1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

The Perkins location in Memphis, Tennessee is the best store. The Manager Joe Matthews has the best management skills I have ever seen. It's truely " Customer Service" friendly throughout the store. Aaron & Steve in the Garden center taught me how to use my weed eater and lawn mower & Jimmy and Kevin in appliance delivered my washing machine, hooked it up and advised me on the fact that I needed a stronger circuit box for safety. I true thank all of them for helping me. I will always and only shop at the Perkins location.

Gee, I gave up on Home Depot because of the bad service, I see I am not the only one complaining. This is how it works...I live 40 miles from the Yuba City Lowe's. I made a list of everything I need for running a peeler pole fence, (the guys will be here in the morning to install this fence) I told 2 guys and one of the checkers at Lowes I need 8 bags of concrete put in the back of my pickup, my pickup was parked in the loading zone. I bought quite a bit of other items, (25) 2" x 8" x 8' long boards, 6 peeler poles, wiring, screws, tools, weed block,etc. Order came to over $400.00...get home....no concrete. I would like to thank Lowe's for hiring such incompetent employees, there is not enough stress in life as it is, what the heck huh? Now I will have 3 guys here in the morning, just to tell them to leave.... I am wondering if Lowe's and Home Depot is having some kind of competition to see who can piss off more people, or give crappy service to its customers...do they win a prize or something??? A big part of the problem is, it does not hit them in the pocket book, Lowe's nor the employees that did not do their job, but as a customer, I lose money and time, AND the job does not get done for another week. I know Lowe's tell your employees to apologize...that goes a long way doesn't it? If you screw up just apologize. I called the Store talked to a manager just now, he told me I was not charged for the concrete...I told him "I know I was not" he went on to mention come back down we can give you a discount on the concrete.....I told him it is an 80 mile round trip from my home to get this so called discounted concrete. So lets see I have to pick it up in my truck...I get as most pickups do 12 miles to the gallon...hmmm so to run to Lowe's in Yuba City Ca. it will cost me $40.00 to get a discount on 8 bags of concrete.......Wow, what a deal. I told the store manager where I lived and that gas being $4.25 a gallon, duh ok I will be right there, how could anyone pass up a deal like that?....I am glad he does not work at my bank.

Went to your E. Naples location to try and get some help with a simple plumbing question. No Luck. Went to the tool dept to find a specific tool to help me with my problem. There was a tall guy there who only wanted to complain about his job and sent me to Ace or Home Depot. Time 11:10 AM Friday 4/1. You have a serious management problem at that location. I was a Sr Operations execin a major retail chain befor I retired.

store 1816 takes the cake on treating faithful employees with a lack of respect.The employees are mostly hard working individuals. However, the management including human resources needs to be completely restructured. I'm a full time college student and gave a 110% every time I put on the red vest. I have never been so humiliated by any upper level management in any other career or job I ever had. Something desperately needs to change at this store, before another hard working associate suffers the same fate as I.Store 1816 and its management team is the perfect definition of workplace bullying. Frank, Arron and Josh should be dealt with, fined and terminated for the way they treat those they employ. Yours truly, A former employee who will be contacting corporate headquarters with my concerns.

I purchased a High Efficiency steam washer and dryer for my linen business on February 21, 2011 I was told it would arrive to my home on March 8, 2011. I called the Lowes sales associate whom helped me with selecting the items and was told I may receive the washer and dryer on May 19th or 20th instead. Now, it is March 20, 2011 and I still have not received it. I went to the store and was told they could not reach anyone to get information about my purchase on the weekends. I then called the next day on Monday March 21, 2011 and I was told my the store Manager that the items would arrive on Wednesday March 23rd so I said, GREAT!!!. Later the same day I received a phone call from the sales associate explaining to me that I will have the washer and dryer on April 1, 2011 instead. Now I really don't know who to believe. If I knew I was going to get the run around I would have purchased elsewhere. Now, I just want my money back and prefer to do business with a company that would be more honest with their customer when they have spent close to $3000.00 on a washer and dryer. A LESSON LEARNED

