743 Reviews For Home Depot Headquarters & Corporate Office

Home Depot does not value their employees. The managers do not care about the people that work in the stores. I have seen the same person at the service desk of Liberty Tree Mall store in Danvers MA who is always working alone, answering the phone, taking returns, answering questions, and this is at 6AM at least 4 days a week. That is just a horrible thing to do to your employees. That woman should be given a pat on the back, or some kind of recognition for being cheerful and friendly to your customers.

Just spent 20 minutes trying to find out if the grill I bought 3 days ago has been assembled (as promised). The on line "Order Status" feature is a worthless joke. Calling the store is worse; on hold for 5 minutes, then disconnected. What is the matter with this company? Do they hate their customers? Are they intentionally making it difficult to do business with them? If so, they are doing a great job. I'm going somewhere else from now on.

cub cadet tractor piece of junk service dealer won't look at for three or four weeks main reason i did not take it before if you can stand behind the item you sell don"t sell it. cudets you sell are sold as is no warranty well, i got this to say get and get them good the first time because you may not get the second chance. i know this falls on deaf ears because home depot conducts their business anyway they see fit think their invincible may the bankruptcy laws seek you out and take you down unless my problem is resolved my shadow will never fall on your doorstep again my ph# 717-357-7721

I went to Home Depot in Phoenix, Arizona located on Cave Creek and Cactus today. I brought a tool from home and asked one of your employees if you had others in store just like it. I also asked what the name of the tool was. He took it out of my hands, proceeded to put it up to his ear and told me that "girls like me should wear tools for earrings or necklaces" and then laughed at me. I don't think I need to tell you how disgustingly and overtly sexist that is. I didn't catch the man's name, as I was so shocked I just wanted to make my purchase and leave as quickly as possible. I have already posted on Home Depot's Facebook page with this story, as well as mine. I plan to tell everyone I know how sexist and degrading my experience was. For the record, I am an artist. I sell my merchandise at a local store and purchase all materials for said art at Home Depot. I'm disappointed I have to find a new place to shop.

u people are so stupid and f up... i want my 2000.00 back

I had a Counter Top with a Back Splash that goes up the wall, about 17" to 24" and is little over 8' 7" long. This is a laminated product. I've been going to Home Depot ever since they opened here in Owasso, Oklahoma. Well, I am not happy with the finished product, that they say is finished. Their contractor, Hoffman Fixtures, measured and installed the product that was finished with come kind of outer covering for the edges, at the time my old one was installed, it was metal strips. Now, they say that the raw edge is the appropriate thing. Mine is not over 2 weeks old, and it was chipping before they installed it. I did not, nor do I like the way my kitchen looks now. It is naked. The counter top is saging around the sink. This is normal according to the Hoffman Fixture Company. Home Depot, you are wrong to let these people run your customers off. This is not the style, and their word is not bond, nor is it bonding.

i am a new business owner and i need help with a business plan. i am wondering if you can help me with some information on your lawn and garden department. i am trying to do a business plan and i need information on what type of customers comes into your store and buys lawn and gardens items. you can contact me at traci_heart@yahoo.com thank you

The Homedepot in Victorville California on Bear Valley and Locust has got to have the absolute worst customer service I have ever experianced. For 2 days now I have tried to get help and phoned. Not only did I get the run around, but I kept getting disconected. Will not go to that location again. Same type of help in the store except for my experiance with a rep by the name of Ted. Probably the only decent employee in the store.

i work for the home depot in lodi n.j..i was lead to believe that the home depot was a good place to work but since i have started working for them , nothing could be further from the truth.they claim to be all about customer service but the reality is that its all about profits.i have also noticed that it really does matter who you know in high positions in the store.there are plenty of associates who walk around and do nothing and spend hrs a day sitting in the break room.every single associate who i have talked to has told me not to bother to complain because nothing is ever done.a few have told me that in the past they have complained about certain things and in the long run nothing was done except that ,that employee was looked at differently and treated a little worse by managment.the home depot tells you to say something if you see something but its not worth it to have a voice.seems like to me they want employees who stay shut and just do and deal with situations without saying anything to them.working at this home depot has been one of my worst jobs ever and if it wasnt for the economy being so bad i would have quit 2 weeks into my employment.if you ask me,everything that they told us and showed us through videos at the orientation is the opposite of what i see and deal with at the store.not eveybody is bad but more then half the associates really dont care about anything but a pay check.if you are not a full timer ,you are a nobody.if you have a voice then you are a trouble maker...

