135 Reviews For Big Boy Restaurants International L L C Headquarters & Corporate Office

i was recently in the saint ignace big boy and was so disappointed. i am from wisconsin and haven't eaten at a big boy restaurant in many years so was really excited to stop with my kids and enjoy lunch. well it wasn't very enjoyable! as soon as we walked in the door we were treated like we weren't important, it was busy but the hostess (and elderly lady) just seemed lost, made us wait for a table when there were tables open and when i said we could sit at any of the other tables that were open she stated "oh no i will get yelled at". so we waited for a table to be cleaned, after we were seated it took at least 8 to 10 minutes for our waitress to come and even get a drink order. she seemed very unhappy. my son ordered a root beer but the changed his mind and said he wanted a chocolate milkshake and she rolled her eyes. after she got our drink order she went back to retrieve our drinks she threw her tray. she wasn't very pleasant... after she came back with our drinks she took our order. shortly there after she was yelling at the cooks about an order and the cooks were yelling back at her... NOT VERY PROFESSIONAL ATALL!!! we waited for about 35 minutes to get our meal and i wasn't impressed what so ever with that either the fries were cold and my burger was burnt. i was very disappoint with the whole visit and will not ever return. i would just like to say that with the economy today if this persists IT WILL BE NO TIME AND BIG BOY IN SAINT IGNACE WILL BE OUT OF BUSINESS!!!!

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We have recently visited one of your establishments just outside of Grand Rapids MI. on fathers day June 19th 2011. The conditions were terrible at best. We had ordered the salad bar to find out that it was lacking everything. I had informed or server Melisa who has a wonderful server to let someone no. This request was made again on two additional requests with no response. I have worked in customer more then twenty five years and never found anything so wrong as I have in this establishment. Upon leaving the cashier asked about our dinner which i responded was horrible just as I was about to pay there was a young man (Brandon Solnar} whos name we also received from our server. that stepped in and said he was the manager and apoligized for the salad bar and that the Disrict Manager had left earlier and let the individual that was to handle the salad bar go. Their is no excuse for this. I would like to see you as a Corp on Undercover Boss or maybe your employees should ban together and do one on your corporation either way their is some serious need of an overhaul. I would accept a response but from what i've read I don't think it's likely i may be reached thru @ ibelieve1234@aol.com Sincerely, Debbie Smithy

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I would like to use this site to express my complaint from last Thursday, June 16, 2011. A large group (15 -20) of ladies met at Bob's Big Boy in Burbank California last Thurs., June 16 around 5-6 p.m. to have dinner and discus/plan a retirement party. Our food was cold, a lot of the ladies had special orders which were not made correctly, we never received refills on our drinks and the SERVICE was worst than the food. We spent a lot of money (and in retrospect) and should have complain at the time. However, we were all tired and wanted to get home. The only reason I decided to write this letter is because....I visit Bob's quit often with my kids and granddaughter and did not want this experience to continue. Please call me to confirm receipt of this complaint and to discuss issue. Thank you, Karon De Silva (805) 405-0679

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We ordered hamburgers in the Morro Bay, CA store, which were cooked well done and came on dry buns. The waitress told us no sauce or mayo was put on the burgers so that people who didn't want it wouldn't have to ask. The hamburger had no flavor, and layed in our stomachs like stones for hours. We would have been better off going to McDonalds or Burger King down the road. I believe the burgers were served dry to save on food costs, as you will rarely find burgers served on a dry bun. That was our first & last visit, and we certainly will be sharing our experience with our friends.

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My husband and I eat at Fr.Big Boy about every couple of months ,when returning from the Veterans Hospital in Chilicothie, Ohio. This is one of the best restuarants we have eaten at in A very long time.Even with the fact that i cooked at Bob Evans. We give this big boy five stars and more. The food is not only good, the service is excellent,the people who work there are great. sincerly, Mrs. Stella OBryan Mason,Wv.

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Stopped at the Big Boy on Middlebelt in Romulus and it is one of the dirtiest restaurants I have been in. The bathrooms are filthy and the floors sticky. Just not clean.

