743 Reviews For Home Depot Headquarters & Corporate Office

Was a customer of home depot till I found out home Depot fired the employee who helps me was fired for being in an automobile accident that she didn't schedule this was in the Alamogordo home Depot

No Guts Home Depot

Any corporation that let's rumor and innuendo drive their corporate decision making is not one to invest in. You guys panicked and pulled the trigger on Paula Deen for no reason. Not a big fan of hers but I hate what the no guts corporations are doing. Profit is not only the bottom but the only line for you guys. Good riddance, Lowe's here I come.

ex-contractor customer

I will now be going to Lowes. I do not like your treatment of Paula Deen. We still have the First Ammendment, even in this PC environment. It is bad enough for the reasons I have given, but what makes it worse is that it is not true. Check with her cooks and body guard to prove to you that she is not a rascist. Welcome to Orwell's 1984!

You don't give second chances? Then why should customers?

I am so incredible DISAPPOINTED to see that Home Depot has announced it is dropping Paula Deen products from their stores!!! A woman who admits HONESTLY and says she used the "n word" years ago is deemed horrible, crucified and vilified and then has her products removed from your store shelves without a second chance. What does this say about your corporation’s moral integrity? You have truly FAILED my expectations! Well guess what, my moral compass says I am choosing NOT to give you a second chance either and I’m taking my business elsewhere! I truly expected more from your company than to handle this issue the way you have, but you’ve made your decision and now I’ll make mine. Treat others as you wish to be treated? What goes around, comes around ... time will tell. A former Home Depot customer.

Discontinueing product of Paula Deen

I am 64 years old, I am really upset that you would do what you did to Paula Deed for saying something years ago, well I have said bad things years ago, so I guess I can't shop in your store anymore, you have lost a customer I will shop at other stores to get what I need shame on you all

Paula Dean

Hope your stores all fail and go bankrupt...I will never shop there again...ACE hardware and local nursery from now on....for everyone of us that write to you there are hundreds that will not but will stop useing you stores.

Customer Service Please?

I called the Patchogue, NY HD this morning and tried six times to get the gardening department on the phone. They never answered. Guess I'm going to Lowes.

Went to local store for help in building a deck; however, their plans program is very poor. Materials sent were not complete; had to make 7 trips back to store to return materials sent and purchase correct materials. Bought Williamsburg vinyl rails; sent 10 rails with 4 pkg of brackets; had to purchase 12 more; why would anyone want to seam boards in the traffic pattern? Home Project Loan services associates very hard to deal with. Total dissatisfaction!

Ordered a stove vent hood, arrived dented across the front and looked like it was packaged already damaged as the box looked OK. On reorder the package didn't arrive, the money can't be refunded without the return item, investigation takes about 8 days. Then a survey comes in and I can't submit it without answering all the questions- SO MUCH for OPTIONAL SURVEYS-on a non received item. Home Depot does not have a consumer friendly customer service with an easily reached human to speak to.

Kitchen Installation

I have an 8 x 10 kitchen, we thought going to home depot and having them do the work would be great,, boy were we wrong,, it has taken them over 2 months to complete, still not done,, there is no communication with us, they are not very knowlegable or helpful when we go to the store, We have spent over $12,000 on this kitchen, we feel like they have there money so why should they care that I have been living without a kitchen for over 2 months.. they DONT CARE!!!!! I would never recommend Home Depot for ANYTHING EVER!!!!! Very very disappointed former customers.

New flooring purchase

Purchased 2 complete hardwood floor in the past two years. This past 2000.00 floor had problems after installer finished { installer was not Home Depot} I called to report problem. A factory representative denied claim. When I called HD and asked for the Mgr. his assistant called and informed me the past Mgr. is no longer with the company and that she was told by new manager to handle the problem ..This person definitely was not interested in my concerns and lacked the people skills necessary to represent a major Corporation

Price Gouging for Water during flood

Home Depot here in Calgary charged $42.00 for 24 bottles of Dasani water. Here in Calgary we are living through the worst flooding in history and their response to this was....“There was an internal error which affected a small number of customers. “As soon as we were notified we took immediate action, resolved the issue and reached out directly to the customers affected asking them to contact us so we can make it right.” REALLY A SYSTEM WIDE ERROR coinciding with a historical flood!! Even more insulting. Home Depot is definately off my shopping list.

Worse service ever

Home Depot does not stand behind their products. Do yourself a favor and never ever ever shop with them. Run to a mom and pop store or to Lowes.

Online services

Ordered a Danby refrigerator on line. When fridge arrived and was unpacked it was found to be damaged enough to bend the frame. There was no apparent damage on the cardboard carton it came in. It seems we cannot receive a 1 on 1 exchange without first returning the damaged fridge and then reordering a new replacement fridge until the replace check is sent to us. That means we will be without a refrigerator for up to 8 weeks. Home Depot is extraordinarily slothful. We cannot be without a fridge ro 8 weeks. I think we are being punished for Danby's sloppy frame work and HD disregard for their customers. Beware of Home Depot.

Ryobi 9" Bandsaw

It is a pity that the companies own products are not known by anyone.The band saw states it takes a 62 inch blade in its description. After two attempts at different stores I came to find out it takes a 59 1/2 inch which is only available online. They do not seem to care about the customers time or money.

Window Fiasco

Ordered the window installation Jun 25, 2013. Not getting much in the way of communications after almost 3 week I emailed the installation coordinator to find out what was happening with the project. I got a return email with "I don't know but I'll get back to you". Come to find out the windows were never ordered! I went to the store and found out they ordered them that day. I don't think they would have ever been ordered if I had not been proactive. I am trying to cancel the whole project and I am getting a bit of a run around. I could have had new windows installed elsewhere by now. The project will not complete as far as I am concerned. Live and Learn!

Terrible Service

I was waiting for installation or windows. The sales consultant all the way up to the install team was TERRIBLE. I paid well over four thousand dollars and it took them over a month to get the paperwork correct. Do not do business with them.


Are you afraid to chat? Lots of bad reviews, I understand why! When I say I want that shed,-PUT MY NAME ON IT, buy the anchors from you, discuss with you what the best foundation would be, decided on gravel with sand, dig the hole put in the tarp, & gravel, go to YOU to get the sand & notice MY shed is gone! Found out Jason (mgr) sold it! Said he was sorry, checked- didn't fill the hole.

Mobile phone App

Your mobile phone app stinks. As a contractor I work in different areas throughout the county. And I like to use the phone app to locate the nearest HD store. This should be a very simple and helpful feature to develop. A function key that says "find the nearest store". Is this really that difficult? We are mentally challenged here, aren't we?


yall sold me a 2012 model lawn mower this year and it is falling apart and I need a new isn't 3 months old

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