1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

As a stock holder and (now former) customer I'm appalled that Lowes cancelled a show about Muslim Americans due to "dozens" of complaints. I will NEVER shop alt Lowes, will retun all of my re net purchases for refunds and voice my con Ernst at the next Stockholm meeting. This is America, the land of religious freedom, the country my family fought in wars to protect. RACISTS!!!!

I am very happy with the customer support I get at the Lowes in Columbus, Ohio. I am also very supportive of your choice to stand behind your decision to pull your adds from the american muslim show on TLC.

What happened to fair and balanced reporting. I see all kinds of blogs on here bashing Lowes for pulling their ad but the one I submitted supporting it was omitted. Thank you for respecting my freedom of speech!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for pulling your ads for this 'American Muslim' show. If this show were 'American Jew' or 'American Christian' everybody would be screaming about that. Those words American and Muslim are an oxymoron as Muslims are Muslims are first. It was an act of bravery because you will get flack from all the bleeding hearts who want to make everybody equal when they are not. Muslims do not have equal values and have been our enemy since Thomas Jefferson refused to pay them ransom and sent Marines to Tripoli. Apparently nobody reads the Quran before posting. Muslims think all sorts of evils are just fine. Do some research. This action will make us go to Lowe's more, not less. Thanks for having a backbone in a very silly climate. My son is a dead Marine and yes, we have one of those folded flags in his old bedroom. The show is an insult and all those for it should be ashamed.

Shame on you! You are a ignorant corporation that is cowardly caving in to the "real" scary sector of America, the right wing conservative extremists. I will never shop at your store again. And I am not a Muslim. I am the mother of a Marine that fought in Iraq to try and protect all religious freedoms here and abroad. But you can't fix stupid and you fall into that category.

ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL THAT LOWES WOULD PULL ADVERTISING FROM A MILD REALITY SHOW THAT SEEKS TO REDUCE STEREOTYPES and reduce absurd, unfounded fears about someone based on religion. Lowes would be better served by not advertising on a show like Jersey shore which reinforces stereotypes. I am now going to boycott the store which is less than 1 mile from my home and which I frequently used.

Shame, shame, shame on you Lowes for pulling your ads from the Muslim show! I can only deduce that you don't believe in our Constitution and freedom of religion. Wow I never thought I would live to see this day. I will never shop at you stores again.

For many years I have been a devoted customer of Lowes. However, because your company has stopped advertising on TLC's "All-American Muslim", I will no longer shop at Lowes ever again. I know this won't hurt you very much. I do sincerley hope that millions of others like myself will also refrain from purchasing products at Lowes stores.

have been using u for many years. KUDOS for pulling ur ads on American Muslim. I just heard about this on the am news. what is wrong with this country, thanks Lowes. I have had excellent service from your local store. Try to buy more american made products.

I fully agree with the choice of Lowe's to drop advertising for All American Muslim. I assume TLC was trying to educate us about Islam and the Muslim culture, and they failed miserably. First off, the poor woman who is trying to open a nightclub! Everyone is against her for trying to start a legitimate business! Maybe her family should back off or try and support her. Was America not built by small business owners? Second of all, the Deerborn football team practicing from 10pm to 5am, does Deerborn not have curfew laws? Allowing those young athletes to play a football game without being able to drink water is absurd! If one of those kids collapsed of dehydration, would TLC have filmed that as well? Thirdly, (and thank goodness Lowe's isn't a pet store) Jeff and Shadia gave up Jeff's 16yr old beagle! This poor guy converted to Islam because it is improper or not allowed for a female Muslim to marry a Christian. He and his family embraced the Muslim culture! Isn't it religious intolerance for a family to not allow their daughter to marry a Christian! Jeff embraced a whole new culture for Shadia. She said her allergies were the issue, well deal with it, marriage is about compromise. Furthermore,the show made it very clear that Muslims were not dog friendly and that they are looked upon as unclean! Watching Jeff in tears leaving his best friend of 16 years, broke my heart! Did God not create dogs? Did Shadia not know Jeff had a dog when she married him? I am glad Lowe's dropped the show, I would not want to be affiliated with these individuals either!

I want to congratulate Lowes for making a decision that is not politically correct and pulling their advertising from American Muslim. People can show their hate for Lowes for this decision, but the last time I looked this is still the United States of America and a business is entitled to spend their advertising dollars where they feel it will best suit them. It is time for this country to quit letting minority voices control what we are about. We are a country based on freedom. You are free to disagree with my point and I support you in that, but it is Lowes freedom to make a BUSINESS decision and as a free people we should support that as well! Most of the comment say Lowes decision was racially motivated, really! That card is really getting old. It's time for minority groups to find another card to play.

