493 Reviews For Costco Headquarters & Corporate Office

I am not sure that you are aware that the cartons in your produce dept.that are labled "Sweet Potatoes" are really Yams. This is of great importance to those who are on a diet where as they are told by their M.D.'s that the Yams are highly inflamable to the body, and Sweet Potatoes are an anti inflamation food. Diabetics must take heed as well as others who need this information.

My husband and I have been shopping at Costco on Renaissance Road in Albuquerque, New Mexico since it opened it's doors in 1996. The past couple of years we have experienced extremely poor customer service. Today was the worst. After spending at least 45 minutes with a Costco employee named Mike resolving an issue on our account, my husband went back to the cashier line to pay for our goods and was told by the cashier the problem still had not been resolved---he would have to speak to another person and go to the back of the line. Needless to say....he left the basket there; went to customer service and canceled our membership. We will do business at Sam's Club in the future.

I am a Costco employee at a central valley warehouse... so all of you people that complain about employees... walk a mile in our shoes... we are governed by our warehouse manager. So if you have a complaint.. please find out his/her name and call the corporate office..before you blame the employees...

Also I must say as a long term employee...so many of the customers are beyond rude... maybe you could put your cell phone away while I am trying to help you...also the the attitude that so many of the customers have...I am just doing my job. I am trying to help..but I get treated like I am less of a person...I cant say anything back in fear of losing my job...so please think about that...

Two requests: 1) The cinnamon buns you are currently selling (round tray/single cavity container) is a disappointment. The buns are extremely difficult to remove and separate. Please bring back the "cupcake" type of packaging whereby they're easy to remove, allow freezing the entire container, and easy to remove as desired. 2) Please bring back the awesome peanut butter cookies of a few years ago!

Provide more goods available to the small familys.

Stay clear of the Mayfield Hts., Ohio store. If I hadn't just renewed my Costco membership, I would not be shopping there anymore. I feel the management is deceitful and sneaky. I was up front with the Mayfield Hts. manager (a petite black lady) when I inquired about an item that I had purchased 2 month prior and had not yet used (it was a bathroom vanity). I saw that it was on sale for 70 dollars less. I asked if I could purchase the sale vanity and return my vanity (I knew that it would be a lot of hard work in returning the original item and I didn't know if it was worth the 70 dollars). The manager (a petite black lady) said I couldn't get the sale price because I had purchased it over 30 days ago. She also said it was a "last one". She had me waiting in the front of the store while she got that information from the "store manager" in the back of the store. Anyway, in the mean time, I had decided not to go for "the purchase and return route". But here is the kicker, after 10 minutes, I returned to where the vanity was sitting (at the end of an end cap on a wheeled cart) and IT WAS GONE. Even if I wanted to purchase it I couldn't have. No other person had purchased it during that time frame. I believe, that while I was waiting up front and during the time she was seeking out the store manager's advice, she conveniently had the vanity wheeled off the saleroom floor. Pretty down low and deceitful. Shame on you.

The changes in billing addresses has caused problems with my card being inactivated due to sending the bill to the wrong place. The membership is one address and the actual bill two others. If you use bill pay, as I do, the address may be the incorrect one due to constant changes. I called the Seattle headquarters and was told Costco has nothing to do with this problem so the consumer has to work overtime to call HSBC and try to explain the situation and fight to have the finance and late charges removed.

the buye's are not listening to the warehouse staff, request are made and not completed of fulfilled! I've gone else ware for common thing's such as Men's Socks-Auto Battery's-Food Item's such as Harry's brand Tapaoca Pudding! and I live in a city #4 in size in the Nation with 3 costco's and none can help to get stuff wanted!

"COSTCO DONATED $19,000 to Dino Rossi?" reads all the Newspapers and News Blogs. Aside from the fact that Rossi doesn't give a damn about the average Joe or Sally, I don't want any of my Money going to Political Campaigns. I also won't support a corporate institution that wants to cripple government that builds the infrastructurethe transit systems and highways that take us to Costco; that supports the poor and the aged through social security, medicare and medicaid; that builds our universities and medical institutions; that assists and aids the veterans through the Veteran's administration; that protects our children through Safety Consumer Protection; etc etc...

After I transferred my prescriptions to Costco.... my doctor called in a prescription...your pharmacists was so ignorant of protocol that they refused to ask the doctor if a generic was approved as well. They said nothing to my husband when he went to pick it up and charged him $50 for a $4 prescription! THANK YOU COSTCO!!! Great customer service! I understand you make more money on these prescriptions but I have NEVER had a pharmacist or pharmacy refuse to provide me with a generic. I ran out of one of my prescriptions on a Sunday and did not know that Costco pharmacies are closed on Sundays... I could not even have another pharmacy provide me with a refill or one or two pills to tide me over until the pharmacy opened on Monday! Why do we pay for a 7 day a week membership but only receive 6 days a week from your pharmacy? The pharmacy is one of the most important aspects of people's lives!! I am moving my prescriptions to another pharmacy! One that actually provides SERVICE. SHAME ON YOU COSTCO! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH AMERICANS ARE SUFFERING PAYING HIGH PRICES FOR DRUGS.

