1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I grew up in Dearborn,MI and have had many Muslims friends in Dearborn. I can't believe that some religious organization has such power over a corporation. Where is you're backbone? Why not learn about American Muslims instead of listening to a bunch of radical Christians. I don't like radical Muslims and I certainly don't like radical Christians.

Lowes, regarding the Muslim advertising, please stick to your principles and do not advertise with this program. I am tired of America knuckling under to these people whose agenda is not in our best interest. I admire and respect your stand.

I couldn't believe the headiness about Lowe's pulling their ads for the new Muslim reality show. Now I am a Christian, and I usually don't watch reality shows, but I do know and work with Muslims. Just because the religious right has these extreme ideas about Muslims doesn't mean that Lowe's should agree with them. I changed from shopping at Home Depot to Lowe's a few years ago. If Lowe's continues with this racist view, and pulls their ads just because it is a Muslim show, I don't want to do business with Lowe's. Jim Hughes Edmond, OK

Thank you Lowes for pulling your add's off of TLC and the "All American Muslim". And standing up for what is right for this country. By its nature their can be no such thing as a American Muslim. Also the goverment has absolutely NO RIGHT to deside where, when, or who you addvertize with. THANK YOU FOR STANDING ABOVE THE REST.

I want to thank you for standing up to the Muslim dhimmitude attack. I would hope more companies and groups who are offended by their tactics would do the same. It seems people have forgotten their agenda as they indicated on 9/11. Thank you again for standing up to them. They aren't used to that as our country is so focused on being politically correct while they continue to take away our freedoms while they use our freedoms against us. Thank you again and keep up the good work.

All this uproar about an ad being pulled from a Muslim television show?? Where's the outrage over the war on Christmas?? Our children can't celebrate it in schools, prayer is banned (I'll bet Muslim children wouldn't be banned from praying in school), happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas!! All of this because of political correctness and a fear of Muslim retaliation. What of the so called "ART" that depects the Blessed Virgin Mary with a machine gun?? Sorry folks, but in my estimation LOWES did the right thing for a change and they're the only store I'll shop in for home improvement items. Keep it up!!

I am in complete support of you for pulling your ads of the "American Muslim" show. I think a lot of Americans realize the potential problems with the Muslim belief system. After 9-11, I think America recieved a real wakeup call as to the thinking of Muslims in general. What other religion of the world gives you a choice of "become one of us or die"? Stick by your guns and don't give in.

Would give you zero stars if I could. What cowards!! Pulling advertising because of some extremists. I will not put a foot in Lowes again. We are all Americans and according to a study done, Muslins were to most American, putting the USA in front of their religion. The worst were christians. Putting their religion before anything else. They are the UNAMERICANS

I am very disappointed in the un-American action Lowe's has taken by pulling their ads from the tv show about American Muslims. We are a diverse society. This is out-right discrimination and boarders on hate. Why have they done this?? Its outrageous and I will never shop there again unless they change their position on this. No American should. Luckily there's a Home Depot just down the street!

I am supportive of Lowe's not advertising on the "American Muslim" TV show. You are able to support what you wish and staying out of the fray of this very political issue is perfect. We know what is happening with liberal Hollywood's take on most issues and the rank and file American needs to stay away from such trifle. We love Lowe's and will continue to shop there! This is unfortunate that those who love liberal causes, which may hurt our country in the long run, are so loud with their beliefs. This is still America and we can do what we wish without this whole thing being blown out of proportion. If not one paid, through advertising dollars, then this wouldn't be an issue! Let's get the American perspective out there and leave Lowe's alone. They are providing jobs and helping the American economy --- more than most of the protesters are doing, I wager. Keep up the good work, Lowe's!

