294 Reviews For Chick fil A Headquarters & Corporate Office

I am DEEPLY grieved that you have taken the Power of the People and thrown it right back in our faces~! We supported you, and HAVE CONTINUED to support you since you came under condemnation by Chicago, Boston and other cities for your stand FOR CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES~! Not only have you let the People down, You have let your LORD down, and that is a double shame~! What did they do to you, to make you change and to stop your donating to organizations of INTEGRITY and Christian Power???

It remains to be seen if you stick to your word and stop donating money to anti-gay organizations. If your news release is true and you do indeed follow through with your promise, we will be back. If we find that you simply start having your wife or children donate for you then the boycott will continue. You will find that while you did have many people come out on your day of support. They will not make that effort on a regular basis and your stores will not be as profitable as the ending of a boycott would make them. It is not just gay people you are offending by donating money to hate groups (whether you see them as hate groups or not), with your anti gay discrimination, it is our parents, our siblings and their children, our friends and their children and all of those who love us and their children that are offended. We all have familes too and they are not limited to those that are related by blood alone. We are American Citizens and as such deeserve the same rights and benefits as anyone else in this Country.

I supported you when you were being attacked for your Biblical stand on marriage. However, I am heartsick over your capitulation to the Jesus-hating gay propagandists and their lackeys. Remember what Jesus said in John 15:18: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you" and John 7:7, "...me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil". You have given aid and comfort to those who hate our Lord and Savior and His truth; you have joined their angry mob. I cannot frequent a Chick-fil-A restaurant again until you return to defending our Lord Jesus Christ and His truth!

You blew it Chick-fil-A. We Americans who hold family traditions sacred were so proud of you in August. Now you too have caved in to the 2% LGBT population who hated you anyway. Why? So you can build a restaurant in that den of corruption, Chicago ? Shame on you ! You can read my article and see the disappointment from people who raved about you 1 month ago on this site: http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/has-chick-fil-a-lost-its-pluck/#comment-134395 I'm going back to hamburgers!!

I can't believe this. Chik-Fil-A was one of the bright spots we have had in a dark time and you ripped the rug out from under your loyal customers. Why? For money? How much more would Chicago bring you? And to bow to thuggish political pressure and put out a phony statement that you "respect people from all walks of life" when you were ALREADY DOING THAT is disrespectful to those of us who stood up for you. I give up. This country is hopeless. Al Qaeda, take me first.

Chick-fil-A: WHY???!!?? America showed you their support, America came out by the millions to support you against this baseless attack, and you FOLD!? SHAME ON YOU!! Now, as much as we pulled together to support you, to support your stand, we will now WITHDRAW not only our support, but our BUSINESS. Hope you saved all the money you made on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, as you will now need it to cover the LOSSES you will now get. See if the liberals and homosexuals can give the same type of support that we did. BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT And yes, I will be on the radio about this! Good-bye Chick-fil-A!


My family of six have been loyal Chic fil A customers for many years. We all came out in support of Dan Cathy's support of traditional marriage and his belief in the Bible. I am totally shocked to hear that Dan Cathy has buckled under the pressure of LGBT and other pro-gay organizations. They have the nerve to call Focus on the Family a hate group. LGBT is the one who is a hate group. If you don't support their agenda, they come out swinging and intimidate you into changing your mind. When Doctor Dobson was at Focus on the Family, he was a voice for the family and traditional marriage. I can only imagine what Truett Cathy is thinking about his son Dan's reversal on this issue. Former Chic fil A customers, Randy Porche and family Loveland, Colorado

I am giving a 1 star rating not for the service or food which has always been wonderful but for the caving in to the disgusting political correctness. The time has come for Americans to stand fast for our values even though it will cost us dearly. Chick fil A has always done that - until now. So sad.

I will never eat a chick-fil-a again. Back-stabbers over the refusal to support Focus on the Family and other traditional marriage groups all for the Chicage Way.

