1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I think Lowe's did the correct thing by pulling their ads off this show. I will support Lowe's even more and encourage all my friends to do the same. It is about time we stand up. I for one am sick of the muslim culture being stuffed down our throats. I would rather boycott the network that is airing this kind of junk. Stand strong Lowe's. You did the right thing. Don't let the few un-Americans pressure you to support something you know is wrong. I WILL SHOP AT LOWE'S MORE NOW MORE THAN EVER SO DON'T CAVE ON THIS ISSUE.

I enjoy shopping at Lowes and will continue to do so. I will also advise all of my friends and family to do the same. I support their reason for pulling the ad 100%. I will not go to their competitors and will ONLY go to Lowes because of what they did. Lowes you have a loyal customer for life.

Thank you Lowe's for pulling your ads from the worst show in America: American Muslim. What on Earth was this show created for?? I'll tell you why; for Sympathetic Tolerance!! We now must bow down to every muslim in this country just because they are here? NOT! And that Senator from CA. Go ahead, call for a boycott of Lowe's. I for one will still shop at Lowe's and am glad some companies have the will to stand up to fanatical groups of people who will use any means they can to advance their cause!

I applaud Lowe's decision to pull their ad from the series Muslim in America. Fortunately we are a country with enough freedom left that companyies can choose to advertise where they will. Unfortunely it seems post 9/11 America has forgotten what we promised never to forget. Some of us haven't!

Thank you Lowe's for being a GREAT and TRUE American. Thank you for pulling your ad dollars from that horrible show. "American" Muslim. A show that slaps true Americans acreoo the face. Thank you again!

This would have been a 5 star rating, except for the thoroughly botched job Lowe's did on the Muslim TV show ads. You are a great company with great company service. But the folks who made the decision to pull the ads ought to be taken to task. I'm a Christian, and this action was offensive to me, not to mention the millions of honest, hard-working, loyal American Muslims. My advice to Lowe's: Admit your mistake, apologize, and promise you will re-examine how this great company caved to bigotry.

Dear Lowe's, Excellent decision; Not only do I support and applaud your decision to pull advertising from the show "All-American Muslim", but I thank you as well. Thank you for being a strong, principled corporation. Doing what is right is rarely popular these days, as relativism and political-correctness have stifled many worthwhile decisions elsewhere. Thank you for seeing through the facade; please hold firmly with yoru decision and know full well many of us are with you. Already a Lowe's customer, I will increase my business with you, and deeply encourage peers and family to do the same. Many who will scoff at the decision to pull advertising on such a show are the same who resort to name-calling and hurl hollow threats. They are fringe elements and simply wish to be louder and angrier than those with whom they disagree. Stand your ground; and know we are standing with you.

Lowes, DO NOT cave to the pressure from such a silly asenator as ted lieu. He has no idea what he is saying. What is preached and what is done is two different things. The koran preaches peace but the followers do not follow that preaching, even the moderates. If you change from from being a muslim to a Christian then you are marked for death. If a woman is raped then she is subject to being stoned to death. This is happening right now. I have not found that in today's Christian or any other religion. Lowes has the right to advbertise on any program they wish or to pull advertising from any program for any reason they want. Now since ted lieu wants you to keep advertising on american muslim show then sue him for the costgs of the advertising and any losses occured by Lowes for his actions.

I have always had good service at lowes, but I feel lowes did the right thing in pulling the ad from american muslim, I know there are no ads on American Babtist! from lowes, Also are country was founded on judeo-christian beliefs! NOT Islam!!!!!!

I support your dropping advertising during American Muslim. Its your advertising dollar and you should be able to spend it where you feel it does the most good and certainly not spend it someplace that might cause you harm. I am appalled that some state senator thinks he is going to "pass legislation" with regards to this situation. What does he think he is going to do, pass a law that a business cant decide where to invest its money?? This is political correctness that is out of control! This is now a much more important battle than it started out to be. Please be steadfast in your decision for all of us someone has to stand up and say we wont run scared every time someone wrongly cries racism. I think you made the right decision anyway, just can't imagine who thought it was a good idea to advertise during this show to begin with! Not racism, just common sense. Not every negative feeling about a person of color or even a group is racism.

