565 Reviews For Ford Motor Company Headquarters & Corporate Office

I am the original owner of a 2004 Expedition. Since about the second year, I noticed a small bubble on the roof. Over time, it got larger. I finally climbed up, and noticed it is a major rust area, and the rust is from within. I took the car to two body shops, and they will not touch it! I was told, it is a known Ford manufacturing defect, take it to Ford. I went to a Ford dealer, who knows ALL about this issue, but he told me the vehicle is now out of warrantee, even thought its defective metal that was used. I called Ford in Michigan today, and they lied thru their teeth, like they never heard of this fleet wide problem. The supervisor also acted, like its her first time hearing about roof rust. Ford will do nothing for me, I was told. I will never buy a Ford product again. This will cost Ford, since I work for the airlines as a pilot, and the Air Force. Word of mouth, will cost them!

In 1998 I bought a used 1997 Ford F150 Lariat. It has serve me well for the need I had of renovating an old house. The truck has always been kept in excellent condition. On April 9, 2011 approaching my 70th birthday I decided to purchase a vehicle that was closed in an my need for pickup has diminished, and picked out a 2008 Ford Edge Limited. My disillusionment began there. In Klamath Falls, OR I was visiting a friend seeing through a surgery recovery I went into Harvest Fork and found what I thought would serve my vehicle needs going forward. The sale was made and I paid cash as well as $192 for title work to be done by them. It is now June 21 and I still have NO clear title. The general manager, Gary Creeser, kept promising it was in the process while telling me one fabrication after another. On June 15 I learned that Harvest Ford has closed their doors. I still have no clear title to this vehicle and have become increasingly frustrated at this process. Ford's reputation is at risk by allowing dealers to behave in this

Help!! I purchased a 1951 F1 Truck on ebay two years back. Currently the vehicle is in a shop have some modern comforts added to it, i.e. IFS, new master cylinder, and wire harness. The truck started out as a Marine Corp vehicle straight out of the Long Beach assembly plant. Unfortunately, when the Marines retired the vehicle from service, they also removed the VIN plate from inside the glove box. The number is still stamped on the chassis and on an information plate on the firewall, although that plate is barely legible. I was wondering about the possibility of having a new plate stamped. About six months ago I saw on the TV show 'Rides' (I wish I would have written down which episode it was) where a new plate was stamped by Ford for a vehicle after completing a restoration. Your attention in this matter would be greatly appreciated. V/R, Joe Murphy 302-831-2011 (work) jkmurphy@udel.edu

On June 3, 2011, I went to your dealer at Roseville Auto mall in Roseville, CA with the full intention of going home with a new car. The salesman, Oscar, was helpful, polite and so very nice. Everything was going fine until the “manager” entered the negotiation process. Even though I had said at the outset that all I wanted was the bottom line on price and was not willing to though machination after machination, he attempted just that. I told him that I had prior financial approval and would not need Ford’s financing. He kept leaving the room and coming back with the information I provided to him and presented it each time as though it were the first time and that I was an imbecile for not understanding what I had told him. I am old; I am disabled and not able to sit for hours listening to garbage. Neither do I have any patience any longer for morons. I can’t believe that in this economy with a customer who was motivated to buy, who wanted to buy, that Ford still practices their arcane procedures of tiring the customer. He kept coming back with no offer at all. What he did was discover how much my preapproval was for and tried to harass me into paying the total or close to the total amount. How entirely stupid. I didn’t know what car I would buy so I asked for more than I thought I would need. The sticker suggested retail price was for $17,000. He wanted $25,000+. Everyone knows the suggested retail price is already inflated and Carsdirect is able to get it for me for $16,000. But he treated me like the person he is and lost the sale. He couldn’t understand what he had said or done to make me not buy. Ever since, Ford has harassed by telephone the person I brought along with me and whose name and number I foolishly wrote on their document. They didn’t even call me at first although I was the buyer. It has been nothing but phone calls since. Now, I am getting harassing mail. I resent Ford’s archaic methods of selling. Back off. I wouldn’t buy from you now. I would not even accept a free vehicle. You’re tainted. Get this dealer off my back. I’ve had it up to you know what. Please – no calls from headquarters either. You’ve blown a guaranteed sale. And if you think I haven’t told all and sundry about my treatment at Ford, you’re mistaken.