Words cannot begin to express my dissapointment in Dan Cathy's decision to capitulate to the LBGT community after all we have done to support you. Do you think those thousands of people waited in line for hours for a chicken sandwich? We were standing up for what we believed in, as we thought you were doing. I eat at chick fil a 3 to 4 times a week and I am vowing to you now, I will never grace your doorstep again if you don't reverse your decision. I don't think I have ever been so dissapointed in a companies action. Did you really think we were going to just sit back and take this? I would appreciate a real response, not some automated reply. Leo Snyder snyder1110@bellsouth.net

How do you feel now that you took the amazing support you received for "standing on principle" and threw in the towel to the homosexuality community? Guess following Christian principles and doctrine wasn't worth facing down a few self serving politicians and their vocal condemnation of your right to free speech and traditional positions. Guess the opportunity to open a few more Chick a fila's and make more money trumped your Christian principles after all. All you had to do to resist these purveyors of perversion was maintain your right to open legitimate businesses and DARE THEM to violate those rights under the law. Instead you took the easy (and unnecessary) way out and capitulated. Till you reverse this position and STAND UP for the position you originally took I will not buy from your restaurants.

Nice to see you turn your back on everyone who supported your traditional marriage stance, now you kick everyone in the teeth that supported you by changing your core beliefs and becoming a sellout. I guess the power of money and greed will make man do anything including changing his beliefs in mid-stream just to get that extra dollar. What a joke, making everyone who supported you look like a fool. I guess doing what is right in the world's eyes is more important that doing what is right in GOD's eyes. You've lost a loyal customer for life and i'm not the only one who feels that way, enjoy the extra dollars you'll make at your new store, hope it was worth it......

I fully supported your group for standing up to the political pressure and not supporting gay marraige. But alas you like so many others have reveresed your self and now profits make the decision . Hell you might as well open up on sundays from now on. Your actions have shown you are not the Christian based company you stated so often. A sad day for your company indeed.

Well, we stood in line missed work and sweated to show our support for your stand againest the gay lifestyle. So much for that so you might as well open on Sunday and stop saying you close because you want your employees to go to church. What a joke you have made of yourself. Look out KFC here we come.

I live in Texas and I was sadden when I heard Chick fil a is changing its stand It seems as if we are loosing our freedom to speak either because of fear or money Chicago would have just been without a Chick fil a. What is so funny is that He was just having a conversation and now its like all of the values of the company is being compromised. And good programs like focus on the family that actual help our country in times of pain and suffering that gives hope to people. Loose funding because they stand for the truth. Is sad If people want to put themselves at risk for their spiritual future that is between them and God and all we can do is pray for them and be a positive light for our childrens future and their. But if we keep compromising Gods truths and promises. Then maybe our spiritual future is the one at stake. We are suppose to love one another. What we need to realize is that we can still stand in Gods truth and still love with out fear. To be a company of faith is beautiful and rare to walk in Gods truth in love and not compromise your beliefs. Make no mistake thats what got Chick fil a where it is today. Who much is given much is required I think you need to rethink this one. Very Sad

i am actually very sad with the news today. i use to admire your company for standing on christian principles. Now you change your mind. Well, God did not change his mind. How much money is enough? I think you could survive if you were unable to open your restaurant in a few liberal cities.Don't you? i will never support your company again. Standing with God.

We all came out to support you, Then you go and throw in the towel? Jesus would continue to fight the good fight! Not just duck it because it "tainted" his reputation! I'm ashamed of you! After enduring a major public-relations tsunami this summer, Chick-fil-A, the Atlanta-based sandwich shop that’s closed on Sundays, says it will end its decade-long corporate support of culture-warrior groups that oppose gay marriage.

It is my understanding that today you officially changed your position on tradional marriage and Christian values, of which the company and founder were blessed of God of this. I along with millions stood with you a view weeks ago where there was a fire storm against the company. And may I add you had a huge day with record profits... Now you say you will no longer give and support those that only believe and stand on tradional American, family and Biblical values. You lose... You sold America out along with Obama

When the one of the owner's basicaly verbaly stood up for what they have believed in on their position on gay marriage all these yrs it was a trimphant responce from believer's. But now I understand that the WinShape Foundation which is it's non-profit arm will no longer contribute money to organizations that oppose gay marriage & now biz for the ground breaking for a new location is closer because of it, WHO REALLY STANDS TALL ANY MORE????....your letting the very power that we as believer's stand against rule your operation's & God see'e it. We say this and that but when it hits the pocket book we allways back down. Ephesians 6:12...pray without seasing...caving in for the god of this world is futile, it wont further any thing for the kingdom of God but only giving victory(for a while) to darkness...

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