267 Reviews For Lowe's Companies Headquarters & Corporate Office

Dear Sirs. I applaude your bravery in pulling your advertising from "All American mulim". So sad that today in our great Country, a small group can claim to be the voice of a majority. Stay firm in your decision and know that most of us folks understand a fully support your view. I will make it a point to buy all my needs from you good folks from this point on. Steve Smith Alexandria, Va.

YOU GO LOWES!!! Thanks for not caving in to the PC crowd! How quickly we forget, WE ARE AT WAR! I wish Americans would just LOOK at Any Muslium Country in the world!! Show me ONE! Just one muslium country were THEY are tolerant of different religions! They want us to bend over backward for them , but if the table's were turned and they were in control" they would KILL us if we don't agree with there customs. I can't even find a Christmas card with Jesus on it anymore! Can't say Christmas, must say Holiday! I'm sick of it! Russel Simmions telling me how to think??? Really! This guy made his fortune calling Women the B word promoting Rap Videos on BET!! Really! We have got to wake up and stop letting the Entertaiment Industry shape our values and stick to what made THIS country great!

THANK YOU ... THANK YOU ... THANK YOU !!! Finally, an American corporation making capitalistic advertising decisions in the best interest of their stakeholders !! So maybe three million American Muslims will no longer shop at Lowes, OH WELL, ... better than having thirty million other Americans boycotting company stores !!! FYI ... Wake up people and look whats happening around the world with the help of OUR OWN government. Regimes are being toppled one-by-one and replaced by Muslim-led entities. Apparently, THE RULERS decided to create a one-nation world with Islam as THE RELIGION !! Its already began in Great Britain !! THIS SHOULD FRIGHTEN ALL AMERICANS ... WE ARE THE TARGET OF EXTERMINATION !!!!

Thanks to Lowes for standing up for the pricipals of United States Government, which is for the people to abide by United States laws and not foreign laws. Thanks to Lowes for not advertising the promotion of Muslim or Sharia law. Lowes is an American store with American ideals and guidelines. You Americans who are not supporting Lowes in their effort to keep America strong should run and hide your face with shame for not realizing how many lives our soldiers have given to try and keep America strong

I've been a very loyal Lowe's customer ever since I entered the first store you had here in Austin, TX. I've spent thousands of dollars at Lowe's. I'm also a proud US Army vet from '66-'69. I have always driven extra to get to your store rather than shop at Home Depot. But no more! By no longer sponsoring All-American Muslim on TLC, you've caved to right-wing religious fanatics, who are ironically, just like the people they're afraid of. It's just a different religion. Those self-proclaimed Christians are just showing how hypocritical they are, and you're supporting them! They and now YOU, are part of the problem; not part of the solution. There is no middle ground. Lowe's and those idiots forget just how many Muslims serve in our Armed Forces and have died or been permanently maimed wearing our country's uniforms, not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but in Viet Nam and Korea, just like loyal Japanese-, German- and Italian-Americans did in WWII. Show some courage. Do the right thing and resume sponsoring All-American Muslims and any other show that celebrates E Pluribus Unum and the contributions that come from all kinds of people. That's what our country is about, or should be, not the fear and hate that add nothing to our culture. Show some guts, NOW.

Dear LOWES, I ABSOLUTELY SUPPORT you decision to firstly, use your AMERICAN right to choose where you spend you money and secondly, THANK YOU FOR BEING GOOD AMERICANS and NOT supporting all american muslim shows. The show does not show the real side of muslims in this country but makes them a fantasy....sincerely

My husband and I are outraged at your recent decision to pull your adds from the TLC show All-American Muslims. ARE YOU INSANE? You support shows depicting the abuse of children forced into pageants and competition by their overzealous, AMERICAN-CHRISTIAN parents but you want to pull support from a show that I am sure was intended to open our country's eyes to the fact the the MAJORITY of Muslims are NOT terrorists. It is completely without malice, unlike the conservative groups who have complained about its content. We have used Lowe's as our home and contracting business supplier for many years but in a town where we can go across the street to Home Depot or our local small business owners we will no longer support Lowes with our paychecks, unless you completely reverse your decision and apologize for your actions.

