1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I had a really frustrating situation with the store in Brooklyn, NY. After talking to about 5 different sales associates & getting more than 5 different stories I called HQs. HQs could not have been more accommodating. They called the store in question - got a SET delivery date, gave me an additional 10% off and called me back after the scheduled delivery date to make sure that everything that had gone as promised. This to a landlord with with a tenant in need of his refrigerator is worth it's weight i gold.

We have several Lowes stores in the Oklahoma City and Edmond area. They dare you to ask for help. You push the little buttons located throughout the store and you can stand there for hours without a soul coming to help. Other employees will walk by, see you looking at them, then walk away if you try to approach them. Even worse, you can find a product that's marked for clearance, sale, or whatever and when you go to check out, it's always the wrong item. Never mind that it has stickers all over it or even a tag hanging off of it with the clearance price, it's always the wrong item and your fault for trying to buy it. Home Depot will at least honor their prices even though their service isn't much better.

I went to lowe's back in March/2011 and purchased the Whirlpool duet front load washer and dryer set along with the extended warrenty. My washer went out and I called the 800 number. They sent a guy out and told me it would be fixed with in the week we had to order a part.. ok was fine with that... a few day's ago I got a call no part in our country (USA) we will have to have it shipped here.. now they might not beable to get it fixed till after Dec.1st. in the mean time I am going to the laundry mat and spending money I dont have cause I was layed off..I will be without a washer for 3 week's with a family of 4.. I called them back and asked if I could just have the washer replaced instead of shipping a part in.. and the store manager gave me greif.. and he called me HON... I will never ever purchase another major appliance from Lowe's in Hanover, Pa. And I will find out who the district manager is and let them know the service I recieved was very poor. I let the store manager I would never shop there again and he was showing no sympathy what's so ever and was rather rude about the whole thing. I told him that he could take my washing machine and shove it up his ass.

I just came from Lowe's in Tarentum, Pa. I was willing to spend around $1500.00 on big ticket tools. I have a real bad back, so lifting is a problem. I waited in front of the key making dept. I was standing there for 20 minutes, b4 2 employees came close to me and I used my hand signal to them for where's my help, She said I will get you some help, LOL, it never came, and they just walked away. They were more interested in earning $2.00 for a key than earning big bucks. After 10 more minutes of them jerking off and ignoring me, I just walked out. I bought 2 kitchens worth of cabinets, plumbing , electrical, tools and many more items from Lowe's. BUT that has come to an end. I will drive the extra 12 miles to go to Home Depot. Some policy you have there Lowe's, earn a little so they don't have to work hard.

I HATE LOWES ,IT STINKS really bad since the now cater to illegal aliens and Mexicans in general.These SOBs are killing our construction jobs and LOWEST of the Lowes is helping them by putting up sings in Spanish so in order to kiss Mexican booty in hopes for more profit while killing the real Americans..I HATE YOU LOWES


I really like shopping at Lowe's, it is a great store. Employee for the most part are great, until you ask for help loading. 16 bag of cement by myself, another 35 bags of mulch. Or maybe you when to get into the loading area to load your lumber, you find 4 pick-ups and 6 contractor's are standing around talking, drinking coffee,and won't move. The store manager is no were to be found. Managers need to be on the floor, walking around, solving problems, not sitting in the office. Maybe if this type of problem was taken care of Lowe's would not have to close 20 store. Don't get me wrong Home Depot is not any better.

We would just like the Corporate Headquarters of Lowe's Home Improvement to know what a wonderful contracter Mike Bolin is. We have had the pleasure of having him install windows twice at our home and are thrilled at the quality of his workmanship. The front of our home looks outstanding!!!! Thanks to Lowe's for hiring such quality workmen.

JohnnyComeLately I too purchased the qualifying washer and dryer online. Which I didn't get a receipt only from my e-mail conformation. Got the washer and dryer delivered and sent in my rebate for the Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I too just got a letter stating I didn't have the right information. I sent what I had. I got a hold of the store that delivered it and they sent me some kind of receipt, that didn't even have my name on it. I sent that letter back to them and I looked on line and it said it was invalid. Johnnycomelately do you have the 888 number that I can call? I have looked and couldn't find the number.

