I see a lot of other people are having the same problem with Lowes and there are numerous complaints against your billing practices.

i used to work for lowe's store 748 florissant,mo i personally think that they need better workers as a whole and they need to know how to talk to people cause their cummunication skills suck.

I am writing to let you know about the great customer service that was provided to me in your Tarentum, Pa., Lowes store by a lumber associate named Eric Fredrickson. My husband and I have recently purchased a rental home and have made numerous trips to Lowes to purchase the items necessary to make the home habitablt. Eric helped us determine exactly what type of insulation we should use in the walls and attic of the home on our first trip to the store. He also walked us through the process of tile setting. On another occasion, we had purchased numerous sheets of plywood and a variety of different boards, which we needed to be cut to size for us. Eric was very helpful in that process as well. Not only did we get excellent customer service from Eric, but we also gained a friend.

Lowes markets Lowes Advantage, as an extended warranty service on appliances. You are practicing very deceptive selling practices by not informing the customer that the warranty service has nothing to do with Lowes.If services is needed, it will be performed by a subcontractor, furthermore, there are very specific time frames that have to be followed. I have had experience with two different contractors, and neither has been able to access the needed repair parts from Bosch. A Bosch Stove that we paid $1600.00 for and three years later it needs a new safety valve that is inaccessible so far.For 5 days I have tried to find out what the status is on the part and i am told the same thing, it is in process, or, we escalated this and that takes 24 hrs.Strangely, 24 hrs later, I am told the exact same thing. Meanwhile, we have numerous guests coming to our home for a party, and we have no stove. No means of cooking since 12/02/10, when Atlanta Gas Light turned of the appliance because of a leak. Your local store manager has been very supportive and has worked diligently to get past the red tape of Lowes Advantage, but to no avail. He gets the same Bull I get. You should not associate your company name with an organization like Lowes Advantage. It is a contradiction in terms. Certainly it is not an Advantage when a customer is ignored, misinformed, told untrue statements, etc. I deserve to have a timely, speedy repair, or replacement without having to stress out and spend valuable time dealing with telephone attendants at the warranty contractor. Not having a stove since 12/02/10 when the gas company turned it off is unacceptable. Your firm unfortunately will end up taking the brunt of my frustration because I can not ever reach a responsible upper management person at Lowes Advantage warranty service. Do your Customers and your Company a huge favor, replace Lowes Advantage with a real honest to goodness, SERVICE company. Right now, all you have is excuse makers that specialize in Customer No-Service.

My niece, Marcia Peterson, purchased your biggest and best Whirlpool Washer and Dryer in November. Your installation staff came to her house and installed the washer and dryer as she asked. Unforunately, she did not take into account that when they were stacked, the washer had to be approximately two inches in front of the dryer that was stacked on top. This made them protrude into the traffic pattern into the room. She was unhappy and we went with her back to the store to see if something could be changed. The dryer needed to be vented out the side which took some additional changes inside the machine. With the help of your salesman and the installation man, Rick Yandle, we were able to obtain the parts and the necessary information to accomplish this task. Your Mr. Yandle came back to the house that afternoon and helped accomplish turning the appliances around in the room so that their size was more acceptable in the traffic pattern. Rick Yandle was exceptional help with a great attitude. My opinion is that your advertising dollars to attrack new customers could not be spent in a better place than to give him a raise. He is building loyal satified customers as your installation man. Give him his due. He works at your Boise Store on Eagle and McMillan Road. We give him five stars. Thank You. Please forward this review to the Corporate Headquarters of Lowe's. Thank You.

We ordered double front doors from the Bay Shore, New York Lowe's on October 6, 2010. The total price for the doors and installation was $2,600. We were called the last week in October and told our doors were in. They then scheduled an installation date three weeks hence, November 17, 2010 because the installer was totally booked until then. That was the first date they could give us. On the morning of November 17, 2010 at approximately 9:15 a.m. we got a phone call from Lowe's advising that the door could not be installed because they were damaged. They had the doors for three weeks and nobody bothered to check them. We immediately went to the store and spoke to "Mary Kay" from the install department and asked to also speak to the store manager. "Robert Cook" then joined us and we told him the problem. I asked to see the doors and when they were brought out from the back, we also realized that they were the wrong doors. To make matters worse, Lowe's had ordered the wrong door. I had taken the day off from work and lost a days pay. We then had two choices...either get a refund or let them order the correct doors and we were promised that as soon as the doors came in, no matter what it took, the installer would be at our house immediately. We decided to give Lowe's another chance and we were called and told that the reordered doors would be in the distribution center on December 3, 2010 and would be in the store for our inspection on December 9, 2010. When we didn't hear on that date, we called and they said they haven't arrived yet. We called again on December 10, 2010 and was now told that the distribution center did not put them on a truck to the store because they didn't have a full truck. Now we were told that even if the doors did come in from the distribution center, we would have to wait until after Xmas to have them installed as the installer was booked solid. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PROMISE THAT WHATEVER IT TOOK WE WOULD HAVE THEM INSTALLED THE NEXT DAY AFTER ARRIVAL. Obviously Lowe's does not care about their customers and lies to them with a straight face. The store manager promised us this in order for us to consider reordering the doors and the installation department, "Mary Kay" didn't even have the courtesy to speak to us when we went to the store for a refund. Also, we couldn't even get a refund of money we already paid them, with the excuse that it has to go back on the Lowe's credit card and we would have to wait for our money back. What kind of operation is this??? On Monday we will be calling the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General's office to report this kind of treatment and the refusal to give us our money back immediately. Lowe's is not the only game in town and they will never see the likes of us again.

The installers for washer and dryer excellent, went off without a hitch, the rest of the appliances another story.

