1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

DEAR LEMMINGS, Over the past couple of years I have worked at several hardware stores, and all I can say is this: YOU PEOPLE ARE THE BIGGEST PACK OF NIMRODS I HAVE EVER MET! Not all of you, most are a pleasure to deal with, but some of you people were born to complain about every little thing. There are BILLIONS and BILLIONS of people on this planet, you have to expect at least some of them to be assholes. Well guess what? Same thing applies to retail stores. I am a HUMAN BEING, NOT A ROBOT. You treat me nice,I treat you nice. You treat me like an asshole, guess what happens? I see these stories about how you've shopped at a certian store for SOOOO many years, and ONE bad experience, that ONE time, by that ONE peckerheaded employee, and you're never going back? If a doctor tells you: "I'm sorry Mr/Mrs. Whogivesaflyingcrap but your appendix is infected. We're going to have to remove it." do you say: "Screw that! I'm going to Dean insted!" Walk a mile in another mans moccasins, I've been on both sides of the counter and all these stores put the Costumer WAY before their employees. SO DEAL WITH IT! P.S. The way most of you spell, I'm surpised people actually let you near a computer. P.P.S ALL CAPS LOCK DOES NOT EQUAL VERY ANGRY! ALL CAPS EQUALS: "LOOK AT ME I'M AN ANNOYING ATTENTION WHORE! P.P.P.S Don't bring your religous views into this, it just makes you look even stupider. P.P.P.P.S I hope you all rot in a hole.

Items purchased online supposedly located in my local stores are fake or come-ons, they don't exist. After my purchase I got the run-around and later told this item which is vinyl tile is not sold in Florida. I asked for a refund confirmation sent to me and was told they don't sent comfirmations via email. Now I have to worry about my payment made and wish for a refund. I did contact their coparate office as well and told the same thing. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC. 2707 1850 NE CAMPBELL DRIVE HOMESTEAD, FL 33033 Phone: (305) 508-3020

I purchased a pressure washer (Troybilt) from lowes in the spring and used it 3 times, it worked great till 2 weeks ago so I brought it back to Lowes. They said they would send it out and have it repaired which they did, The RTM clerk called me up and said the company that now does there repairs said it is not repairable. I told me that was BS and I only used it three times and it cost $300. I asked the store manager what am I supposed to do with it now. He pulled me on the side and said that Lowes is forcing them to use a new repair center called Altaquip which also services Home Depot and most of there returns come back as "unrepairable" like mine did so he gave me the name of the place that was servicing all the stores till 30 days ago (my luck) which was not to far so I dropped it off at a place in Kings park called Mower Doctor or The Warranty Center. I told them the problem and what happened so they had it for 4 days. They said the pump went bad because it had no oil from the factory so they replaced it FREE OF CHARGE (warranty). I asked why they are not serving Lowes anymore, They said it was Lowes idea to try the new place, they said Home Depot has the same problem, So I guess just like Home Depot started off good and went down hill Lowes is doing the same thing, i thought they had better judgement than that. Anyway the bottom line is I got my machine fixed because Lowes had a Manager that wasn't afraid to open his mouth. I am not going to say the store location because I don't want him to get in trouble and if the Corporate people that made this call to switch service places read this I say "WAKE UP and do some HOMEWORK before you make stupid decisions"

surf city lowes in nc is the pits they preach customer service and focus till you want to gag. The manager is only worried about making money and has very little lack of respect for the employees. He is young and very inmature to be managing a store but if we make money he keeps his title. what a shame---young employees are allowed to be late , not show up for work or show up and not work---the manager is always joking and kidding around with these kids but is always critical of the more mature older people working there. most managers at the store share the same attributes as the manager. employees who abuse the system are not held accountable but are able to keep there jobs as if nothing happened

Lowes should not allow its employees to do work at peoples houses. I recently bought some garden supplies, while paying the employee/garden manager asked if i needed any help with my landscaping project. Being a little older i said ,sure what would you charge me? He said $50 bucks. First, he was two hrs late,, he brought his young son with him? and ALL the plants died within a week. Then he asked for more money? Is this allowed? Employees should NOT be allowed to do this. ja

I too am run a construction company and have an account with Lowes. We bought a range and a hood for the house. They told us the range would be at our house in a week and the hood would take the same amount of time. The range came on a friday and my wife took off work early to meet the delivery people. WRONG RANGE!!! you guys ordered the wrong one. THen got a call the hood was going to take 5 WEEKS!! Two days later the hood was in?? I called to complain saying we are a contractor that gives you lots of business. So your employee tells me she will call monday and work it out. Its monday! we had to call and now its going to be delivered on Friday 3 Weeks past the original date!! THe sales team was good (not great, considering you ordered the wrong stove) But delievery and shipping was horrible. It shouldn't matter business or homeowner. Customer service should be your #1 priority which it is clearly not. Store # 1547 Wichita KS I except some form of appology or to know something is being done to fix this