My wife and i bought a 05 aviator it had 30,000 miles we bought a extended warrenty for $2400 75,000 or 5yrs my wife was not told that it was 75,000 miles including the 30,000 miles it allready had so we spent $2400 for 2yrs of warrenty know we are at 93,000 miles and the transmission is giving us problems, was hearing this ticking noise from the engine it continued to get worse it sounds like a dissle now. the service guy charged me $140 to tell me it could be my timming belt or rods,his advice was,pay us $3,000 to break the engine down but if we cant fix it we are still going to have to put the engine back together, he said it may not be worth getting fixed so he had a salesman call me to work out a deal. i will never buy a (FORD) fix or repair daily car again

Bought a new Ford Mondeo on 18th March 2011 and by 13th April the car was undrivable due to electronic problems. Here we are almost 10 weeks later and the car is still sitting in the forecourt of the local Ford garage awaiting one "spare part" . The technical problem on a new car is difficult enough to swallow, but the attitude from Ford France towards customers is unbelievable in its indifference and arrogance. Prior to purchasing the Ford Mondeo we had had an Audi for 11 years without one single problem. The decision to buy Ford is arguably the worst decicision we have ever made. We don't know how long we will have to wait for the repairs as it seems no one in Ford France has the slightest idea of their own supply chain mechanism, and so "the customer just has to be patient".

Christie, Jane, Juliene (Senior Business Analyst), Mayzel, Alji, Mea, Jamie, Harold and Phebe, I am replying with everyones names because I wanted to show you that I try and pay attention to details. It seems that each one of you hasn't seen any further than the fact that my vehicle is out of warranty at this time, aren't any warranties available and really FORD "as a whole" isn't obligated to me whatsoever at this point. Has anyone noticed that I mentioned that the defect I am so insistently mentioning was present before I was sold the truck? That I questioned the MANUFACTURE DEFECT before I purchased? That a representative of FORD told me basically that this was a normal sound coming from this particular engine? These facts seem to get lost amongst the "warranty" issue. If FORD knew they had the problem as pointed out in TB2471 by the American Engine Rebuilders Association dated August 2007, why was this vehicle ever placed back up for sale with a defect that was recognizable by the ticking so clearly heard when the engine is running? Why wouldn't it be repaired prior to sale? I'm sure the cost of repair could have been recovered in the sale. I must say that I feel hung out to dry because I trusted a very reputable company with this purchase, I will not make this mistake again, and I have been more than open with each one of you that has replied, I just want someone to open their eyes to the facts, not the procedure manual text. I am going to elevate this through the Better Business Bureau as I have mentioned before, even though the dealership has listened and the salesperson in question has offered a seemingly fair solution to this, there is an issue of trust that makes me extremely skeptical of anything "offered" by this corporation. I still am open to any resolution that can "fix" this issue, I don't want to hear any more incompetent excuses or by the book solutions. On that note, what has happened to CUSTOMER SERVICE? Seems it has been altered to complaint resolution meaning kick them to the curb until they give up!!! Does nobody stand behind their products anymore? Let's just apologize each time we correspond with an upset client, show them how weak our excuses are. Regards, 0670941491 Dale Beardmore

Not that the 2007 Ford five hundred deserves even 1 star. This is a lemon. I have had to have the air conditioner repaired, the leak on the drivers side fixed 2 times, the surge when stopped repaired and I have now been told that the paint on the hood cannot be repaired. Why would anyone buy a Ford product when you ask for assistance and the person in the executive office can only quote policy? I cannot even wash my hood because the paint continues to peel. My car is out of warranty, yes, but a paint job should not be out of warranty after 4 years no matter the mileage. FORD SHOULD NOT EXPECT LOYALTY FROM CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY ARE TREATED IN THIS MANNER. They just want your money for a current vehicle and maintaining a relationship with customers is not on their agenda. I regret having the lack of foresight to buy a car from another manufacturer. They are aware of the issues with this car and refuse to help.

had to replace ac on ford 500 with 39000 miles - there are thousands of complaints online about same problem -- no help from ford- i own my last four fords at present -- ford does not have any customer service remaining-- they are more interested in using customer service cash to build robots- which i think might be making the decisions at corporate now-- my out of pocket to replace ac was 1300.00