THANK YOU COSTCO EMPLOYEES AND COSTCO CO. Today, 16Oct10, was at my regular Costco, Capistrano Beach. It was hot and I became overheated and very red in the face. Sat at the pharmacy bench to hopefuly recover before checking out and going home. A customer alerted the manager, Chris. He had John bring me ice water and a moist towel. They offered me food and orange juice. While I was recovering Chris had John take my groceries to the refrigerator room. When I was able to get up Chris took my cart to the checkout stand and had Jordan unload everything. Then Jordan loaded everything in small boxes so I would not have trouble when I got home. He then took my groceries to my car and loaded them in. They all said it was Costco policy and they were just doing their jobs. I thank them and Costco.

Go to the Atlanta costco and have the employee shove me. At first i did not realize she was an employee until she was opening her tote bag at door. She scream at me and made racial comments if i had done that to her all h would break loose. Racism goes both ways i will never go to that cosco again. She shoved me so hard my toe twisted. It looks and feels broken bruised black n blue and lm limping with pain. What will happen zip i did not want to give my name. Dont need the employee to come to my house to seek revenge should she get fired but i am sure she will continue to shift her frustrations out on unsuspecting customers until some little old lady falls and cant get up. Does costco give bonuses to their bully employee giving herself a pat on the back. Disqusting and unacceptable.

Good afternoon, I literally eat the Kirkland Cranberry Macadamia Nut Cereal 365 days a year. HELP! Not having the cereal for over three weeks is very disappointing; I cannot locate it in any of your stores in the metropolitan area. Thank you, A disappointed consumer in Rockville, MD

I am giving Costco a "poor" rating because when I went to the Costco in Wilmington, NC today I found that the "Donut Shop" K-cups for my Keurig Coffee Maker were no in stock. They did have a Paul Neuman and a Folgers. When I asked where the "Donut Shop" K-cups were I was advised the they were "discontinued". I received this advise at the Membership counter and while I was standing there at least 3 other people came up and asked the same question. I am hazarding a guess but whenever I went and bought my "Donut Shop" K-cups the pile that they were in was always half empty while the Paul Neuman's was almost completely full leading me to believe that it was a good seller. Why someone in Costco would make the decision to "discontinue" the "Donut Shop" coffee and retain a brand that was demonstratively not selling as well is beyond me. Give us back our Donut Shop coffer or we will be forced to purchase it elsewhere as it is not "discontinued" in other outlets.

petty people with petty problems...I am leaving my membership in the dust as soon as it expires...the clerks are so rude ...who needs the bull!

Managers and supervisors need Bachelors degrees because they treat members and employees badly. There is too much favoritism going around. The auditors should ask employees how they are treated by managers and supervisors. The only way to get hired at Costco is if they know some one on the inside i.e. managers and supervisors. That is the reason why the customer service is so bad, instead of hiring qualified applicants, they are hiring their distant family members.

This letter will not have much meaning for you. I truly understand. We are customers, have been for many years. Have always thought your products are good buys. Recently bought a thin screen 42 inch tv for a brand new school, only 300 students. They did not have a tv to watch educational programs. Came to you to purchase it after much research. You had the best price and you give a free two year warranty above the manufactures, which is generous. Before checking out I found your last area wool rug, 8 by 10, for $280. I called Pete the Medford, Oregon store Manager's office. The secretary said she would have him call me. I told her just one question. I am purchasing a 42 in. tv at their price, could they donate the last rug to a new small school so the kids could sit on it. We would honor Costco and post a thank you so our families would know. I waited one hour and 20 min. standing by the tv on the cart for Pete's return call. Never came. I called him, he answered the phone himself, said write a letter, submit a non profit tax id no. with it and we will maybe send you a $25 gift certificate. How cold. I am sure many people ask you for things, but your system is broken. I should have been upset just standing and waiting for 1hr 20 min. in your store. The secretary knew I was there in the store calling. I kept my manners and did not get upset, but I sure had a right to. I want to tell you the business in Medford that have donated or discounted for our new school. And I carried the tax id no. with me at all times and was never asked...Larson's Furnishings gave us a $350 5 ft in diameter work table and 10% off our 4,000 purchase of gently used furniture ($400 off)...and all the furniture looks new. We furnished a 40 by 40 ft main room....Gates Home Furnishings in Grants Pass sold us a beautiful cherrywood electric fireplace at $900 instead of $1600, Fred Meyer took 20% off two area rugs, and 50% off three peices of furniture, Target donated our wall mount for the thin tv we paid full price from Costco, Office Depot took $150 off a large U shaped cherrywood desk, hutch, and desk chair. Costco, not only is your management uncaring, but your great store is failing in my opinion. Your system is broken to not make acceptions in special cases where a non profit school is just beginning. All business shine compared to you. I am sure you give to large charities in many wonderful ways, and it trickles down. To not help in a local personal way, when we are spending a large amount on a 42 " tv.....and it was your last rug in the store....well you are broken.

Your cakes is wonderful, I purchase the membership for the cakes. My only regret that you don't make Wedding Cakes! I want a Costco Cake for my wedding in 2011.

I have been a member of Costco for about 15 years. I am a corporate members. I have had the worst experience dealing with the manager of the Costco at the Perimeter Mall , GA. Costco states that if you do like an item return it. That’s it. I had an argument with the manager who states it up to their discretion. He did take the item back, but the attitude was the problem. I feel that Costco has lost their edge, on being polite and respectful of their customers/stockholders. I had to wait for a manager for 25 minutes to ok the return with an attitude that he was doing me the favor and he would not do this again. I asked him what the return policy was and he stated ”it was up to the manager of each store. I told him then why put up a sign that says if you are not satisfied with the item you can return it. Well as our talk show host in Atlanta says you talk with your money and I will go to other warehouse stores.

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