I contracted to have my garage renovated on July 15, 2011. It is now Sept. 25th. The only thing that has gotten done so far, is the roof and windows ( which have been installed improperly!) they also said that the concrete patio in front of the intrance door needed to be replaced, that cost me an additional $500. They later recanted on that, it would not have to been replaced!! A job that should have taken no more than a week is now in the 3rd month. There has been numerous misscommunications, unreturned phone calls, nobody seems to be in charge!!! I would NEVER recommend Loews to anyone, and will never contract them for another job! Word of mouth is your best advertisement, and sorry to say that I have nothing positive to say about Lowes!!!

For Store Manager Chris at store # 1868- Bloomsburg, PA. Lowes should have More people like Him and you'd see more business! He's a good Man and Customer Representative. He went out of his way to Help me when I met the Idiot Asst. Manager (Paul) whom I wouldn't let run a candy counter.

I purchased a Maytag Washer from Lowe's. After just a few months I started having problems with it, good thing I purchased their Protection Plan (so I thought). I recently had to call again for repair, this time the Bearings went. It is now 3 weeks and the Washer is still not fixed at all. They keep telling me the parts are not in, yet the Warrantly dept. says they were shipped. In summary, I will never buy another appliance from Lowe's again. I will go to Home Depot or Sears next time for sure. Nancy Ammons

I walked into the Lowes store in Cumming Georgia and this tall gangly guy named Randy started pestering me. I told him I didn't need his help, but he kept on pestering me. I walked away. I was in the garden center when I realized this same man following me. It was so obvious. He creeped me out. I left the store without buying anything. The guy totally creeped me out.

I just read a comment from a man on this site saying he was off to Home Depot- Well he is off for sure if he is going to Home Depot-Management is rude to employees and customers- How do they still have their jobs in this economy!!!!!!!

I am very disappointed at the way Lowe's treats its employees. My husband works for the store in Waxahachie, TX and he was told by his superiors that he is not to spend time talking with the customer. They want him to show them to the product and walk away, not giving them customer the chance to ask questions. WHAT THE?? This is not good customer service!!! Not only do they rotate hours and keep him unaware of what his schedule will be, they are disloyal to the customers as well. I am so ashamed. Before we were married, I had no idea that they ran their business this way. This was my favorite home improvement store..key word...WAS! Their turnover rate is very high for a reason. Learn how to treat people or close down!

not that it affects them any, but i'm done with lowes. purchased 3 months ago a 2k riding mower and was SUCKER into the extended warranty. We had a DROUGHT I didn't cut the grass until a month and a half later. It cut crooked as a drunk. I changed the blades and cut the grass again (2 grass cuts are a month) still crooked. Took me about a week to track down a trailer to bring into service. 3 weeks later they call me with a bill to fix it. Bent spindle not covered under warranty. No one wants to help. Its a measly 220 dollars but its the principle of customer service. I'm done with them. I'm told I should have brought in it before the first 30 days.

I pre paid for all new appliances and all new tub shower combo and a shower with shower walls. This was 2 weeks ago. I come to pick up the shower and the tub combo that I paid for 2 weeks ago. An hour later I am told they don't have the tub and can't tell me when the tub I paid for will arrive. I have already tore out the bathroom and now have no tub. So I take the shower and drive back 45 min. One way. I tear out the remaining shower and plumb in the base. I remove the walls from the box only to find they are cracked!! I call Lowes and tell them we now have no tube or shower. She tells me they gave me the last one and again have no idea when they will get another! Now we have no tub, no shower, and no idea when I may ever get one! Really!? And all I get was sorry. I'm not done making sure that everyone knows about this.

About a year ago i bought a new Troybilt weed-eater from Lowe's about two months ago the motor got so hot it started to melt from just normal use i took it back to Lowe's to get it fixed they sent it off. they called me Friday to let me know that my weed-eater was back from the shop so i went Monday to pick it up and i was told that because it was unrepairable they put it in the trash. now i have no weed-eater and no reason why they put it in the trash.

