1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I work at lowes 1677 in MI and just wanted to hop in here and observe what people had to say about Lowe's in general. At my current store, it is very rare when a customer isnt taken care of immediately. I mean even installs which we subcontract are usually done next day if not the day of. Any customer complaint that we get, we have to get on top of right away so I am really shocked to see that people are being lied to , or are given the run around. As far as our return policy goes, Lowe's will return anything and everything no matter what. So for the person on here that had issues with their ceiling fan, returning it shouldn't have been an issue at all. And if "Amy" Said "no" which she is not allowed to do without a managers decision then she will most likely get in some kind of trouble for turning you down. I was honestly speechless when I read a lot of these posts on here because most of the issues could have been handled very quickly had you talked to a manager. When Lowe's speaks about customer focus, they mean business. They are doing anything and everything possible to improve customer service. They even laid off 1700 managers companywide so that they can put more associates on the sales floor for better customer assistance. I can't speak for other stores to much but I know that anything that goes wrong at my store and many other stores that I have worked at gets attention ASAP. And if all else fails there is also the (800)44-Lowes number that you can call to resolve any issues that you may have.

people are crazy, all this work as if they care about losing 30k/year of business. I spend at minimum $30k/month and barely get the time of day.

My husband and i have shopped at the mishawaka Indiana store ever sence it opened in '94 I believe, and after our experience with your store manager Tony Swan we will never be back again. My husband and I have purchased several rental homes over the years and spent thousands of dollars at your mishawaka indiana store.I was in your store last week and asked a lady if I could talk to a manager to see if I could " make a deal" on a damaged appliance. Tony came over and from the begining of our conversation I could tell he was in a hurry and really didn't want to help me. I asked tony what the price of the appliace was with the damage and he said in a snotty tone " Umm the price is right there in that BIG YELLOW box that says clearance on it" "Thats the price." Before I could say anything (because my jaw was on the floor) He said "anything else you need?" I said yes I want to talk to your store manager. Tony informed me he was the store manager. I then told him I will never be back. I have NEVER been treated so bad in my life. I went to Home Depot that day and spent $3,000 on washer,dryer and a stove. I'll be shopping at Home Depot from now on Lowe's has FOREVER lost my business!

your hr people in mechanicsburg pa are ASSHOLES OF THE HIGHEST ORDER

I am a manager at Lowe's and I make all of the schedules for the employees. Whenever someone asks me to change their schedule I may comply with their request but I also put them on a schedule that is worse than before. That usually prevents any other employees from asking me to change their schedules again. And if they don't like it they can look for another job somewhere else.

I just purchased a home and needed carpet removed and installation of a new carpet. I swiftly went into lowes to purchase some carpet. An installer came out the next day to get an estimate I went to Loews the same night and purchase the removal and installation of the new carpet. I was told the next morning the installer would be at my new home to install the carpet between 11-1. One oclock came and left no installer in sight, no follow up telephone call nothing. My son is has asthma and the fumes of old pet urine is very strong because of lowes he has to inhale these fumes. Can anyone spell LAWSUIT!!!!??!!!

I worked for lowes and the same thing happened to me. I was fired for no reason and lowes could care less about any of their employees. They overwork, underpay their employees, give their customers the run around, and answer to no one. I spoke with 6 different lawyers about legal action against them and all of them said unless anyone pretty much in any state of the u.s. has an employment contract(very few companies) or a union, any company can get rid of you for any reason. They have for years recruited walmart managers and hired them off the street rather than promote someone from within. I guess it isn't really a surprise how crappy they are getting. Lowes is being run by ex walmart idiots. The district mangers turn a blind eye to everything they can until the RVP's get word of probmems. They are all corrupt to some extent, and have a very "buddy, buddy" mentality between them. They let every scum sucking theif walk into any store and walk out without ever stopping them because of "policy". They overtax their managers with extra paperwork, tasks, everything under the sun except customer service. They just let some 2000 upper management go, while demoting and taking pay away from the ones that stayed. they are looking at doing the same thing with their department managers in the next few weeks. It all adds up to Lowe's *** more than HOME DEPOT could ever aspire to. But don't worry, what lowe's has done and is doing to its employees will come back to get them. I will never shop with them agian and hope others will do the same. Take it from me, a former senior manager with lowes, they dont care about the customer. All they want is your money. LOWES NEEDS TO BE UNIONIZED. I have never been a proponent of the union until I went through this injustice. Spread to everyone, talk to any decent lowes employee about starting a union campaign... TRUST ME LOWE'S IS SCARED TO DEATH OF THE UNION. WE HAD YEARLY UPPER MANAGEMENT MEETINGS FOR THE WHOLE DAY JUST ON PREVENTING EMPLOYEES FROM CONSIDERING OR TALKING TO OTHERS ABOUT THE UNION.

