1313 Reviews For J C Penney Corporation, Inc Headquarters & Corporate Office

Dear JCPenney, I used to love your store. My family has had stock in JCP for 3 generations since my grandfather owned a store and sold it to the original JC Penney and took stock instead of payment. He then worked for Penney as on of his right hand men. I feel that your recent CEO has been making a lot of mistakes. First it doesn't work as well to have the everyday low prices because no one is motivated to get to the store if the good prices are there all the time. Customers will just feel like they are getting cheaper merchandise for the low price. If I can get a $50 dress for $30, now I feel like I am getting a good deal and am more motivated to buy it because it's "on sale". I also don't think you should have put all on the line to enter the culture wars. That was too risky since your loyal customer base doesn't think that way or approve of same sex relationships. I still have stock in your company but for goodness sake please get back to basics and stay out of the fray. I also don't like seeing ads like that because I believe it is promoting a lifestyle that is not moral.

I cannot contribute to a pro-homosexual organization, my wife and I are closing our Penny's account. We have been Penny's customers for YEARS and are saddened to see you bowing the knee to a minority with an agenda! I'm embarrased for my children to see your ad and to have to try to answer their questions about two daddys and no momma. Such a position, I believe, will ultimately bring your company to ruin because the majority of Americans understand the vile nature of same sex relationships and unnatural sex. SHAME ON YOU! Are you REALLY GOING TO STAND HERE?

These comments are addressed to your president.I write as an experienced retailer who successfully managed a chain store that grew to 250 stores from the one i started.Profits increased sustantially each and every year until I retired.Even though unneccrsary mistakes were made by over promising you have put the company on the right path.I would emphasise that as a matter of principle you refuse to associate yourself with phoney pricing which is tantamount to fraud.Stress the fact that honest pricing and good quality are what you promise to deliver.You have demonstrated true leadership. Stay the course you will win.

If I could,I would include(no Stars)'Sucks 'for your rating choice.I was, in the past an avid JCP shopper,every weekend,with my catalog and my 10/15/20 percent off.Since you started the new fair and square campaign I've been there less than 5 times.I am very disappointed in your decision to do this,your store has lost its appeal for me and to top it off,you've chosen to jump into the cesspool of promoting homosexuality as a normal lifestyle.You should not have gone there.I am Christian,I do not hate gay people,but as it is taught in the Bible,homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord,as is idolatry,drunkeness,drug abuse,violence,adultery,stealing,etc.Did you forget the 10 commandments?Did you forget the God of heaven,who gives and takes away?I read of your company losing millions of dollars this year.Coincidence?I think not.Repent,reorganize and get it together.Bow your corporate knee to the Lord and ask Him to forgive you.God is still God.He is in charge,and He will not be mocked,Amen.

I read an article in the Huffington Post today that hurt me deeply. I think you are on the wrong track. Ron Johnson, who left Apple to become J.C. Penney's CEO in November, said he hopes customizing 100 unique shopping experiences will help the retailler attract customers beyond frumpy moms on a budget, its long-time demographic. For years, J.C. Penney neglected building a brand in favor of pushing discounts, a strategy that Johnson overturned this spring by eliminating coupons and sales in favor of consistently low prices. I am a Catholic stay at home mother of 5 children ages 17 to 7. I do not look frumpy, just not chic. I shopped exclusively at JCPenneys to treat myself to a better selection and shopping experience going only to JCPenneys at the Mall at Columbia in Maryland. I do not shop the other mall stores. I am on a budget. I have spent on average over $310/mo at JCPenneys in 2011. I enjoyed shopping for my entire family and home there. I have spent only $80/mo on average this year. I purchased a dress shirt, Stafford, and the cuff came off in the first washing. I look for bargains. I am on a budget. I do not appreciate Ellen DeGeneres as the spokesperson and am put off by the changes in marketing. We are a traditional family and appreciate being treated like a valued customer. I go now when I have taken advantage of your portrait studio deals and in August will go for the free haircut for children K-6. I have returned to shopping at Walmart and Target with renewed appreciation for the values they offer. I will refrain from shopping at JCPenneys in the future.

