503 Reviews For Hardees Headquarters & Corporate Office

Your commercial is vulgar and does not belong on our tv's. Remove the commercials now!

I'm totally appalled at your commercials! The borderline porn is discusting! What is America coming too! The first job I ever had was Hardee's and I have always loved your food, not anymore! I will never eat here again as long as you keep this up! This is about food not sex! So stop trying to sell it! What in this world were you thinking letting this kind of advertising get through! So THROUGH with Hardee's!!!

Your latest commercial with the "girl on girl" action is repulsive. If you can't promote your food without having to use such provocative tactics in doing so, obviously you shouldn't be in the business of selling food. Why don't you close shop and reopen as the "low budget" pornography business you are representing your company to be. By the way...I do agree that your food isn't good enough to sell itself!

Your bbq commercial is crude, sexist, and extremely offensive. We will definitely find some other fast food place to patronize. On the other hand, my thirteen year old grandson loves it. Too bad he can't take it into the bathroom with him!

I will no longer eat at Hardee's Loved your breakfast but not now. Your commercials are disgusting. I am glad there are other places to eat that have more class than Hardees. These commercials are indecent. Will not support a place that uses these tactics to try and sell their food.

Your burgers must suck if sex and nudity is the only way you can sell then. McDonalds, burger king etc can sell their food with their clothes on. You have lost me, my kids, my parents, two brothers i, their families as customers. Lost us for good. This cannot be tolerated and we will not support you.

I wouldn't even give you a one but that was my only choice. I hope you are happy with yourselves. Your advertising agency has managed to produce the most disgusting ads possible. Who would want to ever eat at your establishment again?

What in the world are you thinking????? I am disgusted by your recent commercial. Where have the values of our country gone? I feel like there is no limit as to how far someone will go to earn the almighty dollar. I value freedom of speech, but the line has to be drawn somewhere, especially for our young and impressionable children. We have to make a change.

I will no longer support hardees. It has become a porno. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves nasty old men. You need to take those commercials down

Just want to know I WILL NOT be spending my hard earned money at Hardees. I am disgusted by your recent ads. Many others I have been talking to agree with me. Where are our standards? If you cannot be more clever, get off the air.

I am sickened by the porn commercials! It is bad when you can't have your teens watching tv for fear of the sexual and suggestive commercials! Her butt is actually hanging out!

Disgusted with your advertisements. What do half naked girls making eyes at each other have to do with your burgers. Fire your ad ppl or your restaurants will be empty!

Just saw your latest ad. What is it with Hardee's obsession with sex and hamburgers. Women and burgers. Can't recall if I have seen such sexually provocative behavior between men and burgers. Maybe I just missed that one. As I said the last time I wrote to voice my objections to your last actually pretty repulsive ad - Hardees was torn down and never replaced and I'd say, we are the better for it. Get a life and grow up. Your burgers must be pretty bad.

I am totally done with Hardees!!!!! I am so sick of seeing your pornographic commercials on tv... and then to see it on a childrens channel!!! My husband and I are both disgusted that you keep stooping lower and lower just for the love of money. Every time I see this commercial come on, I am going to call and write the network that is airing this filth. WE as customers keep your company going...And I see your not going to be around much longer if WE as your EX-customers stick together and get this off television. Porn is not somethig my husband and I want our grandchildren seeing. YOU HAVE TOTALLY FAILED IN OUR BOOK!!!!!

I really like Hardees food. However I am annoyed with your commercials no the so called porn(crazy poeople). It's making your burgers seem bigger than than they really are. I went in your store and bought the biggest memphis burger and it was equivalent to two small bugers. For what you are charging for you can get a lb of ground and make my own. You should lower the prices. your menu is overpriced. COME ON HARDEES listen. Good taste but small bugers. Also, you all need a DOLLAR MENU.

I am disgusted by your advertisements its food you are selling not Porn, I will not be supporting your trash food. What are you thinking????? What moral values do you have. Supposed to be family friendly. I am telling everyone that I know and let them know your minds in the immoral gutter.

We have always liked Hardees, however we will never eat at Hardees again. We have tried to over look the previous commercials but this last one was over the top. Nothing but pornography and if that is what Hardees wants to place the advertising focus on, they need to get off the TV. Some people do have families with morals, not everything (especially the FOOD we eat) is associated with sex.... Hardees needs to fire the management team and the advertisement team if they want to continue in business. By the way- I would not give you one star, except you haven't provided that choice, you don't deserve even a "poor" rating....

GOOD BYE HARDEES! (Hello locally owned fast food!) Disgusting commercials! You'll never see my money again.

I have hated Hardees for years since the very first trashy commercial came out. My family does not eat there because of it. How do they get by with this on network television???? This commercial came on at 11:25 p.m. on NBC during the 11 o'clock news. My teenager was up at the time and showed the commercial to me when it came on. When will women wake up and realize that this is degrading to us? It doesn't make men respect us, it makes them objectify every woman when they see her. This is pornography and it needs to stop.

Shame on you Hardees. Disgusting commercial. Dont care to see butt cheeks at dinnertime. Get your advertising guys out of the gutter.

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