743 Reviews For Home Depot Headquarters & Corporate Office

I am sorry to say I have had the most unpleasant experience with Home Depot. In the Sunday, February 19, 2012, Sacramento Bee newspaper ad for Home Depot, attached, in the ad, on the front page was a “Special Buy” for a LG washer AND dryer, price $1098. We thought wow what a great deal! We went to our local Elk Grove, CA. store on Stockton Blvd. The salesperson was pleasant, asked if we needed assistance. We showed him the ad and stated we wanted this washer and dryer on sale, what a great price for both. He stated that price is for each one, we showed him the ad more closely, he stated yes that does state and on the ad not or, each. He also stated there is no * indicating there are exclusions. He called the Mgr over that was on duty, he too looked at the ad and agreed it stated and, indicating the price was for both the washer and dryer. He then stated “but I can’t give you that price”. We asked him why, it is stated on the ad, he said it is clearly a mistake, we stated that may be true but it is printed on the ad and you have posted no corrections in the paper nor on the display in the store, we would like you to honor this price. He said he would not sell it to us and he would have the Store Manager call us the next day, 2/20, as of yet we have not heard from anyone. It’s interesting that you have the two statements below posted on your website, apparently these values have not been explained to your employees. Building strong relationships: Strong relationships are built on trust, honesty and integrity. We listen and respond to the needs of customers, associates, communities and vendors, treating them as partners. Doing the right thing: We exercise good judgment by "doing the right thing" instead of just "doing things right." We strive to understand the impact of our decisions, and we accept responsibility for our actions. We want what your ad stated, the LG Graphite Steel 4.6 cu. Ft. washer and 7.3 cu. Ft. dryer for $1098. I would like to resolve this amicably if possible. I hope that per the Values you have posted on you website those are not just words, it is a statement of who Home Depot truly is. I look forward to hearing from you. June Watson

My husband and I decided to tile our breezeway.We went back, and fourth to homedepot gathering information, picking out colors, and the right tile for the room. My husband took a day off from work on feb 24th. He spent time with the associate asking what he needed ,and the associtate gave him all the materials and tools he needed to get the job done. The next day we started to lay the tile all went well until the next day we started to apply the epoxy grout. What a nightmare it was not going on well, and was sticking on the spreader as well as everything else. We used twice the amount that was recomended, and still not even done. The next day I went to get more supplies they gave me the wrong grout, and more sponges,and another spreader. My husband called the manager, and after a long conversation and the manager as well as my husband researching some contacts found out the associate gave us the wrong tool to apply the grout and the wrong sponges to clean the tiles we (Have A Big Mess). And Areust Sick Over This.

I was terminated from Home Depot store 2024 in Auburn Indiana.They say i disrespected a woman associte.She was tranferring to store 2024 from another store,she walked up to me and asked for the manager i told her where to find him she walked off.After she left i told the woman behind the service desk i thought that woman was gorgeous and she was eye candy and i was being lighthearted and gave the fist pump.two women associates in front of hardware turned me in for disrespect.I never said anything disrespectful to that woman or about that woman.When they took me back to terminate me I brought up the fact that i had heard Staci Quinonez assistant manager at 2024 talk about a customer that came in there she said he was hot and had a nice butt.She was one of the people terminating me,her response was that she didnt say it about a fellow associate.I had heard her call fellow associates tools and other names.Her best friend Annette Northrup works there and Annettes husband Jason Northrup works there.They get prefferential treatment from Staci Quinonez.For instance Staci Quinonez has a sister that coaches college ball and wanted Annette to go to a game with her she let Annette Northrup call in the night before as sick and Staci Quinonez approved it.Annette Northrup is the dh of Hardware at 2024 and has no clue about tools or material,I had to bail her out many times.How can Home Depot be so hypocritical?I know this will be swept under the rug but i had to get it off my chest.

My husband went to the Home Depot in North Versailles,Pa yesterday. He needed some help locating the product he was looking to purchase. There were atleast 5 employees standing in the front of the store carrying on a conversation and not one of them offered to help my husband. It is nice that HomeDepot can afford to pay employees for standing around talking in groups rather then doing their job. I am retired now but when I was employeed we were told that if we were not busy,pick up a broom, cleaning rag or mop and do something constructive andd earn our pay. Instead of laying off employees who have been faithfull for years, they should put some of these people in the store as secrect shoppers and terminate employees guilty of standing around on the clock wasting time talking. At least the employees should look busy.

