HBO Corporate Office & Headquarters
1100 Avenue of the Americas Room H13-16 New York NY 10036HBO corporate phone number:
(212) 512-1000182 Reviews For HBO Headquarters & Corporate Office
cancel hbo
i urge everyone to cancel hbo until they drop bill maher.
I will be cancelling my subscription of HBO tomorrow. I have always chosen which programs to watch and what to ignore. A lot of fellow conservatives despise Bill Maher's show. I am not one of them. I have watched it in the past and found it amusing and periodically amusing. Newsroom is garbage...a sad attempt by a liberal producer to rewrite history and misinform those who choose to be taught history by HBO. The last straw was your corporation's decision to play the movie Game Change the night before our recent Presidential election. The accuracy of the film is debate able but the intent of your corporation's decision to play that film at that time, on that day is not. And since I seem to find more and more of a liberal slant on your channel I choose to change channels and I certainly choose not to contribute monetarily to liberal organizations like HBO. I only got HBO for Game of Thrones anyway. Now I'll wait until the DVD comes out and borrow it from someone.
I seen the movie DOUBLECROSSED starring Dennis Hopper about 15yrs ago, how can i get the movie. I really loved this movie but its not on dvd nowhere (please help) Why isn't it showing on On-Demand
Newsroom is simply the best show on TV. Nothing else comes close. Please, please, please don't ever think of cancelling it.
I just want to say that Newsroom is one of the best shows on TV. It gives me goosebumps.
I love HBO and all of its originality. Where Newsroom is concerned, please recast and try again. This show has potential and is dying with the cast. The news is interesting, intelligent, informative, and why I watch the show. You have a platform here in important and changing times. Please do more news so that when your camera leaves the newsroom I do not feel driven to walk away. It would be shameful to squander this opportunity due to poor subplots. It is very difficult to deliver lines and portray any Aaron Sorkin character but Jeff Daniels is doing it quite well. But he cannot do it alone. I can feel his pain regarding MacKenzie, but do not understand why. There is no chemistry between him and Emily Mortimer. She has a flat personality with occasional failing attempts at cute and ditzy. Her performance is equally bad as the EP, shouting orders as though she were asking a short order cook for a burger. She is just loud and not really in control. Her body language has only two postures,head tilt and nail biting. The nail biting thing does not improve her ability to appear intense and nervous, but instead makes her look unprofessional. As clear as I can read Jeff Daniels' pain, Mac's regrets seem to be coming from her head, not her heart, as though she must be sorry in order to keep her job. She appears to be pathetic. Equally ill cast is Allison Pill as Maggie. She is involved in a complicated relationship but portrayal of her character puts her no older than 15. She is very average, marginally smart, clumsy. In what world would not one, but two, young professionals with upward mobility take a second look at her? Certainly not NYC. Don (Thomas Sodoski) is reasonable in his role with this exception: His interest in Maggie is absurd and unbelievable. I could go on to more failing subplots but my real question is why do you think you need them? It is not necessary to turn this into a soap opera, which it is rapidly becoming. In this show, no one is talking about the love interests because no one cares. Please fix this.
pass! I just can't get into this stuff, and really who has time? bteewen kids, FB, blogger and my darn farm on FB i'm screwed. Speaking of my farm, I think it's dying., must go harvest my crops. LOL
I became an HBO subscriber only to be able to watch Newsroom! It is nothing short of fantastic! It is the only reason right now I have HBO but am going to watch Boardwalk Empire to see what's up there and also reacquaint myself with Bill Meher But you have a real WINNER in Newsroom - keep up the good work we are all watching and talking about it and telling our friends to get HBO and watch!
cancel my subsciptio all cable programs dealing with HBO and cinamax...had enough of HBOs liberal BS. will research what HBO is into and look at their advertisers...will stop using the products..
Hbo should be showing and repeating The Hope and Change documentary every 2 days.....the trailer is on You Tube......Drop bill maher!......Drop the movie Game Change!......Hbo subscriber since 1981.
Newsrooms complete assault on the Tea Party was disgusting! HBO = MSNBC. I think the time has come to stop spending my tea party money on left wing garbage.
Hbo is really getting Bad.....they need to show more New Movies and Drop shows like Bill Maher which repeat on every Hbo channel way to Much!.....Seems like TimeWarner/Hbo have a Agenda. Hbo subscriber since 1981 .
I haven't had HBO in years but recieved it free for 3 months when I added things to my cable plan. I love many of the series and will start paying for HBO when the free time is up (I really can't afford it but....) I like Newsroom. I cried last night when I watched the one about catching bin laden.. I've been reading some of the previous comments and am pretty surprised. Everyone sounds so angry...Some folks condemn HBO for showing Bill Maher's show?? Wow. I don't like Bill Maher - so guess what? I don't watch his show. How can you condem an entire chanel because they have a show that has different views than you?? I find it very sad that we as a nation are so closed minded, on both sides. Everyone has an opinion and we should try respecting those whose opinions are different from our definitely don't have to like/watch those shows, but come on? HBO should be ashamed?? Should Fox news be ashamed for Rush Limbaugh?? HBO-keep making good series and I'll keep watching!!
I have a separate issue with HBO. I grew up watching HBO and subscribe myself so I am a loyal supporter. Lately, I've noticed that some of your shows (Game of Thrones and True Blood) have images of violence toward children. While I really like both of these shows, I do not enjoy watching children being murdered or experiencing acts of violence. Our society is already desensitized to violence and I remember a time when it was "taboo" to see children being killed. I've seen it quite a bit on both of these shows and I find it very disturbing and unnecessary. We don't need to see children being burned, staked and drained by vampires. I don't think I will ever get used to seeing it. I would hate to think that we are moving towards being ok with this type of content.
I can't believe that HBO is so stupid. People were upset about the use of using a George Bush mask in a scene from Game of Thrones. I watched True Blood and here they had people in Obama masks acting like a form of KKK. It doesn't matter if you like any of the President's past or present, they should be respected for the office that they uphold. What a sick society we live in.
Bill Mahr offers thoughtful social commentary. Most of which is presented with humor and satire. How sad so many Americans can not appreciate his forum. Like so many other people that I know, I look forward to watching his show and miss it when he is on hiatus. Bill Mahr is simply the best!,
Drop bill maher.......more new movies in that slot........HBO subscriber since 1981.......thank you......Scott S.
I loved Bored To Death. I was very much disappointed about the cancellation of the series and that it was replaced with shows that were crap. I would resubscribe if you brought back some of the good shows. Shows that actually made me want to tune in every day/night because the series was so enticing.
You need to have a rating lower than 1 star - Poor. HBO airs shows that are so far below Poor, they belong in hell! HBO should be ashamed of themselves and hang their heads in embarrassment. They have become nothing more than Obama's Campaign Headquarters. Newsroom by Aaron Sorkin is a total disgrace that takes real events and actual words from public personalities completely out of context to fit their agenda and message. This coupled with that snake in the grass, Bill Maher, is more than I can handle. I have been a customer of HBO for over 30 years and now I have had enough. I am cancelling my HBO subscription. In addition, many of my friends and family feel the same way and don't watch either of those despicable shows.
Recommend people stop watching HBO. As long as it has Bill Maher, it is garbage TV.