743 Reviews For Home Depot Headquarters & Corporate Office

I have always bought my annuals and perinnals at the Des Moines IA local stores but not this year! They look terrible and there is no thought to how they are displayed, the stores look terrible, might try you again next year.

I bought some GAF shingles from Depot in Nov 2010 had them brought to the job and installed them. By spring of 2011 I had been called back to the job 2 times for shingles blowing off. I told customer to wait until they heated up in summer. We had one of the hottest summer to date. The shingles never sealed. By Nov I was back at Depot trying to get help. They sent me to GAF and I entered a claim with them. They wanted pic of roof and shingles. Guess what we get snow in Michigan. I March when the snow was gone I was able to get pic. Of coarse they never got pic's Went back to store and got some help from Archie. GAF offered to pay for cost of shingles. Now shingles have to be torn off to put new on. Never one has store manager Jarrod Dixon made contact with me. I have asked to see him more then once. One time he even walked up to service counter when I was there asking for him and helped some one else then sent back a fellow by the name of Dean, Dean didn't want to talk about it because it was over his head. What do you think I should do?

I can't believe I couldn't find or buy the "Grill Gauge" propane scale at any Home Depot store! Seems to me if HD sells bbq grills, accessories, propane, etc., they would sell the Grill Gauge. But no. They don't always get it...

I love Home Depot!! I always find the best prices and everyone who has ever helped me has been very polite. Yes, sometimes I have to walk further than I want to find something and associates don't always know exactly where something is. In my own home, I don't always know where something is and I have a lot less than Home Depot. Not having as much help is the reason they are able to keep their prices so low. Maybe the employees (or the customers) are just happier here in the Pacific Northwest, but I have never had a problem with the employees or their products.

I hate home depot, Can't find things easily, the employees, if you can find one, or find them huddled together in conversation, act as if your a problem if you ask if they can help you. some grab their phone and pretend to have an extremely important phone call as they walk away from you. half the employees no nothing about the department they work in........but could that be from the little pay they get? Get real HD. Lowes has three times the numbers of cars on the weekend than HD. and there right beside each other here in Chesapeake Va. Home Depot better wake up and play Under Cover Boss. They would wipe out half it's employees. Lets see where HD is in ten more years......the home..What

Shop at lowes or support your local small hardware store. HD does not care about it's employees and pay them little to nothing...Large turn around with employees because no one stays to long, hence the absence of knowledge of it's employees...an utter waste of time if you visit the store. Be aware of what you are looking for and knowledge of what you need.....because no one else will.

flooring nightmare. i recently purchased special order flooring from the HD in central islip ny. the floor took 5 weeks to come in after getting the run around. Last week the laminate floor was installed and the hallway is atrocious. Theres 3/4 inch movement and the floor feels like its about to snap and crack when u step on it. The installers told me the floor is perfect for install and never once mentioned the floor would need any leveling during the job. I called the next day the general manager at us installations to report that the floor is not right and he was very pleasant and said hed rectify the situation. The installer has since forged a change of order stating i refused 4 bags needed of liquid level and on top of it the installer took $300 dollar cash on the job and installed my precut moldings and caulked them but his crew sweeped the saw dust on the floor into all the wet caulk( they cut the floor in the house). this has been the most unpleasant experience i have ever had with any purchase. The unprofessionalism is amazing. i have a 7000 kitchen cabinet on order with them and Im cancelling it tomorrow. Stay away from any install done by usig and home depot in suffolk county long island. crooks and not pros

