1357 Reviews For JC Penney Headquarters & Corporate Office

All of your Christian words make me laugh. You selectively choose bible scripture to believe and not believe... All of your words do and mean nothing. We are all gods children and he teaches to love all. All who are no longer buying from jcp for putting out an ad featuring a couple of men, it is no great loss for the store...go back to your caves and stick your head back in the bible...don't eat shellfish, beat your wives and every other piece of crap Leviticus said...and then go f##k yourselves

Is it really that hard to update the status of an online order? I called the online number listed and they told me that the item was shipped and received by the store. The store in turn told me that the item was never shipped. This is the first and last time I order anything from JCP. At the same time I ordered this item at JCP online site, I ordered an item from macy's. That item was delivered in 4 days. The company called 2 days prior to delivery to give me a 2 hour window. The item was promptly delivered and the staff was courteous and helpful. Shame on you JCP. No wonder your company is in trouble.

I will not shop at your store ever again. When I stopped in last the store was empty and quiet. You could tell the differnce right away that your stores are in big trouble. Too bad, the new guy had to change things for the worse. Again I do not see things ever improving and its just a matter of time before your gone.


Staff at the Jc Penney Salon are very rude...not friendly at all. I went there a few days ago and they do NOT know how to cut hair at all! I will never go back there. EVER. HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE...Do not waste your money on these rude unexperienced wanna be stylists!!!!!

I am a Platium card holder but I do not like the store anymore. I am so disappointed in the direction Penney has gone. The store was a family oriented, down to earth store now its so fancy crap. I want my old Penney back. Selection of clothing is horrible. I used to enjoy shopping at Penneys. It was the only store I would go to. The store has gone in the wrong direction. Just so disappointed.

August 15, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to the attention of the management. I was a potential customer of your JCPenney Portrait Studio on July 29, 2012, in the San Jose, California, Vallco Mall. I made my appointment with the Studio, for 11:30 am, as per requested. I phoned a week ahead of time to make sure they would be able to provide me with what I was interested in and spoke to a young lady named Wendy. She explained to me that we would get 35 pictures, and we would have time to change our shirts to take a “fun” photo as well. She advised me that the photographer would take their time and do a great job. I was looking forward to getting these pictures done as we just had a new grand baby added to our family. We showed up for our appointment. We were shocked and dismayed to find out what I had been told on the telephone regarding the pictures was not what we were going to get. The person at the desk was extremely rude, she tired talking over me when I tried to explain what I had been told on the phone and she told us they would only spend 10 minutes with us. She also said, they do not take 35 photos they only take 4 photos, as they take about 8 shots per pose. I was very angry to say the least. When my daughter and I tired to talk to her about this she kept pushing the photos in our faces and saying that we could get a special rate. I had my entire family with me and that included my 2-year-old granddaughter and my 2-½ month old grandson. Needless to say I was very upset at how we were treated! The embarrassment and harassment that I was subjected to was completely unprofessional. I was very angry due to the incorrect info I was given on the phone and the way we were treated in person. I will never go back to the Portrait Studio at your store ever again. I will not recommend your serves to anyone I know. Not only was the lady at the desk unprofessional in person, the girl I spoke to on the phone was in a hurry to get me off the phone and didn’t want to answer my questions. She even remarked to me that it was very hot up front at the desk when she was on the phone with me. This is no way to run a business and I should have known when I called this was not a good place to go! I feel that you need to do something about the info you pass on to potential customers when they call in and how they are treated when they arrive at the store. I would appreciate some type of compensation for the harassment and embarrassment that I was made to endure in the store. Not only was it bad for me my entire family was present as well as other customers. That woman had an extremely bad attitude and was so rude and pushy she never stopped talking long enough for us to explain anything! I am one very dissatisfied customer. Sincerely, Lori Shelton

I went to jc penny to buy easy spirit shoes. There was a sign up that read ,if you text this number you will get 20% off. Well I got up to the counter and i told the sales lady that i did not have text on my phone and even if i did I would not know how to use it. I am 63 years old. So I had to pay the regular price. So on the way home the more I thought about it the madder I got. The next day I took the shoes back and went to macey and got my shoes . I will not go to pennys again and shop. You should not have to text to get a discount. Everybody does not have text on there phone.Especially the eldery

Not at all happy. I have not been in the store for about a year. I was a "catalog" buyer. Bought all my curtains from your catalog. Now I don't know where the hell they are. I do not shop on-line. I want to look at a catalog to see what I am buying - not a computer screen. Soooooooooo - I do not need you any more. Not happy with you getting rid of catalog. So I have nothing to go into the store for.

I purchased an bra order on 7/2912 to have the bra delivered to the store. I have been told on several attempts hen calling to call back in two days it should be here. However it has been 15 and still no bra. I'm not sure what the issue is but I am so dissatisfied with the rate of return when ordering from your company. I used to order from jcp before all these new changes And never experienced a 15 day wait for one item, and to be exact a bra which cost $25.00. I will never order anything else from this chain line. I'm taking my business to Macy's etc.

Some times you have to cut your losses, starting with the ceo.