We live in a world where we all too often hate one another for our own insecurities, and it's made us a very sad race. I hate that people who identify as LGBT are harrassed, beaten, and murdered. I hate that they are denied rights in a nation that was founded upon religious freedom. I can't positively say what the motives are behind the people who ostracize the LGBT community, I can only think of one thing. They are people, just like the rest of us, that see being homosexual as a disgusting act because of what their mothers and fathers taught them. When I was growing up, I, too, said som nasty hateful things towarh LGBT community, because that is what I learned from my father. When I realized I was gay, I stopped, and so did my father. He changed for me, because that is love. They use a book that condemns just about everythin we do in our everyday lives, but they only use that part. They skip the parts that say what they are doing is wrong. They forget the fact that the Bible was written thousands of years after it all "happened". They forget thathe Bible has been rewritten and revised hundreds of times over, parts have been taken out and embelished, King James took only what he liked out of it and made his own. This book is used against the LGBT community like it is the written law, and it is not. What I came here to say is this: Thank you J. C. Penny for showing your support. I know that you are not picking sides against the heterosexuals, otherwise you would have a gay group similar to the Westboro Baptist outside your stores keeping them from coming in. Any person with an open mind can see that there is no side to choose, there is only hate and teach hatred, or love and teach love. What you are doing by standing up in support of LGBT rights is courageous in a world lke today, simply because there are so many ignorant people who will stop business with you because you are a good person. People these days don't know what a good person is anymore, so when they see one, they ostracize them as well and run away, because they just can't compare. There are millions of LGBT youth and adult who find comfort in your actions. Knowing that there is someone there to support them, someone there telling them that are loved and you stand with them. A large majority of suicides is in the LGBT community. People ending their own lives because they have only ever been told they are an abomination. They have been told it's true by the one book everyone else has in common. The one book that says everyone is loved the same, and they are the one exception. Just another way to set them apart. So by standing up for equal rights, you are letting the LGBT community know they are wanted, they are important, they have allies. And by doing that, I have no doubt in my mind that you are saving lives. What you do is very important to me, and I couldn't possibly express my greatfullness. <3

I only wish every company in this country had your open-minded, forward looking attitude. Our family and friends will continue to shop at your stores and feel very comfortable knowing you represent everyone....and welcome everyone in your stores. Thank-you for your consideration.

I really don't understand the hiring and keeping up with how store mangers are supposed to be. I work at the Jcpenney in Ukiah CA and i must say the store manager Nancy Oharu is seriously a sorry excuse of a store "leader". I've worked for the company little over 6 years and i've experienced two store managers, the first one was beyond professional, not saying i never gotten in trouble by him because i have, but it wasn't about what others where telling him like the new store manager. I feel she never ever gets out of her office and has her "favorites" that run to her and give her the 411 of whats going on the floor, mind you these people aren't even people that work they mainly walk around bc that's all she has them do. since i started this company i've always been aware of the open door policy, and how if theres a problem feel free to speak to the store manager and with mike simmons i always felt like whatever i was going in to to talk to him about he would genuinely try to help. Can not say the same about Nancy, she's a paranoid freak and speaks to everyone like we're her "special" son she has. Not one person at this store feels comfortable enough to speak to her. Not to mention she laid so many ppl off (i understand bc of the ceo decision) but literally kept all the new people who don't know one thing about the store, nor about costumer service. She kept a couple of supervisors that bullshit there way to make her happy but don't know how to assist costumers with out help of people that have been there longer that only have titles of associates. not to mention, she re hired her favorite employee back just for the summer after telling everyone there not hours, yet he works everyday now that he's here.....this place is completely upside down and i don't see this store at least going far bc of whose running it, it's really sad when you notice that she's keeping all of the people that won't question what she's doing bc this is there first year at jcp and have only experienced her as a store manager. Honestly, you guys are wasting your time and money on this lady who really isn't doing anything but hiding in her locked office listening to two people only and fully doing favoritism towards a bunch of idiots who know nothing. my honest opinion store #1388 needs a new store leader someone who is open minded and listens and doesn't make you feel like a waste of time for going to her office, better yet one who won't openly say you going to her office is "a waste" of her time. I hope this gets to jcp headquarters or else i'll copy and paste this and send to the texas address

