743 Reviews For Home Depot Headquarters & Corporate Office

I Have spent so much Money at Home depo. I have to redo so much due to home depo. To explain would be about 3 pages of complans, when I have spend more time angry with this Company. If You want to do home repair, do not go to home depo unless you want to spend more money on the project, withgoing back and fort due to all but 3 do not know what they are talking about.

CUSTOMER LOYALITY MUST BE CONSTANTLY EARNED. But this is not the case in the Paramus, NJ store. I went here to buy some items to complete a project I started in my home. I rang up the items and used my debit card to pay; however something went wrong with the store computer and it declined my card...evidentially the Home Depot computer had problems and declined it in error after first taking the MONEY out of my bank account. The store manager would do nothing to help me ... She wouldn't even talk to me. The store employees and management would not assist me and were very rude. I was trying for 45 minutes to get some help, but no one would talk to me including the store manager. When I get this settled with the bank tomorrow you can be sure I will be taking my business elsewhere...not only me, but my entire family and my employer. REMEMBER IT IS EASIER TO KEEP AN EXISTING CUSTOMER THAN TO GAIN A NEW ONE....

I bought a Hotpoint washer August 14, paid $100 for 4 more years of warranty. The person that delivered the washer didn't anything about hooking the washer correctly. Now when I do a wash a lot of water comes under the washer. I call Home Depot, Store 6402, Parque Escorial BO, Carolina, PR 00987, tel. 787-776-1000. I call this people and there is a recording. Leave a message and nothing happens. Please inform this store manager that I need my money back. I don't like their service. I think it is sloopy, poor, desconsiderate, etc., etc.

I bought a Hotpoint clothes washer at Store 6402, Parque Escorial, Carolina, PR oo987. I paid $100 extra for 4 years extra warantee. The delivery person didn't know anything about hooking the thing up. Now every time we wash clothes lots of water comes from under the machine. They should have a person that follows up the deliveries making sure everything is okay, but no HOME DEPOT. I need somebody fixing this or I want my money back and you come and get the thing. Tel. 787-513-1631

Home depot has the higest prices so i asked for a price match with a local competitor .They never got back to me so argus building supply wraped up the deal in 5 miniutes. total order = $8,500. Home depot needs to hire compentent people to place orders. Hilo Hawaii .

I just wanna work for your company eaither as a frieght associate or lot attendent and i put an application several weeks ago. I called around six at the new mexico albuqerque Eubank location and coors location, on august 24 2012. I just wanna work, and go to college.

As far as hd goes there policy of not arresting people who steal is the dumbest thing i ever heard of come on hd make a example of someone and it will stop,i think it's pretty funny that papers advertise theft and let the thiefs go at hd personaly if i was a thief i would go there every day and help myself to whatever i needed or wanted to sell i know of people that put in oreders for what they want and the low lifes go and get it from there,even walmart calls the cops on minor items hd needs to follow suit and put these criminals in jail where they belong.

Home Depot is tying to play games with CUSTOMERS with returns acting like you stole it and then brought it back. And watch out Folks in North Carolina they can call a sheriff and the POLICE if they dont like you in the store, PERIOD. If you do to many Returns they will send a SHERIFF or POLICE up to your door and shake you up. Why they are doing this is a waste of a law enforcements time and value of their service. Thats why Labor UNIONS in Government is right for North Carolina. We all know everything in the store is being made in CHINA, no secret no more and everything is busting down. Because we own the CHINESE are first born and Trillions. They are sending us a freindly message to make our own stuff if we cant pay. YES this is what NAFDTA did right here , got the enitre COUNTRY in a fight over products. Washing machines , flashlights , motors all being made to go out. Why because we cant pay the BILL . Forget NAFDAT and just lower the wage and Houses here and everybody makes their own Cultures things.

Purchased over $600.00 worth of electrical fixtures for the renovation of my Metairie La. home at the Harahan Home Depot. While selecting the fixtures I was approached by a Home Depot employee who asked if I needed help on the installation. I replied yes. Iwas told a subcontractor would contact me and quote a fair price for the work. Instead I was contacted by a firm named Trinity Electric Llc. who quoted $2950.13 to "trim out" the home (total of 12 fixtures to be hung. He also tried a "hard sell" on me when he said all the electrical outlets should be replaced, as the paint on some of them constituted a fire hazard. He would be glad to do that for $2950.13. To that he added an additional $1442.52 for general "clean up " of safety issues. Total of this proposal was $7008.08 He brought along a colleague who specialized in hvac issues and asked if he could take a look at the home's system.. After a few minutes he approached me with a proposal to add a smoke detector system for $1871.93 What a scam! Never had a problem with services at HD before. Reported this to Corporate. We'll see what transpires.

I purchased two houses worth of blinds and shades. Nineteen in total, three of them are defective. I purchased then all in Emmeryville CA. This was a large purchase yet the store manager has decided not to help with this situation. The situation is that the manufacturer has only looked at pictures and has decided they are not defective. I have invited the store manage ans the manufacture to my home to see them. Home Depot is to big a company to not stand behind what they sell. They should and must care about their customers. I have called the store manager again today to no avail, he will not answer my calls. Please take away his company cell, he never answers it. I also have called your listed corporate phone number, it does not answer either. Not sure where else I will take this, but your office will received a letter soon. Legally not sure what I can do but publicly I will do my best to let as many people know about Home Depot's policy of not standing behind the products they sell. I belong to many list serves and public forms I also know that newspapers do answer their phones. Shame of you store manager and Home Depot

I went to home depot on Saturday, August 18, 2012 on Middlebelt in Detroit, MI and wanted to exchange a hedge trimmer that I bought on June 30th, and because of the 30 days passed no one wanted to assist me. I only wanted an exchange on the item, no cash and some courtesy from your employees. I waited for a Manager Karen for 25 minutes to come just to tell me nothing. The cashier a white stringy hair woman at 1:00 pm telling me she's tired, and ready for her break and why I am I telling her my problems. Just rude with no type of customer service skills what's so ever. I will never shop at Home Depot ever again, you have lost a loyal customer. Your store stinks and so does the customer service, I will go to Lowe's from now on!

