1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

Lowe's, get some backbone. I'm very disappointed that you backed out of sponsorship of the Muslim reality TV show: that you bowed to right wing nutcase so called Christian. These people are christian innate only. Until I see a change in your behavior I will shop at local hardware or Home Depot. Think about it folks.

Did you read that Mia Farrow and Russell Simmons called for a boycott of Lowes for not supporting the "American Muslim" Show? I have an idea, let’s deport Mia Farrow and Russell Simmons to a Muslim country. I am sure Mia would love her new Burqa and being stoned to death for sleeping with Woody Allen. And, Russell Simmons is going to love being forced to pray in the streets several times a day or be put to death as in infidel. Well since we are a Christian Nation (Sorry Barack), lets do things our way. Lets just forgive Mia, Russell and all the Muslims that want to kill us, restrict the building of Christian Churches by order of death or even reading the Bible; buy everything you can from Lowes and encourage Lowes and the rest of our chosen vendors to support Christianity, America and American Made Products When Muslims openly refute Killing Christians, openly support universal respect of Christians, work to arrest Muslim Terrorist and mutually agree to the building of Churches and Mosques in every nation, then and only then will I encourage the support of any Muslim Mosque. Mark Kimball

Stick to your guns, Lowe's. That Islamic, communist, propaganda show is nothing more than that. Bravo Lowe's and stand tall. Lived among these hateful people, who are not tolerant of any other race, religion, etc. Lived in France for 8 years, and they burned our flag and danced in the streets in France the day of and the day after 9/11. They sneered and grinned with hate at me and told me that my country is doomed. Do not let idiots like Russell Simmons and the Hollywood commies beat you down. God Bless America and freedom of business in the private sector. What ever they are selling on this show is nothing but window dressing. They came here to destroy this country from within. One is already in the White House.

THANK YOU for pulling advertising for the muslim propaganda ~ It made the difference between our entire family continuing to shop at Lowe's and never stepping foot in one of the stores again. You have NO need to apologize to p/c fools, you did the RIGHT thing!

I love Lowe's -- and a BIG THANK YOU for your latest decision to pull the ads from the muslim show. Unless & UNTIL "mainstream" muslims DENOUNCE terrorism & THOSE WHO USE IT, until they RENOUNCE SHARIA & ALL THE UGLINESS IT ENTAILS -- I will continue to speak out against this political IDEOLOGY masquerading as "religion"! As a STAUNCH supporter of HUMAN RIGHTS, WOMEN's RIGHTS, GAY RIGHTS, and ANIMAL RIGHTS -- all of which are SEVERELY ABUSED UNDER ISLAM -- I cannot support the ISLAMIZATION of the West! Thank you LOWE'S for DEFENDING OUR FREEDOMS! THE POWER OF PRIDE! GO USA!

I have shopped at lowes for many years but from now on Home Depot will get my business. Why, because I think it was totally wrong that you backed off advertising for the show Muslims in America. This United States was build on freedom, freedom to say what we want, freedom to practice the religion we have faith in. We may not agree with how people express their faith but as an American citizen we have to respect that. I think you will see a backlash from this decision, to let a few right wing fanatics influence your decision is not true american. So sorry but it is no longer the blue box for me it will be the orange one. Don M

I am sickened that Lowes has succomed to pressure by bigots to remove their ads from television space during the All American Muslims show. I teach World Religions at a local college, and I hold a M.A. in Comparative Religion. I can tell you that this type of behavior is so antagonistic and cruel to the majority of wonderful Muslims in our country. I'm ashamed of your behavior, Lowes, and I will not shop from you until you not only put the ads back on but you also issue a clear apology to this community. We'll continue to just wash the dishes by hand for now.