I worked at jcp corp for several years and they have caved to all of the minorities and specifically the past few years. I am all for equality but they gay and lesbian group now runs the company as all are afraid of the group. When most of the target demographic of JCP is against this perverse lifestyle as it does not align with their customer base. Within the walls of JCP is something very much against what Mr Penney was about. Middle America should move on and let this company die and vote with your dollars to shop somewhere more fruitful. Your money is nicely supporting a lifestyle you do not agree with. I believe Mr. James Cash Penney would no longer want the company to exist if this is its future. The govt needs to move beyond regulating diversity as this is what keeps the US divided. Food for thought...

So I cut back on my visits (2 in the last 4 months) to JCP with the new marketing campaign...coupons and sales do make products cheaper (apparently the world agrees based on JCP sales numbers/profits). I have only purchased 1 item since the new store strategy started and it was on sale on the clearance rack (imagine!). Your selection is so limited; your stores are empty (merchandise and consumers) Now I hear you are going to go to self check by 2014...no checkers??? Are you going to lower prices even more to compensate me for doing your workers' jobs? You will nail the last nail into your coffin. Wow, the first marketing strategy didn't work so let's implement another poor idea. Genius. Who is making these decision and guided by who? Let's hope they never let it know what college they got their markeing degree from...I'm done with JCP!

I am an ex-Liberty Mutual employee, and when I was employed with LM I participated in their employee retirement program. I now desire applying for my employee retirement benefits. Please provide me with the information so that I may apply for my benefits. Warren Thompson, Jr. 634 Brookside Drive Columbus, Ohio 43209-2245 (614) 973 8002 (614) 702 1308 email - cheapys@ymail.com Please forward to proper department.

The minute you do away with cashiers in the stores is when you will not see me. I like talking to a person and they help me alot. So save money---and you will lose money from little me. YES I will not shop there I'll go to Sears Boscovs and Macys before I go to PENNYS. Thank you for your little time in reading this note.

Dear JC Penney: I was really distressed to learn that you are pushing the Same Sex Marriage theme in your advertising. I currently have a product that I had ordered and was to pick up but will now get my money back and cancel the order and stop doing business with your company . I was so sorry you took this position and I hope you will soon abandon the pursuit of this demographic and will decide instead to begin seeking to reach the general population. Keep in mind that what we accept as “normal” affects every aspect of our culture and our children’s lives are changed as a result. If we say that sex with dogs is normal and push that idea on others that are willing to “buy into” that idea – eventually the population begins to accept that perversion as normal. You could say that was far fetched but I personally remember a time when the idea of a gay couple of guys cavorting with “their” children in a JC Penney ad was extremely far fetched. It is a sad day when that becomes normal to anyone. It is an especially sad day when the existence of such ads is fuel for the “encouragers” who understand and help confused young boys and girls “discover” their sexuality at the age of 11 or 12 and help them get acclimated to a life style that they say is perfectly acceptable. My request to you is to NOT be fuel for their reasoning and efforts at proving to the world that their ideas are in any way normal. They are not. Pursuance of their lifestyle is a perversion of the family God had in mind and a extreme distortion of the way he meant for us to procreate. The fact that some are in love and happy in that lifestyle is their own private thing and should not be promoted as normal. How many people can you name that married someone and later died as a result of that union due to sickness contracted from the marriage partner? Probably zero. But when you put AIDS into that equation the answer changes dramatically. Thank you for any attention you give to this request and please be aware of my firm position that you will lose my business until you renounce this advertising practice. I will make your position known to my rather wide circle of friends and co-workers.

