1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I for one applaud your decision to pull the advertisments from American Muslim. The Federal Government has no right to tell anyone in

About two years ago I took a retailing class for my fashion merchandising degree. We read a case study on Lowe's and my professor told us of her positive experiences shopping there. I convinced my mom to try shopping at Lowe's when we do work on her house. We both found our experiences with Lowe's very positive and until now, were exclusively shopping at Lowe's, even though a Home Depot is significantly closer to her house. Unfortunately, Lowe's has decided to listen to extremist groups and pulled their funding for the TLC's All-American Muslim, forcing us to now shop at Home Depot again. I do not want my money to support a company that puts extremist ideology above business and that displays such cowardice. I think Lowe's will find that those who do not fear Muslims or Islam actually make up a greater percentage of their sales than those to subscribe to fear-mongering and religious intolerance. and to those who feel that Islam is Un-American, I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken. The Founding Fathers (the actual ones, such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams etc) were very interested in Islam and very supportive of it. Please look it up. Religious INTOLERANCE is Un-American.

Thank you Lowes for taking a courageous stand to NOT advertise on the All American Muslim. This politically correctness will be the death of our nation. My preferred Lowe's in the North Hays County area has friendly associates and the store has quality merchandise. I recently bought a great energy saving freezer to replace an older energy guzzler. I plan to do MORE shopping at Lowe's and less at the other big box store.

I totally support the decision to pull the advertising by Lowes for the show American Muslim. As a privately owned company they are free to advertise with whom they choose and with programming they do not find offensive. I am distressed to read comments by those that do not appreciate that Lowes is "FREE" to advertise with whom they choose. I say shame on those that do not support this right, are we so intimidated by the CAIR organizations and Muslim sympathizers that we must appease them and their agenda to undermind what has made America great and that is the freedoms that we enjoy of individualism in this country. As a privately owned corporation that is not government owned or a company that took a bailout to stave off bankruptcy Lowes is free to spend their advertising capital as they wish.

SHAME ON YOU LOWES EXECUTIVES! Your RACIST decision to pull advertising on All American Muslim exemplifies the extreme double standard that exists in this country today towards total political correctness toward some groups while PROMOTING the continual denigration of Muslims. If any of you even bothered to watch the show, you would see that these people are honest, normal " Americans". A show like this will only encourage peace and tolerance. All American Muslim is a wonderful groudnbreaking show whose time has certainly come and Lowes would have been applauded for its forward thinking tolerant ideas. It is obvious though, there are some on your board who want only hatred and strife to continue. They appear to be stuck in small minded, petty fear and ignorance. America is a home to ALL, not only those who CERTAIN people deem worthy. Unless you reinstate advertising, I not only cannot shop with you but will make it a point to inform my friends about your blatant racist policies. I own a property management company that handles 118 properties and I have a commercial account with you. Sadly,as of today,I will be exclusively using Home Depot.

I am extremely taken back from Lowes pulling their commercials from the Discovery Channel/TLC's "All-American Muslim" after the Florida Family Assn. complained. I aways have shopped at Lowes but because of this bigoted, discriminatory and ignorant act, I will be spending my money at Home Depot. How can you (Lowes) bend to a hate organization such as the Florida Family Association. Shame Shame on you

I am unhappy that Lowe's pulled their advertising from all American Muslim. I probably won't watch the show but I consider this cowardice to the nth degree. All that baloney about boycotts- I bet it will hurt just as much when the Muslims and those that appreciate religious freedom and that this country allows all of us to live the life we want here as long as we don't hurt others. Shame on you! I used to like you better that HD but I think I will buy my stuff there now

Hey. I am a Muslim American who used to shop at your store. Apparently some Christian Extremists can tell you that I am unacceptable. Good to know. Me and my 500 apartments that I buy for will gladly go to home depot. Thanks for letting me know that you find me and my family all so scary for you "REAL Americans". You certainly live up to YOUR stereotype...addle brained Christian racist southerners.

I too must object to the "override" policy for military patrons that Lowes has adopted. The continuous calls for someone to perform the override function is ridiculous. Lowes makes it such a problem in line for you that you just want to say "forget about it"...Well, I want my 10% discount. Don't offer it if you don't want to give it. When the objection is raised, you just get the shrugged shoulders, or someone who wants to argue about the company policy. The great thing is that we have choices. There is a Home Depot right across the street, and we don't have that problem there. They appreciate their military customers. We will be shopping there from now on. Enough is enough.

The action to cancel the "American Muslin Experience" is cowardly. We lived in ignorance before 911 and we continue to do so. What is the mater? Are w so narrow minded that we can't learn about their viewpoint? Besides, it is about the "All American Muslin". I will never shop at Lowes again as they suppress anything that is within the Neo-Con Christian position. Shame on you!

I strongly object to your "override" policy to require a supervisor to validate military ID's. I have shopped at Lowes 4 times since this policy was activated. I feel it is inflamatory, abusive and discriminatory. Each time I was required to wait a minimum of five to ten minites for a supervisor to appear to approve my purchase. This happened all four times in your nursery section. The worst episode, The cashier had to make ten calls to find a supervisor with three customers standing behind me. I was imbearised and they were unjhappy for the wait. Please stop discriminating against the military and recind this policy immediately


The Lowes president is a piece of junk! He is rude and never gets back to customers issues that are addressed to him. Lowes Home Improvement is under a new CEO now. The old one was kind and cared about the reputation of the business but, has retired. Now sad to say, the employees are having to work for a sleeze bag that only cares about pointing his finger beind a wooden desk and eating donuts all day.