Sir, I am a 69 year old lady and my son purchase a riding lawn-mower for me from Lowe's which I like; however, he is unable to assist me much with it and I need a weed-eater and small wagon to pull behind. I have been to the two Lowe's in my area X4 and am unable to get assistance from anyone. Yesterday, I went immediately after Church, knowing it might not be very crowded and it was not; I had my weed-eater picked out(just wanted to ask a few questions), my wagon, but the one packaged was on a shelf I could not reach. I went X3 to the customer service counter to seek assistance and never did get any. I waited approx 35 minutes and when I left there were 2 others there that were leaving, heading for Home Depot. I do not want to go to Home Depot, but cannot get any assistance from either Lowe's. In the previous town I lived in, you could not get 3 feet into the store and there was someone trying to help. In Warner Robins, Ga that is not the norm. I hate to leave Lowe's, for have been faithful ever since they came into being; but not here.

I am so dissapointed in my experience with Lowes in Nacogdoches Texas. I left my wallet laying on the desk at customer service, video showed a honest employee take it and put it behind the counter. It was said it was put in the safe, but now they have changed their mind and it was just sat down behind the counter. The video showed she put it there but for some reason they don't see what happened to it from there. So sad when it seems that management is trying to protect dishonest employee. Now I am forced to take action which is something I would have loved to avoid.

Purchased a Round Up sprayer with a 5 year warranty at Lowes. Kept having problems, so I called the Fountainhead group that makes the sprayers, basically the warranty is a bunch of crap. Lowes is only as good the the merchandise it sells, disppointed to feel used and taken, paying almost $30. for a sprayer. I hope lowes takes notice and makes an effort to correct so many negative situations, it wont be long before another comes along and Lowes closes it's doors like so many before.

I am remodeling my kitchen and needed information about hardware. I called the Round Rock, Texas store and a man told me that he was cutting a key for a customer and would be right with me. I sat listening to the goings on in that department for almost 30 minutes. While "on hold", I contacted the store operator from my landline to let her know the situation and she told me that the hardware department line was in use. I told her that was because I was "on hold" (cell phone) and listening to the department staff/customers for what was over 27 minutes at that point. She took my name and told me that the store manager would return my call. Just before the 30 minute mark of me being "on hold", someone hung up the phone. It has now been over 3 hours and I have never received a call from anyone including the store manager. I called again and another operator answered and told me that the manager probably never reeived the initial message I left and was out-to-lunch. She offered to take my name and number again and I replied "I am done" to which she said very matter of factly, "okay". NOW I KNOW WHY customer service jobs are being outsourced. I would much prefer to listen to someone who I can't understand at least TRY to provide customer service. BTW, I made my purchase from Home Depot but thank you for the lesson in how NOT to try to retain a customer.

ive filled out several applications and can never get hired i think its discrimination cause i have a dwi

Shame on LOWES, a low blow! Reducing your workforce, namely zone managers, the hardest working people in your stores many who spend 50-60 hours a week and give %150! And then turn around and post positions in stores that this workforce is more than qualified for and not hire them back but instead bring in people with little or no experience. Meanwhile these workers, many of them single parents, are left not only without income but also without health insurance for themselves and their families. I have made sure that I communicate to friends a from Arizona to Maine who have joined in my refusal to shop at Lowes ever again. For every 10 people that I tell, each one of those people will tell 10 more people, etc. etc. and hopefully it will have some negative impact on your stores even though it will probably never affect your corporation as it has these families That will not change until I see a change in the way that you treat your employees. BRING THESE WORKERS BACK!

Please remove me from your e-mail address reed_sharon@cdph.org. Thanks!

Why has the lumber department at lowes turned into total garbage. where are they buying this firewood ? Why do they waste customers time with horrible lumber we have to pick through just to get a few straight boards ? What ever happened to "top choice" or "prime" selections. ? It has all turned into a nightmare and trying to get straight lumber is impossible.

i recently applied to lowes for the 3rd or 4th time. i never received a return letter to let me know what my status was. this time i got a reply rejecting me. i find it amazing that they hire all the young kids who don't have the knowledge i have and probably one third the costumer service attitude i have. when i went back to see the H.R manager i was greeted by the store manager who was very straight forward in telling me that talking to her would do no good. he didn't even have any idea what i wanted but he assumed i was probably trying to sway her. not a very good attitude for a manager to assume what a customer/maybe a future employee was going to ask. so i join the many of you who are disgusted with lowes and the large corporate attitude their higher management has. where have all the mom and pop stores and local lumber yards gone?????

in case you may need to get back to me my email address is mattr1953@aol.com. this is the second letter i sent because i forgot to include my email address in the first letter in case for some reason it didn't show up on my previous correspondence. thanks.