I can't sing the praises of Home Depot's corporate office loudly enough. My problem began nearly four years ago when I purchased new kitchen cabinets and countertops. I also bought top of the line appliances, but bought them elsewhere because Home Depot didn't sell them. The subcontractor who would be installing the cabinets came to my home to make certain that the designer had planned the kitchen correctly and take measurements. Because I intended to lay a Dupont laminate floor in my kitchen, I gave the subcontractor a sample piece of the floor I selected (also from Home Depot). We had a lengthy discussion as to why he didn't want me to have to floor laid before he installed the cabinets. He said he could install the cabinets and allow enough room for the floor to be put in after the cabinets. We had a lengthy conversation while he convinced me that he was right. When he actually installed the cabinets, he failed to allow enough room so the flooring would fit under the cabinets. The following year I got a bid to lay tile in the kitchen and was told that there was a way to still have the laminate floor. It sounded complicated and expensive, so I dismissed it. Then this April my niece married a general contractor who came to visit and told me the same thing as the first general contractor told me. He also said, "I can't believe that Home Depot would do something like this!" When he outlined the procedure needed to make the floor right I decided to contact Home Depot to pay for the additional labor required to lay a new floor. The person who responded to my email was Brittany Dillworth. She called me to apologize for the trouble caused by the cabinet installer and said she'd follow up with my local store manager. A couple of hours later, I got a call from the store manager. We had a lengthy conversation and set a time when she and another subcontractor could come to look at my kitchen. We agreed on a date about a month later. She came with the subcontractor, he explained how he would plan to lay the new floor, spent about one and a half hours and said they'd get back with me. The next week she scheduled a time to return with the subcontractor who installed the cabinets originally. He never showed up. We set another date, and he didn't show up again. She finally got him to agree to pay back the $1000 it was going to cost to undo his mistake. That was the beginning of July. Now it's mid-August and I still hadn't been able to start the work because I was waiting for the check from Home Depot. Last week I decided to write to Brittany Dillworth again because she was the person who got the ball rolling to begin with. I hadn't heard anything Wednesday, so I forwarded my letter with a second request for information. Today I got a phone call from Brittany letting me know where the check was, when it would reach my local store and when I could expect to receive it. She apologized for not staying in touch to make sure that everything was going well. The information she provided to me was detailed in every way. She was very professional and seemed genuinely concerned that my complaint hadn't been resolved by this time. I want Home Depot to know what a wonderful young woman Brittany is, and how well she represents the company. Moreover, I couldn't be more pleased with the personal attention she gave me to resolve this matter. I hope she gets some positive recognition for her excellent job performance.


Stopped in to the north greensboro store off of battleground to pick a few items for a job in summerfield. everyone there was knowledgeable and knew how to get me in and out quickly. I am a contract customer with the competitor, but i never get the kind of service that i received, just buying some odd parts. i will be talking to depot about changing my contractors account! all retailers/builders/business folks are watching their dollars, but for my money...the service was top notch. Micheal Pulleum


Home Depot is without a doubt the most horribly managed store I have ever been in.The Home Depot understaffs constantly,there is never an associate available to assist you.Corporate greed strikes again.I remember when home depot use to staff ther stores with qualified people and paid a respectable wage this has gone by the wayside.Everything i have stated so far is absolutely true and I know this because I was an employee and was extremely underpaid for my skills and impeccable work ethic.I have since moved on and I am doing a similar job for twice the hourly pay.There corporate bull about customer service is a load of crap.To provide quality customer service you need to hire people with a little bit of integrity and pay them a living wage otherwise you get losers.

We have a unbelievable story in that Home Depot is literally taking months to finish our kitchen install. Local Dept. Managers have their hands tied and Regional Mgmt Reps. appear indifferent and/or lacking in the ability to trouble-shoot and follow-up with poor workmanship. I would warn anyone who is considering a kitchen install to cancell their installation with Home Depot and look elsewhere. Tomorrow, we will contact Home Depot Headquarters. Lets see if we are dealing with a reputable business. August 13, 2012

The store located at 2803 S. Cicero provided the poorest customer service that I have ever received from any corporation. I chose Home Depot for my home flooring project because of its long standing reputation for consumer response however I can no longer say that my experience has lived up to that reputation. After numerous extended hold times,unreturned phone calls, and poorly trained employees (including management), I don't think that I will ever be comfortable shopping here again. I have also posted a review on Angie's List giving them a grade of "F" and will continue to let others know that Home Depot is NOT the way to go!

HD......is just like any other store.show me the money and the hell with doing what is best..........i have been trying for 3 weeks to get to talk to a dist mgr on a problem i have with a rug and they have a 2nd asst mgr call me at 830 pm ........sure hes going to do something,and wings on pigs are next........now i shop at lowes....

After reading all these poor ratings and terrible customer service comments I would think Arthur would be relieved he retired but also saddened that his company he and Bernie worked so diligently to build has such terrible customer service and product problems. We, too, have joined the frustrated because we've been dealing with an inadequate water heater since late October. Have had the installation company, delta mechanical out numerous times, have followed GE 's requests to change the burner, change the regulator and have the gas and water company out to tell us the gas and water are fine, it's the water heater! But now a customer care rep from home depot sees what pains were going through dealing with GE trying to get a new water heater!

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