Last week I bought 2 sets of net lights for my bushes outside. Less then 1 wk later ! net nolonger worked. I went to Lowes to exchange it. They no longer have them in their store or any others in my area and are notr getting another shipment.Why? It's the end of the season. Are you kidding? they should keep supplies until after Xmas so customers can excange anything that fails. Home Depot is the same . These companies say the stand behind any product they sell and will exchange it. Well how can they when they do not keep things in stock for a reasonable amount of time after the product is bought and being used. It has been a huge waste of my time. I still have to take down the other set and return that since I need 2. This is the last time I buy anything "seasonal" from Lowes unless the change their policy.

I was extremley satisfied with the help I received @ The LOWES in Vallejo Ca. Since there is a Home Depot about a half mile from there, we decided to go there first, in order to purchase some plumbing supplies. After waiting for ANY sort of help after 20 mins. we left and and decided to give LOWES a shot. To our surprise, we were greeted kindly by one of their associates whom was named "Al" and, his sense of humor and plumbing knowledge, endeared us to him. He corrected us on some of our parts list and had us BOTH laughing at just about everything that was happening around us,(politics,sports,government)etc. He took the time to show us the different types of copper pipes and fittings, aswell as what the colored markings on the copper pipes meant. Where ever the found "Al", they should go back and hire MORE of them. I'm not trying to say that you'll find excellent service in ANY Retail service job. That would be ridiculous, BUT, If your ever out in Vallejo Ca, and you need or have any plumbing questions, ask for this GUY! I will not BS anyone reading this. See for yourselves! Thanks!!!

My kitchen, bathroom and basement was completed using Lowe's product. They have just lost a good customer. Long story short, I had a problem with a Whirlpool range that I purchased from Lowes. After 3 different repair companys, 7 ordered parts and 8 visits,I wrote the president of Lowes and Whirlpool. Never heard from the president of Lowes, but I did get a response from the executive office of Whirlpool. Guess is who no longer a Lowes. Oven on the range stop working in 14 August, I finally got a new stove November 11, 2011. I went on my Facebook page and urged folks not to shop Lowes.

I am a loyal Lowes customer and asked to speak with the District manager in the Corpus Christi area. Her name is Maribel. It was a real surprise to me on how unprofessional and bad her english is. Seriously Lowes, come on promote someone with better speaking skills. I could hardly understand her. I ended up speaking to another manager later and got helped way better.

My husband works for Lowe's he is a manager and he loves his job, he has giving several years to this company and has only taken one count them one sick day in several years. He is a dedicated worker always there on time never calls in and always on top of his respectability. He goes in on his days off to make sure his customers get help and or what he has promised them. We have really enjoyed his employment at his store, however this past few months we are really starting to feel like his hard work is for not. Corporate you want your employee's to do it all and much more you are now threatening there jobs because of a lack of (pse leads) really we can do everything talk to customers ask them try to talk them into this free help but when you are turned down that is it you can not beg and plead or hold a gun to there heads. You are going to lose a lot of good employees over something they have no control over. Weather you write them up and the potentially lose their jobs or they get scared because of the threat and start looking for new jobs and leave. I have to say that if my husband loses his job over this I hope you are ready for the type of hell that will be brought upon you. I hope you are ready to prove that a retail store is able to fire an employee due to not being able to make someone get something for free. And lets be real it is Christmas time do you really think People are interested in getting their homes remodeled no! They are more interested in buying gifts for friends and family co-workers etc. Back off your employees becasue sooner or later all you are going to end with is teenagers that don't want to work and you customer service is going to go in the crapper!

We were victims of Hurricane Irene and among the many things we lost were our washing machine and dryer. We went to Lowes in early September and bought a new washer and dryer. Within 1 week, the washing machine began giving us problems. We called Lowes and they gave us a number for A&E to have it serviced. The tech came out and warned us not to plug it in because it was a fire hazard as it contained exposed wiring within the washing machine. He then ordered more than 20 parts and said to call him when they were all in so he could fix it. It has been weeks and we have received around 14 parts so far. I called lowes back and asked that they replace the machine because in replacing 20-something parts it would now be a refurbished machine and not a new one which is what I paid for. They said I needed to call A&E for that decision to be made. I called A&E again and was told that they'd come back to my home on 12/14/11 to "have another look at it". To top it off, everytime I call I am treated like I'm being a pain in the ass! I just want to use what I bought. This is a coin operated machine so I am losing money because my tenants are now using a laundrymat and I am spending a fortune at the laundrymat as well as every Sunday morning! At this point, I dont want the new machine either, I just want my money back. The one that was damaged in the flood was bought at a mom and pop appliance store, I spent a little more on the machine but the quality of customer service was well worth it. I will NEVER shop at Lowes again.... not even to have a key made!

NO customer service at all!! very Poor! I can wait on the line for hours before anyone at "fax and pull" picks up. I will never recommend Lowe's to any of my international customers. Just terrible.

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