I have been shopping at HD for years. I am a contractor who works for a very large company that buys and flips homes. To the tune of about 100-120 a year.We come in gut and make it look like new. We run several crews, I personally , on average get 3 homes a month. I go to HD and spend on average $17,000 on materials for 1 home. Well today I was to make a tile run, approximately 100 boxes of different tile. I am at the Long Beach store. An associate sees that my order is substantial and offers to get it ready and bring to truck. This is at 12:30 PM. I go pay for materials and wait by my truck. After about an hour, I walk back to tile department to check status. There are 3 associates helping a different customer with his order. I asked them about my material, all three had no idea about my order. So I went back to pro desk and advised them of my order. They apologized and stated they would get "right on it".I waited by my truck, Time is 1:45 pm. At about 2:20pm I again strolled back to tile area. There was 1 associate with a basket not a fork lift, and she was just getting started. I explained that I was very busy, I have a 7 man crew (that I am paying 23.5/hr per man) that need this material. I went back to my truck and waited. At 3:15 I finally see forklift coming my way. It looks a little short of material. Come to find out that the 3 man crew that I inquired with earlier, sold about a quarter of my material to a different customer. Are you kidding! They apologized and gave me the address to the Torrance store claiming that they had more than enough material for me. I asked if they could phone it in so it would be ready when I got there. No problem! I fight Friday afternoon traffic and arrive at 4:00 pm. The one guy at pro desk tells me that Long Beach called, but they "don't do that". He then told me to go get what I needed and he will take care of it when I return. Well they had what I needed, unfortunately it was almost all on the top rack. I requested assistance from at least 6 different associates who all told me " They will be right on it" after almost an hour I actually chased down a forklift driver and insisted that he help me and he did.Well he at least lowered the pallet. I loaded up cart and get back to pro desk. The same guy loos at me and says "were closed" and leaves the store. I could not believe it. I went across the store to service and demanded to speak to a manager. Well this time it was only 4 associates that would "get right on it" As I wait, I start to fume, every where I look there are associates laughing, joking around with each other. I now start to make a scene. I start throwing f bombs and ranting on and on. The Assistant Manager comes strolling up about 6:00 pm I explain what has happened and he is apologetic. When they finally got around to ringing me up and discovered which account this was for, well lets say they looked like someone that ate something bad. It appeared that this is an account that is one of Home Depots biggest of the area.They actually had the nerve to tell me they would "get right on " loading my truck. I denied there offer stating that I did not have 2-3 more hours to waste. I then asked if there was "anything"he could do to make this situation right. I pulled out my calculator and figured the cost of my crew( 7 men, 8 hrs ea. $23.50/hr) I said you could pay my crew bill of $1,316. He said nothing. Time I left 7:40 pm. I plan on letting my corporate office know what kind of treatment Home Depot offers to there biggest account in Southern Ca.

I had went into home depot and seen something that i wanted to buy and the item had multipled items ziped tied together and when i went to purches it the cashier said that they were not all as one item they were individul items and i said then why were thet put together in zip ties with this item. well they haved all had different sku numbers on them but they were put all together so i had ask to talk to a manager and she just look at me and said well i guess someone forget to take them apart and they are sold individal and the others ones were taken apart, so i ask to talk to a manager and the lady walked away from me and started to decusses what we were talking about to other assossite and custromers right in front of me and if you ask me i think that was very rude of her to do and that was very poor customer services. I think i should of got that item as one price instead of individal price. I am very unhappy with this store.

start paying your experienced and valuable employees what they are worth.this company cares nothing about its associates and i can see a union in the future very soon because we as hard working associates are tired of the scheduling problems and terrible raises, 25 cents a year.low starting pay,for new hires a review a year is pathetic while company is making record profits in a recession.the poor managers always threatening assoc.the enviornment in stores is perfect for a union to come on in lets start one in griffin,ga. the moral is at an all time low there. i have been their over 10 years and know the difference between the and now.employees are treated like dogs,shame on homedepot who preaches do the right thing except when it comes to assoc.the whole climate is fear and hate.come on union

Terrible customer service, will never return to the store again. they obviously dont value their customers business, so I will now shop at lowes. NEVER AGAIN WILL GO TO HOME DEPOT.

I have written several letters asking for help with a Christmas gift I purchased for my grandson. It is a workbench for a small child. The boxes (2) were intact. No damage on either. But the vise was damaged and unusable and the spring for a 'power' tool was damaged and unusable also. You would think someone would at least send me a reply. But no dice. I simply asked that this little guy get a workable gift. Toys R Us's answer was to pack up the entire workbench and return it to them. Seriously? I live in SC and he lives in Ohio. They were no help but since the workbench is a Home Depot product you would think they would step up and make it right. I have very little use for Home Depot at this point. The stores are ok but management obviously needs a lot of work in communication. My first letter went to Craig Menear Ex VP of Merchandising. In the event he is no longer with them but still on the logo, I sent a 2nd one to 'whom it may concern in merchandising'. Think that would get someone to open it and do something. Not happening. Come on Home Depot step up and do the right thing. Peg Barker 295 Ralph Williams Rd, Prosperity, SC 29127.

