1357 Reviews For JC Penney Headquarters & Corporate Office


I've read through the postings above and am confused and bewildered by some of these ridiculous comments. First of all, I wonder how it is the stores responsibility to keep children from running around like crazy. I think you should be more critical of your parenting skills than of the associates ability to control YOUR children. Sencond, I fail to see how a company supporting a alternative lifestyle effects your daily life. JCPenney is simply deciding not to discriminate against a group of people just because a small portion of america is still too narrow minded and hateful to just mind their own business. Who cares what they do. Im actually surprised your not complaining about there being african americans on the ads. So stop being homophobes and learn to love eachother. Let he without sins cast the first stone. Thirdly, the only person that you should be blaming for the downfall of penneys is Ron Johnson. You do realize, when you take you business away, you are taking away the income of hard working americans who are just trying to pay the rent. I personally have 4 friends that work for JCP and they will continue to have their hours and wages cut unless your business returns. And don't try to say they can find another job because, lets face it, the jobs are just not out there. So before you decide to take a narrowminded stand against JCP because you are "offended" by their ads, think about all those brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers you are putting out of work. All because of something they have no control over. And by the way, 25% of america is gay... your numbers are a little off. So if you think you dont know any gay people, guess what, that means 1 out of every 4 people. Chew on that. One last thing, I havent seen a gay ad since june, so what the heck are you still complaining about.

I was recently in a JCP store since their change over "strategy". I am so disappointed. JCP was my go-to store for just about everything. I loved their quality and selection. I always found their prices competitive if not cheaper. Well, now they win the cheaper war on all fronts. Where they used to carry a great selection, now they just have volumes of few items. Where the quality was always outstanding, now it's of the quality I'd find at K-mart or Walmart and even Walmart seems to have a wider selection. I used to buy all my home goods at JCP - now I find mostly garbage. I loved their basic clothes items: cotton T's etc, now it's all polyester, nylon and UGLY. I am so sorry to see such a great store fall so far. The sad part is that we consumers are the losers. We are now forced to boutiques for the quality we found at JCP. As a average woman of a 'certain age' I would advise the decision makers to go back to the drawing board. Great prices are meaningless if your customer doesn't want to buy what you are attempting to sell. I know your old business model was failing you in these economic times, but now you are failing your loyal customers. I don't think you'll find your bottom line better off with these horrible decisions.

I went to pick up a catalog order that I placed in Taylor Michigan only to find out that the Catalog Desk was not there anymore! Someone who has a degree in everything but intelligence decided it would be better to pick up orders at a register check out center. The only problem with this idea is that once the cashier gives your order number to the "Catalog Runner", which by the way is stationed in the "old catalog desk" area then she or he has to find the order in the back room of the "old catalog desk area" and run it to you at whatever register you are at even if it's one the second floor! The register in the Childrens Department where I was did not have the ability to find orders so that the cashier could call them to the "runner", so we had to go to another register and go thru the procedure which totally took about 1/2 hour as opposed to coming from the parking lot into the store and right there at the catalog desk picking up your package, paying for it and you're out the door in 10 minutes! There was nothing wrong with this system, it has worked for years!!! I don't understand that when someone new comes on board that have to implement non cost saving ideas that put people out of jobs all for the sake of a buck! Mr. Ron Johnson should stick to being CEO and leave things the way they were. If it's not broken why try to fix it! I hope that Mr. Johnson reads some of these comments and maybe it will change the way he thinks about business. I am sure that I am not the only one to voice their opinion about this "Catalog System", but I hope that some eyes will open and it gets changed back to the way it was. James Cash Penney is probably rolling over in his grave with disgust that the company that he founded is on the way to doom and destruction!

