1357 Reviews For JC Penney Headquarters & Corporate Office

J.C. Penneys use to be a store for older mature people to shop in, the clothing line was great, the customer service was out of this world; today it is much different. The store is moving for the young crowd only, between the loud music, the new clothing line, out with the old clothing in with the new clothing, no registers, no customer service. I've taken my business to Dillards and I'm much happier. I was a loyal shopper to J.C. Penneys for over 35 years. I enjoy the clothing line at Dillards so much I open a store credit card with them and am happy. Goodbye JCP (as Ron Johnson calls you) and hello Dillards.

Penney's Not Apple

How long is it going to take for the Board to figure out that their model isn't working. Face it: Penney's had a loyal following of adults, it didn't and still doesn't appeal to the Forever 21 crowd. If coupons are good enough for Macy's and Kohl's and seem to be working, why did Ron decide they were not appealing to the Penney shopper. The stores look empty, both merchandise and shoppers. Ron's plan is not working, but maybe the Board has the money to lose every quarter, and can hang on for a few more years just to make sure it's a dud. $54 million for that guy is a waste.

Newness of Stores

I haven't shopped in a JCPenny's store for about a year until last month. Johnson City New York) And when I did I loved it. The store wasn't crowded with items, it looked roomy and clean, and I was more apt to buy because it didn't look cluttered. I read the yahoo article today it was a wrong decision to change-I disagree. I think some of your prices need to be more intune with the economy, invest more in your workers, and while your company doesn't need to be a Walmart, project what the consumer is going to need while meeting their monthly bills so they can shop at your business.

something positive

I beg to differ with most of the reviews. I think the "new" Penney's is heading in the right direction, with more colorful and engaging styles, like ybright-colored jeans and cute cardigans. I have found attractive, good-quality items lately, and so have many of my friends. Perhaps a nod from one of the fashion mags could be courted. "Lucky" maybe?

What Happened?

Sad. I have been a staunch Penny's shopper for 58 years. Loved the place and brands. In recent years, what happend? My local store looks like a failing Sears store. It doesn't have the classy look. The merchandise looks less interesting. Go back 10 years and duplicate that.........


What happened to Penney's? Used to love their clothes, shoes, household items. Now the only clothes you see are for teenyboppers & the shoes with 4 inch heels. Even the household appliance dept. has diminished in size. My mother (94 yo) loved Penneys & always found many clothing items & shoes to buy. My entire family always shopped there. Now, no one bothers anymore. You have turned away your base clientele which was everyone over 40 & are trying to draw in the tween/teen crowd. It's too bad because it was once a great store.

Get rid of Ron Johnson Pronto

JC Penney was one of my favorite stores. In my area, other than KMart (not even a WalMart), JC Penney was the favorite retailer for clothing and bedding. The biggest reason for not buying there went unheeded when I made recommendations about my shopping experience....bad inventory of sizes and poor restocking. The service was helpful. A total revamp was not needed!!!! Ron Johnson is an arrogant no-it-all who knows nothing about the JC Penney shopper. I would immediately fire this man and as a symbolic gesture go back to the name JC Penney and bring back St. Johns Bay, Cabin Creek. And get a better inventory system that keeps sizes in stock.

store it self

Has any one from corporate left their office and walked a JCPenney store since the change in looks or what ever you want to call it. Go to the store with something in mind that you need to buy and then go in and look for it!!!! what is the wrinkle look all about in your newspaper ads, the wrinkle looks is very unappealing to the people that are actually buying not the kids with no money. Think about the look your sending out. I went to the night gowns and found NO selection at all I live in the Deptford,CherryHill, Moorsetown area in NJ .I Use to always shop Penneys very disappointed you need help badly.

What Happened

I have been a regular J C Penney shopper for ever. Having one of their credit cards has made it easy to shop there. I enjoyed finding a variety of clothing at fair prices. That is no longer true. I wear reading glasses and need pocketed polo shirts, both long and short sleeve. J C Penney used to carry a large variety. No more. The clerks tell me that they get asked regularly about them so I am not the only person looking for these shirts. The general variety and quality of their clothing has dropped significantly. The value just isn't there anymore. The other problem I've encountered is trying to pay for purchases. There must have been a cut back in staff because I've had to waist considerable time looking for somone to process my purchase. No wonder this company is looing money so fast. I was a loyal customer but I have no reson to shop there any longer.