Home Depot needs to change there delivery service. Temco in Pomona California is horrible. We purchased a new GE Washer and Gas Dryer. Everything about the purchase at the store went so smooth, it was almost frightening! Wednesday 2-22-2012 was the scheduled delivery date. We received a call from a recorded line saying delivery will be 10-30 to 230 of which was fine,we had to secure our pets as our lanudry room was off the garage and our little dog had to be put in his piriate cage for secure. Then some rude employee of Temco Company called me at 9:30 a.m. and wanted delivery, I informed him he was early, rude to talk to asked him to give me 1/2hr time. Well, they sure came extra early, never have had anyone come that early! They started to unload the new washer and dryer the other person stated the Dryer was damaged for me to go look at it as they were unloading and taking the package box off in the street where water was, it was totally damaged from the panel where the knobs are of course we could not except it. Then the other person, seemed a bit fast and rude brought the new washer in just about ready to sign for it and he said " Oh, look a dent in the front and I said oh look large black marks on the top of the washer." He was very rude and said he would give me 75.00 dollars off the price? Oh yea? who is going to give me that money. I told him to return all and get us new ones that we were and had orginially ordered. After speaking with my son who was there at the time we felt this was wrong and something, doesn't seem right? So I marched myself over to the Home Depot in Camarillo and was rudly taken care of to charge back our debit card of 1,173.68 and of course received negative tones on that. Had to wait an hour until finally a great employee told me here I will charge this back this is between Home Depot and Temco Delivery you need not to wait anymore. Also a girl gave me a complaint 800# to file a complaint of which I did. We have yet to see the refund and our bank is and filed a dispute with Home Depot. This is illegal and I think you as a large company is being ripped off by this delivery service, doesn't it seem strange that two new applicances from the warehouse was damaged? Why didn't anyone check them first before driving thousand miles from Pomona to Ventura county? Seems you Home DEpot must just have money to burn. WE have sinced filled a claim with our bank for the refund of which they state in process, and we will never purchase large deliver items from you again, you destroyed my faith in your company and made me have a horrible day. Of which we have to go to the laundry mat because we do not have the money yet to purchase a new set from another company. Horrible do not use them for applicances. They are o.k. for color bowls and bedding plants maybe herbs, soil but thats about it! a horrible time nancy x customer

On or about the 7th day of February 2012 I called the Home Deport in Bluffton, S.C. to schedule an appointment with Sally at Kicthen Cabinets. The meeting was scheduled for 0830 on 9 February 2012. On that date I appeared before Sally with detailed drawings in hand on a commercial job which I was quoting. The detailed drawings showed the cabinet layout in floor plan and elevation in the various sections of the building. Additionally, I provided cabinet call outs for each individual cabinet, even showing the fillers. We reviewed styles, finishes and hardware and I left the meeting with an indication from Sally that essentially I had done all the work and hence a quote would be forthcoming by Friday 17 February. This being the 23rd of February 2012, I called the Home Depot and asked for Sally who I find will not be in today or tomorrow and so I asked the young lady with whom I was speaking if she would kindly check to see if Sally had left the quote or any notes pertaining to my job. There were none and the young lady went into the computer and finding no record of my job asked me to come in, bring the plans and she assured me that they could get a quote out while I waited. Excuse me but if you are uanble to get a quote out in nearly two weeks and I did all the work for you anyway, how is it now possible for you to render to me a quote in a matter of minutes. I think not. However, I called the young lady back and got a guy in plumbing, who transfered me to kitchen cabinets which rang and rang and rang ultimately being picked up by the operator to whom I said I wanted to speak to kicthen cabinets and I was thusly and speedily connected to plumbing who then referred me back to the front desk but when it rang someone in the paint department picked up but was kind enough to transger me back to kitchen cabinets and after so doing the guy in plumbing answered once again. Anyway and I'm certain that you don't give a "rats ass", I went to Lowe's. Thanks a bunch....John M. Hart