I am trying to order 3 rugs on line at JC Penny. They are the McKenzie Washable rugs. Two of them I have no proble ordering, but one, the size 26 X 3 10 will not let me order. Doesn't show not available or out of stock. Call our local store and was told to call 1-800 #. Did call yesterday and they also had the same problem and said check in 24 hours and it might be fixed. Tried today, after 24 hours and still can order. Called again and the lady said she gets the same info and can't do anything about it. I need these rugs, but won't order until get all three. I need them in blue. I was told there was no where they could or I could get any help. I am very disappointed in JC Penny serivce and if info isn't corrected soon I will have to shop somewhere else. I had hopes thing would get better, but doesn't look good.

What would you think of a company that does the following ... This morning I was shopping at JC Penney. When my phone number was entered into their computer system, other addresses come under my name. The fraudulent addresses I am familiar with as a Family Member has perpetrated fraud on other accounts. While at the store, I attempted to rectify this by speaking with an associate whom spoke with JC Penney Customer Care in Columbus Ohio 1-800-233-2111 (Jeanette and Todney). Jeanette and Todney advised the associate that these fraudulent addresses associated with my name and phone number COULD NOT BE REMOVED. I initiated my own call with JC PENNEY Customer care, this time speaking to MARTY. Well, long story short, after a 90 minute conversation, Marty confirms that JC PENNEY REFUSES TO REMOVE THE FRAUDULENT ADDRESSES ASSOCIATED WITH MY PHONE NUMBER IN THE JC PENNEY COMPUTER SYSTEM. Thanks Marty ... I will be attempting to reach out to Corporate to Fix this WRONG. If it doesn't work I will be canceling ALL MY ASSOSICATION WITH JC PENNEY AND WILL TELL EVERYONE THAT WILL LISTEN HOW JC PENNEY SUPPORTS FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY!

The JCPenney brand is permanently damaged by the gay dads and Ellen marketing campaign. I will never buy anything there again - I don't want the homosexual stink anywhere near my family.

What kind of corporation are you, obviously one that does not care one iota about your employees or consumers who keep your business going, which will not be for long if you dont change your products quality, selection of merchandise you stock in your stores, your employees knowledge and helpfulness. Have you not heard the saying "if its not broke dont fix it"...well sometimes one needs to live by that the world would be better....I can say if my current dealing with your company is not corrected in a timely manner, not sure if I will ever recommend or purchase future items! Its unfortunate you are not really reading and listening to what your consumers are telling you.....what a shame.....

I agree with everything the person who sent the message on 7/9/12, it was a very stupid idea to change the pricing status the first time, and then go back and redo it another way. Those books you call catalogs are ridiculous and to top it off, I was shopping in you're Lodi store and overheard someone say that the video equipment doesn't work very well. So I got the impression that the company and or the store manager doesn't seem to care about the employees safety, especially when and if the store gets robbed. My opinion is, YOU might want to upgrade your security cameras. Apparently, the company is in full support of ellen being the spokesperson for you and saying it's ok to be gay. No wonder the company gets sued and there's not alot of business in this particular store later in the day.

One star is actually being generous! No wonder your in finacial trouble! The are no reps to be found in your stores to help you buy anything! Then I called your 800 number to gets some help and the rep there was not very bright and on the rude side. I guess I interupted her nap! I guess I'll go spend my money for a mattress elswhere!

What a sorry mistake Penny's has made. Free hair cuts for kids, the whole month of August. I guess they don't want paying customers anymore as it took me 3 weeks to get a appointment. Then when I did the manager was very snide and asked how I got the appointment, that all appointments were reserved for children this month. WELL GOOD BY you just lost me as a customer. My family has shopped and supported J.C. Penny for the last 50 years. NO LONGER WILL ANY MEMBER OF MY FAMILY EVER SHOP THERE AGAIN. You didn't loose one customer you lost hundreds as I will tell everyone You have succesfully killed every thing J.C. Penny use to stand for. Your stock what a joke.