The Salon in the Charleston, WV Town Center was giving free hair cuts to children in grade school so I figured that would be great I could buy school clothes and get hair cuts and be done. I spent $335 in the store and went to get the hair cuts the lady cutting hair was very rude and unhappy about cutting kids hair for free she chopped like 4 inches off my daughters hair and left it a mess I had to take her some where else to have it fixed! She had to loose another 2 inches just to get it straighten out. WHY RUN A PROMOTION IF YOU ARE GOING TO DESTROY A LITTLE GIRLS HAIR! IF YOUR STAFF IS GONNA BE NASTY AND RUDE ABOUT RUNNING YOUR PROMOTION THEN THEY DONT NEED TO BE INCLUDED! My daughter was so up set about losing that much hair and when I called to complain they said I am sorry thats all I can do for you. I feel that JCPenney didnt think there promotion through very well before they offered it.

hate your new pricing. will be shopping @ kohls; macys; walmart; target check their stock. fire the crazy narcisstic person who believes the public will come around. you will lose alot more customers.

I used to buy the family wardrobe at JCPenneys exclusively. About two weeks ago, I cut up the credit card. I will never step foot in your stores again because you openly and unashamedly support the gay agenda. Go back into the proverbial closet--lock and bar the door-- because big business needs to stay neutral not nasty.

As a professional hairstylist who went went to school for this career, I am shocked jcpenney would take commission away from a tradesmen. Hourly!! that is a joke. Why strive???? Why try to build a enormous following??? I think the hairdressers can get very lazy with this system. What a stylist has is special and paying hourly is taking that away from them. Shame on whoever changed that policy. I have alot of friends who I will detour from working at any Jcpenney salon. Thankyou

Ykes, Is the management of JCP just plain dense or does the management just not give a KRAP??? about it's core group of established customers… for many years I have supported the company from kids, parents all the way to great-great-great nieces & nephews… to watch the decline of care and customer service is sickening to me… reading and chatting with employees and hearing their fears and concerns is heartbreaking as well… they seem to be as taken aback as the customers… and are looking for the outdoor. Is this company even bothering to read the concerns of the masses? If so, how could they possibly ignore the various concerns of the many… the gay issue is small potatoes compared to the immense dissatisfaction of apparently EVERYONE!!! How very sad that no one seems to care and the beat appears to go on… hope the dollar stores are ready because they will be the only places left to go… I have been tracking the comments and made visits to various store locations and find the same level of dissatisfaction and confusion all around… initially thinking that perhaps I was misreading the situation; apparently NOT… Where are the concerned members of management?????????? How very sad that JCP has come to ____________. That’s right folks NOTHING!!!!! SQUAT; ZERO... It appears that JCP Management does not care about losing long time customer’s who have supported the company for decades… it makes one wonder why they were being loyal to the brand in the first place. :-( Toooooooooooooooo Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!! Really wish someone would stop the bleeding... Guess we’ll just have to keep watching and see what happens when all the boomers pay JCP off and shred their charge cards!!! Gonnnnnna beeeeeeeeeee interesting.

I wasn't going to write JC Penny, until I see that your profits are down again. Consider this, your far left acts with advertising, are not the family values or the union of a man and a woman. I too have grandchildern and if I would shop for gifts for them from your store I am accepting the very thing I can not and will not accept. To promote a "gay " person to advertise the products and services for you was your begining of a big down fall. GO BACK TO THE CHRISTIAN AMERICAN FAMILY VALUES.

After receiving a letter from the new CEO about the new pricing, it will remain as is. I have been a long time shopper and will never purchase any products from your stores again. Just two days ago hoping that things changed in pricing and trying to find childrens clothes, Colorado Springs store had very low product to chose from. The prices were high and many of the departments were low in products. Why whould I even spend two minutes in there. You lost a customer and from the postings and you stock JC Penney needs to go broke. I will look up if you are liberal base. If that is true, I'm a Christian and will cancel your card. Good Bye JC Penneys. I will find another store to shop in.

Customers do not like your new pricing strategy. All my friends don't want to go shopping at JCPENNEYS. Your new magazine is a waste of time and money. Get back to the real world. We want sales, coupons and a bargain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! I have been meaning to give you all some feedback on your recent ad campaign and I am in shock at all the negativity I am reading on this page. I have been in the clothing business in various capacities for many years and have been so impressed with this new ad campaign that I felt compelled to complement someone in the company on it. I think the marketing materials and the television ads are brilliant!! (And so does my 26 year old daughter in law who is a marketing major). They are colorful, fun, upbeat and easy to view. I must say that I have never been a JC Penney fan or shopper but since this ad campaign came out, I have gone to the store with the flyer in search of items I have seen it. And, I have made purchases that I never would have prior to this. Until reading the comments on this page, I did not know of any "liberal" or "anti-Christian", pro gay agenda that is written about and purported to be associated with J.C. Penney. However, I am a Christian person, a wife and mother of three, and my God loves all of the children he creates on this earth. The so called Christians that are railing against gay people/gay marriage/etc. should follow the example that Jesus set for us to be accepting and loving of our fellow man. Alas, I did not intend to get on this site to make comments about political or religious positions. I did simply want to complement someone on the new ad campaign and let you know that there are those out there that enjoy it and that it has been successful in one instance. I hope you are getting positive results and will actually look forward to seeing these print and television ads in the future......something I don't think I have ever thought or wished for in a national ad campaign in my life!!!!

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