Lowes, I am VERY PROUD of you decision to pull your advertising from the muslim show. It is about damn time that at least some coperations started taking responsiblity, and at least halfway, begin to support this country. The Muslim community DOES NOT suport this Nation. I am in Construction and shop at your stores very often. I DO NOT shop at Home Depot unless I have no other choice. Every since they fired an employee for wearing a pin with the american flag on it. Since when is it a crime to support this Country, and Christianity. As long as this company supports PATRIATISM, and CHRISTIANITY I will support this company with my business. By the way, I lived and worked in Afghanistan for 2 years, and I can tell you for a fact that the last thing this country needs is more muslims. The muslim comunity in Detroit has already started destroying our country, and our constitution by bringing sharia law to much of that state. If they want to live by sharia law, they need to go back to the screwed up country that they come from, and stop trying to destroy our country.

I am a long time Lowes customer and have always had good results from doing business with the retail stores. It is with regret that I must decline to shop at and support a business that would show what I believe is bias towards a religious or any other minority group. I believe that my action will not, in itself alter the decision by Lowes Hardware. However as I would not support any company that would discriminate against any religious group, I cannot in good faith allow a Christian group to influence me. The founding fathers advocated freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religion.

I saw a media bash on the net about Lowes pulling an ad that had to do with what some goof calls a muslim American. Well you are either muslim or AMERICAN. If you are AMERICAN then stand up for AMERICA.If you are muslim you belong in the mideast or where ever. AMERICA is, was, and will for ever be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. I applaud Lowes for their action. The butt sucking politicians have no business messing in private sector corporate business unless it would to be to stomp the home depot out of business for sucking up to the queers. AMERICA is a mess. What ever happened to good values and morals. Now the sickening people want to push their filth and corrupt values over on businesses.

I will be buying at least twice as much from Lowes this year due to your stance on the Islam propaganda TV show. As much business as I give Lowes every year, twice will be substantial.

I would like to thank Lowe's for their treatment of the Veterans and Military people of this country. I really dislike the way other companies use the Veterans and Military people of this country as a sales platform. The others use us as a sale pitch.They mention us as if they are really giving us something, Then there is always some sort of bump in the road that they can not give the discount. Lowe's advertises that military people, active or veterans can get a 10% discount on their purchases. Lowe's is the only large company that really does this without any strings attached. Simply show your proof and you get your discount. It is that simple. So I just want to say thank you Lowe's for really supporting the military people of this country. Rich Cataloni

I will be returning to Lowes now that they have pulled their ads in support of anything muslim. To support a religion that advocates killing anyone who doesn't believe in it, supports Shariah Law, treats women like slaves, and is a group disguised as a religion to further its political agenda, has no place in this western society that it hates so much. I think any organization that tries to force its beliefs/agendas on the American people, and then attacks them when they don't comply, has no place in this country and should be outlawed. My family and friends quit shopping at Lowes because of their support of “All-American Muslim” just as we boycott Home Depot for supporting everything homosexual and Butterball for blessing all of the slaughtered turkeys in the name of Islam's pagan moon god, Allah.

Lowes has its issues like any other store or business. Take it in stride and keep on shopping there. NO business this large, in any country, can survive without "some" issues" ..every business has them. As far as thier decision to pull their advertising from a show that didnt necessarily follow their line of thinking, i say good for them. Why doesnt Lowes have the same rights as everybody else. MANY of you just admitted and wrote about your decision NOT to shop at LOWES any longer...why do you have the right to pull your business from them but they dont have the right to pull their business from somewhere else? People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. I applaud Lowes for standing up and saying "No...we wont advertise there".

Lowe's has the right to spend their advertising dollars as they see fit. I support your right to do so 100%. I've never been to Lowe's without receiving excellent customer service as well.

I spent over $4,000.00 at Lowes in just the past 6 months and will never buy a nail from your company in the future. I just hope that I am not the only good customer that you loose.People should not do buisiness with a company that supports bigotry.

I for one applaud your decision to pull the advertisments from American Muslim. The Federal Government has no right to tell anyone in the free market what or who they can support and what they can't. That is the beauty of this counrty or at least it was, sadly we are becoming quite the oppisite. Again, I for one will stand by your decision as it is your RIGHT to advertise where you see fit

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