1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

Shame on Lowes. This is no different to the pandering to special interest groups that robbed America of Christmas with politically correct nonsense. Why would Lowes listen to these fear mongering hate groups. It may be that a small minority of the American population applaud this nonsensical decision but fortunately most Americans are fair and just people - if they weren't we would have open bias and prejudice against many other groups - this is plainly a wrong decision by Lowes. Lowes job website talks of diversity in the work place- really. I won't be shopping there again

I live very close to a Lowe's in Jacksonville, Florida and frequent only that store for home improvement needs. I am disappointed with your decision to become involved in such a controversial issue, especially without researching the Florida Family Association first and recognizing their bigotry. Though I will miss your products, my core values lead me to boycott your store.

The decision made by Lowes is not only appropriate, but reasonable. The Muslim reality show is an attempt to do just what the Florida family association said it was. The reactions, as evidenced here by the comments, prove one thing: Some want apologies, some want revenge, some are organizing boycotts......all very fine and well. Those of us who love America and its Constitution, which consequently, is at odds with Islamic thought and tradition, also know history. Islam does not integrate with freedom nor Western ideals. Period. This controversy can only exist in a cauldron of extreme political correctness. Lowe's is right and will be shown to have responded with wisdom. Be careful and dont all for the "This country is built on religious freedom" charge. We all know that. Islam is not a religion. It is a political system; a thought/control ideology. I love Lowe's and the strength it has shown. Look what has happened to Home Depot (now becoming known as Homo Depot) as it continues to thumb its collective corporate nose at morality by giving huge amounts of money to promote the homosexual agenda. They are currently losing market share to Lowe's - a much improved home improvement company. Let's support them.

I wish to applaud Lowes for their decision to rescind all of their advertising from the "All American Moslem" program. It is hard to believe how any woman could support the koran and it's teachings. Women are little more than slaves, have no power and limited choices. Read the koan! It is the goal of Islam to rule the world at any cost. There is no "moderate" version of islam. The word as written by mohammed in the koran is "inviolate", and the punishment for apostasy is, quite simply, death. The koran also states that if any two items within the koran, its hadiths or suras should contradict another item, the item deemed to have come later in the timeline shall supersede the item it comes in conflict with. Since mohammed started out peacefully, but then turned into a bloody murderer, thief, rapist and pedophile ("married" his last wife, Aisha, when she was 10 and he was near 70) later on, all the peaceful things he wrote in the beginning of the koran, are abrogated by the later, violent verses (here comes a fatwa on my head). Go ahead, read some of the koran, the hadiths and the suras for yourselves. Read up on what Sharia law actually is..... did you know that Hitler stole the Yellow Jewish Star of David he forced the Jews to wear from centuries old sharia law? Look up the Laws of Dhimmitude. To have a TV show that attempts to portray this cult and its followers as just "plain old normal folks", is not only false and misleading, it is dangerous and threatens all of us. Thanks you for you action.

Shame on you LOW'S for pulling your ad from the TLC All American Muslim show. I used to shop at lows first and then go somewhere else, but now I know where not to shop. Your not only loosing Muslim customers rather loosing customers who will not support bigotts and haters. This is not about Christians or Muslims, this is about bigotry and hatred. This is about promoting peace or supporting extremism. You are on the wrong side, and soon you will tast the bitterness of your bigotry.