What needs to be done

Here is the problem--JC penney--your ads are catchy with products I might want to buy, however, many items are not LABELED as to brand/place to get in store. When you go to store, the things you see in the ad ARE NOT TOGETHER--so you have to wander all around to find--this is a stupid way to use your ads. Put together looks IN the store corresponding with the ADS!!! You make the shopper work--which in my opinion is why I dont have motivation to go in--I have tried a few times when I saw the catchy ad stuff-but go in and you CANT find the items--worthless!!!


What J.C Penney needs to do is follow the Wal-Mart & Target model. Forget department stores standing on their own and open a super J.C Penney. If they had groceries I would prefer to go to a J.C Penney super store since their clothing is of better quality than Wal-Mart or Target. You know I end up getting my clothes at Wal-Mart just because I happen to be there anyway. I hate the quality of the clothing but it's so damn convenient. I haven’t been to a J.C Penney store in five years but it appears from what I just read on this site is that apparently since Ron Johnson took over the quality of the cloths is now the same as Wal-Mart and Target. However I still think that if J.C Penney is to survive it must go the Super Store model.

For heavens sake; please, please get rid of your ceo; sales have plummeted under him for the past year; what are you waiting for! We don't want to lose our store!!!!!


I shopped in your Tiffany Springs MO store last year and paid with my debit card. Today, 4 months later, you deducted that same amount again. I called the Tiffany Springs store manager and he said it was a "glitch". He never said "sorry", "kiss my butt", nothing. You are a multi-million dollar company, what are you trying to pull? If I had not checked my bank statement you would have been richer by deducting that amount twice. "Glitch" is NOT an answer!!

Knew it was coming!

I have always been a loyal shopper to Penny's, until Ron Johnson took over and ruined the store. I can't stand the cheap ugly clothes they carry, very little selection now, very expensive as well. Target grade clothes at a Macy's price. I have not shopped there since he took over and I would love to see him leave and Penny's return!


My family and friends have been shopping at JC Pennys for decades and have quit the past several month, due to the lack of ads. and sales flyers. Why the board keeps it's current CEO is a death bed for the them and the company that america loves. JC Penny needs a new CEO NOW !!! not later. See your future now and do the correct action, replace this person please.


I understand stores need to make announcements over the PA system; however why does JCP have to yell their announcements into the phone. And why are the announcements in English and Spanish? To add another log to the fire why do the managers hang up the phone so you hear it bang down on the PA system, has it never occurred to anybody to press the button with your finger first to hang up?

why sales are dropping

I LOVE your JC Penney new marketing campaign - bright, fun, energetic. However, in-store service and quality of merchandise doesn't match up. It looks like Macy's - smells like Macy's - priced like Target (which is great) BUT it has Walmart customer service (meaning NONE). Long lines at counters, ZERO help in departments, clothes stacked in huge piles by fitting rooms, etc. I'd like to see Penney's make it but you have to address all facets of your reinvention.

Customer Service

Does anybody in this company understand what customer service is anybody and provide it?

Penneys as a whole

I am sad today because I have made the decision to close my Penneys charge account which I've proudly owned for over 30 years. The direction the store has now taken is not meeting with my approval. I was in our Greenville, NC, store three times this week and not one time did I see a customer shopping or buying! Hello? Someone needs to wake up or never mind - I think it's too late. I predict Penney's will be the next store to go to the retail graveyard. Mr. J. C. Penney would be sad I'm sure if he knew what their advertising now supported. Supporting the SNL last weekend was a very bad choice.


Has anybody noticed the line of jewlery is jc pennys has decreased. The majority of it is gold over silver, who wants that? And the items that are being locked up are $30 bucks. I remember a time when jc pennys has the best jewlery around. What happened? I went into jc pennys last night looking for a niece piece of jewlery for my daughter and left empty handed. I went to zales.

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