1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

There is a lovely Lowes store here in Henderson, NV that will never get my hard earned money again. While most of Americans are interested in learning about other religions and people, you let a redneck group in Florida tell you what shows to sponsor. Who is running your organization???? At a meeting at my community clubhouse we discussed the decision you've made by not sponsoring this show about Muslims and most of the people attending this meeting will no longer be shopping at Lowes. I am an Episcopalian and am ashamed that in 2011 such ignorant decisions are still being made about one's religion. Go in to any hospital in America and you will see how many Muslim doctors and nurses are on staff, just raising their families in a peaceful way the rest of us are. Speaking of doctors, I wonder how many corporations will fail to sponsor Dr. Oz's show...or is he the token Muslim??? Am actually surprised about your ignorant/dumb decision and we have a lovely Home Depot here in Henderson, NV where my husband and I will shop from now on.


Love shopping at Lowe's. Planning to pay off my credit card, cancel it, never step in the store again and do my best to get my friends and neighbors to do the same. Reason: because Lowe's pulled adds on the New American Muslim TLC tv show. I don't have any love for Muslims and probably will never watch the show but programing like this is needed to help with the increasing racisim in my country. This country was founded largely due to religous persicution. For what its worth. I'm a 53 yr old white male who is retired from the US military and now builds houses. Bye bye racists.

I am not a Muslim, but I am an AMERICAN, as are the people in the show American Muslim. I have shopped at Lowes for all of my home improvement needs up until now. Let it be known that I will never step a foot into one of your stores and will lobby to everyone I know to NOT by so much as a stick of gum from this un-American corporation. I am investigating now, which tv shows Lowes sponsors and will be writing these networks to tell them that I will not be watching their network until Lowes is no longer a sponsor.. You did this to yourselves and you deserve every single bit of it. You should be ashamed of yourself..

Shame on you Lowe's for pulling advertising due to the beliefs of religious extremists. Muslims in this country tend to be very successful people. They work hard, follow the law and contribute to society. I know plenty of Muslim business owners who will no longer use your stores. I will no longer shop there and will encouraged everyone I know to go elsewhere. This country was founded by people trying to escape religious persecution. Not all Muslims are terrorists, there are extremists in every religion. All of the muslims that I know are very peaceful and live clean lives. Choosing to pull advertising reinforces the misconception that all Muslims are terrible people. Tell that to our 7 year old little girl.

Thank You Lowes for taking a stand and pulling your backing of the All American Muslem show. Anyone who thinks that it was a cowardly act clearly doesn't understand the meaning of the word. We now live in a country where an individual, group, or corporation that takes a stand for their personal beliefs is berated and called a coward by those who despise the American traditional values that us great. I will continue to shop at Lowes in support of their commitment to their values. Merry Christmas & God Bless !

i have been a lowes customer for the past 20 years, having regularly visited the store and purchased its products on a weekly basis.However, after the co's recent gutless display of cowardness and pandering to a small group of so-called religious,hate mongers and bigots disguised as Christians, I will never set foot in a lowes store again and I will encourge others to do the same.How narrow minded and hateful can these people be! It make you wander what values they're teaching their childen i.e. hate and avoid anyone who looks different from you!Sounds a lot like the KKK who also cite the Bible as the sourse of their fanatical rantings or the "religious" group who demonstrates at military funerals.What is wrong with the so-called leaders at lowes?I hope you are proud of your support of bigotry.Christians indeed!!!!

Due to your recent cancellation of your advertising for the wonderful and enlightening and educational t.v. program All-American Muslim, I am canceling my support for your store. I will never shop at Lowe's again. You caved to the pressure of ignorant bigots, so let them shop there. The rest of us, True Christians, Jews, Muslims and Atheists will go elsewhere. Then you will see who is the real threat to democracy and capitalism! Peggy Levison

I have always appreciated the high quality products and service at the Lowes in Albuqurque. However, I am very upset that you withdrew your ad from the Muslim show and gave in to intolerance. Apparently you have cast your vote with the "All Muslims are fanatics" crowd. I regret you lack the courage and integrity to stand for educating oneself about different religious groups. I am boycotting Lowes.

Lowe's you should stand for the Right and not bow to the wrong. This will destroy our democratic country. Please rethink your strategy, as I have never seen anyone who stands for rightness fall down in a long term.

Now that you've pulled your advertising from American Muslim what's next;strip searches,racial profiling,proof of citizenship? Did I leave something out? How about separate water fountains and restroom facilities? It's a shame you pander to the lowest denominator in our society. I used to prefer Lowes over Home Depot but no more.