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My daughter and I have been going to Big Boy forever. She loves the fish and chips and I love the Slim Jim. The last 2 times we went, we noticed the portions were smaller. The first time I let it slide thinking maybe it was a new cook. The second time, my daughter noticed that the actual plates were smaller! They used to serve both on platter types of dishes and now they are served on small plates. Not full sized plates. So the second time the manager comes over to ask how everything was and I said "Fine, other than the meal portions have been cut. Why is that?" He stood there like a deer caught in the headlights and said nothing. Finally he says "We decided the food portions were too large." I said, "Uh huh, but you decided the prices were good as they are huh?" My problem is that if you give me less food than I've been getting for as long as I've been a loyal customer but charge me the same price, I will not eat at Big Boy again. I'm sick and tired of the grocery store cutting sizes and raising prices but now our favorite - Big Boy. As we headed to the cash register. the manager was standing there and high-tailed it back to the kitchen when he saw me coming. I told the cashier why I had a problem and she asked if I wanted to talk to the manager. I told her he was hiding from me because I already told him. Honestly, it's not like I made a scene, I just asked him to his face a simple question. I didn't raise my voice. The wimpy manager didn't handle it well but it doesn't matter because we're sadly ending our Big Boy meals.

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Greetings. On this past Saturday, June 21, 2011. My daughter and I visited your BIG BOY restaurant in Eastpointe, MI on Gratiot (near 9 mile Rd). I was very disappointed in the service their. We were escorted to our table with our menus, however, we waited a good 15-20 and absolutely NO ONE came to our table. No "someone will be with you shortly", no water, no nothing. We were completely ignored and I was very disappointed, so my daughter and I left. I WILL NOT give my money to an establishment the DOES NOT want it and who is going to COMPLETELY IGNORE me! Being in the customer service industry myself, this kind of treatment is UNACCEPTABLE. I have been to this location before, but this is the first time that I have received poor service!!! Hopefully service will improve, but I WILL NOT be returning! Sincerely, A VERY DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER

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My comments aren't a review but an outright complaint! My brother has worked for the Big Boy in Wayland, MI for over 4 years. My brother is learning disabled, has been all his life. He is limited to the types of work he can do so he has worked mainly as a dishwasher/ busser. I have reason to believe that my brothers disabilities have lead him to be a victim of fraud as well as manipulation in his personal life by the general manager of Wayland Big Boy, Michelle Smith. There has been more than one occasion that my brother has worked 6 or 7 days a week because of employees quiting and the restaurant being short handed. Even though my brother was clocked in for more than 40 hours, he was paid the same rate of pay that he would have made at 32 hours a week. My sister inlaw has complained to me of this more than once over the years but was afraid to make an issue about it for fear that my brother would lose his job. It is hard for my brother to keep a job because of his disabilities. He has a hard time learning things quickly and doesn't work well at a fast pace. My brothers wife has to constantly advocate for him because of this too. Over the last couple of months I have been even more appalled at the unprofessional nature of the actions of this general manager Michelle Smith! This woman has stumped so low as to start deliberately medling in my brothers personal life. I received a phone call from my sister in-law the second week of April. My brother was told by Michelle, that he should leave his wife for one of the waitresses at Big Boy, named Kayla, because Kayla would treat him better. Within a week of this, my brother, being the gullible simple man that he is, packed his stuff, moved in with Michelle Smith, her husband Nate, and their 4 kids. My brother has been with his wife for 11 years and has two kids of his own. He just picked up and left his family on a whim so he could explore the possiblity of a relationship with Kayla, with whom already has a boyfriend/ fiance, and two kids of her own that she doesn't even have custody of. Who does this? Do people really not have compassion anymore? Who deliberately manipulates a person into self destruction? From what I have found out since these events started was that Michelle has had some medical issues with her back and feet. She is on reduced hours and has relied heavily on my brother for months to help her with the more physical aspects of her job as well as help her deal with being short handed on employees. However, Michelle hasn't been paying my brother for it. My brother moved in with this woman and her family under the agreement that he would pay her $400 a month yet he wouldn't have his own room. He would be sleeping in Michelle's youngest son's room while her son slept on the floor or elsewhere. Michelle is supposed to be going in for back surgery soon. My question and only logical assumption is that because of this, Michelle concocted this scheme to lure my brother into staying with her family, so that they could take advantage of my brother financially. Mark would pay the $400 a month which would pay their lot rent at Windsor Woods trailer park. However, my brother would not have enough money once his wife filed for divorce to pay for anything. My brother doesn't make a fortune and doesn't even have enough common sense to take care of his own finances. His wife does the bills etc. There is no way that my brother even thought about alimony, child support, a lawyer, etc. Michelle and her husband didn't care as long as they got what they wanted. I'm not sure what Kayla was getting out of the deal but it didn't take much more than a week for her to figure out that mess that Michelle had caused or to see that my brother was not her ticket to a better life either. My brother would never be able to help Kayla get her own kids back once child support and alimony kicked in! This was not the only problem that Michelle was causing either. Michelle was also giving my brother her prescription drugs so that he could have more energy at work without regard of the fact that he is already on his own prescriptions that could potentially be harmful. My brother had showed up at his own home to pick up more of his belongings on a couple of different occasions. My sister in law claimed to me that my brother appeared to be "ampted". His eyes looked like they were bulging out, his face was pale, and he was sweating. My sister in law told me that he was acting strange, like someone else. My brothers wife found out about the pills and filed a complaint with Wayland police because she found one that Michelle had given my brother at house after one of my brothers visits. She questioned my brother about where he got it and he admitted easily that Michelle had given it to him so he could stay awake at work. I can't believe that the manager at an established nationwide restaurant chain such as Bob's Big Boy would do such things as this woman has! Why would someone allow her to manange a business when she is such a dispicable person and completely incapable of being professional? My sister inlaw did indeed file for divorce. I served my brother the papers myself at Michelle Smiths residence. With no surprise, my brother and Kayla were sitting on the porch together when I walked up to serve him. I know he must have been surprise! It never occured to him that she would do this because he isn't capable of thinking along those lines. He never sees the whole picture. Your marriage and your children are nothing to take lightly. This is no joke! It was a few days after this that Michelle finally told my brother that he should just go home. Kayla decided to go home and work things out her boyfriend Brandon. My brother has been home ever since but not without issues. Kayla and Michelle wouldn't not quit medling, calling, and texting my brothers cell phone. They had to change the number. My brother and his wife decided that in order to fix their relationship that they needed to cut ties with these people. My brother had to quit his job. To this day my brother and his wife are struggling to repair their relationship and fix their family. Someone needs to get rid of Michelle Smith, the general manager of Wayland, MI, Bob's Big Boy! I am afraid she is going to cause a huge scandal or run the place into the ground!

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This place, Bob's Big Boy in Morro Bay, CA, needs MANAGEMENT involvement -FAST! Dinner time found this place filthy with lunch food still being ground into the carpet from whatever shamefully small lunch crowd they may have had. Seemed to have adequate amount of people getting paid for the place to have looked much better as there were only 3 tables with about 5 people total, but the staff seemed more interested in talking with each other than doing anything productive that may help this business survive. Overheard some staff debating as to whether one customer could use one coupon for two people. It seems that someone is wasting their advertising dollars if they don't educate their help as to how to manage advertised specials. This coupon obviously brought these two people in, score one for effective advertising but I have to say that these customers weren't treated very well. If it were me, that would have signaled my last visit to MB Big Boy not matter what the advertised special was. Matter of fact, this IS MY LAST VISIT. Life is too short to waste on mediocre food, in dirty restaurants, with employee attitude problems.