I am deeply comcerned about pulling ads based on a religious group , that does not relize that Jesus him self was no doubt a Jew . English was not our first language here . Native Americans were here first, they did not speak English, yet the white people took them over , next came the British rule that took the whites over . Then came the whites who took over the blacks . In between all that was Hitler who Killed all the Jews . Who do you pray to ? A jew. The list goes on and on , on discrimination. Lowes wants to continue this based on a Chruch who does not know History nor has learned from it . I will spend no money there , in fact if due law would prevail I would ask for all my money back based on dicrimaton of the American people. The Muslums in Dearborn are Police Officers , Fireman , lawyers . Why because they are Americans . Just pratice their culture. Just as I being white . born here , looked up my family tree, pratice my heritage. If looked up your family tree every one has a different culture . Came from a different country. This country let every one in . This is , always has been a diverse country. I for one Intend to keep it that way. What bothers me is , who all works for lowes ? Are they full blooded Americans , if not your a hypicrite . You`ll let other then full blooded Amerians work for you but pull an ad of another culture . How much money do you think the Muslums spend in your stores ? You know they do , or did ? Not to mention Arabs , Blacks , Whites , Mexicans , etc. Who do you pick on next or exclude ? What religion do you exclude next ? What color of clothes do you exclude next ? That list can go on and on also. Where does it stop?

I am very disappointed in your decision to pull advertising from TLC because o the show "All American Muslims." Our country was born out of a desire for freedom from persecution based on a persons religious beliefs. There are those who believe our great country was founded as a Christian nation, this could not be further from the truth. Our constitution clearly states in Amendment 1, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof." This means every American has the right to practice any religion they want and the right not to believe in any religion. It is a sad day when such a large corporation bows to one group of people, albeit a very vocal one, when there are many different belief systems among Americans. We are all Americans. To be a proud American is to forgo bigotry and hatred of anyone, to accept all peoples, and not to be coerced by a singular group. I used to shop at your stores all the time but cannot in good faith so long as you show prejudice to Muslims or any group of people. Native Americans were considered savages and persecuted, innocent women were persecuted as witches, and Hitler persecuted Jewish people. These are just three examples of intolerance and hatred. Please reconsider your decision. There is no place for intolerance in America. We are strong because of our differences and we are a great nation because we accept the rights of others to practice, or not practice, the religion they desire.

I am a regular shopper at our local Lowe's and have always been a satisfied customer. Due to your recent ad block of All American Muslim I will no longer shop at your store. This act was bigoted,and racist. My great grandparents fled such bigotry and hatred and came here to America to live an ordinary life free of persecution.I will go out of my way to shop elsewhere.I will not give you my hard earned money to support such intolerance and stupidity.

I am disappointed in Lowe's for pulling their advertising from All American Muslim program. I watched it last night and for the life of me I don't see anything that is in the least offensive. Perhaps it's that so many people who are not from Michigan hear about Dearborn, MI and think that it is the raving hotbed of radical Islam. Nothing could be further from the truth. Dearborn -- the home of Ford Motor Company, Greenfield Village, The Henry Ford Museum, and any number of delightful ethnic restaurants as well as "American cuisine". Yes, there is a large population of Arab Americans, some 3rd and 4th generation if not longer. They work, have homes, send their children to school. The worship differently from Christians, but so do the Jewish, Mormon and many others. The easiest thing for Lowe's to do is apologize to ALL AMERICANS as well as the Arab Americans, and try to find an advertising spot on this program. This has to be one of the dumbest corporate decisions made in history. Perhaps someone from Lowe's corporate headquarters needs to come to Dearborn [call the Mayor] and try to understand that Dearborn is like any other city.