I presented my military id at the Joplin, Mo Home Depot but was told they would not honor it. They had in the past . If you are going to give a discount to former military. Give it. Why make us jump through hoops. I left the $240 in merchandise and went to Lowes where they gladly accepted my military card. Lowes got the sale. I got the the discount and Home Depot lost a customer. Is that how you build your business? Now I see why Lowes parking lot always has more cars than Home Depot. Starting a new home in the near future. Where do you think I will shop?

I have had an Application in with you for months.. The store here in irving needs night stockers, I would like to have one of those positions please Contact Number 214-541-2326 Please give me a call Thank You.

I have shopped at home depot for many years, but. Believe their management has changed. I went to our local HD and saw a table and chairs for my patio I liked. After asking about it and waiting for the "specialist" in that department tells us we have to order it. It was only available thru their on line service. Thier is a deception here, because we were never told that HD and HD online are two different entity's. Now after waiting over 2 weeks to relieve my order they don't know where it is,nor are able to help me get my money back. I paid over $1000.00 CASH to the store. They never explained that I was not purchasing through them. I made a visit to the store telling the store manager I want my money back, and now I have to wait until this third party they hired to deliver comes up with my merchandise or no money! The manager was extremely condescending when I expressed my not knowing I ordered through an online service that was not them! Would that not confuse you? If you went to that store, ordered and payed there, then they tell you until this third party delivers the merchandise I payed for delivers the merchandise and I must refuse the merchandise. Then they can get my money back. I'm so upset with the deception the wait, frustration. I even took he day off of work to receive the delivery. They emailed me a confirmation 8 days ago and waisted my day waiting for the delivery. Now they just tell me to wait another day so we can TALK? This is not what I signed up for. I am contacting the attorney general for my area to make a consumer complaint. Why should anyone take your money and not fulfill the promise they made and get away with it. No more shopping at HOME DEPOT.

One star for management performance. When I was married, my wife worked at home depot in omak Washington. She started committing adultery with a co worker. Understand that dating the vault associate is against the policy for sure. The vault associate deals with the employees hours and tills and write ups. I called the store and let them know about the situation, but the manager didn't care or believed me. Partially due to the fact of the people involved, his favorite brown noser. If home depot management would have followed their own policy, I might still be married today!!! So thanks to home depot management, I didn't have a chance to save my marriage. So I guess you might say home depot is not marriage friendly for employees spouses!!! Thanks so much home depot for be so family damaging!!!!! Marcus Wester Po box 1317 Omak Wa. 98841

I was in the Snellville home depot about a week ago and i must say i shop at lowes because of the lack of employees helping. I can say this one time made a big make on me this young lady named Sam came right up to me and asked "how i was doing today and if i need help with anything" which to me was crazy that NEVER HAPPENS there and a few mins later after she had helped me out a young man came up and asked if i was doing okay as well!!! I have to say i will be going back to that store just for my garden needs!! Thanks to Sam home depot will be keeping some shoppers!!

) stars... Bought carpet and was told by the installer that I had purchased "renter's carpet" for my $300,000 home. The installer dropped the rolls of the carpet from his shoulders over and over again onto the upstairs floor.BANG! The installer jammed my box spring and mattress into my bathroom and bent the electrical heater end plate, hit the front entryway ceiling light with the roll located on his shoulder, installed all used chrome transition plates(dirty on front and back), installed a chrome plated outside my laundryroom which I did not ask for,cut the carpet too short outside the clothes closet and now the marine plywood shows, left the bottom step unattached which butts up against the hardwood floors, and left a roll of unused trash and carpet in a bathroom. I am ticked off with the box store's inability to contract with a professional installer and that I was not educated as a viable customer about the equality of carpet. I am calling Atlanta Headquarters to ask for a credit for an upgraded carpet and a professional installer.This type of service does not meet the cute TV ads about how one is asisted with rennovations. There was no dignity shown from this installer and/or the carpet department in Anchorage (Tudor and Denali).