I have been a ford owner since 2003 (2 different vehicles). In August 2010, my 2005 Ford Explorer ran hot and I had it towed to McCree Ford in Dickinson Texas. I was told that the thermostat housing unit needed to be replaced at the cost of about 600.00. I had it repaired. Less than a year later, I was notfied by my mechanic that the housing unit was severly corroted and if I did not get it changed out the leak that was causing the corrosion would (coolant) would cause the vehicle to run hot and need repairing again. I took the my vehicle to Mccree Ford the very next morning. I was informed by John in the sevrice department that although the part was new, and it was repaired at the dealer the warranty had expired because of mileage. The warranty was 12000 miles or one year. I was not given any documentation that the part even had a warranty. However, when you bring your vehicle to the DEALER for repair, you do not expect the same problem to occur in less than a year despite how far you drive. The part should last more than a year and knowing full well that they installed the part, they shoudl have fixed it. Period, point blank. Or is it customary for FORD to install parts that they know will not last a year. I had the same porblem at Mccree when I purchased the vehicle in December 2005. Every so often the driver side passenger window would not go down. By the time I drove th 50 miles from my home to the dealer, the window would work properly. The next day or so, the window would stick again. The service department told me that they don;t fix what isn't broken. I was advised to bring it back when the window stuck again. Needless to say, now that the window is permanently stuck, the warranty is out. However, I told the serbice guys repeatedly what was going on to no avail before the warranty was expired. I was turned away with no negotiations or understanding. My days with FORD are long gone! I have been a faithful servant but after being slapped in the face by Mccree Ford.. it's time to move on. My suggestion is that you treat people how you want to be treated as a consumer.

i purchased a ford 2005 freesyle new in mobile al. i replaced 2 new batteries, alternator, only to find out after reading blogs it is the instrumentation panel. there are thusands of complaints. there should have been a recall. the area i have read reported it was a fauly sautering sysytem prior to being distrubuted to customers. ford should re examine this. dbray1955@gmail.com

I have always dreamed of getting a Mustang. It's my dream car. So finally after working my BUTT off, I decided it was time to make my dream come true. Who would have know that it would turn into a HUGE nightmare. I bought a 2011 Mustang from Prestige Ford. The first thing to go wrong, the electorical in the dash board had a short in it. The second thing, my suspension (sp) went out. And now, when I hit 60 miles an hour no matter what road or highway I am on, my steering wheel starts shaking. Really???? What else can go wrong. I am beginning to think I DID NOT get a NEW Mustand that I paid for. I took it to the dealership and they want to charge me $680 to fix it. They said my warranty doesn't cover any of that. Forth thing, I carried it up there because it was making a noise in the back right tire. I took it up there. They said they fixed it, come to find out they just put air in and said it was fixed. I drive it to the gas station to fill up and notice that it is still making that noise. When I get out to look at it there is a HUGE nail in it. Why would they lie and say they fixed it and didnt???? I have never had this many problems with a car. I am just very upset and disappointed about this. I will never buy from Prestige again. Maybe not even another Ford. Sad thing is my family is a HUGE Ford fan. We all drive Fords. We have a F150, Expedition, Explore, and my so called New Mustang!!!

I leased a 2008 Ford Edge and my lease is up on June 11, 2011 so I called Ford Credit to ask them their advise as to where to return the vehicle as Best Ford went out of business. Among the dealerships Ford Credit gave me to call was Tower Ford, 124 South Middle Neck Road, Great Neck NY 11021 - Phone 516-466-6400. I called and spoke to a Rick Roseman who blatently told me that if I am not leasing a new vehicle from them then he can't take my vehicle back and proceeded to rudely hang the phone up on me. I am very disappointed at this behaviour because I've been a Ford customer for over 12 years leasing new fully loaded vehicles with large down payments. I have sent a complaint letter to Ford Motor Company and Ford Credit with the hope that they fire him

i have a 1998 ford f150 which i purchased with 6000 miles on it, today i have 246,000 miles and the only thg that i have done is chg the oil, tires, an brakes. this has been the best truck ive ever owned, and will definatly stay with ford. i told my hubby that at 300,000 miles i was gonna contact the ford corporation and see if they'd like us to do a commercial, this has been a great purchase, and im definatly a FORD PERSON from now on.