As concerned Americans and as your consumers, we at the ICCAA call for Lowes to reverse your decision and resume advertising during TLC's series, "All-American Muslim." While no television program can possibly fully represent an entire community, the portrayal of five American families in Dearborn, Michigan has deeply positive repercussions and results—reinforcing shared values of family, friendship, community, and coexistence that are universal to all of us—whether we are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, or of any other belief system represented in the United States. We ask that you work to stand up against the bigots of the anti-Islam/Islamophobia industry, whose most concerning complaint is that the show is intent on humanizing American Muslims—as though humanization were not an American value. These bigoted viewpoints do not represent the American mainstream. The visible aim of those who have threatened the show's supporters is to propagate hatred against fellow Americans because of their religious beliefs, while increasing the success of their own bigoted industries. Ultimately, it is these same critics who have often touted the question: "Where are the mainstream Muslims?" We believe that "All-American Muslim" portrays just that—mainstream American Muslims—and that these critics should celebrate an effort like this, not condemn it. Yet their reactions leave no more proof necessary of their actual, hate-mongering intentions. To date, Lowe's has been the only company that has allegedly caved in to bigoted pressure, going on record to state that it would not continue to advertise during "All-American Muslim" because the TV show "did not meet its advertiser guidelines. [Lowe's] will pull [its] advertising on shows if [it] learn[s] there are issues raised from a broad spectrum of customers and viewers who represent multiple perspectives, which Lowe's understands was the case in this situation with this particular show." And yet, it is unclear which "multiple perspectives" were represented in the complaints. Before your decision to pull spots from the TLC show, did your company properly research the bigoted groups that put out a call for an advertiser boycott of the show? The Florida Family Association falsely claimed the show "riskily hides the Islamic agenda's clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values." Did Lowe's consider asking this group how a show about regular American families (who happen to be Muslim) actually undermines the U.S. Constitution? A quick look at their website clearly shows their hate-driven anti-Muslim agenda. They are aligned with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer of the designated hate group "Stop the Islamization of America.” Calls for the advertiser boycott also came from Internet hate sites like "Bare Naked Islam," which recently featured a number of threats of violence targeting U.S. and European mosques. These groups and others acted swiftly to hijack the public platform created by the show, so that they could spew hatred of the most heinous and reprehensible kind against Muslims and Islam, all while selling books and speeches calling to their fringe cause. These are the same people who successfully attacked Whole Foods and Campbell's Soup for introducing a Halal line of products, targeted to practicing American Muslims, and whose bigoted activities are well-documented in a report published by the Center for American Progress titled "Fear, Inc." Lowe's Chairman Robert A. Niblock recently pointed out that "while leadership is always important, it's even more critical in challenging times." He was right. We ask that you show true leadership by ensuring that your company will not bow to the demands of any bigoted interests, but will instead defend our cherished American values of pluralism, respect, and prevention of discrimination based on race and religion, and an openness to learn about the other without the flawed industries of fear, hatred, and intimidation reigning over us as a society. I hope that by now, you recognize the irresponsibility of your actions. Besides creating a self-inflicted PR nightmare, your actions unleashed precisely the kind of widespread support for our values and for our Muslim neighbors that the Florida Family Association and other hate sites attempted to curtail. The public witnessed an outcry to your decision from a vast segment of Americans including well-known figures like Russell Simmons, Mia Farrow, Calif. Senator Ted Lieu, U.S. Congressmen Keith Ellison (Minnesota) and John Conyers (Michigan), the Japanese American Citizens League, comedian/actor Aasif Mandvi, and comedian / actor Kal Penn. And, more and more national figures and groups are speaking out against your company's actions with each passing day. We are your customers. Last year the ICCAA spent tens of thousands of dollars at Lowes in purchasing supplies for our new mosque. This mosque, when completed, will be the first and only mosque in the state of Alaska. It is our goal to have this mosque not only as a place of worship for Muslims, but also as a center for education, interfaith outreach and community. For Lowes to take sides with the hateful anti-Islam movement is like a slap in the face to all your Muslim customers. As concerned Americans and as your consumers, we request that you stand up for our American values, and fight back against bigotry and fear-mongering, by publicly repudiating calls to stop advertising during TLC's "All-American Muslim." It is still not too late to do the right thing.