THANK YOU for pulling your ads from the ridiculous "All-American Muslim" show. The poor ratings this show gets more than justifies the decision, since it has lost virtually all the share of viewers it had on the first show and does not even make the top 100 shows of the night! If this family, starring a woman who organizes a fund raising event for a terrorist front group that our Federal Government recognizes as being a terrorist front group, is "All-American" then we should start to worry. I don't think the family portrayed is typical, though, and a lot of my Muslim friends don't either. They don't like the show. I think that your company shows it is well run to not waste ad money on a show nobody cared to watch. Also, I think it's really wrong that Lowe's is singled out when a long list of sponsors did the same. Good for you, I will be sure to shop at Lowe's whenever I need to.

I am writing to commend you for pulling your advertising from American Muslim. This is still a free country and you have a right to make decissions that are in the best interest for your company and its reputation. My Family, Friends and myself will shop at Lowes and tell everyone we know of your courageous decision. That show is being put on to deceive the American public into thinking that their ways are compatable with ours. That they are just like us. They are not. The Karan is in complete opposition to our constitution and They would eventually like to replace it with Sheria Law. They are already trying to through our court system. The Muslim community is pouring millions of dollars into desensitizing the American public so they can accomplish their ajenda.

Thank you Lowe's for pulling your ads from the phoney, false and lying All American Muslim program. One of the Mulimette stars of the show hold fund raisers for those who are vowed to destroy Christians, Jews and the United States. Their geo-political philosophy that they pretend is a religion should be banned in the United Stats because of its violent intent and its goal to overthrow the United States. Muslims are an enemy of the United States, they should be treated as such.

Thank whoever is responsible for pulling your advertisements for "All American Muslim". I think alot of us have had the Muslim "card" shoved in our face for too long now! This is a very different world we live in now and I believe more caution should be used before backing certain things. I am sure that if people knew all that was going on in the background, they would be very afraid! I will continue to patronize Lowe's and will tell anyone who I know of what I have just written. May Lowe's pass through this dark time and come out victorious!

I have been shopping at Lowes for over 20 years. I am a Christian. I have Muslim friends who are certainly not terrorists and who follow the precepts of the Muslim religion as I follow the precepts of the Christian religion guiding us both to live loving and peaceful lives. As a corporation Lowes may choose to place their advertising dollars where they will. In turn I will choose where to place my home improvement dollars...and Lowes has helped me to narrow that choice. I will not be buying from Lowes and I invite others to quietly withdraw their financial support.

To whom it may concern, I have shopped at our local Lowes here in Bellingham, WA for several years and, for the most part, have found them to be helpful all the way around. It's not that things haven't gone wrong, but those things that did were always promptly taken care of. I now wish to applaud Lowes for their decision to rescind all of their advertising from the "All American Moslem" show. This shows that they understand that one of the basic tenants of islam (which means "submit" and not peace), is to, by whatever means neccessary, make the world submit to islam. Until the world is within Dar-al-islam (the house of islam), moslems are in a continuous state of Dar-al-Harb (house of war). There is no "moderate" version of islam. The word as written by mohammed in the koran is "inviolate", and the punishment for apostasy is, quite simply, death. The koran also states that if any two items within the koran, its hadiths or suras should contradict another item, the item deemed to have come later in the timeline shall supercede the item it comes in conflict with. Since mohammed started out peacefully, but then turned into a bloody murderer, thief, rapist and pedophile ("married" his last wife, Aisha, when she was 10 and he was near 70) later on, all the peaceful things he wrote in the beginning of the koran, are abrogated by the later, violent verses (here comes a fatwah on my head). Go ahead, read some of the koran, the hadiths and the surahs for yourselves. Read up on what Sharia law actually is..... did you know that Hitler stole the Yellow Jewish Star of David he forced the Jews to wear from centuries old sharia law? Look up the Laws of Dhimmitude. To have a TV show that attempts to portray this cult and its followers as just "plain old normal folks", is not only false and misleading, it is dangerous and threatens all of us. I will continue to patronize Lowes, and will encourage others to do so as well. Until islam has a reformation like Christianity did, it is our duty to expose islam for the evil cult that it currently is, and to teach of the threat it holds for all who fall under the "infidel" banner.