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Today's date is Saturday, April 16th, 2011. My family and I went to the Big Boy Restaurant #375 261 73 Street South Haven, MI 269-639-9500 at 9:00 AM CST. To say I am dissapointed in the service and food is not enough. When we arrived the Shift Manager had a MAJOR ATTITUDE when we asked if we could be seated at a smaller booth. The both that she was trying to seat us in was for 6 and it was just 4 of us. While I know that most people wouldn't mind sitting at a bigger table my complaint is with her attitude. You would have thought that we were the worst people on earth. The Sift Manager Rolled her eyes and snatched up the menus. Ok, now were at our booth for 4...we place our order only for it to be wrong...and when the waitress realized it was wrong she said well, I didn't charge you for the orange juice since I charged you for a large chicken tender. The eggs looked horrible while my husband said they didn't taste bad. Our son requested the buffet...the grits were solid...the french toast burnt...our pancakes were dry. To add insult to injury we had to listen to our waitress talk for the last 10 mins of our meal about going to Menards selecting tile and also her conversation about someone she know who is driving without a drivers license.... come on now. We were ready to go and want to ask her for a take out container... she was so into her conversation that when she DID bring the container not looking she almost put the take out container in my husbands eye....So now that we have a 53 dollar breaksfast 1 kids meal, one buffet and two breaksfast we head to the cashier..only to be met by by the Shift Supervisor... she asked how was the meal or service when I told her it was TERRIBLE she again rolled her eyes. I promise you this... I WILL NEVER NEVER NEVER in my life go to a BIG BOY Restaurant AGAIN IN LIFE. Even if they offer me a free meal... Keep it... with the economy so bad not only do I expect good food I DEMAND GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE....DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT EAT AT THIS BIG BOY RESTAURANT....There are too many other restaurants that will serve good food and service with a smile not rolling of the eyes...

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We qent to Big Boy in Brighton Mi ,it was the worst meal that I HAVE ever had in a resturant,I HAD THE friday night sea food buffet, green beans made me gag the shrimp was so hard you couldn"t eat it,fried chicken had blood running out of it.iI KNOW i will never eat at this one again and I would have to be pretty hungry to eat at any of them although I will say the one in Ypsilanti is ok

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I'm writing to you concerning the Big Boy located at Hall Rd. and 20 mile rd. in Clinton Twp. MI. I have to let you know HOW AWFULL the food was. Not only was the food very tasteless and the oil tasted very old, we got sick from it when we got home.I put all of that aside but our experience when we were there is UNACCEPTABLE. I did speak to the manager about what we saw.......the cooks (3 of them)eating while cooking and also putting food on plates with NO GLOVES. I couldn't believe my eyes!! When I spoke to the manager about this he said " I wasn't this first but I WILL be the last." He will take care of it right away.....little did he know that he was the THIRD cook back there and I witnessed that HE witnessed all of that. He was back there cooking and seeing what they were doing the whole time but I didn't want to cause a scene knowing that I should have called him out first and foremost.I am so very, very upset about my whole experience there and I spent $40 there to feed my family dinner but did not actually enjoy anything.

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Today we visited your Novi location, it was quite a disappointment! We have been loyal customers for decades and our visit today has us questioning if we will ever be back. We were over charged two times on the same bill, the manager was extremely rude when we brought it to his attention. However our biggest concern was food safety. Multiple items on the salad bar were expired! We were told that the brown cream of broccoli soup was fine. It was disgusting! The noodles on the salad bar were sour. If this meets your standards we will spend our money elsewhere. We frequent the Troy and West Branch locations often and have only good things to say. We always leave those locations with a smile on our faces not pain in our bellies!

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This is a story about a Big Boy on Tiekin and Rochester Rd. in Rochester Hills. It's a story about a restaurant that opened and had great management the food was good and served in a timely manner. All of sudden in the last month or so the food service went down hill. I use to eat there 2 or 3 times a week. It is now ended with tonight's meal with my family 4/7/11. We waited for our food for 30 to 40 minutes when it arrived one of the meals was not cooked properly and I sent it back and waited another 20 minutes. I wasn't the only table that had this problem people were complaining all around us and some refused to pay there bill it was awful. When money is tight people will go out to eat but still try to get the best value for there money. This was a good restaurant.

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Let me start by saying I enjoy your food everytime I go to your restuarant but at this location it was absolutley dreadful. We stopped in at the Monroe St. Bigboy in Monroe, Mi at approx 1 p.m on 4/3/2011 and the service was TERRIBLE! Granted they were swamped and their was only 2 waitresses but come on, the place is not that big and why would they only work 2 people on a SUNDAY right after church gets out? First we walked in behind about 6 people and the hostess/manager was shouting at the customers telling them to seat themselves, and then we were seated near the front were we should have recieved great service, right? NO! I went to the bathroom to examine the Breakfast buffet and i walk back to see the waitress/manager at our table asking me if it looks up to my standerds... RUDE! Then she walks away for a good 10 minutes so me and my wife figure, oh well we will get our own food at the buffet since we pretty much have no waitress. So we walk to the buffet and EVERYTHING IS ALMOST EMPTY???