Shame on you! Giving in to a bunch of bigoted "christian" idiots! I have found that Fundamentalists Christians are far more dangerous to this country than Muslims ever will be...Timothy McVey-Oklahoma City Bomber, enough said!! Home Depot will be glad to assist me with my needs!

Shame on you Lowes!! You have lost my business and along with any person that believes in freedom of religion. This beautiful country was built on the fact that anyone can live here peacefully no matter what their religious beliefs are. Your ignorance has given power to the radicals that hate this great nation and what it stands for. Are you that weak that you think a harmless show that depicts normal Americans living normal lives is going to harm us? What you are doing is unconstitutional because you are fearful. The saying ignorance breeds fear is true in your case. Your decision makers should be kicked out of this free land. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

I will only shop at Lowes from now on for my home improvement needs. I totally back Lowe's right to spend their advertisement dollars wherever they choose. The real bigots out there are the ones who are offended and mad that Lowes is exercising their American rights. Hey, it's a free country we live in, at least for now. If you don't like something they have done, don't buy from them its that simple. But we know that if this is the reason you choose not to buy from them, your the bigot not them!

Thank you Lowes for pulling your adds from the American Muslim TV show. We are sick and tired of being force fed all this muslim crap especially from our president. The show is meant to de-sensitize America regarding radical Islam. Stick to your guns. You will not catch me or any of my family near a Home Depot.

Although I do not watch "reality" shows, nor am I Muslim, your withdrawal of sponsorship of American Muslim Experience is shockingly bigoted. We have shopped at the Ventura CA Lowes since it was built, but will be taking our business elsewhere unless you rectify this wrong. America has long accepted people of different races, religions, and cultures. When you imply some Americans do not deserve these rights, you are pandering to a scary small percentage who would hoist their beliefs on all of us. Please rethink this reactionary, partisan decision.

I actually support Lowe's for pulling their advertising from "All American Muslim". Lowe’s Home Improvement made a lawful business decision to end its advertising on TLC’s TV show, “All-American Muslim.” The available evidence is that Lowe’s did so because the show’s ratings had tanked so badly it hardly had any viewers. It’s not uncommon for businesses to stop advertising on shows with low ratings. There there is no reason to be upset over this!!!!

I shopped at Home Dept and sometimes Lowes. I will now only shop at your store for your bravery. I want to say bravo for taking a stand. Islam is only peaceful when in the minority but if they became the majority watch out all that are not Muslims. Time after time they will say one thing and mean another. After 9-11 I read the Quran and thought to myself, no wonder they attacked us. People need to wake up because whether anyone really wants to realize this or not Islam is at war with the West. Look what the mid east countries teach about America...they teach there kids to hate Americans. So I will do all my shopping at Lowes.

Dear Ms. Carol Ahearn, VP at Lowes, As a customer of Lowe's who just recently had a vanity renovation done with Lowe's products and services, I am writing to let you know that I am extremely disappointed that Lowe's has taken a 'political' stance in regards to a TLC program called "All American Muslim." We have done a few home projects with Lowe's, which I have always thought of as an All-American type store, meaning one that does not discriminate or promote a particular belief or politics - a store that is neutral but all-encompassing in it's support of ALL Americans. I actually watched the TV show "All American Muslim" and it's a very well done show that features a particular area in one of our states where there is a large population of Muslims residing. Have you actually watched "All American Muslim?" They work, pay taxes, go to school, have marital and family issues just like any other group in America does. The show is done to educate us that not all Muslims are fanatics or religious-extremists, just as not all Germans are like Hitler. It is very unfortunate that Lowe's has made such a public stance in this regard. We have many more home project needs in our future, and while I have enjoyed a business relationship with Lowe's in the past, this kind of stance will definitely cause me to shop elsewhere. I saw a clip on TV where you actually said, and I quote: "...our decision was not political, it was not social in any way. We just knew that it was a controversial program and we wanted to reach consumers, and a controversial program is not a great place to do that." Have you at all considered that TLC has many other shows which can be labeled as 'controversial' such as "Toddlers and Tiaras," "Sister Wives," and "Virgin Diaries." I think that discriminating against "All American Muslims" (or Muslims in general) is not a great way to "reach consumers," especially since I am a consumer and my belief is that businesses who discriminate, in any way towards anyone for any reason, do not deserve my business. By the way I'm not a Muslim, I am not a Polygamist and I do not have a toddler in beauty competitions….I am merely a consumer who thinks Lowe's is absolutely wrong in this particular matter.

Re: American Muslim Experience Several years ago I was in Munich. The conversation around concetration camps revolved around how did the Germans allow this to happen. Lowe's action in the case of "American Muslim Experience" is exactly how it happened. The willingness to barter the safety/dignity of minorities to maintain peace with zealots.

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