I've only watched a single episode of American Muslims, but it is obviously a show that portrays Muslims as typical American citizens. shame on Lowes for bowing to pressure from groups that promote stereotyping and discrimination. I spent hundreds of dollars at Lowes, but hey there is a Home Depot right down the road so I have a choice to avoid a company with so little backbone.

roofing in PA at the carlisle store.717-258-7700 store 1710 i had the shingles replaced in the summer of 2009 as the first time it, was leaking- it leaked in two different places. Kay , who is now not there had quit, helped me with a second installer. Now it is leaking again. I AM STILL PAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE SECOND TIME WAS NO CHARGE. CAN LOWES DO ANYTHING CORRECT? I HAD PLACED AND PAID FOR THE WOOD UNDER THE SHINGLES THAT WERE BAD. now they are going to go bad again as it is leaking, shingles blowing off.. Put down rubber now as shingles are not working ! how can I afford this? I feel lowes needs to pay me $5,000.00 to get someone to do this correct. i do not have the money to do this again.......an again.an again. i had a contractor lookr at the roof last night 12-14-2011 whos said wrong shingles were used. WHAT ??? i cannot keep this up i need this done right..with rubber.

Others have said it for me!! Why did you back down from a radical group such as this one? What happens if they decide you should support programming about Jews? Mormons? Catholics? These types of groups will ALWAYS have a "enemy" of Christ standing by to persecute. Don't feed them! Ignore them! I will honor my wife's Lowe's account by making the payments as agreed. But, Home Depot and Ace Hardware are within 10 miles of the local store. They will be getting our money. At least until you remember your a American company and you accept that responsibility.

Lowes....I am a supporter of your AMERICAN RIGHT to decide on which television shows to advertise on not because I am anti-Muslim or pro-Christian, but because I am pro-American and have a little common sense when it comes to people's and company's rights. Nothing would have been said if you wanted to pull an ad from Jersey Shore's t.v. show or Top Chef. American people are very quick to forget anyway, which is why our government and politicians get away with so much corruption, as well as famous people acting a fool and still make millions such as Kanye West and Lindsey Lohan. Stay strong Lowes!

Excellent customer service and great selection. Long ago I worked for Eagle before they merged w/ Lowes, which also was the antithesis to the Home Depot model: no dark, dirty aisles strewn with crap. While price and selection are king, I'm going to Lowes.

Congratulations to you guys for doing what is the right thing. It's pathetic how organizations like CAIR, which is nothing more than a Muslim brotherhood front can even have the audacity to criticize you. I also heard that there is some California state senator who also made negative comments. I'll definitely want to know. Hopefully he is in my district so I'll make sure that I don’t vote for him. I probably wouldn't have anyway. Congratulations to you. Let's hope many other businesses stand up and take the right stand and take our country back. What a shame that we are reacting to stupid organizations which are blatantly Muslim fronts. I'll continue shopping at Lowe’s. Based upon your actions, I'm going to shop there more. Believe me, I spend a lot of money at your place already. Thank you. Ronald H. Semler Malibu, CA

Good for you Lowes. Capitalism is just one of the many American values I spent defending for the last 24 years. Also the freedom of speech, religion and most of all the freedom to spend my money where ever I want. What little money I am allowed to keep anyway, with the present administrations "rape the working man" policy. Wake up America! Or will you all only be satisfied when you give the whole thing away? So even though in my retirement I have take a pt job working for one of your competitors, I will still spend my money in your store. Please don't buckle to the "PC"ers. God Bless You and give you courage and great wealth in your values. Actually shopping at Lowes might be safer now with no Muslim patrinage?

good for you for standing up and not crumbling to pressure i for one admire that and i will continue to shop there as many other business pull there ad from the deception of the muslim community I will continue to be a valued shopper of your store huray for you

Thank you for pulling your support of TLC's American Muslim. Let me say this, according to islam muslims are not allowed to be loyal to anything but their allah...they cannot say they are American, Saudi, Iraqi, Syrian, etc...their allegiance cannot be to a country which is why you will hear them say...we are Muslim, we swear our allegiance only to allah. I have stopped shopping at Home Depot because of things they support that I am not in favor of, I will continue spending my money at Lowe's. You have a better selection and better customer service anyway. I would suggest that perhaps the money that muslims groups are rejecting that you have been trying to donate would better go to Americans who need the help and ISRAEL, our biggest and most faithful ally. God BLess You all and thank you for taking a stand against what islam truly stands for.