Love your products and services!!! I am writing to inform you of an opportunity to FREE exposure for your business. Similar to ebay and twitter, you can now sign your business up for free. Just go to: my.referdia.com/teambuilder and click on either personal or business, and the whole process is just a few moments. You will be exposed to thousands of new Referdia customers that will be able to see your business and/or material and special offers etc. If you have a special going on, or slow day of the week, here you can capitalize on it and make that problem a thing of the past. Many business' have gone viral with the explosive use of the internet, and creating a challenge for those who have not yet gone viral, and this opportunity is opening doors for all businesses, both new and old. If you have any farther questions or about free sign up, call me at the number listed below or send an email and I will get back to you. This is an awesome opportunity for you to get additional business. Mike Johnson Rep. ID # 336068 visionary.team@yahoo.com my.referdia.com/teambuilder 301 256-7089

My ex beat me so I couldnt say because I had to protect my kids and myself/ A few years back he came home injured from laying down his bike/ The next day he went into home depot on rt 112 in Patchough NY and faked an injury. You guys settled I dont exactly know the amount I didnt want to be involved. I am no longer afraid of him, His name Is Robert R Damiano Jr. I can testify if you need, I hope you do proceed my kids knew about it too, He is a bad man he also hit a teenager on a go cart and threatened him not to tell with my kids in the car. This is why I left him. I was a deacon for years and cant sleep thinking about all the bad/

I have a credit card from homedepot and find out, that they are charching me 29.7% i was in shock, i just can not understand how they take advantached of you

I placed an order for a counter top. Requested the total over all height of the back splash from the bottom of the counter where it adheres to the vanity to the top of the back splash. I even gave them a diagram. The Kitchen and bath professional called her vendor to request the information. She was told 4 inches. I verified this via the same method two weeks later and recieved the same measurement. Our tile setter set the tile based on this measurement. When the counter arrived, it was 4 5/8. I had to pay the tile setter to come back, remove, re-cut and re-set tile. It took him a half of his day and cost us $265 plus materials and my time. Home depot admits there was a mistake at their end. They say they will request a check from Atlanta. Six weeks have passed and the store manager, Brian Przygocki, still can not tell me where the check is. My company spent 66000 in the first quarter with them. If they are willing to ignor a contractor's cash flow, how will they treat a home owner?

I am astonished to see foxglove (digitalis) displays at ground level in Home Depot stores. This flower is unusually toxic, and intoxicatingly beautiful...I saw small children walking up to the plants and pulling at the flowers and cringed before I told their mothers. Not a 'don't touch sign in sight...and nothing on the plant data card warning unsuspecting parents. Hoping there are no disasters!

I have been buying materials and tools from Home Depot for over 25 years. I have had great experiences and bad ones. But over all everything has been good.!!!!!!!! HOWEVER !!!!!!!! there is an exception. The Home Depot located in Queen Creek, Arizona. I have gone into this store on several different ocassions. But today 4/28/2012 takes the cake for me. I purchased paint and stencils. After securing all my paint needs i then asked an associate where the stencils would be.The first associate tells me in isle#11. I go to #11 but can't find the stencils. I then go and find another associate who tells me that the stencils are in isle #11. Again i go and look in this isle #11 for them. By this time i'm getting a little perturbed over this entire situation so i go up to self checkout and ask the young lady to get me a manager. She calls a lady manager named Kelly to come and help me. Kelly never shows up. Finally a young associate shows up and asks if he can help me. I tell him that i'm looking for stencils. He then takes me down isle #11 to the stencils. The stencils were hidden into the corner between sticky numbers and nail on numbers. This seems to be a normal work routine for some of the associates at this store to behave. If only they would have taken just a few minutes to show me where this product was. I wouldn't have to be on this web site bad mouthing this Home Depot. When will they learn.

You all appear to have incorrect grammar, punctuation and have some real bullshit stories. If you want results call Home Depot's "Customer Care." Make sure you have ALL your facts accurate and true prior to this call. Love always! A former employee who dealt with all of you whiny bastards!

We were about to purchase florring for our kitchen...WE got an estimate through Home Depot and the feed back said that we must have our old floor ripped out for an additional $700.. for fear of water damage.....we have been in our home 45 years without water damage. Home Depot should not dictate what I should do in my own home. I am an upset consumer. and will look elsewhere for installation and purchase of product.

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