Ford motor co is nothing more than a bunch of slick talking people that are interested in a good customer survey about themselfs more that actually solving problems!Am fed up with ford people. In 2009 i took my 2005 mountaineer to Les Stumph ford, in Appleton, wisc ,[the dealer where i bought it in 2007],to have the heated seat repaired because it would no longer heat. The service mngr. told me that they would have to send it to a UPHOLSTERY SHOP, because, they dont do that kind of work at there facility.? He gave me a rental car to use, charged all of this nosence to ford motor co. Two days later he called and said my mountaineer was repaired and ready for pick-up. NOW, heres the best part.....My mountaineer, NEVER left the parking lot at les Stumph! I was watching Les Stumph for two days because i wanted to see where this UPHOLSTERY SHOP really was! I paid ford BIG money for this vehicle[$29000.00when my last pmt is made] Also with a perfect pmt record , iam ALMOST making double pmts! All those dealers are nothing but a bunch of fast talking liars.This dealer needs to be looked into! But, then again, if Ford Motor doesnt care if they get ripped off, should i care? YES, we all should care,because it is costing all of us in the long run. Also,that same year,my rear window was leaking around the screw that went through the glass.Again, another big bull---- story that les stumph ford doesnt do that kind of work at there facility, so they would have to bring in a GLASS SPEACILIST , from some 40 miles away to fix the problem. Another bull---- story , rental car again, all charged to Ford Motor Co. Again, i wanted to see the GLASS SPECIALIST, so i sat in the parking lot the second day and sure enough, a Glass specialists co truck pulled up to my mountaineer, got out with a spray can of silicone sealer, loosened the screw,squirted the sealer in the screw hole, tightened it back up and left the property. LESS THAN 5 MIN.?????? Now, i would like to ask you a question. If you were getting ready to buy a new vehicle, and you was ME, what would you choose, FORD or CHEVROLET ???

I have a 2008 F250 King Ranch......I recently was driving it and it just stopped running while driving down the road. Dangerous to say the least but when we had to get a wrecker to take it to the Ford Dealership they ran tests and they said the fuel pump exploided and sent metal fragments into all of the injectors.........$8,900 damage and it is just a couple thousand miles out of warranty. The regular dealership that I took it too filed bankruptcy so I have none of the paperwork so I am going to have to deal with this high cost.........IF you have had this issue with your F250 or F350 please email me, I have tried to contact Ford Headquarters and get the run around and they want me to listen to a bunch of recordings..........they should be responsible this is a flaw in their parts. David or Lisa Russell dnlrussell5@hotmail.com

I have a 2001 Mercury Sable which only has 49,000 miles on it. My mom bought it brand new and than she sold it to me in 2005, it is a very nice car if it would only work properly. I recently took it to the Ford dealership(Garden State Auto Plaza, Hillside, NJ)because it wouldnt start they told me it was the fuel pump i got it fixed which cost me $943.29--2 weeks later it wouldnt start again, i took it back they said they left some bad gas in the tank they cleaned it and gave it back to me, it last 3 weeks this time i got stuck with it with my kids and i got it towed back to the dealership this time they said the fuel pump was bad and they kept it for 3 weeks because all the fuel pumps they kept getting in was no good--i had to beg them for a rental car because what was i suppose to do without a car for three weeks....now here it is 3 weeks later and it acts like it doesnt want to go when i put my foot on the gas.....i took it back to the dealership and told them im not putting any more money in this car its not my fault they cant fix it but i should be compensated in some kind of way its not fair to me i have to keep on dealing with this.....pls help me....i can be reached at tsand910@yahoo.com

I have a 2005 F150 with the 4.6 engine. The book said the spark plugs should last 100000 miles. I have 82000 on it, Now I am finding out the Spark plugs will cost me 25.00 each, And they will most likley break of when they remove them. and can cost 300.00 each to get them out. This is just not right. how can you make something like this. Ford should replace these at no labor charge. Not a happy customer. This has not been a very good truck. And now this.

I bought an 04 mustang mach1 about a year ago. It has 68k miles on it and i am having to replace the engine...at 68k miles...i have to replace a $6,0000 engine out of my pocket. I was not racing was not showing out i was simply driving when my engine temp went from normal to redline within seconds. I shut down immediatly and found a radiator hose loose. I fixed this and refilled the radiator only to have it do it again a mile down the road. At this point i had it towed to a dealer where i noticed a loud knocking noise in the motor and asked them to figure it out...turns out its a rod knocking...It was not low on oil i checked. I check every time i fill up...now...i am without a car for a week or so while they replace the engine but come on...i thought the big 32v v8's were suppose to be tough...guess not if that little instance of overheating caused that. Called ford HQ to ask for help considering the low milage of the the 7 year old car and no help at all...guess you can't count on the comapny you have been loyal to for a few years...still love my car and will continue to drive it...maybe it was just a freak accident but come on...68k miles on a motor and to have a rod knocking...eh rant rant rant...guess this makes me feel better.

T writing to ask anyone for help" I have a 2008 Explorer Limited with all push button heater controls, First --when the heater is set for floor and defrost the defrost is 11-12 degrees then the floor.---When the dash only is drivers side is 6 degrees coolder than passenger side. The dealer say's that's the way it's supost to be.--There trying to say that ford in 2008 built the explorer and 4 trac that way, but no other models I guess just for fun. If any one else has had these problems Please e-mail me at Boogger1000@frontier.com. I appreicate any help I can get.

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