I can't thank you enough for pulling your add from that muslim tv show. It IS all propaganda to lull America to sleep about the true intentions of the followers of the Quran. It teaches that if any non- muslim will not convert, they must die. I used to shop all the home improvement stores. However, because of your decision to pull the add, I am now a LOYAL Lowes shopper!

Lowes I will never boycott a store but I will send them my opinion. I feel that you have the right to stop your comercials for any show that you wish to. We do live in America and we have the right to go to a store or not, watch a show or not, and advertise on a show or not. My objection with this show is that it is trying to use it as a form of propaganda. In that there is a current anti-Christian feeling in media these days and you would never see an "All American Christian" show or Jew, Hindu, or Buddhist, so I have to ask, why are they pushing "this show". I have my own reasons for not liking this religion and it has more to do with womens rights and control of them, plus I think it is a religion of hate and not acceptance.So I say to you Lowes, do what you feel you must and stick to your own beliefs.

We are outraged that Lowe's succumbed to a right wing Christian hate group. Lowe's caved in and dropped sponsership of the reality show AMERICAN Muslims. Hate should not be an American value. All our appliances came from Lowe's, our house was built from supplies from Lowe's. It is farther to go to Home Depot, but that is where we will take our business if Lowe's doesn't change it's policy.

Thank you for pulling your ad regarding The American Muslim. All of the attacks against America have been done by Muslims. You do not owe anyone an appology. Take a stand for America and don't back down. Muslims are taught from early on to hate us and break us. I shop at Lowes and will continue to do so. We have too many companies that are willing to sacrifice America for people who think they have a duty to tear it down. Muslim is a way of life, not a religion. True Americans need to speak up and support companies that do take a stand. Thank you. God bless America.

Lowes, I thank you for your decision to pull your advertising from All American Muslim. It seems people have forgotten that Americans, and American businesses, have the freedom to choose where they spend their money. Some would have us belive that choosing not to spend money on their particular cause makes one a hater. I disagree. I have a choice as to where I spend my money and I will spend it at Lowes even though Home Depot is only one mile away. Please stay the course. There are more people who support your stance than oppose it. I will support you, as best I can, with my wallet.

I have been buying exclusively from Lowe's for the past 3 years and boycotting Home Depot for their heavy involvement in gay advocacy. I applaud your advertising pulling from the show "American Muslims". It only confirms my decision to buy from your company and we will continue to do so. We have a whole group of church member friends who are supporting Lowe's instead of Home Depot. We are proud of your stand. Yes, you may receive some criticism and dislike, but I am sure you will find that even more support will come your way as we make it known that you were willing to take a stand for the values and rights this country holds so dear!

Really?! You caved in to hate-mongering Christian extremists by removing a show that was more All-American than the complainers. Shame on you! Not goung to shop Lowes--and I'll be tuning into the show more often!

I am glad that you pulled your support from the advertising, I do not blame you at all. It's your money and you can choose to decide when and where you advertise. It is not being a bigot, or reacist or unAmerican. It's just your freedom of choice to do what you like. I have already sent and e-mail to Sneator Ted Leiu of Rendodo Beach and let him know my feelings. This trying to ask for a boycott is soft tryanny and I can't believe that he would come down on an American Company in lieu of a Moslim Reality Show. Soon we will all be told by the government what kinds of cars and gas and food and clothing to buy and when we can live breathe and eat. Please don't back down on this issue, if you give in on one thing you will give in on all.

By folding to the pressure of the Florida "Family" Association you have lost me, my husband, and whoever I can get to listen to me to not shop your store in the future. What you did buys into the bigotry and racism of those small minded people. There is no way you will receive another cent from me and my family. You should be ashamed.

Lowes....there's enough Christians to support you. Don't worry about the radicals. You stood up for Americans, Christians and our Forefathers who fought for this to be a Godly Country. This is steadily being stripped from our society and once gone, cannot be recovered. You ARE a great corporation and you DO HAVE THE RIGHT to not be on the anti-American/anti-Christian bandwagon that is so prevalent today. Yea, I know I will be ripped to pieces on oncoming posts, but I DONT CARE! I'm tired of Christianity being beaten down. I will always choose Lowe's over Home Depot. To the CEO of Lowe's, thank you. You are appreciated by many. If this is what drew the line in the sand, then so be it. I am on the side of Christianity.

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