I won't be shopping Lowe's any more. I don't watch TV at all, let alone that reality Muslim TV show, but I oppose racism and sheep-like behavior. Lowe's, you are pathetic, un-American, and stink.

Dear Lowes, I do hope you read all of these comments. I am a Christian who lives in Oklahoma. I consider myself a middle of the road person, and I am astounded you chickened out on your advertising of All American Muslim. Really? Muslims are a huge part of American society, and live just about everywhere in the United States. They are as law abiding and honorable as any other group in our wonderful United States. Our country was founded on freedom of religion and diversity. Yet, as a major corporation in our country you have pulled your advertising of this fascinating show that depicts a portion of our society. Well, let me tell you, had you done this to another segment of society, you would likely have been stoned. This group is being stereotyped and it is ridiculous. Just because a group that has a bit of clout complained. Well, there are other groups out there, and people as well that will complain about this ridiculous decision. Once you make a decision you should take a stand, and stick with it. Perhaps someone will cancel your advertising, since your organization is wishy washy and weak. I am going to the competition, after years at your store. ByeBye.

While I have been in business for 38 years,,I have made a point to drive PAST your store due to the support of illegals by your company!! I have always driven the extra 6 miles to get to Menards!! However,That will now change !! THANK YOU for removing your adds supporting a tv show "PRAISING" those who would kill all americans, and destroy out country! The LIBERALISM and political correctness in this country are destroying our nation!! Your next step should be to remove the signs in spanish in your stores! THANK AGAIN!!!!

I'm so disappointed in and embarrassed for your company. All-American Muslim is a show that's meant to foster understanding of people who are different, and the first time some bigoted little peckerwoods pop their ugly beaks up and start squawking you actually validate them. Those nasty little people are to Christianity what the 9/11 terrorists are to Islam: our worst face, twisted by hatred. Places like Lowes should be helping people build their American dream, not pulling the welcome mat out from under them. How did your Muslim employees feel about that, btw?

I applaud you for pulling your ads from the reality show. A review below called it cowardice but I couldn't disagree more. What a brave act in today's "go along with society". I have always preferred Lowes but now will shop there exclusively. Thank you for standing up for values so important. For the ones that disagree, they are simply ignorant to the values and beliefs our country was based on. To these ignorant people,Please feel free to find another country that shares your beliefs and stop complaining about this one!In our wonderful country that is one of your rights. On another note, I cant believe some of the petty complaints people post on here. One of the most absurd is the "I'm a professional person and very intellangent" gentleman who applied for 3 different positions in 2 months and didn't get hired. ..."I didn't have no experience in that field'.."One week later I had anouther interview"..."I have a very clean background, I also go to college for Criminal Justice. That right there shows you that I got a clean record since I get Government Financial Aid and Loans to go to school."(Anybody who has ever received a student loan knows the only criteria for getting one is that you have never defaulted on one in the past) Sir, your letter speaks for itself.

I support pulling of the Ad. I love shopping at Lowe's. You have the right to have Ad's on any show you like. If you pull an Ad so be it. Why does it have to be about A so called religion. I don't see you or other companies putting Ad's for a Christian or Jewish show based show. Matter of fact those would not even be tolerated by the ashiest or Muslim and they would be all over any company that did have an Ad on them. So Best to stay neutral and not support any so called religious based show. Unless of course the owners of a said company are strongly of the same religion.

I was thrilled to see Lowes pull their advertisement from All American Muslim. How very brave of you. I now will shop only at Lowes and will will do so with pride. For the woman with 500 apartments who will now only shop at Home Depot, I say great, please pay those over inflated prices so you have to raise your rent and people wont be able to afford your rates in today's economic hardship. Then you will go under and maybe move back to a country that shares your views. America IS a country based on religious freedom...Christian religion. Curious why you gave Lowes 5 stars.....just saying

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