Dear Sirs: I am sending this note as a faithful customer of JCPenney online and regular stores. I was appalled when I saw the recent advertisements which portrayed gay couples in your ads. Your store was started by a man who promoted morality and family values. As a concerned American watching the values of America slide downhill at an alarming rate, I ask you to refrain from encouraging this downward descent and stand strong on American values. I will be watching and waiting to see which direction you choose. My choose of using your store will be based on this direction. Thank you. Lynn

There is NO doubt, you are going to see more and more of what is happening to JC Penny because moral people are MUCH more informed and engaged in events and issues outside their immediate family concerns. The reason being, they have discovered what happened to them, (via the illegal usurper who now hangs out in the People's House), when they trust other people to make sure that all is well in government and the world. The so-called "culture war" is far from over. The sodomy tide WILL be turned back, but it will just take a little time. The tail will no longer wag the dog.....

I have been a JCP credit customer for many years and value the products I purchase there. However, I am ready to cut up my JCP Credit card and NEVER buy another item from any JCP store in my area!! I went on vacation and did not get my bill paid on time ( I HAVE NEVER BEFORE paid my bill late - actually always paid the ENTIRE balance each month!!) Arriving home, I immediately paid the bill + the $25 late fee and $3.70 interest. I have been getting phone calls from JCP at all times of the day - even on Sundays. This is frustrating and harrassing considering that I have been a loyal customer who NEVER ONE time was late on paying the entire bill!!! If this is one of your new policies, it is an extremely BAD one. These type of phone calls should only be for credit customers at least 90+ days over due.

Any of you complaining about the Ads supporting Gay Fathers, Lesbians and all of JC Penneys advertisements are closed minded idiots! This is our world as it is reflected in this day and age. These are real people with real families that face real challenges just like straight people do. I love your new ad campaign JC Penneys, I think it is about time that companies embrace every race, gender, and family situation and highlight the positives of the world and these happy families or people. How ignorant that you people would cancel credit cards or discontinue shopping from a business that is taking a step forward to embrace all people and not perpetuating ignorance and bigotry! The only positive is that these posts have enlightened the world as to how much hate is still out here and closed minded people really are. Kudos to Penneys and I will always be a loyal customer and will recommend and support this company always! Shame shame on all you dumbasses!

The JCP corporaton which I have ben a customer of for over 78 years has become on of the worst run companies in the U.S. Corporate World. Your customer phone service peoprle are rude, unhelpful, and over protective of corporate officers. And well they should be since JCP has become obnoxious with its hateful and annoying credit card phone calls, uses sexual advertising without conscience and fails to acknowledge customer calls that pertain to unwanted advertising and phone calls. Know this: I am in the process of asking the federal government to deny JCP and its employees from using my phone numbers, my internet and I am in the process of cutting my JSP credit cards into pieces. Thank you for exiting my life. Billy d. Patty

It used to be that I would address JCP as a dear friend. Today I want them out of my life. Support of gays, infidelity and condoning repeated phone calls during all hours of day and night brings our relationship to an end. Your executive board will drive the value of your stock into the ground and if you continue on the path of present customer relationships the value of your stocks will cause an extreme shuffling of employment. If you want a excellent CEO, my husband has created the St. Charles County Sanitary collection and treatment center, headed two separate major businesses and has always loved trading at JCP. He has told me to cut up my JCP cards and to cease trading in your stores until there are major customer relationship changes. And please, stop having people make annoying credit related calls. We do not use credit cards except in extreme emergencies whe we forget to pocket cask before shopping. Ruth Patty

I have a concern about JCPenny Outlet store locate Tempe,Arizona. I purchase a belt there around father day. Well I have to return the belt it was to small so I decide to take the belt back to regular JC Penny store. I was told they could not accept the belt because its came form JCPenny Outlet. My question what different does it make if it came from Outlet or Regular JCPenny when you are using my JCPenny card. I so discourag an embarrase. It would be nice to let the customer no what going on. Either in your bill statement or a letter. So please change the card to outlet preferred customer and regular card to jcp customer. P.S. I want everybody who read this be AWARE very deceiving.

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