I needed to speak to someone from your office about becoming a sponsor for the BIG (Blacks in Government) 2012 Obesity Awareness calendar. Please call me at 717-460-8490. Gary Evans. Thank you.

I recently purchased a washer and dryer from Lowes in Snellville Ga, a subcontractor delivered it, they did not know what they were doing, they were rude. Before they left. they turned on the washer to let it go through a cycle, and left. When it got to the spin cycle it flooded my laundry room. I called them back, they came back and refused to connect it properly and took my washer and dryer back to the store. These guys were NOT TECHNICIANS..they were cheap labor pulled off the street by a cheap sub contractor from Lowes who can not afford their own truck. They delivered in a rental truck. I guess they can not afford to be in business and be professional.They do not can not afford to have the proper licensing in Georgia to operate. I took my concerns to Ben, one of the managers, and one of his employees came out personally ,delivered and installed my washer and dryer with no problems at all. Ben was very good at taking care of this. As for Lowes, they have serious liability issues using subcontractors, who are not qualified or do not have the proper licensing. I also made it point to show Ben that the dryer they wired was not wired properly according to code (or the dryers installation manual). Lowes needs to hire qualified trained people instead of being cheap. Law suits and problems could be eliminated if they would not hired dumb asses. Just because you have a degree, doesn't mean you have any common sense and can deal with people. Ben made this right, but it still does not help overall customer service at Lowes.

i was let go today because i missed to many days from work, they said i was on probation for a month, in that time my daughter was very sick and needed me to go to as soon as possible, it was a emergency, i had to go, who wouldnt? and fired me, i am a very good employee, the customers love me, a lot of them shop there because of me, i know a lot of them, they tell me if it wasnt for me they wouldnt shop there,maybe i did miss to many days, but theres a lot worst things that go on in that store, and people get away with it, ive had doctors notes, my mom passed away, and ive been very sick this passed coulple of years, but i have been getting better, i have a feeling when my customers find out what happened to me they might be back, i have never in my life been let go from a job, thanks lowes

I as a homeowner and contractor and I have unfortunatley used Lowes on several of my jobs with a horrrible experience each time. From over ordering of materials (estimated by their installers) to improper installation of the product due to non professional installion or in store flooring specialist that sold me the wrong product for the installation. I would not recommend using Lowes, even if it cost a little more money I would use the services of a local buisess because they have accountabilty for there services. I was given every excuse in the book and most of them had to with it somehow being my fault for the problem.

To whom this letter may concern. I live in Seymour, TN. The Lowe's that is located on Chapman Hwy. in Knoxville, TN. helped me totally redo my "downstairs" formally known as the "basement" Mr. "Travis", I only know him as Travis, which is his first name, works in the flooring dept. , has been a GOD send. I purchased the Tile and Carpet from him. My downstairs is 30 feet by 70 feet. The tile and carpet "COMPLETES" the downstairs, it's beautiful. The three gentlemen (hired out by Lowe's) I don't remember their names, installed the carpet which covered my new upstairs office,( 12' x 15') the downstairs bedroom measuring 18' x 22' and the new family room measuring 24' x 32", did an outstanding job. All three were very professional, cautious and extremely neat as far as cleaning up after the project was completed. They were very helpful in answering all my questions and concerns. My contractor was surprised as to making the seam line invisible. I and my contractor was extremely satisfied at how they blended the edge of the carpet to the tile border without the use of any metal strips. My wife and I are extremely proud to show off the NEW downstairs and everyone who has seen it cannot get over at how wonderful the carpet and tile look. I have recommended your carpet installers to all. I have no idea where you found them, I'm just glad you had them to install our carpet. I'll be showing off our new addition by taking pictures and letting Travis show it off. Thank you Lowe;s, Travis and the three carpet installers, JOB WELL DONE

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