1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I stand behind loews fully and their decision to pull advertising from all american muslim. Its a private company and they can do what they want. You rock lowe's The show does not tell the truth about their life as muslims.

I'm a white Catholic in Southern California, and I have to say you've fatally disappointed me! Nice job for pulling your advertising from American Muslim, not because the show is boring or not doing well, but because of pressure from a right-wing "Christian" hate posse (with zero political influence) that's trying to spread Islamaphobia and create a new target for scapegoating in the United States. I have always shopped at Lowe's Hardware. I will now be exclusively shopping at Home Depot, as will many of my friends. No referrals to you, no suggestions, and only bad reports will I field about your company. Hopefully, you experience really poor sales because of it. I'd like to think that if I can convince anyone not shop there for even one purchase then I've done the right thing.

As a contracting company who has been dealing with Lowe's for quite a few years - we just wanted to let everyone at Lowe's know we wholeheartedly support your decision to pull your advertising from The American Muslim TV series.

After reading all of the complaints and comments I just have to remind all of you that you have the freedom to spend your money anywhere you want to. You may have valid complaints and Lowe's should address them, however..........consider what you would say if you were told that Lowe's is the only place you could shop? Did you all know that Muslim's are calling Lowe' decision to pull their advertisements from a Muslim reality show a crime and there are politicians threatening a lawsuit! In the United States of America this is outrageous conduct contrary to the Constitutional rights of all of us. I support Lowe's 100% with exercising their right to spend their advertising dollars wherever they choose. Everyone should be glad that a large corp had the courage to stand up against this attack against our freedoms.

I have always purchased my appliances at Lowes as well as home supplies. I am really disgusted at the goofy political move to remove your ad from a TV show about American Muslims. I am not a Muslim, but I do believe in religious freedom. If you pulled an ad from a Jewish TV show you would be vilified. But somehow it is okay to treat Muslims badly. Shame on you. Christians do not own this country - and I am one. I love the diversity of America! You made a big boo boo on this one Lowes. I will miss your store but am boycotting it for the sake of justice.

I have a commercial account at Lowe's and appreciate the strong family values that they espouse. From your stand on homosexuality to pulling your add from the muslim program, I appreciate what you are doing and will continue to buy from your company.

I am disappointed in Lowe's decision to pull their ads from the All American Muslim show. I was a loyal customer and now I will no longer shop at Lowe's. Isn't America the place that fought for religious freedom? Well I still believe in that and can't support any company that doesn't stand for the values of our country. Home Depot here I come!!!

i am a business man an i must say ive never seen so many people that you just cant please. no matter what you do that will never change.please stand firm the american people are behind you 100% AS ALWAYS STILL A LOWES CUSTOMER

Your decision to pull advertising from the TLC show is ignorant and so appalling, shocking and overall dumb that I will no longer buy from your store and I will be sure to tell everyone I know to do the same.  We live in America where we are free and we were found on the principle of respect for religious freedom and to throw your hat In the ring of religious intolerance is so ignorant and so pollutant to your corporate image I am shocked that it's worth the effort it took to pull an ad? Is the Florida family association of bullshit worth losing customers???!!! You really take them seriously? An organization that believes if you are Muslim you are an extremist?  It's so shockingly stupid and anti-American that I wish I could do more to promote this poor and childish decision.  Btw I'm a small business owner/contractor who always thought highly of your stores.  I no longer do.  Richard. 

As a 3 tour combat Vet with Special Operations,in Afghanistan and Iraq. I know first hand how the Muslim community feels about any Person from the United States, any "Christian" basically any non-Muslim is an Infidel and therefore worthy only of execution. Do Americans just not understand why there are no American or coalition forces prisoners of war.. All persons taken alive in those countries are tortured and then summarily executed!!! I wholeheartedly support the Lowes company for choosing not to endorse propaganda which only serves to promote a religion whose entire goal is to destroy our American based way of life. I will continue to support and patronize my local Lowes home improvement store.May God have mercy on this country.

Your decision to pull your advertising from the American Muslim show based on fear of retribution from a tiny, insignificant and radical group is the ultimate in cowardice and stupidity. Whoever made that decision should be fired. What an absolutely ridiculous move.