So, we thought we'd give Home Depot another chance and patronized their Monmouth Junction, NJ store today. It was out of convenience, 3 miles vs. 15 miles to Lowe's. Our visit today confirmed for us that we made the right choice by giving Lowe's our business, over the last 15+ years, rather than Home Depot. My husband needed some help in the electrical dept. Lomg story short, my husband asked for help; we waited 10 minutes and no one showed up. I then asked a random staff person to get us some help. She went to customer service to get us some help and she was told someone was paged but no one came.She relayed that to me; I then went to custoemr service telling her we were waiting over 10 minutes now for a staff eprson. She proceeded to tell me she paged somoeone and no one showed up and I needed to wait! This is 1 of Home Depot's biggest problesm. They have so many staff walking around but no one with the expertise you need (in this case electrical) to answer your questions. 2 other guys tried to help but didn't have the knowledge. It's very frustrating when you need the right kind of help but can't get it. Fibnally, after complaining enough, a staff member magically appeared who knew what he was talking about. Customer service staff didn't care that we were waiting and for how long. They weren't concerned about meeting my expectations. That's the kind of experiences we've had all along with Home Depot. The moral of the story; don't give an establishment your business out of convenience! Its' better to drive the extra 15 miles to Lowe's to get the kind of customer service you expect and pay for!!!! We work too hard for our money to get substandard treatment.

Home Depot needs an employee union in place, collective bargaining "negotiations: negotiations to reach an agreement, especially between employers and employees" will work if everyone agrees. Who has Unions? Ans. Those that get good benefits and pay, hours, and less BS. Yes, police, fire fighters, teachers, the smarter ones. The one thing a manager will TAKE THE TIME talk with an employee is NOT TO JOIN A UNION. "Protect your signature" But, in the real world a union would help and protect employees from bad behavior of Home Depot management. WHY do they care so much if their employees form a UNION? THINK ABOUT IT

From what I have just been reading(all reviews) I guess I am not the only unhappy customer.First of all I have to mention I work in the customer service field and if I acted as stupid as the homedepot employees I spoke at the Lakewood NJ store I would be on the local unemployment line. My story goes like this on May 28, 2012 I ordered a wheelbarrow on line for in store pick up and assembly, i received confirmation via email, I received a call and was told order would not be ready for a few days and that was fine. Less than an hour later a got an email stating my order was cancelled, why?. I called the store and spokt to a Jennifer who was very nice could not tell me why it was cancelled but she re entered the order and told me she would send me receipt via mail, so far all is going well after order was cancelled. On June 4 since i did not hear anything and was in the area we stoped by the store and spoke to Jessica she looked up order and said I was suppose to receive a call they did not have the parts to assemble the wheelbarrow in orange and somone was suppose to call me and see if black was ok. Well i told her black would be ok, she stated the wheelbarrow should be ready this week. Well here it is thursday 6/7/2012 i called the store and spoke to the online order dept who had no idea what i was talking about, he then transferred me to seasonal who again had no idea what i was talking about, i then asked if Jessica was in and was put on hold for 10 min. well i hung up and called back and still i can get no answers. All i needed was a wheelbarrow and never have i had such a hassel. One of the things that annoys me more is that I can't even look up my order status on line. If and when i received my wheelbarrow I will be cancelling my credit card with Homedepot since from the way it looks you guys will not be around much longer due to such incompetence. i also wanted to mention that the flowers at homedepot were all dead when i went looking.

I am a Lowes shopper from now on.................Customer Service at Home Depot is the worst I have ever experienced....E-Mailed them and they never responded. I flip houses on the side and Lowes has all my business from now on. I used to spend $30,000 a year at Home Depot, not any more. What is the CEO's E-Mail Address???? I or any of my contractor's will never set foot in a Home Depot again.............

I had a bathroom design appointment at the Northern Va West Ox Fairfax Va store. I have to say after the hour and a half appointment I went straight for Lowes. The designer Priyali Sengupta was so condescending and completely unprofessional. It's hard to believe that such a large company could employ such a rude person. I have been in the service industry for 22 years with United Airlines. Truly it's hard to believe she should be able to have interaction with people. So now Home Depo will not get my business. She who prepresented Home Depo in my opinion was completely terrible.

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