The optical department of the JC Penney Store in Orland Park, Illinois is awful to say the least. My husband and I went there on July 9 for exams and glasses which costs us $678 (that was our portion after insurance...overpriced for darn sure) and I am STILL WAITING for a pair of glasses! Both my pairs of glasses had to be re-done because someone made a mistake. The warehouse that makes them doesn't give special attention to re-do's and I am waiting and waiting and still waiting. I was told that because they have a big sale going on that is why it is taking so long! Holy cow almost 2 months of driving back and forth, and with the price of gas I am getting very annoyed. Wouldn't you think that they would put on a rush on your glasses when they are the ones that screwed up? Nah...that would be to easy! On one of my trips over there I was being waited on by the associate and her phone rang with another customer asking for an appointment. To my dismay I heard her lie to the customer saying that she was swamped with people waiting and that she was the only one available and could they call back?!? SWAMPED! OMG! I was the only one in the store! Shocker! On another one of my trips over there to try to get this whole fiasco straightened out, I was told very sarcastically by this sales associate that what did I think, that the eye doctor is there 24/7? I almost blew a gasket with that remark...if only the sales associate would have measured me correctly to begin with none of this would be going on...she was to lazy to pull out that binocular type of measuring thing and she used her own judgement which was wrong. The two sales associates that were there at different times need to retire...they have been doing their jobs to long and don't give a damn anymore. As for Penney's Optical I cannot recommend them...buyers beware.

The stylist are rude because they are over worked by all the free kids hair cuts, the local Jcpenney salon near me has done 1700 kids hair cuts in 3 weeks. The hair cuts are chop jobs because the company is insisting on the stylist doing 4 kids cuts an hour. This is not a great clips or fantastic Sam's salons. The stylist usually take 30 min for a childs hair cut. Plus they no longer make commission so if they do one cut or 20 they get paid the same. They can't even get their regular clients in because of all the kids cuts. They are quitting left and right in the salons because of the Ron Johnson changing things making things worse. I really feel sorry for the stylist. I use to love the JCPenney store, grew up shopping there, now I hate it, since Ron Johnson took over he has done nothing but run it in the ground. Ron Johnson has no value for older clients. His new plan, no cashiers, you ring yourself with an I pad by 2014, will limit his demographics, hint to you Ron.. the older people have the money, they are the people who buy from JCP.

Dear JC Penney's Corporate Staff: I honestly can say that I don't think that your store is going to make it. I thought that Sears looked pretty bad, but it seems that you are trying to follow their lead with the new look of the store. I find the store to look very stark and uninviting. The clothing is quite a mess and not neatly arranged at all. I found the store to be mostly empty and it seems to me that the staff could be working to keep things neat and orderly. If you are going for the warehouse or bargain basement look, then you have achieved that goal. Maybe you should fire the team that put this idea into motion. It will be the demise of the store. We did buy a couple of items, but are saving our receipt as I doubt the quality of what was purchased will be good. A former very long term customer. The first credit card that I ever owned was JC Penney's and I am very sorry to see the store look so bad. I am sorry for your loss :(

I "ditto" EVERYTHING I've read! I am also am a Platinum card holder and today I wanted to shove it down the throat of a girl with a ring in her nose who laughed at me when I asked " why they didn't have pantyhose anymore!!" She said rather rudely that they were discontinuing the ones they had but in a few WEEKS they would have another line! I NEEDED them today! I looked around the store and couldn't find one darn thing that would be suitable fo me!!!! NOT even in the bedding dept. WHAT IS GOING ON????? I have been a JCP customer for 40 years but as of tonight I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER THING EVER!!! CHANGE WHOEVER IS IN CHARGE!!!!! BIG, BIG,BIG MISTAKE in the direction that JCP is going......and RUDE, RUDE people!!!!!! MAKE CHANGES AND I MEAN NOW!!!!!! Sarah from Eugen,Or.

