1357 Reviews For JC Penney Headquarters & Corporate Office

I dislike this commerial so much, that I will no longer shop at JCPenney's! It is so annoying, that I struggle to change the channel fast enough. You've lost several customers due to this ridiculous commercial!! There is NOTHING classy about it!! I would not want to be associated with this type of image. I don't know who your target audience is, but, it sure makes me want to have nothing to do with JCP!! You've lost a customer!!

Who is the moron who came up with the screaming ad for your stores? More over, who is the moron within your company who thought that that ad was a good idea and chose to run with it? I always thought of JC Penney as a cut above many of the rest and am amazed that you would resort to this kind of garbage advertising. I have no idea what the content of the garbage ad is because as soon as the screaming starts, I hit the MUTE button on our TV remote.

I hate your screaming commercial, and refuse to shop at JCP because of it. It is irritating, and I refuse to shop where I am irritated. So sorry you think this commercial will bring in more customers....it's not! You will be losing lots of customers with this new ad.!!!

I don't know who is responsible for your latest screeching ad but I'd like to sue them for mental distress! It is THE WORST commercial ever and gets muted the instant it starts. JCPenney is no longer on my list of places to shop because you felt the need to treat people like idiots and irritate them at the same time. You deserve a ZERO! 1 star is too hight.

Clearly, you think that your customers are idiots that scream like banshees at the drop of a hat. It's an obscene ad that you're running on TV, but a reflection upon JC Penney's management, not upon former customers.

Ditto to all of the other comments you have received regarding the obnoxious screaming ad you are airing. If your marketing division execs thinks that is a way to bring in or keep customers, then JC Penney's needs to find new marketing division execs. After having to listen to these obnoxious ads until I can mute the sound, I have ZERO in interest in shopping at JC Penney's. I am sure you have received comments re: these ads by phone, by mail, and yet you're STILL running them. Get rid of them. OBNOXIOUS!

If awards were given for the very worse ad EVER on TV, JC PENNEY would win hands down. And to think that you actually paid someone to create this monstrosity and then what about the cost to broadcast. OMG! Who runs your corporation anyway? I'm a card-carrying Penny's customer - or I was. No More. You certainly have insulted me if you think your rediculous ad would stimulate my curiosity or my interest in JCP. Heads should roll on this one!

Your commercial makes me want to go into your store and start screaming at the top of my lungs! Would you like it if your customers started screaming in the store? We don't like hearing it on our TV, and somehow you think this will make us want to come in and shop at your store??? I'm wondering if the store clerks will be screaming. If I walk in your store, will the video displays be screaming? Will you be teaching my toddlers to scream?? I would like a little piece and quiet. I'm staying away from your stores...thank you.

WHy is it still running after all these Dislikes of it.. pissed off people ... not just at this site just google this and see. What the hell does JCP not respect people. ? Lets see how they do for business after this.. to remove it would at least make ALL the people feel Respected and heard and even an Apology to be posted on their site and ads BUT I know I won't shop there again.. I think it is a very insulting ad, and also very dangerous... to kids with Autism , sensory issues and elderly... and they are not even thinking of that, if they think it might come back and they are held liable than they will remove it.

Email the execs and tell them how they are ruining our peaceful evening with their horrifying commercial with women screaming as if they are being assulted. Email addresses for the Marketing execs Michael J. Boylson Chief Markeing Officer mboylson@jcpenny.com Emily Florio , Senior National Advertising Manager , eflorio@jcpenney.com Ruby Anik, SVP Brand marketing ranik@jcpenny.com It is all over the web, people are writing the marketing execs directly to stop the commercial!

Right- this commercial could not possibly be more inane- but perhaps fitting! In their infinite wisdom, the producers have allowed some stupid music producer to use the "Dies Irae" from Mozart's Requiem. Are they perhaps more prescent than they know- celebrating an early demise of the J.C. Penney Co? (or if we're lucky, an early demise of the idiots who produced the commercial!)

