1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

Awesome that Lowe's has the "GUTS" to stand up and do what is right!My family & friends will definetely support Lowe's for having the courage to do what is right for America! "GREAT JOB EXECUTIVE"S" Hey Mr. "Shame on you Executives!" put your money where your mouth is Buddy! give everyone your "Company Name" Mr Bigshot, then we can see how many of your so called "Renter's" will leave your cock roach infested rentals because you want to support Anti-American CRAP. People like you are why Lowe's pulled the ad's Einstein, fanatic Anti-American idiot's that are bringing this country down, you are a joke my friend! Mr. "Shame on You" please give everyone your Company name if you have the "Gut's" GOD BLESS OUR TROOP'S & GOD BLESS AMERICA! Fatbob, Lowe's Supporter's GRAND JUNCTION COLORADO, USA

I am a teacher in Miami, FL. I have students from all economic and ethnic backgrounds. We are truly diverse community. The show American Muslim shows my students as they live their lives. This is how many American Muslims live. How can you pull support of a show that is attempting to broaden the minds of those too closed to seek out truth and understanding themselves. Many "Americans" would disagree with me, but this is NOT a Christian Country. It is a country with Freedom of Religion. A formal apology is in your future for the pain and suffering you have caused my Muslim students. Your action preaches ignorance and is completely "Un-American". Home Depot - here I come.

I agree with Rodney. This is a FREE COUNTRY! Lowe's has the RIGHT TO CHOOSE what they do with their ads. I support Lowe's in their decision and will continue to shop at Lowe's because I have the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE where I shop.

I fully respect your right to chose what programs you decide to sponsor. It is after all your money. It in no way makes you racist or bigotted. I make decisions every day how to spend my hard earned dollars, and I will never be guided by political correctness in that process.

I applaud you for pulling the ads from the Muslim television show. This is America. Thank you for standing up to what is right.Your still my favorite store . I read one person says they will switch to Home Depot.Thats ok, Lowes can survive without them.Home Depot, well if you can find someone to wait on you,good luck. Thanks again. Phil B Hot Springs ,Ar 71901

Dear Lowes - Thank you so much for standing up as an American and pulling your ads. As a business owner, you have the right to advertise when and where you want to. Because of 911, Americans have to be leary of anything that has muslim attached to it. If I were an american muslim, I would certainly change my label to something else. Don't worry about the small amount of people protesting your stores. What you did was right and there are a lot more people that respect what you did - than the "american muslims". I will be loyal to Lowes just for being American.

Thank you for having the backbone to pull your ad from the Muslim Show. I stand amazed that Americans would even think twice about your decision. America is a melting pot for all, but don't be so naive' that you don't see our enemies living among us. I will forever shop at Lowes. Thank you Lowes.

Bravo Lowes!!! I will ALWAYS shop at Lowes; unless you change your position on this issue. Please DO NOT let muslims (small caps intended) pressure you otherwise. This is THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!

I applaud Lowes in their decision to pull their ads from the All American Muslim show. The company has the right to place their ads where they feel it will benefit them the most. Last time I checked it was a free country. I have been a Lowes customer in the past and I must say that they will have all of my home improvement business. I congratulate you for standing up and not being the silent majority!

Thank you lowes for pulling your support from that muslim tv show!! Its time someone explain to them our country was based on the belief in god!Now I think if they want practice their religion is find but don't go protesting ours or our country!! I suggest you go to a muslim country where protest are a way of life. Again Thank Lowes!!!

When you read some of the comments here you might agree this is a great country but not a great people so what does that make us. From ex vets who claim to have fought for freedom then want to deny that to people they select for inequality back home. Then we have the fear mongering nuts who want to take our country back- whatever that means? Do they even know or is this just because they only listen to right wing pseudo news programs The point here however is that you cannot have free speech without protecting free speech - this means not muzzling expression or giving into wacko extremist threats to corporations who do not agree with their agenda. Lowes made a poor moral choice if they pulled an ad because of pressure from this silly group - where do we imagine this ends if fairness is set aside to please a few? Start taking your country back from that nonsense!

Thank You Lowe's for your choice of not advertising with " All American Muslim". Our business quit buying at Home Depot because of their stand on Homosexuality. We will continue to buy from you!

