1049 Reviews For LA Fitness Headquarters & Corporate Office

location of gym: university and pines boulavard, pembroke pines florida gym name: pembroke pines east

location of gym: university and pines boulavard, pembroke pines florida gym name: pembroke pines east I am currently a member of your club and have been, along with my son for the last 5 years. recently i have been very displeased by the service in this gym. several machines stay broken for weaks at a time; the gym isnt as clean as it truly should be, its very unsanitized; the a.c is kept very high or even at times off, which makes working out very difficult; the wieghts are always disorganized if theyre not missing; the cieling often leaks when it rains; some of the raccet ball cages stay closed for up to weeks at a time; the bathrooms are somewhat disgusting from not being cleaned properly and stalls are often closed down; and the latest discomfort of being in this gym is the dishonest staff. i canceled and reoponed my accounts for the third time, out of my own convinience and have found that i end up paying more then what i was promised i would pay, everytime. the gym is not pleasing me, my son and many of my friends in the gym, and if it were not that the gym would be so close by, i would not have memeberships with this corporation for so long. i would like for someone in the corporation to please respond to me, and tell me approxametly how much time i have to cancel my memeber ship, and receive my money back. i am very much considering going back to ballys which has treated me well in the passed, and does not have all of these problems. again, please get back to me.

I needed to left up my spirit a little bet, so I decided to join a club to work out, and for my bad luck I ended up in LA Fittens, I met a Guy name Tony very nice and cheerful guy, I asked just to try it for 2 month to see if I can do it, he agreed and asked for $39.99 per month, ok give him my credit card. Second day went to tell my Friend she said she only paid $29.00, I went back and cancelled with Tony, he apologize and agrees to my deal, but he said just see Freddi the Personal trainer guy, Freddi kept on trying to convince me to get a member ship with his trainer I said No he kept on and on and on, finally he said ok just try it I will give you a very good deal, $120.00 once a week visit for 7 month if you do not like it than you can cancel any time, and I will give you the $29.99 deal, I said ok at least they can show me some work out. One day later I was looking at the contract and got shocked by finding out $120.00 every month for 7 month that is not including the $29.00, I asked my friend a long time member with them to help me cancel this deal, so he went in on the 2nd day and Freddi said no problem, I went 2 days after , Tony said wait for Freddi, I waited like an hour, Freddi comes in and say I am very disappointed in you Mervat, and right now I am very busy come back some other time. Ok I leave and I came back a day after that, he said Oh wow you only had 5 days, now it is to lat to cancel.!!!! I felt like I was dealing with some Mafia. And here I look at my credit card statement: LA FITNESS on 09/08/11 $79.98, on 09/10 $85.97, on 09/10 $170.00, on 09/14 thank God there is $(79.98).and all this charges to me is ??????????????

Again another sad story from the LA Fitness Gym in Fl. .......We only stay in Fl for 3 mos. Iam paying $288.00 a month for traing sessions that I can not attend. We live 250 miles from the nearest center,they knew that when I signed up. Also I have been paying $10.60 a month to "freeze" my account.When speaking to the so called manager, she could not give proper anwers to my credit card representative. Do not sign with L.A. the company is a fraud.

signed up thinking that there was no automatic withdrawal from my account; near the date of my next charge (in which i was told i would not have automatic withdrawal) they let me know it was automatic! tried to cancel and the form is taking forever to get through so i was charged the next month. i was told there is no way to cancel online or through the gym, yet my husband called from afghanistan and they said they would cancel it so we would not get charged the next month. how is that possible?! so i have been checking in on the status of my form, some lady said it would take 7-8 days to process and today a man said it takes 12-14 days to process. what the heck?! also, my husband read the fine print for his one-week membership of $9.95 and it said that he would not be charged for any other week; he was charged twice and was not given his money back! it is fair to say that l.a. fitness is by far the worst gym on the planet!

LA Fitness in Leesburg is selling "Personal Training" with trainers who have not been certified. When I questioned this, they said they were Training Managers and that they could not train you, but would take you through your orientation; however, the same person trained me 3 times and is not certified. Secondly, I tried to cancel within the 3 day period and the Head trainer would not take my letter and sold me on a smaller number of visits with the same un-certified trainer. Perhaps, If I sit at the front and let all future customers know what is going on, then they will think about their practices. Terrible experience and would not recommend this company to anyone.

To it may concern, I receive a call on Wednesday 10-05-11 about my personal training account cancellation request. when i called back on September 16, 2011 and spoke to a customer services managers he explain to me that the only way to cancel my account was to fill out a cancellation form for my member account and my personal training to send a memo stating my relocation. he explain to me that the only way to cancel the personal training will be if i was relocating. i explain to him that was the case, that i live 45minutes away from work and that for economic reason i needed to relocate and their is no la fitness near Clermont fl. Now they want call me with a different story is not going to happen i am not paying $280.00 for a services i have only receive 9 times out off a 12 months contract.

Megan at the front desk at L.A Fitness Hazel Dell Store is Rude and should not be at her Position, I called her at 4:30am when the club opened to see if the mens sauna was working cause it has recently been broken, so when I asked she said I have no idea, I said well find out for me please, her reply was how do you expect me to do that I can't go I'n there. I said I don't care how you get me the info I need I am asking you a question about your club and I want an answer she sighed and then put me on hold for almost 10 minutes till I got on a conference call and called her back on a second line to get my answer. It don't take 10 minutes to walk 30 feet to check something, especially at 4:30 when the club just opened and nobody was there yet!