28,000+ complaints on Lowes Facebook page and what does lowly CEO Will Johnson do? Instead of addressing the concerns of the American public, he DELETES their comments! LOWES caving to rightwing hatred groups and agreeing to pull their ads is absolutely disgusting. Do you even know how many customers you've lost? DO YOU EVEN CARE ????????

up to now Lowe's has been my favorite store. your taking ads off the Muslim show is despicable. you have reduced the company to hitler-like ethnic/religious bigotry. i wonder how my doctor (Muslim from Iran)will feel about this?? even George W. Bush warned us NOT to take this kind of stance. i will NOT shop at Lowe's until you put your ads back on there AND apology to the Muslim community in America. this is pure HATE, de-humanizing a group of people. and no i am not Muslim, i am just another American who is sticking up for ALL of our people. you are painted them all with one brush, just as racists did with blacks, as Hitler did with Jews. i am totally disgusted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The decision to pull sponsorship from the TLC show "All American Muslim" is a disgrace. I will never shop at Lowe's again. Think about how illogical the argument against the show really is; it's like they're saying "My preconceived notion that all Muslims are terrorists is not perpetuated by this show, so I don't support it."

I have been shopping at Lowes for over 20 years. My wife, when we first married, refused to shop in your stores saying you were "sexists" and "treated women horribly". I finally talked her into going to your store instead of Home Depot. That's about to change again. I am hereby boycotting your stores. Pulling your advertising from a TV show about Muslims was childish and ignorant. I guess I should have expected that from a bunch of southern hillbillies. Goodbye, Lowes. Hello, Home Depot. I will be sure to tell my neighbors about my decision and encourage them to do the same.

Hi, I'm a multi-rental property owner in Maryland. Over the past 10 plus years, my family has spent (based on our business receipts) well over 75 K at Lowes. Guess what? That 75 plus K (between 5 to 10 K per year) is going elsewhere. Apparently, my money is just A OK with Lowes...but my RELIGION (and hardworking people very similar to myself...myself who has spent quite a bit of money at your store, I might add) is somehow controversial. Screw you. You're getting no more of my hard earned cash. And I want my money back...if WHO I AM is too controversial for you to advertise to, then obviously, you don't need my money. I want it back. ALL OF IT, pronto. OH, and...yeah, I'm never spending another drop of money in Lowes again, ever.

Lowes, please know the rude comments made about your store and pulling your ads from the muslim show are TROLLS who are disgruntled because you had the fortitude to stand up for what is right in this country! You are a GREAT STORE and have GREAT EMPLOYEES! I couldn't ask for better SERVICE! Just know that the vast majority of Americans applauds you for what you did when you pulled your ads from that show! We stand behind you and your bottom line will show that in the end! Just wait and see. THANK YOU for being the AMERICAN company you are! You will always have my utmost respect and all of my business (and many millions more)!! Always have, always will. God bless you!!!

Wow, I used to be a loyal Lowe's customer until they dropped their support of "American Muslim." I suggest that others boycott them as well until they apologize and reverse this bigoted decision.

To think that a corporation as big as yours would cave in to a bigoted, fear-baiting, hate-mongering group such as the Florida Family Association leaves me no other choice than to boycott your business. Furthermore, I will encourage my friends and family to do the same.

I am a General Contractor and have used Lowe's for 20 years now. I was sorry to see the old lumberyard concept go, but they had to compete with Home D...., so I suppose they had no choice. I applaud them taking action and removing their ads from the "Americam Muslim" show. They did the right thing and as a Christian I stand up in agreement.It sickens me to read all these negative reviews from Muslims who are offended by this, they don't even know their own religion.Coming from someone who has studied the koran, the muslim religion is a violent and unforgiving doctrine that allows no one the freedoms that America was founded on.Yes, we have freedom of religion, just like we have freedom of speech. This should allow Lowe's to advertise when and where they please, without complaints from those who do not believe in the very Religion this great country was founded upon.They actually stand up for their beliefs, unlike Home D.... who promotes gay rights and terminates those who open show their Christian beliefs. I no longer shop at HD and Lowe's gets all my business. They are a local(NC) company and still are proud to fly the American flag. I challenge everyone to study the Muslim doctrine in it's entirety and then decide whether you feel that it is right to belong to a religion that says that there religion is the only acceptable one and if you do not comply then you are an infidel and should be put to death.Great job Lowe's for standing up for our home and country!

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