ATTENTION ALL FUTURE LOWES EMPLOYEES..Lowes has a new store in Paramus that has a very, nasty, spiteful and uncooperative manager named Camille working there who thinks she can control the lives of all of the employees working in that store. She dictates what time they will work and has absolutely no regard whatsoever for their families or other obligations they may have. Besides risking a lawsuit regarding discrimination she projects a very poor image of Lowes management by drawing attention to herself as she does her version of the "chicken neck" in front of the customer service area while explaining her views and behaving as if she's the president of Lowes. She has succeeded in making almost all of the employees extremely miserable and will undoubtedly ultimately cause problems for that store regarding employees since most of them are looking for other places to work because of her apathetic and spiteful attitude. Companies who employ individuals such as this should be avoided since they are obviously willing to take advantage of the employees' economic situation with an attitude of "if you don't like it you can leave". Needless to say, anyone who has dealt with her comes away with a very negative experience. Unfortunately, Lowes upper management apparenty doesn't realize that employees are also customers along with their families, friends, relatives and neighbors. I can honestly say that if this apathetic, spiteful and uncooperative individual continues working there we will take our business elsewhere. There are many other businesses that will be happy to provide us with materials for a brand new kitchen from top to bottom, three new bathrooms, redoing the entire inside of our house etc etc.SHE NEEDS TO GO.

ATTENTION ALL FUTURE LOWES EMPLOYEES: Lowes has a new store in Paramus NJ. The individual in charge of scheduling employees' hours has absolutely no concern for any person's personal or family responsibilities or obligations. She is purposely uncooperative, cocky and spiteful. Besides risking a discrimination lawsuit she puts the Lowes management in a very bad light. Additionally, her "chicken neck" behavior when explaining her position is absolutely abhorrent. She has made the lives of the employees who work there miserable and as a result she is highly resented to say the least. Also the management takes advantage of the employees' economic situation with an attitude of "if you don't like it you can leave". A company such as Lowes that treats their employees in this manner should be avoided. Ultimately this will cause problems for Lowes since many of the employees are looking for jobs in other companies that respect them as individuals. Apparently Lowes does not realize that the employees are consumers along with their families, relatives, friends and neighbors. This individual needs to be removed immediately. One spiteful individual should not be allowed to make the lives of many miserable.

I USED to go into Lowe's and spend alot of money. I have remodeled 2 homes through Lowe's but NEVER AGAIN WILL I STEP FOOT IN A LOWE'S. I went into your Lowe's in Mishawaka Indiana store #200 (yes I shopped there that much I know the store number) and for the 3rd time your manager (i use that term loosly) Tony Swan was EXTREEMLY RUDE and acted lIke he didn't want my business. I was told the Store manager Jack would call me to take care of the problem.....well 3 weeks later and I geuss I am not important enough for a phone call to keep my business. So I went down the road and opened an account with Home Depot... Bye Bye Lowe's you will NEVER see ME or my MONEY AGAIN!!

I special ordered a custom front entry door from Lowe's in Erie, Pennsylvania on 28 November 2010. The door arrived at the store on 15 December, but the store waited until a week later to have the installer contact me. It was scheduled for Christmas week, but when the installer arrived he had the wrong door. Lowe's then reordered the door. Shipping delays and poor oversight, coupled with the schedule of the installer contracted by Lowe's have led to no door still being installed on my house as of 9 February 2011. If this is what you get for $3,000 in advance I'll take my business to Home Depot in the future.

The end of December I spent over 2 thousand dollars on shutters for our home. They finally arrived and the installers came to install them. The manufacture for Lowes built the living room shutters and a piece was missing. Lowes promised a RUSH on the new shutters. Everytime I call Lowes about the shutters and speak to several different managers I get a song and dance. I'm disgusted with the very, very, very poor customer service. Here it is the 2nd week of February and I still do not have living room shutters and anyone can look into my house and observe what we are doing. I will not spend my money at Lowes again.

If your husband or wife passes away you better have the paper work to close the account or you will be talked to and hung up on by customer service. They treated my mom like a cow being hurdled through a slaugter house. Lowes customer service sucks and we will not be back.

I have shopped at lowes for years and have never had an issue with them despite a few bad employees but some people are miserable and it shouldn't be held against the company. My real reason for writing this review is simply to point out that half of these comments were obviously written by idiots. The worst being the man who repeatedly states that "LOWES" said he could return something. That is a completely ridiculous statement. I would like to know where "lowes" THE INANIMATE store is telling people that they can return things. This same person also spelt the word "customer" wrong repeatedly. In my opinion, if you want people to take you seriously, you should do your best to not sound like an idiot. Needless to say, most of these rants about shotty service would not deter me from shopping at Lowes.I also find it amusing that people actually threaten to go to home depot instead. Lowes makes thousands of dollars more than home depot weekly, I'm sure they don't mind. I've done the research on many occasions since both lowes and home depot are within a 1/2 mile of each other here in Williamsburg and I have found that Lowes is more knowledgable, has a better selection,and offers better pricing on most items. If you wish to settle for subpar service in the attempts to smite a million dollar franchise then by all means, enjoy.