Regarding: Brimfield store #2500 Install Sales Dept. & Store Manager My husband and I bought carpet from Lowes for our upstairs & living room in April. It was installed in May. I called the day it was installed to let the sales rep. know this wasn't the correct color. She treated me very poorly and explained it probably just looks different from the sample because it is a much larger piece of carpet. She also started an in depth explanation of how die lots can be a little darker or lighter. Don't you think this should be explained BEFORE a customer buys carpet. With out getting into all the details, I will try to make a very, very, long story short. We finally got them to send a piece of our carpet to the manufacturer to test color. Wow, What a SURPRISE, the COLOR was WRONG! Should it have taken 6 months to find this out? This was regarding upstairs carpet(Looptex). Shall I move on to the living room carpet issues(Shaw). Breifly- strange lines in frieze carpet-4 weeks to figure out carpet is flawed-agreed to replace-2nd install(Same Problem) It is now Dec. and it's been over 2 weeks since I filed a comlaint with Lowe's about 2nd carpet. Still waiting just to schedule appnt. with inspector. What a Ridiculously Long Process. Now, I understand that it may not be Lowe's fault that ALL of the csrpet installed was defective, but I should expect that problems should be handled in a much more timely fashion. By this point you can understand we just want our money back and part ways, BUT Lowe's doesn't want to lose an money. So we can only receive their cost in return. I just can't imagine after an experience like this that we wouldn't receive a full refund. We have already lost so much of our time and money in arranging visits for installers, managers, inspectors. Moving and re-moving furniture. FYI- Store manager, Susan Sells, has been absolutely no help and very rude. What kind of manager would let a customer concern continue for so long? P.S.-remember this all started in MAY. IT IS NOW DECEMBER! I think we've been patient enough.

I would give zero stars for my online experience. For the past two days I have tried to buy an item on your retail site and it was down both times. Today I tried to contact your local store online to see if you stock an item that I want, but I was denied access to the online catalogue because of "possible malicious activity" or something like that. Your stores are a bit better than Home Depot, but your web site and online experience is pitiful! Get in the 21st Century already.

Words cannot convey how much of a favorable reputation Lowe’s received this past Veterans day when it was reported in our local newspaper that Lowe’ offered all Military Veterans a 10% discount, not only on Veterans day, but every day of the year. What an honorable thing to do for our veterans that gave so much to make our country the fee country that it is today. I must be very honest and tears came to my eyes when I read that. Also the newspaper received many favorable letters sent to the editorial page in response to that news. In contrast I cannot tell you how much of a disappointment I received when I heard yesterday, less than one month later that Lowe’s decided not to do that any more. I told the clerk that it was just announced within the past month and she said yes, it was just decided that they were not going to do that any more. I am very confident that it was not a money decision, as it was only a 10% discount and the favorable reputation they received from it I am sure came back in support from our dedicated citizens that as a result patronized Lowe’s because of their veterans recognition policy. That is a travesty. Our veterans have given so much and have received so little in return. I am sorry but I for one have changed my patriotism to Home Depot.

I use to go into your store 1069 boca raton fl and i do my shoping for my mother home and i always see the zone Ronald Davis working and helping other customer when he finish he help me find things that i need to do my mother house know when i go into the store the store is under staff and i can get help if the zone manager Ronald Davis is not working i will not go into the store to do my shopping.The store is going down hill and the new store mananger is always sitting in the back office and he is not walking the store and helping customer like Ronald Davis the zone manager.I fell that the corporate office or the area manager need to go and see what is going on in your boca raton store.The only way i will come be if Ronald Davis the zone manager is working he is the only one that make me fell like shopping in your store.You should think about moving him up in the company because he will go out of his way to help customer.Thank you

As a contract investigator I recently was given an employment reference to follow-up on. I called the reference (a supervisor at Lowe's) and was told Lowe's supervisors are not permitted to provide information on former employees. The reference gave me a 1-800 # to call but said they would only provide dates of unemployment Does Lowe's restrict their supervisors from providing information for employment references?

I buy from Lowes all the time, but after this experience NEVER AGAIN! I bought a side by side stainless steel Samsung refrigerator from the Hamilton, NJ store from thier sidewalk sale. At no place did it state the unit was AS IS or only under manufacture warranty only. It broke less than 30 days later and Lowes basically told me too bad. The Manager offered to give us another unit at cost which means we would have had to STILL had to pay more money AND then get a less desirable unit than what we got. Thier service department that was sent out also has been dishonest and frustrating. We lost ALL of our food and are now 2 weeks without a refrigerator. Our old perfectly working frige was taken away when they delivered the new one. We are just regular homeowners who took advantage of a great sale and in the end, we are the ones that got taken advantage of. Shame on Lowes. We will never go there again!!!

I am writng about the Hornell NY store.. It has only been up and running for a very short time and already people are complaining about the shit that goes on there. my husband worked for a company called Tristar run by a few people that obviously have no idea what the hell they are doing. is lowes crazy.. do they do background checks? they have been known to hire on installers and of course right before the holidays they want to hold your check and say that you have alot of repair orders and complaints.. hhmm great where the hell is the proof.. they won't send you over anything to show that these repair orders even exist and they won't tell you the customers that supposably were not satisfied.. when the installer leaves the home they are given papers that have to be rated by the customer on performance on their experience with the installer and how well they like the job done.. awful funny all the papers signed all have great comments yet Tristar claims otherwise and my husband and a few others are out of a job right before the holidays.. the actually floor install coordinator won't even return a phone call or listen to any complaints..in the small cities like the one this store is in word of mouth is a big thing.. beware of the hornell ny store they are idiots at the finest..

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