I placed an order with JCP weeks ago and never received it. I called three different places, including Customer Service and could not get any help period. I have never to this day received an EMAIL saying, what is wrong. I spent hours trying to get this resolved and Pennys didn't even have the common courtesy to send an Email saying what was wrong..or pick up a phone and tell me in person. Oh, but they can send one hundred emails a month of all kinds, but NONE concerning an Order you are searching for. How very very sad. I finally got the Order Cancelled for good. OH...for everyone out there....I can order from Belk or HSN and have it that very week...for no extra charge and they treat their customers great! I am just about finished with JCP....SAD way to run a company!!!!

I placed an online order & shipped it to store. The catalog desk where I picked up in the past is now defunct. The signs say "Pick Up at ANY register" - the first register told me they couldn't help me, so did the second register, but the third register could help me if I would just meet them at the former catalog desk. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? JCP charged me $30 to ship to store then made me run around inside the store to get my order. I called the number on my JCP card and they informed me that #1 I shouldn't have been charged $30 and #2 that they would not refund it. At which point, I hung up - I'm done - I chopped up my Platinum JCP Rewards card after having it for 12 years. I will NEVER shop there again & I am returning ever single item on the order - even the jeans I love. I cannot support a company that treats their customers as if we were the labor force.

Tom Of Hopkinsville ky the jcp here realy went down hill since new manager and they carry nothing worth going into store for i will not be going back and i tell all my friends its a waste of time

I am employee as of now at JCP. We have the worst morale in our store and from the previous comments it appear its in all JCP. However speaking about the store I'm at the Store Manager is a from the box, blonde hair, paranoid fool. She has never had anything and it shows. She has been working there since she got out of high school(30yrs)and don't know nothing but the same ideas from the fool that made a way for her to become store manager. We never have meetings and she is phony as hell. If you kiss her ass she likes you if you don't she pretend to. All the changes in the store has made life a living hell in the store you never know from day to day if you have a job or what the hell is going on. Beside, as I stated we don't have meetings. When they made the changes in April and laid off employees the (Blonde fool) made a way for her best friend to become the Executive Merchandiser which is also an blooming idiot and ass kisser. Each day at work the employees that are left, feel like freaking robot praying that the bitch leave early or is off. Her brain is like a bebe in a box cart. She doesn't valued good employees and the new employees realizes she is a fake from jump street. Now to touch on RON JOHNSON stupid ass he is bringing JCP down like the idiots that closed Service Merchandise and the other family stores. The sad thing about all these changes is even when JCP failed a blind man could see Ron Johnson will leaving JCP still a rich man. While all the hardworking employees will be left with regrets and broke!!!! Its a damn shame......What happen to Everyday Matter!!!

JCPenney is trying to cater to the younger crowd when their true customer base is the middle aged and senior citizens. Most of these people look for sales and coupons which the new JCP no longer has. At the same time JCP competitors are luring customers away in droves. If you don't believe this, just look at their quarterly earnings and stock. Under Ron Johnson this company has gone into a downward spiral. Now, I read ... in order to cut losses JCP (Ron Johnson)is cutting the hours of his hardworking employees to almost nil. He also wants to do away with registers and instead and have Ipads where you can get your receipts by email. I'm sure whatever middle aged and senior citizen customer base JCP has left will love this move. Everything this guy has done so far has not worked and his shareholders and employees are suffering the brunt of it all. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Ron Johnson (sticking to his Everyday Value guns)keeps back peddling. This does not sound like with a man with a plan but someone who is trying to do damage control. I was in a local JCP recently and it had nothing but Pakistani shoppers peeling clearance tickets off of clearance items and pasting them onto regular price items. I actually heard the clerks complaining that there is nothing they could do about it either. I guess when they itemize all the money they lost to theft (price tag switching is sort of theft isn't it?)their losses will total even more. And, Ron Johnson's return policy of bring back any item at anytime has got to be a joke. That means that people can buy things such as clothing, appliances, furniture and bedding use it for weeks, months or years and then return it and get their money back. How the heck do you make money with a brilliant idea like that? JCP is beginning to sound more like a rental company instead of a retail store. Well done Mr Johnson .... you're single handedly ruining a great store.

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