Its a shame there is no ZERO star, that's what this company deserve from me. I really feel I have to send you this letter of complaint. My mother tried to do something really kind for me a few weeks ago. I was back in England and she went to Lowe’s on South Tryon and ordered me a dishwasher. When I got home of course I saw it. I was pretty surprised as she really could not afford to do this. It looked like a good one it was a Whirlpool. Total cost with installation was $488.62 Again this was a lot for an old lady who lives on social security. I was very pleased of course. I started to load the washer; I live alone so it takes a few days. I opened it after about 3 days to add some more dishes and nearly gagged at the smell inside, it was disgusting. It nearly made me sick. So immediately I set the dishwasher to run, hoping the dishes would come out great and the awful smell would be gone. I used the heat dry setting as I always had with my old dishwasher but after 4 0r 5 hours everything was still completely soaked. I emptied the dishwasher and towel dried everything. I was worried at that point but thought maybe I hadn’t set it right. After about another 3 or 4 days the smell was back. It was just horrible. I did the same thing again started the dishwasher making sure I used the correct settings. I actually set it on over night as my house is open plan and it makes a good amount of noise. I again used the heat dry setting and yet when I got up and opened it up everything was again completely soaked. I told my Mum about this, I felt so bad telling her this lovely surprise was not working properly, she then mentioned to me about the smell in there. I hadn’t said anything to her but I know I don’t have a good sense of smell, but done she had told me the same I knew I wasn’t imagining it. We decided to go to the store and talk to them there about getting a replacement. Keith was “at lunch” and not available. We spoke with Angela who was just lovely and helpful. She wrote down the one I wanted in replacement she completely understood my worries and said that was just not acceptable to have a defective appliance. She left all the information for Keith to do the paperwork and get the replacement ordered and installed. This was on a Thursday, she said it would all be done over the weekend and we should expect a call from him to let us know that it had been set up. I again was worried as my Mother had told me there was confusion when the original was to be installed as it wasn’t being installed at her address but at mine. Not rocket science but that got messed up the first time too. Sunday afternoon comes and still no phone call from Keith to let us know everything had been done and arranged. I called the store “Jason” answered Keith was not there. He check in the computer but he could not find anything regarding the old one being exchanged for the new one I had wanted in replacement. I was not very happy as you can imagine. He said he’d speak to the manager and see what he could find out and call me back. Just before the store closed he left me a message and said nothing had been done and I was not going to get the discount we got originally as dishwashers were not tin this weekends offer. As you can imagine I was furious as we were promised the same discount by Angela and nothing had been done. So I called the store and asked for the store manager the next morning. Angel Padget came on the phone and instead of actually dealing with my problem she handed me to the people who had NOT DONE what they said they would, she just seemed to have no interest in speaking with a customer. I have worked in store this large for many years and if a customer goes to the trouble of contacting a manager they should work on it fix it and speak with the customer not hand it back to the incompetent people who work for her. Angela again was very sweet and apologetic but could not explain why this had not been done over the weekend. She assured me she would take care of this and promised me her and Keith would get this fixed. Keith called me the next day, all this time calls had been made to my mother when it was me who was trying to get this sorted out. Keith called me the next day later in the afternoon and told me he would make sure he had everything organized and would call me in the morning, a few minutes later I got an e-mail (attached) from Angela with a completely different price than I was told. Which made me even madder. There was just no communication between these people that is obvious. The next morning my Mother received a call at 8 am saying they were coming to bring a new dishwasher and get the old one and they’d be at my house in an hour. Well I sat there for 2.5 hours waiting for them to arrive then to find it was Lowe’s delivery guys come to collect the old one, there was no installation person with them and no they couldn’t take the old one out someone else had to do that. As you can imagine by this time I was absolutely furious. I just sat at home lost pay and nothing is done. I call the store again and asked Angel Padget she spoke to me this time and apologized. She assured me she would make sure I had a new dishwasher very soon and it should get to me this time. I should wait for the installer to contact me. So I did, they called me and arranged to come to the house between 8 am and 10 am Thursday November 13th. I sit there waiting again taking unpaid time off, at 10 am I call the installer, she assures me I am on the schedule, she calls the installer, and he says oh I don’t have that on my schedule…………….I put the phone down on the girl and called Angel Padget again. This time I want some compensation for my time, I make over $100 an hour in sales by now I had lost over 4 hours in work time, she offered me a $100 which is actually very insulting when you make that an hour, I took it and thanked her but I am not happy with it. I said I had to go to work and now they can sort a new time to come with my Mother I had wasted enough of my time this week already. Finally on Friday afternoon my new dishwasher arrives. It’s installed and once I have enough to run it I will. Tonight I cleaned my floor moved my mats off the floor to do so and I see two chunks out of my ceramic tiles in front of the dishwasher. I have to say I have never received such bad service in all my life. My Mother and I are very regular customers at that store, she has spent thousands of dollars there on garden things, she just got a storm door but I have to say neither of us will step foot in your store again. I have 360 friends on Face book who have heard this story social media is a terrific way to get bad service out there we no do not tell 10 people we know about bad service we tell hundreds. As for your Manager well she is a disgrace to your company her customer service and the way she doesn’t want to interact with customers is just awful. I told her my name several times and she still called me Ms Moore. (My Mother) Your company has quantity but you lack quality. Now we have to deal with these tile issues. This will cost Lowe’s or the installer to get this fixed. Angela is the only person in that store who has had the manners to try to help. Keith dropped the ball with this big time. This lovely surprise for me turned into the nightmare from hell. And it is not over yet. I also need to see what extra it has cost me, it should all have been done at the same price as the old dishwasher but all I got for this mess was $100 off the difference of the new price. I hope that someone in authority has the manners to call me or write me a letter of apology as I said I lost $400 plus in work that week. I am also surprised I didn’t have a stroke or something my blood pressure was so high. Cathy Jones Mailinga letter to you today.

