1271 Reviews For Lowes Headquarters & Corporate Office

I proudly support you Lowes, thank you and i will shop at your stores forever. Everything about muslimes and their child-molesting "prophet" is evil to the core. alah is a joke for weak-minded slaves who have no consience. turn away from the evil while you can.

Thank you for Supporting AMERICA and pulling your ads from the Muslim show.

I am extremely satisfied that Lowe's pulled there sponsorship for ' All American Muslim', since there is no such thing as a all American Muslim. America, and its form of government,was founded on the principles of Christianity. If people will read the Koran, you will understand that it states,that no other religious beliefs or ways of life can coexist with Islam. According to the Koran,"all Muslims" are taught to exterminate anyone that is not a Muslim. The prophet Mohammed, when he moved from Medina to Mecca participated in the killing of Christians, by dismembering them, and wrote for his followers to do likewise. What the west needs to understand, is that Islam is not a religion, but a way of life that "all Muslims" must obey according to Sharia Law from the Koran. Don't listen to what Muslims want you to believe, read for yourself, what they are taught, that they must live only by Sharia Law. According to the Koran, Islam is taught to be the most intolerant belief on the face of the earth. What I have said here is going to piss off Muslims, and they are going to say this is all lies. So, I challenge you to educate yourself to see who is really lying. Read the Koran and you will be shocked at what it teaches. There are other sources out there that substantiate all that I have said. One is a DVD called "ISLAM: What the West Needs to Know". It is available at Amazon.com, Best Buy, Barnes and Noble,and Overstock.com, just to name a few. Part of this DVD is narrated by an ex-Muslim terrorist who became a Christian. What he says is is something every American should listen to. After hearing what he has to say, there will be no doubt in your mind as to what the agenda of Islam really is. Remember, you will pay for what you don't know, and knowledge is power.

I applaud your decision to pull advertising dollars away from programs that encourage and profit from anti American sentiment. I believe in religious freedoms but also believe that I should not have to be subject to others religions. That networks decision to create such programming, is in my opinion, in very poor taste and an attempt to popularize a religion that goes against every American value that created this great country. The state senator in California obviously has nothing better to do than worry with your freedom to spend your advertising dollars where you would like. He would be better served trying to work on his state problems than to intrude into private matters of a corporation. Thank you!!

I just want to applaude you for standing up to this propaganda, "All American Muslim". This Muslim infestation that has come to the modern world needs to be dealt with, and by that I mean they should not be allowed to ductate what happens in our part of the world. It is your right to pull your ads, and your right to know where you want to spend your advertising money. So know, they want to bully you into spending countless thousands if your money to appease the muslims. PLEASE !!! This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. Keep being who you want to be, not what the leftist's and Muslims want you to be.

I will make every effort to find my home needs at Lowes NOW!! Lowes has made a lifelong customer out of me for this action. Job well done for recognizing the Muslim propaganda for what it is, not a "show", but pure propaganda. ROOT out the evil. Seems most easily forget the poll conducted BY Muslims 2-3 years ago that showed 80% of ALL Muslims at the MINIMUM...would NOT condem the 9/11 attacks and over 30% condoned the attacks. The Muslims have found a new niche, VICTIM. Would they care for a little cheese with that whine? Give me a break! I'd say to them what I say to antone else who doesnt care for America, American ways or capitalism & the free market...LEAVE! Bravo Lowes!...and...a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS LOWES!

Please don't bow down to the muslims because you pulled your ads from their reality show. Make a stand and tell them that you won't be moved by their blatant 'terrorist' demands of boycotting your store because you refuse to show your ads on their propaganda.

Your pulling of your sponsorship on the "All American Muslim" show really show cased a new low for you. It's really a shame that a store like yours, who caters to all people of faiths, religion, and walks of life, can not have the decency to do the right thing. Your corporate indecisiveness and lack of balls really to stand up to those uneducated groups of hatred is just a shame.

I am 100% in agreement with your decision to pull your advertising from the TV show relating to muslim life in America. Religious prejudice assertions notwithstanding, as an American company you have a constitutional right to use your advertising money any way you see fit, to maximize your expected patronage. Please do not give in to those who try to force you to do otherwise, for whatever their ill-conceived reasons. E. W. Sanders Tampa, Florida P.S. I think you have great stores, and great people working in them!

Thank you Lowe’s, for pulling your advertising from TLC’s latest disgusting propaganda programming, the All American Muslim. I had made a note of which corporations were sponsoring this offensive show – before permanently programming TLC off of my channel line-up. I have no intention of ever giving these businesses any of my money. However, Lowe’s, in support of your decision I will be shopping at your stores instead of Home Depot or OSH. Merry Christmas.

Thank you for pulling your advertising block from the program "All American Muslim". My family has already to chosen to shop you store instead of Home Depot be ause they are anti-family, anti-Christian and pro-homosexual. We hope you will continue to stand for values that distinguish you from other retailers. Your customer service has been fantastic, your products and selection are great and you local store appliance personnel is top notch here in McKinney at 380 and Hwy. 75. You have secured our loyal business for as long as you continue to protect true American values. We are telling everyone to shop your store for these reasons and will continue to do so.