A burner on my stove burned out. I drove to the local store to buy a new one, and was given a card with the website for ordering a new part. (He would have done the ordering for us, but I did not have the stove information.) I went home, ordered the part online, and received my confirmation. The next day I get an email that my order has been cancelled. I check the website, and confirm that my order is cancelled. Two days later my checking account is billed for parts. I call the number on the website at about 7:30 PM to see what is going on, and receive a message that I have called outside the normal hours of 8:00 AM to MIDNIGHT. After trying a couple more times, I decide to go to the local store to see if they have any information. The customer service lady was nice and helpful, but when she called the manager over for assistance, he ignored me. After the fourth time of getting his attention, she finally got him to listen to the message, only to have him leave again in the before the all important call between 8 and midnight part. Eventually, he listened to the whole thing, and gave me the corporate number, since they are unable to help me. I go home and call corporate. The tell me to call the website number. I explain the whole situation of how the number does not work, and I just want my money. After all, they cancelled my order, so I went else where to purchase my part. She can not help me, so she gets the manager. Short story, long, he can not help me. It was a little past 9:00 PM, so I decide to call the number on the website. Now, I get a message that I called outside of their operating hours of 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM CST. I just want my $30, not lies.

I just to be an employee at Lowe's in Pacoima ca as handy man I alway want to work at Lowe's when I got hire by Cindy the Gm. I was so happy everything change when the new manager Mario came on board he is so rude with all employees and uses bad words on us one meting by mistake I put my cellphone on my back pocket and dial home my answering machine record the hole meting and you can here the GENERAL MANAGER Mario G talking to us using the BS word the f word and telling us we wasting company time by going to HR and complain. If we don't like the way he treat us the is slot of people waiting for our positions. I went to Oran the big HR Manager he did not do anything ha just told us the gonna look in to it.I have an accident at work injured bad the LP Manager ask me if I want to go home but I will not get paid for it I continue working litping and inpain finish my shift Two week later Mario told he is gonna let me go because they have more candidates that meet the criteria. That was funny my co worker Manuel GonzaleZ doesnt know how to read or write. I was helping him all the time That's Discrimination and retaliation during the time working at Lowe's I was never late or absent. If u see the videos you will never see me wasting time I was always working hard. It so sad one of the Bigest Conpanies in the us. Let this happens to us.

lowes by no means is a place for older people to work---i find that we go beyond what salary we make and that the younger generation is there to collect a pay check and play around ,text and talk on the phone. Our mananger made a statement that the older people were bringing the store down. We bust our butts for a next to nothing salary and go beyond to focus on the customer and running our department. Lets get priorities straight and hire people that want to work together and not put it on one person. I have heard this complaint from other employees at various store. People are not held accountable. If you are making money the managers are over joyed but miss the budget and you have hell to pay with the part time people getting there hours cut and sometimes having to leave because the little money they get sometimes just pays for gas to get to work. Lowes needs to rethink there priorities

On Friday, 26 Aug 2011 I was driving from Maryland to Virginia to take care of my house during hurricane Irene. I stopped at the Lowes in La Plata, Md, to see if they had a portable generator. I was surprised to see there were a number of 5000 watt portable systems available for sale outside the front door of the store. I was really disappointed with Lowes when I found out the price. A generator that sells for $599.00 at other retailers was being sold for $700.00. When I said, “Those normally sell for $599.00 at other stores” the salesman responded, “but they don’t have any”. My response to him was, “that doesn’t mean I will pay your rip-off price”! I've been a pretty good Lowes customer over the years, I was both floored and disappointed when I experienced this situation! Unfortunately, price gauging seems to have become almost common place, however, I didn't expect to experience it at Lowes. On 02 Sep 2011, I sent the Lowes Customer Service an email explaining the situation. Their response included an explanation of their pricing policy and an indication they forwarded my concerns to the store manager and I could expect a response within the next 48 hours. Today is 07 Sep 2011 and I have not heard a word.

I am not one to write a review often but this needs to be shared. We began our experience with lowes thinking that we picked the right place to buy counter tops and cabinetry. We were mistaken. Our problem all began when they mismeasured our cabinets. They had to reorder to make the cabinets fit into our kitchen. It took over six weeks to get five cabinets when it only took four weeks for the whole kitchen. While this was a problem we thought our counter tops will be ready as soon they come in because we had a phone call saying they had been fabricated and were just waiting for the cabinets to be finished. They were wrong. They now are saying that they are not ready and are not sure when they will be. We moved into this new construction home in August. Our kitchen and bathrooms were supposed to be ready by then. It is now September and they still aren't in and we are getting a runaround. We are living with no sinks in our new home. I will never use the little rock arkansas cabinet department located in Bryant again for any project!! They obviously cannot do their jobs correctly and only care about the customer until they get paid...after that they don't give a rats about you!!!

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