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I went to the waterford big boy on M-59 was very diappointed in the up keep. The place smelled of mold and the windows were dirty, the plants were dead hanging over the tables. All in all in was in dire need of alot of clening and painting.

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We have gone to the Big Boy in Plainwell Mi for several years and do like the waitstaff but the restr. Is going downhill. the restrooms are dirty and the dining area is just filthy. The bottom of the seats show spilled food on the them and the floor under the table have crude in the corners Several years ago a dead fly was found in one of our salads. We would like to see this restr. Cleaned up. We wonder if the public are is dirty, what is the kitchen like

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Three of us stopped in the Wayland Restaurant about 11:45 on Friday 3/18.2011. I will never go that restaurant again. The waitress we had spilled coffee and never cleaned it. My Big Boy Bun was so hard, and I was so hungry, that I didn't send it back. I also asked our waitress for another napkin, in which I never got. I went up to the register to pay and told the gal about the poor service. The manager came out and I told her what happen, she told us that our waitress mentioned that she spilled the coffee and cleaned it. I also told her about the bun and asked if she could take something off my bill. This manager had blood in her eyes and was very nasty. If the manager had only taken 50 cents off, would have been nice. My girlfriend couldn't believe how she acted. Of course we didn't leave our waitress a tip, because of her poor service

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WE HAD BREAKFAST IN THE SOUTH HAVEN BRANCH AND WE ORDERD THE BREAKFAST BAR.THE EGGS WERE NOT EDIBLE.THEY TASTED TERRIBLE AND CHEEP,THE GRAVY FOR THE BISCIUTS AND GRAVY WAS TERRIBLE I COULDENT EVEN EAT IT. IM PISSED,ITS NO ACCIDENT ,ITS INENTIONAL NEGLECT,AM ACTUALLY ANGERY WITH HOW PATHETIC THE FOOD WAS.I FEEL MONEY IS YOUR MOTIVATION AND WHEN YOU CUT YOUR OWN QUALITY PEOPLE GO ELSEWARE,JUST AS YOU PISSHEADS WANT KEEPING LESS FAVORABLE LOWER INCOME FAMILYS AND INDIVIDUALS FROM YOUR RESTAURANTS.BY THE COMMON PLACE FACTOR OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE OF THE LOWER INHIBITED QUALITY OF YOUR BREAKFAST BAR,TERRIBLE,WHY ELSE WOULD SO MANY PEOPLE COMPLAIN?SURE CEOS EAT AND SAMPLE THE PLATTER SPECIALS.PS DONT SEND ME ANY FREE SYMPATHY CUPONS!I DONT WANT TO EAT OUT AT SUCH A FOUL MANIPULATIVE CHEEP FOOD CHAIN.I COOK EXCELLENT DELICIOUS MEALS AND TAKE CAREFULL MESURES TO PREVENT COOKING THE LOW QUALITY FOODSOME OF YOUR FRANCHISES SELL THE PUBLIC.IMEAN THE FOOD WAS NEARLY DISCUSTING ANG COST ME $16.00 THEY EVEN PUT VEGGYS IN THE EGGS BECAUSE THERE NOT VERRY GOOD.I WAS ACTUALLY TECHNICALLY FRAUDED BY A bait and switch type of missconception of expecting to recive a tasty quality dining experiance.some corporations are simply bad buisiness.reminded me of the morality behind the movie avitar,by j,cameron.are the eggs made in china?i hope south havens chain gets a wake up call as well as your inner corporate circle of money.i wish and even pray someone with will and not $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$reads this. written by paul rachac and andy tosh south haven michigan. thank you for your time if whom is reading this deserves polite reputability "that may exceed that of others:"..........no free meal...........in done eating there .and im sending this elseware for others to investigate for themselves to see what concerned us so seriousley.............................good buy..............................!!!!!

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Note: This is not to be used to contact Big Boy Restaurants International L L C Corporate Offices nor is this site affiliated with them in any way. The purpose of this site is supply you with their phone number and address as well as share your thoughts about Big Boy Restaurants International L L C. Your review will be posted and available for anyone to read so please keep that in mind when posting personal information.