Hang in there, Lowes. You are right to choose the market you wish to reach. A community which tolerates members who terrorize, kill and threaten is probably NOT one which you need. Thank God someone has the courage to stand up by standing down. We support you 100%. We personally prefer not to shop with people whose vans may contain mechanisms to kill and mame and who plan to destroy our cities and neighborhoods rather than to live in peace. When they seriously reject those members of their religion who do not wish to contribute to America, we will be happy to continue to welcome them into our society.

Thank you for pulling your sponsorship for the TLC Muslim program. Three cheers for you. Those people don't want to acklimate to be Americans, they want to bring their country here and want us to be like them. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We would do well to remember the words of President George W. Bush in aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy: "Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslim. We respect the faith. We honor its traditions. Our enemy does not. Our enemy doesn't follow the great traditions of Islam. They've hijacked a great religion." I am a Christian who believes in freedom of religion. I'm very disappointed in your decision to pull your ads from my new favorite show 'All American Muslim'. Different or unknown doesn't equate to bad. Your action has only served to support hate & discrimination in this country. I don't feel comfortable shopping in your stores any longer. I ask that you reconsider your decision.

I was delighted when my son went to Lowes in San Jose to get the materials he needed for his BSA Eagle Project. We have a diverse Troop with Scouts from various ethnic backgrounds, and two of them are getting ready to start their Eagle Projects that, like my son's project, will require them to purchase building supplies, tools and materials. However, these two Eagle candidates happen to be Muslim. They epitomize the best that youth can aspire to be: community-oriented, hard-working students, with a great work ethic and high moral values: sort of what I expect All American Muslim to portray. You have a right to pull the sponsorship; I have the right to find another store with which to do business. And you've made it very much more difficult for us to assure these young men that things are getting better in America. It's a pity to see a great store like Lowes bow to such misguided and wrongheaded tactics.

I am an All-American Christian. In fact, my grandfather converted from Islam to Christianity. I am hear to tell you, Lowe's, how disappointed I am to see you cave into pressures from an extremist religious group that preaches hatred and intolerance towards anyone who is in any way different from them. I will not do business with Lowe's again.

Dear Lowe's, Please do not be cowed by people calling you 'racist' for pulling your advertising for the TLC program "American Muslim". Religion is not related to race: Someone's race is something they're born with. Religion (along with it's doctrine) is something you choose. Islam has several problems at this time in history. First, it has a severe PR problem with radical Islam, which it seems unwilling to address. And that unwillingness in itself is telling. Secondly -- and this is very important -- Islam and Sharia law is incompatible with the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States: The free exercise of Islam requires Sharia law, but Sharia law violates the establishment clause. It's a Catch-22. Islam needs to experience the same Reformation and The Enlightenment that revolutionized Christianity and Judaism, that gave rise to modern Western Civilization. Until that happens, we will continue to experience a violent culture clash. There is nothing to be gained by stirring the pot.

Lowes did the right thing by dropping its sponsorship of "All-American Muslim" which would be better titled "American Muslim Propaganda." The Muslim cleric behind the show has well-documented ties to radical groups, including those the US government has classified as terrorist groups. While in real life Muslim women in his community in Michigan are required to wear the traditional "cover everything in black" clothing, the Muslim propaganda shows the women wearing flashy styles for which they would be severely punished under Sharia Law. The show isn't really controversial - it is a farce!! It is a tragedy that any American actually believes such lies!! I have made Lowes my Number One home improvement store both because of its ethical, rational stand to only advertize where it wants to, and because its customer service is second to none.

I have been a loyal Lowes customer for a number of years and am not so naive as to believe that decisions made by corporations are motivated by good will, conscience, or the "right thing" and understand that they are motivated primarily by what best serves the bottom line. Well, last year alone I personally contributed around $20,000 to your bottom line when I purchased a home in California. This year, I plan a kitchen remodel, two new exterior doors, two bathroom remodels, and a major backyard landscaping. Unfortunately, these projects will not be contributing to Lowes' bottom line this year. Unlike a corporation, I am free to do what I feel is the "right thing" and can be motivated by conscience. I choose not to patronize your stores for as much as a light bulb, even if it costs more elsewhere. People are correct that you have a right to be as racist as you like and give in to religious nut-job zealots who mock the very existence of Christ by claiming the name Christians, however I am free to take my business elsewhere. Perhaps you can take your sponsorship dollars (to which I will not be contributing) ans sponsor a show such as "All-American Bigot", or "Keeping up with the KKK". Either your business is racist and bigoted or worse, spineless and weak in the face of racism and bigotry. Either way, we part ways here.

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