I purchased a Samsung washer and dryer from the Lowes in Lawnside, NJ. The price was good and the delivery was smooth. The problem is that there was a special - buy the set and Samsung will send you a new Galaxy Tab if you fill out the form. I filled it out, included the receipt and waited. 6 weeks later I received a letter saying there was missing info and I had to return the form with the correct info within 5 days. I poked around the Internet and found an 888 number for this promotion, which wasn't on the letter, and called. The guy said the same thing until I told him "This is a scam and you are trying to disqualify me from receiving the promised incentive." He put me on hold and then magically the info I provided was enough. I should have my package in 1 - 2 weeks. That's a pretty low move on the part of whomever it is that processes these deals, but Samsung and Lowes have a responsibility to make sure their customers are not put through this.

I have recently updated my kitchen, so I thought, investing lots of money, using lowes' appliances....ALL are now failing.....do you think I can get LOWES to help? NO!!!!! First off, my dryer, they never replaced the old hose at the install appt, but I paid for that. My refigerator, not up to par... It was never balanced by the installers. Then the oven/stove range, also never balanced, after having a 2nd one brought here cuz the first one was defective. Now, the dishwasher isnt draining, AT ALL, but my sink and garbage disposal are working fine...plumber told me to call Lowes. FINAL STRAW, my dryer is not spinning, at all.....WTF....all of this in the last year!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?! DO NOT SHOP AT LOWES...I was warned, dumb ass me didn't listen....

after visiting a Lowes stor over the veterans day week-end, my husband and I noticed the 10% off sale for vets. this is a good idea I guess in theory, but has a few problems that I see. why do you have to be active military to qualify for everyday savings? Does my husbands' service in Vietnam not make his sacrifice as important or valad as one currently serving??? what about the WW1 and WW2 vets? They are all on fixed incomes at this time in thier lives, why don't they qualify for daily savings??? Service and sacrifice to our country is just that-SERVICE AND SACRIFICE. I guess what I find most annoying is I personally know someone who uses this discount and personally shares it with all of her family every time they shop at Lowes, who has no family members currently serving or who have ever been in the service for years. get the D.D.T., and give honor to all veterans who have served in our armed forces, not just current, but honor all sacrifices by all. YOU WILL HAVE THE MOST LOYAL CUSTOMERS. Thanks for your time, Margo Ryan Lincoln Kansas