My husband was an employee and yesterday without an warning his position was cut. No warnng , no other postion offered just "see ya" to let you know my husband was a dedicated employee for years made many sacrifices to better the store, better customer focus, gave you 150% and for Lowes to hand him paperwork and say sorry your position is no longer needed is very poor poor management these employees have families that are on health coverage thru Lowes, made sacrifies with their families to fill in for shifts that weren't covered. Shame, Shame on you Lowe's for a very distasteful decision on how you handled your staffing issues. I know this company is NOT broke to do such a mean thing.

I was an employee for lowes 2707 in homested a wonderfull store to work in great company but when new store manager came in SANDRA DEAMORE everything change she had the tendency to micro manage,do as she pleased not following store policies and humiliate associates makeing them them feel inferior for example to me she stated that i couldnt speak with district manager cause i was this low and the manager was this high also i had injured my elbow back in july and in october on retaliation she terminated me stating i was unproductive cause i was unable to complete one assignment due to my arm injury and task requiered lifting beams abd she didnt want to her nothing she just wanted it done i asked for a copy of termination and was denied till this day janurary 26 2011 i am still under treatment and unable to get a job i really loved my job and because of retaliation i was terminated various letter had been sent trying to notify to the company of what was going on and nothing was done till when is this women going to be till they noticed whats really going on funny thing is i was psa and we never had complaints cause i was always on top of things and trying my best to do as policy requiered and i wasnt psa manager now that im not there 10 psa managers had to go and fix the store cause it was falling apart now what does something like that tell you yes i was a big influence and hard worker in the store very customer focused just a little advice employee need enthusiasum and a little understanding as to there needs and they also need to be heard then maybe there will be less terminations cause thy are trying so hard to save budget for there bonuses that everyone is getting terminated without consideration on there job performance......

As for your Thomsaville, GA store I went in and learned of the dismissal due to lay off of one of your best, most energic, willing to help managers. Just know that my company and friends businesses will take our business elsewhere this was a wrong move in this store, please bring him back and I'm sure the other lazy managers know of whom I am talking about. I bet your customer satisfaction goes down as well as moral from the other employees you could just feel it when you walk in the store. I will miss this smiling, wonderful person. Shame on you for making a bad decision.

Most of you are ridiculous. Sadly I don't see most of you giving a good review when it is deserved but jump right on the bad reviews the second it happens. People make mistakes, things happen. Get a life.

I am a former employee, during the time that I worked at the Bozeman Montana store the store Manager Jeremy had approched me on 3 different occations during working hours to Join his Church, He is a Morman. the first 2 times I was polite and declined the inventation. The Third time he asked I was Offended that he would ask again this time my responce was a bit stronger. With in a Month I was asked to come to the office and was told that I was under investigation and shortly there after was Terminated from employment.

I've work for lowe's almost 10 years and I'm a zone manager. i would like to take the time to tell you what is going on your stores. First zone managers are the most hard working managers in the stores. store ,ops,sale's,LP,HR,and admin managers really don't do much . i have worked my way up into this company over the years. Something is not sitting right with managment in the stores.It all started two weeks before black friday. It was leaked that BIG!!!! Changes are comming! to the Managment staff. (that means some managers jobs are in trouble. the Store Managers use this to basically make you shut up and FEAR your job. so you work harder ...Xmas comes around people are scared to spend money on gifts for there family..still no word on there jobs just keep getting those well its comming we don't know what or when but better stay out of trouble....the store managers are telling the upper managment in the store i had to take all managment files to our district office and rate them...HUMMM.now The last month of the year for lowe's comes around still no word. it's heard that lawers came to our corp. offices and made people sign a contract not to spill the news that the stores managment staff is about to change... then make a statement that if you give out the info your fired.....now the manament staff hears this and fuelling the fire has the store moral on a all time low./ HR manager have no clue whats going on when ask.. store managers are like hey i'm SAFE!!!!!!!!What is up with that. so now almost feb. the managment are called to a meeting to discuss there store managment staffs future this is four months of keeping those hard working managers in the dark what a moral bouster.....THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF YOUR MANAMENT STAFF THE ONES WHO HAVE MADE YOUR COMPANY GROW. Nice treatment lowe's thanks for nothing and causing hardship on your FAMILY.....i hope we do get fired BECAUSE I WILL BE MAKING BANK OFF YOU FOR YEARS TO COME.....SUE!!!a GREAT WAY TO TREAT YOUR FAMILY HUH? WHAT A JOKE............

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