I support your right to spend your advertising budget as you deem appropriate. This country is founded on basic freedoms which have and should continue to both individuals as well as the businesses that those citizens created. People have the right to patronize your business or take their purchasing dollars elsewhere. You will most likely loose some customers but will also gain some as well.

Dear Sirs: I just read about your decision to pull advertising from the reality show about Muslims. I think most reality shows are pretty dumb but I also think that pulling your advertising from this show is a terrible thing to do. There are far worse shows on TV than this one so this smacks to me of a bias against Muslims. I am not a Muslim; but I am an American who knows bias when I see it and bowing to pressure from Christian extremist groups who don't like anyone but their own groups. Shame on you. There is a nice Lowe's in my area but now I plan to do all my shopping at Home Depot. I do not dispute your right to not advertise but I do critique your reason for same in this instance.

I am deeply disappointed in the decision by Lowe's to pull advertising from All American Muslim on TLC. Have you decided that your "core customer" is a fearful, small minded, bigoted, poorly educated mean spirited Christian Conservative? The only way that we as Americans can overcome our fears of Islam is to educate ourselves and "All American Muslim" is a start. The show's topic is in no way extremist or subversive in nature. We have religious extremists and zealots right here in our own back yard and they are Christian Conservatives who are trying to ram their agenda of hatred and intolerance down everyone's throat. I will be spending MY home improvement dollars elsewhere.

Shame on you for pulling your advertising from American Muslim, and caving in to a bigoted small Florida group, the FFA. It is profoundly unamerican. Need I remind you that 4000 american soldiers died to uphold the rights of muslims in Irag, and that many U.S. service men and women are muslims. Until you retract this move and do the right thing I will conjsider Lowes as small-minded, bigoted and un american and never shop with you. As an American Jew I consider every kind of bigotry and discrimination, qwhether to bklacks, muslims, hispanics, jews etc. a threat to our freedom as a people. How dumb and bigoted are the people making these decisions for you?

I would like you to know that most Americans support your decision to pull advertising from that brain washing show, "Muslim America". I will now do all my business with Lowes rather than Home Depot, and I will encourage others to do so. Keep up the great work and do not let the radical left influence your good decisions. A boycott against you would be totally ineffective, and I envision your sales increasing as a result of your decision to pull advertising.

Great move, Lowe's for listening to some out of touch right-wing group opposing the reality tv show "All-American Muslim", and pulling your advertisments. The Daily Show of 12/13/11 nailed your ass. The far FAR reaching audience that Jon Stewart pulls in will 1) now be informed of your actions, 2) have lasting consequences for your knee jerk and absurd reaction, 3) put your company in a negative spotlight at a time of year when that is the last thing you would wish, and 4) have people running to AISLE 5. I have crossed Lowe's off as a store for my home improvement shopping ... now you're in the same league as Home Depot!

I have been a Lowe's customer for years. I believe that the service is superior to Home Depot and the selection on most items is better. However, with the recent "pulling of Advertising" from the TLC channel's "All American Muslims", I will be "pulling my business" from your stores. Really? "Strong Political and Societal Views?". It's a reality show based on a family of a particular religion living in America. What could be more American? Are you still going to have advertising during "Toddlers and Tiaras"? If so, your priorities are sorely misplaced.

I see a lot of posts regarding Lowes not hiring people due to their ages. I am a 53 year old woman that was hired by Lowes in the receiving dept to unload the truck. I would say a large percentage of the employees in our store are older than I am. They had more faith in me that I could do the job than I did in myself. I LOVE the job and have gotten so much stronger because of this job. I work with a great team. I work a full time job during the day and part time at Lowes in the evening.

I'm an American Muslim. I boycotted Home Depot about five years ago and never spent a penny there since and been going to Lowe's. How much I spent at Lowe's since thousands. Mr. Niblock my business may mean nothing to you but my promise to you is, I'll never spend a penny at Lowe's from now on because you are a week CEO for listening to a hate group.

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