A corporate wolf in sheep's clothing. I agree with the previous comments from, "Pissed Off Female" entered on 11/1/11. Lowe's Corporate policies are implemented by their store "managers" who are uneducated, vindictive puppets who entrap the blue collar worker in an uncaring, abusive environment. These "managers" are hand chosen because of their lack of education. This way, they can be groomed to the Lowe's standards to abuse the masses of employees who actually do give "wow" customer service and make Lowe's profit. This type of management appeals to someone who knows they have no other choice to succeed, so they continue to "manage" the abusive Lowe's policies. This satisfies Corporate with an inexpensive management to reduce the biggest operating expense of any company -- payroll. This is also why employees who do have education and options will never rise in the ranks. It doesn't take long to figure out the Lowe's way and do what you have to do to GET OUT! I only regret that I leave behind wonderful people who have no other choice but to succumb to Lowe's slavery tactics because they need money to live and support their family. Lowe's hides behind expensive advertising (propaganda) that leads employees and customers to believe that they care about giving "wow" customer service and providing a work environment that allows for "professional" growth. I could go on but, I think you understand the reference in my opening statement of Lowe's pretending to be what THEY ARE NOT!!! Support your smaller, locally owned stores. It may cost a few more pennies but -- slavery was abolished a long time ago! And, if this is not enough, Lowe's has the American Flag on the back of all of their employee vests when almost all of their store brand merchandise comes from -- China! To those Lowe's employees who have repeatedly gone to your "caring", "open" management with ideas for improving your environment, forget it. They will tell you they want to hear your ideas. They may even patronisingly let you voice them in a managers' meeting. But, if it doesn't come from Corporate, they won't want anything to do with it. This is where the hand-picked, uneducated manager is not comfortable with other employees knowing how to manage employees with respect. They are afraid of thinking outside the Lowe's Corporate box. Puppet managers don't think or need to think. Lowe's just propagates abusive management.

I want to thank your personel at Lowe's in Franklin KY! Lowe's shipping/receiving went out of their way to help me locate what I was needing. Shipping/receiving had located these at the Lowe's store in Bowling Green KY. I was called within hours to say they "have my merchandise ready for me to pickup in Franklin KY." THANKS to a group of wonderful employees.

This was Posted on the Web!! Lowe’s will offer all active, reserve, honorably discharged, retired military personnel and their immediate family members a 10 percent discount on in-store U.S. purchases made during the Veterans Day holiday. The discount is available Nov. 7 – Nov. 11. The discount is available on in-stock and special order purchases up to $5,000. To qualify, individuals must present a valid military ID or other proof of service. Excluded from the discount are sales via Lowes.com, previous sales, and purchases of services or gift cards. Someone needs to educate the Stores......They new nothing about this today 11/8/11

My father is a Veteran and entitiled to a 10% discount at Lowe's. Since there was nice weather 11/06/11, went to Lowe's - While waiting to be checked out, in order to receive the 10% Veterans discount, they need an "override" to do so. While waiting patiently, Sondra of the garden department who was standing around doing NOTHING came over and said aloud, "they need to do away with these Veteran's benefits" - it was very clear, there was no mistaking what she said...my father served this county and was wounded in battle - we apologize we took and extra 5 minutes of Sondra's time, now she can again focus her energy on the empty store, she'll never see us again.

I was at the Lowes at Airport and Schillinger in Mobile, AL 11-1-11. A little dog ran into the store, looking for her master. Scared and confused, she ran back into the parking lot and was nearly killed. She was so panicked but I managed to catch her. I took her home, made a flyer with my contact information, and took it back to the store. The manager would not allow me to post the flyer anywhere on the premises of Lowes, not even on the light posts in the parking lot. He was officious and rude and told me that "Lowes has no responsibility for the dog or for the fact that you picked it up." Really? The dog belongs to a customer. I am a customer. This is my community, but you have no responsibility here? How about being a good neighbor? How about doing the right thing and helping reunite this dog and the family that loves her (she is housebroken, spayed, well-behaved). You have lost my business and I will do everything I can to make everyone else aware of the "corporate climate" at Lowes. This isn't about one dog, it's about being part of a community and making it a better place to live. Shame on you, Lowes. Shame.

My rating is 1 star but not because of the employees at the Lowes store in Westminster, nor the merchandise. Like a previous post, my hubby is a veteran. He was suddenly told he was no longer eligible for a discount because of picture ID. He is a life member of the American Legion (you have to be a veteran to join). Since he was not injured and has no need of picture ID he does not count. I hate to say this but Home Depot is right across the street and they give him the veterans discount every time with no hassle. We have spent an awful lot in your store with the remodel we have been doing. Now we are switching most of our business. Lowes loss, Home Depots gain.

Don't buy from Lowes Their website says call before noon and we install the hotwater heater today. We called and ordered and got a receipt by 9:39AM. Well after several calls to them its 2PM, and they can't install it today. They told us thyat we didn't even order the hot water heater, but backed down after we faxed the receipt with the time stamp and the 12 year warentee paperwork. They are terrible, and don't really care about their customers. STAY AWAY FORM LOWES>

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