Actually, I'd give your screaming ad a ZERO or a MINUS rating, were that possible. When finally I actually waited to the end of that horrid commercial, the mute on, I was STUNNED to see that my beloved JCPenney(which carries my favorite line of clothing, though I recently learned that Macy's does, as well...) is behind that insanity-inducing ad. The countless other ads for PSYCHE (which runs for hours and hours on Sunday) should pull out as fast as they can, as I imagine many of your viewers mute through the entire ad sets, to avoid getting trapped by that mind-numbing ad...which I can't get to fast enough when I'm off looking for a snack; if I fall down in the attempt, I'm suing. (And I mean that in the nicest way.) PLEASE PULL THAT ATROCIOUS COMMERCIAL BEFORE YOUR LONGTIME CUSTOMERS SIMULTANEOUSLY EXPLODE FROM RAGING SPONTANIOUS COMBUSTION! Thank you.

No wonder you don't provide an email address or phone number to call to complain about your advertising.. I see i am not alone in protesting the stupid commercials that some idiot dreamed up that is the "new face" of Jcp. Have you all gone mad? Do you think we want to hear someone screaming at us?? My husband and I have it down now.....when your stupid commercial comes on, the "mute" button is hit immediately. There is enough stress in the lives of people today to have to hear someone screaming to the top of their lungs.. GET RID OF THIS COMMERCIAL-----NO ONE IS GOING TO WANT TO STEP FOOT INTO THE "NEW" JCP. It's like stepping into the "NUT HOUSE."

If you folks switch to a format where you don't advertise sales, you are complete and total idiots. If you are switching to a format where you NEVER have sales, you are just as stupid. Most people shop the sales papers. I don't go to the mall to peruse your store shelves, when gas costs $3.50 per gallon. I'll start shopping at Target, Kohl's, Sears, or Macy's where they advertise what the sell

In this day and age find writers that bring a smile to peoples faces!

I'm going to your god damn stores and I'm going to get in the face of your moron employees and scream at the top of my lungs. I'm going to eat tons of garlic, cat piss, sardines mixed with dog shit before I do it. And then I'm going to hold there face to my ass while I shart myself. Don' t come to my house with your screaming piece of shit ad again, you rude assholes.

I agree with everyone.....stupid commercial, I turn it off whenever it comes on, They would have been better to have just shown people with their eyes and mouths wide open with no sound, and then shown the 2-1-12 date. For all the money JCP must have spent for this, I doubt it's going to help them. They need to re-think their on-line shipping policies and start selling things made in the USA instead of China. Other retailers are going to free shipping or lowering their minimum purchase for free shipping.

Your screaming commercial is way past annoying -- it is aggravating, nerve-jangling, against the Geneva Convention TORTURE!!! It is absolutely the WORST TV ad I've ever seen, and there have been a lot of turkeys over the years. This ad has no message, no call to action, and does not sympathize with the viewer (your ad agency is a disgrace). And there is no truth to it -- your customers don't have to worry about missing a sale, because you'll have one the next week, and the week after, and the week after that. My constant emails and direct mail pieces attest to that! Do yourselves and your customers (if you have any left after this) a favor -- take this abomination off the air!!!!

HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP IN MY HOME SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! Do you actually pay someone to be that ignorant? I am a 59 year old second generation Penney's customer but you have showed me far less respect than I have showed you so I'm done with Penny's. I will also do my best to discourage a third generation. I am stunningly disappointed in your lack of insight as to the effect this kind of ad would result in. Your company does not deserve to take up ground space in my neighborhood and my hope is that there is enough outrage over this ad that your stores will soon be replaced with a company that doesn't let their psychotic nephew handle their public relations.

Mr. Johnson, you and your marketing "yes men" are fools. JCP does not need idiotic ads to attract customers. Take your narcissistic attitude back to Harvard OR Stanford, where everyone seems to think they are gods. Then you can worship yourself ad nauseum. Real consumers can live without your misguided approach to "saving" JCP.

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