Only good experience with Lowes. The 10% military discount is given in appreciation of the men & women who risked their lives for YOU. If you had your butt shot at overseas, protecting a bunch of loud mouthed, ignorant, politically correct people with brain freeze, you should have a discount. A lot of people were drafted or volunteered and did NOT head for Canada. Their consolation prize for doing the honorable and legally required "duty" was to go to Vietnam! AREN'T YOU JEALOUS? As for "Muslims in America",companies have the right to advertise on any shows they choose. I believe terrorists are mentally sick & disgusting, the worst of them are those "born in the USA". Why would Americans join terrorist groups? Once, we would say they were nuts or their head wasn't screwed on straight. Now some would say they were misguided or some other lame excuse since nobody is responsible for their own actions. Thank you Lowes for the 10% discount!! Remember, 1. The USA was founded as a CHRISTIAN NATION 2. Don't believe everything you see on TV 3.Think for yourself 4. Not everybody is loveable.

As an officer in the United States Air Force I applaud Lowe's actions when they pulled their adds from the islamic propaganda show "All American Mulsim" (which by the way is an oxymoron). While I do not shop at Lowe's I will make an attempt to shop there now to support their right to pull their advertising adds from running along side the enemy propaganda machine.

My rating of poor is related to the chains lack of civil responsibility and political decision to pull advertisement on TLC due to bigotry. This is America. Real tired of corporate arrogance, greed and right wing fear mongering toward a minority group. Will not buy from Lowe's and encourage all my friends to shop anywhere else. We vote w/our pocketbooks. Who needs em...perhaps a fascist country would be a better fit to peddle fundamentalist hate...America has no place for it. WWII was fought and won to end Nazi methodologies and this has got to stop, now! Play your political games somewhere else. *Just read some other reviews...good Lord, does Lowe's do anything right? "Pathetic, greedy, poor employer, shoddy crap, shoddy service" to quote a few. How are these yo yo's in business? F em.

The rating should have been a FAT ZERO,cowards!,meekly giving in to these evil bigots.I thought that the TLC show was interesting&informative and certainly not PROPAGANDA. Henceforth will shun Lowes to the max!.My washer&dryer will need replacing soon,but I'll head for SEARS,you can count on that and I'll check out Home Depot too

I fully support your decision to pull advertising from the American Muslin reality show. It takes a lot of courage to be right when it is not politically correct. Lowe's is my favorite home improvement store and even though it is not the closest to my home, I will only be shopping there in the future. Ken Stewart

As an Evangelical Christian I will say my piece about the program pertaining to the Muslim community. First, a Christian is not to hate anybody and I do not know one who does. However, we do get upset whenever a company promotes something that is not right. I think it is fine to show Muslims culture/law if it is done correctly. Most Muslims just want to live their lives in peace like the rest of us. BUT, there is a religion involved whose background, history, and religious writings do not promote peace and 'get along with everybody' EX: Middle East and different groups within IRAQ and IRAN. Religious freedom is not tolerated in most Muslim dominated countries. Christians cannot openly worship in Saudia Arabia, Iran, or most Muslim dominated countries,,there may be a few. Read the news about what happens to Christians in that part of the world. It is good to learn about other cultures and show TV shows about them. I would believe there were some very good people shown in the program. BUT, one must also include all the truth (good and bad)about those cultures that have a history of violence. The bad in Muslim culture/law must be exposed and not covered over. SO, Lowes did good to stop sponsoring a program that did not present all the truths that needed to be told. Lastly, I ask everyone to try and learn each other and become friends, thanks.

Way to go for supporting a fringe hate group which represents the bottom feeders of American society. I can get just as good home repair materials from home depot or wal-mart and will take my business there, at least I know all people are welcome there. Unless you fire the people who made this retarded decision and make a public apology;I or my friends, family, and neighbors will never shop at Lowes again.

Way to go .... You have to do what you think is right. Do you think you would have been as harshly criticized if Lowes would had pulled their ads from a christian show. Not likely, and everyone knows it! I will continue to support Lowes, as I always have. Freedom is a choice...and you are entitled to that choice, not everyone will like it, no matter what that choice is!!

Thank you for not supporting an obvious attempt to spread a false impression that Islam and American values can magically co-exist. Islam is a global theocracy with one goal. Global domination, which means America must submit to or die according to the quran.Personally I haven't shopped at Lowes much, but from now on I will shop there instead of The Home Depot. And as far as the racist claims.......isn't it funny that Muslims call Christians extreme racist for wanting to preserve our way of life but its not a problem for Muslims to saw off the heads of our solders on TV,kill their relatives for honor should they choose to leave Islam and now Muslim Cleric's are Warning that Cucumbers are Too Sexy for Women. So thank you Lowes for supporting the values of this nation as opposed to the values of the nation of Islam.

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