1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I am discouraged by Lowe's decision to pull the ad from the American Muslim show. Just as there are those few who are radicalized Muslims, there are those of the Christian faith tradition who are radicalized against others in inappropriate ways. As a pastor and a person of faith, I hope that Lowe's will reconsider this move and apologize and move on. Not only because it was a decision succumbing to the argument of an organization that does not honor American values of freedom of religion...but also it does not represent the perspective of many Christians I know. Lowes is a favorite store, with great and knowledgeable staff...I would hate for them to be affected by a decision made without thorough thinking and succumbing to the words of those who engender anxiety of and intolerance towards those who are different. We are becoming victims not of PC but of animosity and ignorance....and that is a dangerous thing for our country to submit to...fear not hope.

Congratulations for standing up for what you believe in!! If you want to put your marketing dollars else where that is your decision. This continued government interaction and take control attitude is ridiculous. Now senators, I realize votes are coming up, but try running for something honest for a change. America has continuously change our traditions so we dont hurt anyones feelings, this PC crap needs to stop. We lose dressing our children up at school for halloween, no more christmas parties, only pajama day and much more. I realize people are too ignorant to realize what is happening due to the Clinton era of dumbing down America, but its time for change. Many Americans use slave morality in determing how to handle many of the issues they face...wake up.

Last time I checked this was still the land of the free and home of the brave where corporations can still spend their advertising dollars where they wish. At least our socialist, 'transparent' government hasn't taken that away....yet.


You've made a huge mistake by pandering to the bigotry that a minority of Americans exhibit. You are better than this. Great men - and women - are measured by their ability to be humble and back down from a stupid error. I fully expect that the greatest among you will step up - no matter how painful it might be - and lead the rest of the Lowe's leadership to do the right thing here. God gives each of us the ability to find strength within us to do a difficult thing. I know you will do it!

Thankyou, I support your company 100%, in regards with the TLC matter, We now have Muslins involved in our Government. You can see want that is doing to our country. I will continue shopping at your stores.

Thank you for pulling your ads during "All American Muslim". We 100% support your decision and will spread the word. I will now buy ALL of my home improvement needs from Lowes.

My husband and I commend you for your corporate courage to withdraw advertising from the American Muslim show. We are no longer viewers of any TLC programs because we find the network's choice to propagandize for the Brotherhood of Muslims despicable. Americans will rue the day that they failed to stop the onslaught of Muslim influence.

I applaud Lowes in their decision to pull their ads from the All American Muslim show. The company has the right to place their ads where they feel it will benefit them the most. Last time I checked it was a free country. I have been a Lowes customer in the past and I must say that they will have all of my home improvement business. I congratulate you for standing up and not being the silent majority! ,,,not many will take a stand any more im glad you did ...to God be the glory ..........

Lowes has always been a fair company in my eyes but their recent cut throat business tactics with Brickman facility solutions leaves little to be desired. You should make sure your contractor is paying the people that take care of you

How dare a government official suggest boycotting a private company!!!!!!! I support Lowe's. In a free country, the sponsor is not supposed to be threatened for personal choices!

Good for you for having the guts to stand up against the poison of Political Correctness that infects this country!There is a world wide push to destroy White Western culture and every concession to it pushes us closer to the eventual breakup of America along racial, ethnic and cultural lines.Enoch Powell was right back in 1968-read his speech-"Rivers of Blood".

I will no longer be shopping at Lowes. While they do have the right to spend their advertising dollars as they choose, I also have the right to avoid a business that panders to bigotry and hatred.

Thank God for Lowe's.It is the United States of American,not the United States of Islam.Although I am sure if they had their way it would be.Stand firm Lowe's and don't buckle under to pressure from groups that do not have our best interests at heart!!!!!!!!Love u Lowe's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lowe's has always been one of my favorite stores, I usually go there first and then if I have to ACE or Home Depot. But I completely disagree with your move to pull advertising from "American Muslim". I feel it was an ill-thought out and cowardly act to cave in to an extremist religious group. It goes against the very American values of religious freedom, civil rights and education as a foundation for peace and understanding. I will be going to ACE and Home Depot from now on. And I will miss the heck out of shopping at Lowe's!

I was totally in support of your company pulling its support of American Muslim. Don't let a small % of extremist people dictate what programming must be put before the American people or the American people will exercise their right to not watch that crap. In any Muslim country, it would be their way or the highway. If you were lucky enough to be given the choice of the highway over a stoning!

This is a bigger battle than just this one decision on whether Lowe's should have pulled advertising money from this particular tv show. Does it have the legal right to do so? Do people have the right to change their decision to shop at Lowe's based on that and any other business decisions it makes? Of course. We need to watch carefully the political forces at play and think about their ultimate end objective. It is the yearning for freedom that brought this country into existence. Everyone who cares about this country and its future needs to educate themselves on shariah law and understand the motivation of those groups who are introducing it into our country. My family will go out of their way to shop at Lowe's in order to preserve its freedom to advertise where and when it so decides. Stay vigilant and God bless America.

I am saddened by many of the previous comments about the Muslim debacle. If it were not so pathetic it would be amusing to see how many religious scholars there are that know exactly what all Muslims believe. I suppose if a non christian read the bible, they might find a very violent, bigoted and take no prisoners group of people. There are plenty of examples to back that up too. I know that most Christians are not like that these days, although there are plenty of splinter groups that are bigoted and hate filled. I suppose the same could be said for any religion. The fact that Lowe's tucks their tails and backs down to such a radical hate group is deplorable. I am fortunate to have a Home Depot as well as an Ace Hardware within the same driving distance from the Lowe's I used to spend my money in.

Thank you Lowes for pulling your advertising and not supporting this evil cancer called islam from TLC. I support you 100% and will always shop at your stores whenever I need materials for a home project. It is a shame that so many Americans are afraid to speak out against this muslim trash, islam is not a religion of peace tens of thousands of christians are being killed in sudan and many other african countries by this muslim trash and the liberal media in America keeps its mouth shut, stand strong against the liberal democrat trash like senator ted lieu in California.

I just wanted to let you know that I stand behind you for your decision not to advertise during the controversial Muslim program. As far as I am concerned, you did the right thing. It's so refreshing to see companies stand up for what is right in the USA. If only our government had our best interests in mind when the politicians were making their decisions, we might turn this country around! I am so sick and tired of all the foreigners coming here, demanding that we acknowledge their heritage. If you come to this country, you leave your politics there and start over with a clean slate! I'm so fed up with the terrorists within our own borders! Kudos!

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