I love Lowes!! Wonderful products and the BEST employees!! A Great All American store! Thank you Lowes and God Bless and God Bless Americaa!!

I don't know all the details of Lowes decision on this issue, but commend them for taking a stand against a religeon that is contentious, misogynist and a major threat to this country. If one has doubts about this, read scholars like Bernard Lewis or Samuel P. Huntington. Also, look up the definition of Taqiyya. It allows them to lie and/or say anything in the perpetuation of Islam. I am very skeptical of these feel-good TV shows that are springiing up. Also, Lowes, I own apartments and warehouses and my maintenance people use your stores, not Home Depot. Please don't capitulate on this issue.

If you are upset with Lowe's pulling their advertising from the AMERICAN MUSLUM TV show, because of some hate filled religious group in FLORIDA called, "The Florida Family Association", then please write to the CEO of Lowe's and tell him to stop promoting "RELIGIOUS HATRED" in AMERICA! And, that you will not be shopping at Lowe's anymore! I & my husband will NEVER spend another dime at Lowe's, and I'm am closing our credit card accounts, also. My husband is a building contractor, so they are going to lose thousands just on us. Write the CEO of "Blowe's" His name is, ROBERT NIBLOCK, 401 Elkin Highway, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. And tell him, there is no place in America for... RELIGIOUS, RIGHT WING FASCISM.... By the way, I'm an Irish American.

A BIG Thank you to Lowes for taking a stand against the American Muslim show. Jesus came at Christmas time for all peoples....those who believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Don't be deceived America....the Muslim faith is NOT what American was founded on ...it was a Christian faith and still is...

Good for LOWES!!! You have EVERY right to advertise where you want to! Bravo! I have nothing against the muslim religion, but lowes has EVERY Right to put ads where they want. I for one am glad that they will not promote ANY RELIGION. Religion just causes problems!!! Look at all the Muslim countries....problems problems problems !!!

Lowe's has done a great job as a home improvement store for years. This recent fervor over the pulling of the advertisement is a joke. They reacted as a business and decided the negative attention for sponsoring this series was against the message they wanted to portray. This is what capitalism is all about folks. You don't like it, fine. You don't want to shop at Lowe's as punishment? Fine. THat is your decision. However, to come on and say that it is 'Anti American', religious bigotry, or any other slanderous language is ridiculous. For a sitting Senator from Michigan to accuse this is poor by example and nothing but posturing in a political manner. For a Senator from California to insist on an apology AND to insist they put their ads back on TV is illegal. That is Lowe's choice. They don't have to advertise anything if they do not desire to do so. Yet, hot air filled politically correct windbags feel they should stand up for this "injustice". I for one will direct MORE business for Lowe's as they stand for what I believe is correct and just. Finally, to be just perfectly clear and to set things straight: Muslim religion MUST stand for itself whenever EXTREMISTS perform despicable acts in the name of the Muslim Religion or the Muslim God. Until this is the normal, and everyone in this wonderful country can relate to that, your religion IS a religion of hate. When these awful acts of terrorism are performed, the Muslim religious figures in the US should be pounding on the door of every media outlet to proclaim what they did was a perversion of a peaceful religion and that no such personnel in his/her religious umbrella would ever perform such a heinous crime. A religion that does not openly preach against such evil is essentially condoning the events that they are associated with. So many acts of aggression with thousands of innocents killed were orchestrated by Muslim Extremists, not Christian Extremists, not Buddhist Extremists, or Mormon Extremists. If you do not like being lumped in to such a group, then distinguish yourself from them. If you do not do so, then you are part of the issue. Many links have been made between so-called peaceful mosques and the extremists, providing safe haven and financial support. Where are you to decry against their efforts? Until the distinction is made, you will be discriminated against daily. Lowe's isn't even discriminating against them. They are only exercising their right as an American corporation to choose what shows to sponsor and what shows not to sponsor.

Your decision to pull your adds do NOT disturbe me at all. I will continue to purchase from your store. Although I do not agreee with all of your decisions, I do respect your decision.

Mr. Niblock ~ You did exactly the RIGHT thing by pulling your ads from the Muslim show. I've seen the show and it is propaganda to the extreme. Everyone I know loves your store and we will be giving LOTS of Lowe's gift cards to our friends and family this year for Christmas. To all the naysayers out there - WISE UP PEOPLE AND DON'T BE NAIVE!!! Thank you Mr. Niblock for standing up for America!!!

LOVE LOWES. We replaced our roof last year and the people at Lowes are wonderful. Love the store and the helpful associates. As for pulling the ad from a T.V show that is fine by me. You are a company in America and you do not have to advertise on a show if you do not want to. Love your store and will recommend it to everyone.

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