I purchased a GE French Door refrigerator from the Foster City, CA store. Fortunate for me I purchased the extended warranty. Six months after the frig was delivered I had a service call, the mother board was replaced. I have actually lost count of the number of service calls I have had. I have had a flooded kitchen twice. I am waiting delivery of the third ice maker. It just has never worked properly. I have asked for it to be replaced, but am told "have it serviced". Yesterday, 2/21/12 the repair person said he didn't kniow what is causing the excess moisture in the freezer that is causing all the frost. The Consumer Affairs person in Texas told me the refrigerator will not be replaced because of the ice maker. So apparently it does not matter how many times I face a flooded kitchen I just have to put up with it and wait days for someone to come and then wait for the ice maker to be ordered and then wait again for a repair person to come. Apparently Home Depot thinks the consumer has nothing else to do but put up with an defective appliance. Fortunately I live in a large condo complex (207 units)so I can put my experience in the newsletter so no one else here will shop at Home Depot. There is a Orchard Supply one block away so it won't be a hardship to pass on Home Depot. There is so much more to this nightmare, but I don't have the time or desire to put it all in writing here. I am sure I'll find a better place for it. My next email will be to the local TV Channel Consumer Complaint Department.

Please be aware that when you fill out the Home Depot survey online, all comments are posted in the employee break rooms. While you may think you are being nice by saying that a cashier should be in a Home Depot calendar or that she is "smoking hot", all other employees reed this! It is really embarrassing when other employees make comments about it. The Home Depot should rethink this policy of posting the VOC comments for everyone to see. As far as I am concerned, it is keeping me from being advanced into positions I know I am more than qualified for. The Home Depot would rather please their customers by having them see a "pretty face" when they check out then let me advance my career.

Bought my top loader washer and a range, both deliver and installment free. Delivery ok, but failure to bring correct cord for electric range. I had to go and purchase one and pay for installation. Washing machine was a returned one, had water inside and did not work properly, upon pushing the start button my finger went through and I could feel the sharp edge of the hole. I had to return it and get a refund, look for a new washer somewhere else. More waste of time and money, and frustration. I Paid for 3 installations (1 for range and 2 for washers) and had to wait almost an hour to get money refunded. I am writing to headquarters. The store did not even consider to give a credit for all of these inefficiencies. The manager handed the issue to a dependent who works in the kitchen installation Dpt. He did not take care of the matter. Poor service. Customer in Maryland

I am a retired militaty person and today I had to let five other customers go by me waiting of a Manager to show up and approve your 10% discount. This is not the first time this has happened and it really makes me feel like I am begging. This is something you do for us and it is appreciated. If I was not a gentleman I would make other people wait and build up the line at the register but I will not do this to you. Why can't you institute a process where we can approach one of the managers or head cashier upon entering and be given a numbered card to present to the cashier along with our I.D. and then be given the discount. The cashier could place the card in the register You could account for the cards when the register person turned in their receipts at the end of shift. If you had to you could match the cards with the register readings. Just a thought for a frustrated veteran.

TO Mr.FRANK BLACK HOMED DEPOT CEO / Frist l would like to congratulated to all your professionals team members all over the world at the same time to find out if your company is interested to hire people in MODESTO, CA lm very interested to work for your company as a potential team member in your store in MODESTO, CA l spoke with the manager in the store and by the way her name is GINA she told me l have to contact a very important person for it related to my status in my application l understand there a review aspect of it lm lookinfor an employment oportunity for it l have some expeerience in retail business as well other aspect skills,lm very l used to work for electronic company, and clohting company for men, l have some skill in touch screen cashering machines / ans some computer skill / warehouse l can be very helpfull as well in bilingual for your customer service l can work any shift any time / days lm open mind with salary as well l offer you to work hard for your company to reach mutual goals so l hope my words and my compromise to you company will help to be conciderated for employment, l guarentee two things loyalty and hardwork.. thank you

TO:WHO MAY CONCERN IN HR DEPT HOMED DEPOT CEO / Frist l would like to congratulated to all your professionals team members all over the world at the same time to find out if your company is interested to hire people in MODESTO, CA lm very interested to work for your company as a potential team member in your store in MODESTO, CA l spoke with the manager in the store and by the way her name is GINA she told me l have to contact a very important person for it related to my status in my application l understand there a review aspect of it lm lookinfor an employment oportunity for it l have some expeerience in retail business as well other aspect skills,lm very l used to work for electronic company, and clohting company for men, l have some skill in touch screen cashering machines / ans some computer skill / warehouse l can be very helpfull as well in bilingual for your customer service l can work any shift any time / days lm open mind with salary as well l offer you to work hard for your company to reach mutual goals so l hope my words and my compromise to you company will help to be conciderated for employment, l guarentee two things loyalty and hardwork.. /your HR GENERAL MANAGER CAN CONTACT ME IN HOME AFTER 5PM EVERY DAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS ATENTION / I WILL BE APPRECIATED IF YOUR HOMEDEPOT HR DEPT SEND ME SOME STATUS OF MY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FOR HOME DEPOT TO BE HIRE FOR IT /THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR VALUABLE TIME AND UNDERSTANDING OF IT / ALEXANDER.C