Here is the letter i tried to send to David Caton, head of the Florida Family Association. Unfortunately, i got a message that it could not be sent, likely due to their servers being inundated with messages: Dear David, I would like to congratulate you for amply demonstrating something that we in the Great White North have known for a very long time: that many Americans, especially those who subscribe to and support groups such as yours, are shockingly backward, racist and clearly just not very intelligent. I would also like to thank you for helping me to know the companies I should avoid when spending my consumer dollars. At the top of my list is Lowe's, which proved its utter lack of integrity in giving in to pressure from people who clearly lack even the most basic of cognitive and reasoning skills. Finally, I would like to thank you for providing endless opportunities for people like me to mock people like you, both in our blogs and in our conversations with our friends. Keep up your exciting work. I look forward to your next buffoonish campaign with great anticipation. P.S. I will be sending a copy of this letter to all of the feckless companies who have allowed themselves to be intimidated by the likes of you.

As a long time commercial customer at Lowes I'm very disappointed with the new policy asking customers to wait for every single item in their order to be individually scanned, regardless of the number or quantity. This happened this week on my large tile order, apparently new since I bought the same item twice three times within the last three weeks, no problem previously. Prepare to wait endlessly while your cashier un-stacks, searches for the barcode and laboriously scans each and every one, whether you have 16 or one hundred boxes. Before this they would forklift out the order and load it like any other intelligent lumber warehouse. Lowes obviously has no problem wasting the commercial customers time. Time is money, Lowes, I'll be spending my time quickly picking up my order at a big orange store from now on.

It is very much within their rights as well as the right thing for Lowes to pull advertising from this misleading show regarding muslim life in america. It seems to me that even though muslims want to be part of the american experience [and very many are productive and wonderful, of course] they are mostly not willing to accept the tolerant nature of our country and embrace the freedoms granted to all of its citizens under the US Constitution; Sharia law is franky anti constitutional. Muslims must learn to be part of and not abrogate agiainst the very things that make this country great: liberty and freedom. The religious Islamists generally do not uphold these values and are literaly at war agianst them in favor of a new and expanded world wide caliphate under sharia. If muslims disagree and want jews and christians to flourish along with them than you have to wonder if they are really very good muslims? Certainly they would not be observant, at the least not paying attention and worse they are silent which, under the circumstances, is a form of acceptance. The so called "moderate" muslim voices need to speak out and prove that there really is a moderate, modern muslim population that is willing to reform the nonesense that permeates much of their world today and yes, a reformation is in order. Silencing muslim voices are wrong but speaking out aginst the parts of its pernicious nauture is, well, the christian thing to do. Accepting muslim tenenats as co equals to judeo christian values is not, in it's current state, a healthy alternative! Remember these 3 things for clarity: Jesus saves, Moses invests and Mohammed conquers.

TO ALL who are saying Lowes made the wrong move. SHAME ON YOU and how dare you call yourself American's if you don't like there choice then become a Muslim. I served this country in the u.s army i have seen this bs first hand what Lowes did I COMMEND THE HELL OUT OF LOWES for the move they have done that is why i joined the military. The country needs more people and companies like Lowes. Lowes keep up the good work as a Military Veteran THANK YOU.Thank you for making my service worth something.

Dear Lowes, I want to thank you for pulling your ad from TLC due to American mUSLIM. I was born in a mUSLIM country and so were my ancestors. As a Christian, we were and still are being killed and called filthy Christian's. You should see how they treat you in their countries and do not give you any rights. The Christian's, Jews and all other religions that were born in their countries know them very well and they can try to fool other American's but they don't fool us. Thank you for not supporting their agenda to put give more money to Hesbollah's to so in return to kill us. Again, thank you for not being "politically correct". May God bless you and I among everyone I know WILL support you.

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