The gym was great. The general manager at the Phoenix location at Chandler and 48th was the worst manager I have EVER dealt with. I agree that they don't care about their customers, guests, or reputation. I will be calling & email their corporate offices tomorrow to see if that is how they treat everyone!!!

If I could give them a negative 5, that would be their score, they dont care about their customers, guests, or anybody.

In April of 2011 I moved from TX to CT. I cancelled my membership and my personal training. After several phone calls to the local club and 10+ faxes proving that I officially relocated to CT, LA fitness continues to charge me $240 per month for personal training that I NEVER USED. I am extremely upsete. According to LA Fintness rules, I sent Mr. Robert Bass all of the necessary documentation to properly dissolve my contract. I repeately asked for his confirmation that he received the necessary information. I still have not received it. My last fax to him was on 7/15. Since July, $730 have been STOLEN from my bank account!

I love my LA Fitness location On Little Road in Arlington TX. However, most of the instructors are very good, especially Joy and Deborah...I am a certified Personal Trainer and Fitness instructor for the last 10 years....there are a couple instructors that have NO business teaching the Body works class...I have made several complaints and so have many other people but nothing has changed. Who knows how many people have gotten injuries because of poor form instruction. Can anyone help?

Lacey Washington Location. Over 20 lockers broke since December 2010. Complained numerous times to no avail. The hot tub has dead skin all around the rim 6 of last 8 visits. I pay dues to have a clean and respectable place to work out at. I highly recommend if you are considering L.A. Fitness you instead check out your local workout place in your own town.

I am very unhappy. You guys rip off people. why cant you guys have a number to fax over cancellation forms or to email to. you guys say "you never got it" when i sent it a month before i got billed. i am upset and will not recommend this gym.

I have not joinded yet and am still evaluating clubs. The problem with LA Fitness ss that the cardio eqiup - treadmills, elipicylces etc, are located on a second floor balcony where there hardly any NO moving air. It is so hot up I feel like I' going to melt after a few minutes. I asked the mgr why don't they put fans up there. He said that corporate office would not permit it. Not a good sign that LA fitness would make it so hard on exercisers. THis is any easy problem to fix.

I had paid for a year of personal training,however 2 months into the contract my Plantar Fasciatis flared up and was advised to just swim and not do weights,etc.Despite having sent in a doctors certificate,they continue to charge me every month,and wont cancel the contract.

I got a member ship in march or aprile 09 an I talked to a sales rep to cancell my membership in june or july of 09 she asked if I would like to put it on hold for 10.00 a mounth I sid cancell the membership it would cost me the mounth of 29.99 an the next mounthof 29.99 fine i said . I just found out that La Fittness has been charging my creidt card 10.00 amounth for the past 2 years thats 240- 280 dollers thay have been gitting from me an i havent even been into a la fittness till the other day to talk to themabout it. thaysay nothing thay could do . WHAT ??? an then thay want 29.99 to cancell the membership I thought it was already canceled .I will be gitting ahold of la fittness corporate office an already disputting this with creidit card componay goes to show that you cant trust anyone .

My female fittness instructor was fired friday with no notification to me. No one notified me from LA Fittness I walked in and was told she is no longer with us. Lance the manager of the Anaheim Hills LA Fittnes in California told me that they do not have any female trainers at that facility now. Lance also told me if I wanted a female trainer I would need to go another location, further from my home. Lance did not appear to be concerned about the need for more female trainers at his location, there are many women at this location that do not have the option to work out with a female trainer which I believe is discrimination. Women have different needs then men and this issue is not address. It is unexceptable to force women to work out with men or go some where else when they should be addressing this need. This facility has hundreds of female clients who pay good money just like I did but do not have the same options as the men. Lance was not going to be hiring any more female trainer any time soon. My trainer's name was Kendra who did an excellent job and who I was very happy with. I believe the trainer client relation is very important. I have 18 more paid sessions and was told I would have to go to some other club by Lance if I wanted a female trainer. All of Kendra's clients are displaced and this was not address before they released her. They knew she had clients but didnt care enought to bring in another female trainer to accommodate any of us. This is poor management!

I find LA Fitness to be VERY VERY deceptive and not forthcoming with information, regarding personal training contract. The company is quite unsympathetic to the changes I experienced in my personal financial situation and hardship. As a result, I am extremely disappointed in the customer service, or lack of it.

I have been a member of LA Fitness for about 6 years. Overall I am satisfied with the chain. However tonight while visiting the facility on Hosmer street in Tacoma Washington I was shocked to find that the parking lot was in complete darkenss. With all of the female customers and a notorious "red zone" only a few blocks away I could not believe that the gym could not provide even rudimentary security measures like a lighted parking lot. When I mentioned it to the very nice young lady at the front desk she told me that they were aware of the problem but that it was the result of some sort of "issue" concerning the landlord. Inexcusable! How can the personal safety of mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, nieces, aunts, cousins and friends be put in jeapordy like this? I pray no one is assulted but if they are I hope that they sue the pants off of the prick or pricks responsible for the current situation.

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