People should be aware that Home Depot does not check identification of customers who use checks to pay for merchandise. I was a victim of forgery - 14 checks in all were used to pay for merchandise in different Home Depot locations around the Los Angeles area. I did not lose my checkbook so I don't know how this forger got my routing number. If it was only one check, I could say it was an aberration, but 14 checks! If the employees receiving the checks would do what is required (check for ID), this thief would not have been able to use 14 checks without being caught. I called their corporate office Security Section and asked the person to alert their stores in the Los Angeles area not to accept checks with my name but he said he could not do that. This really infuriated me. How difficult would it have been to alert their store managers so they could notify their employees to be watchful? I guess Home Depot doesn't care as they sell the checks to TRS who bears the loss. Home Depot needs to train their employees in theft/fraud prevention. I give Home Depot a poor rating.

Hi. We started a floor and kitchen remodel on October 2nd of 2011. It is still not finished and I would like for it to be completed and look decent. I have been playing mediator to the Hd manager, installer of the cabinets and the coutertop installer. I do not receive phone calls when promised and have racked up a $400 cell phone bill trying to get in touch with management of the store and installers. The kitchen is almost done but looks horrible. Shims are sticking out, cabinets uneven and my stove and countertop are not even. I have it documented on paper and pictues of what they considered a done kitchen. Complete joke!!!! I am at my wits end and have been pleasent and nice up until now. Not sure what actions to take next but this is unacceptable. We are in Littleton Colorado. Please help before this has to turn into a bigger issue than what is at hand.

I will not be buy from them because the support gays. It surprises me how many people tell me the shop with us because of Home Depot's moral stance they embrace. When you do buy at somewhere else because of this reason, take a second to let the establishment know why you are there. It does make a difference.

I work at Totowa Home Depot in New Jersey I love my job my management is great and my co workers is just as good i started at Home depot in july of 2010 in the pro lot now i work on pack down i know i wasnt making the best money but hey i had something alot of people wish they had and thats a JOB thanks to H D for that i found out i am going to be a father and this is why i say management is great i went to my store manager steve whiteman and i told him about me becoming a father so i asked steve for help with my pay and he told me to give him some time and he will let me know what he could do for me but i had to work harder so i told him ok so i worked harder and he kept his word he took care of me the meaning of this comment is not every Home Depot is bad its all about the understanding you and your management got for each other

Hello Dear Sir, Madam Please accept our invitation, and help us to achieve authorization of your company’s logo. With the collaboration of several entrepreneurs’ logo brand, we are producing a video documentary to present the KinsFree plans for the mayor of Huntington Station. Mission: Help kids and adolescents in education and sports. In conjunction with families, supporting the city to combat child violence and crime in Huntington Station - NY Sincerely, www.kinsfree.org President Roberto Soteras 516 451 1134

I have a friend who has worked at home depot in northeast Ohio for over a year. They suspened him for something he did not do and do not have the common curiosity to answer his phone calls or emails to tell him the status of his job. He has been fully cooperative with the company. Before this all happened he stayed over and came in on his days off. He has been on time and never used his sick or vacation days so he could have been there if home depot needed him.

I am concerned by the way Home Depot treats the employees they have. I have a friend that has been fired because she went to the main office to report problems and alot of other issues going on at store 3813 that she did work at. She was fired for the ignorant reason of not getting along with other employees. Because she would not allow them to treat her like a dog and went over there head she got fired. How can I shop at a place that treats employees like that? I cannot!!

I am having a problem with a warantee vendor. HD only has their warantee dept. in India or China. They are unable (not unwilling) to help. I finally reached customer service in Georgia and they seem to be really trying to help. Hopefully my not quite one year old Maytag washer which has been repaired 3 times already will be fixed for once and for all. The vendor is terrible and I truly hope HD cuts their contract with them.

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