1723 Reviews For Facebook Headquarters & Corporate Office

You have blocking people from postin information on other people's walls. Again,(The first ammendment), FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

you're new chat sidebar sucks ass! why the fuck would you go and change some shit like that?? you do realise that sometimes i might need to contact someone that i dont usually talk to and having to fucking search for them to see if they are online is a waste of time an pisses me off. also i use chat to find kids in my class and ask about hw... DO YOU EXPECT ME TO REMEBER EVERYONE IN MY CLASS AND SEARCH THEIR NAMES TO SEE IF THEY ARE ONLINE OR NOT??? why the fuck cant you just stop updating shit that people dont want changed? WHAT STUIPD ASS PERSON RECOMMENDED YOU DO THIS? THEY FAIL AT LIFE. fuck you guys IT DOESNT GET 5 STARS BECAUSE IT CHANGES TOO MUCH AND THE CHANGES ARE UNNECESSARY! whoever thought of this idea is a stupid ass and whoever approved it is equally retarded.

facebook , can u help me trace the ipp of a certain jianne flores? she is harrassing my whole life!tnx

How can I deactivate the account of a dear friend who has passed away?

PLEASE HELP ME my friends and photos are gone...it's like my facebook restart its self.. please help me....

need to contact facebook but cant, tried emailing them, been to the police and told them my situation and now waiting to see what they say. facebook is a disgrace and ruins many many lifes. i hate it. all i want is for someone to contact me in facebook team but havnt got that

You have messed up my password. Your renewal of a password is automated in such a manner that I cannot get a new password since you tell me that my email address is already taken by someone else. Let me tell you this simple matter: that someone else is ME!

hello im from india and i have a problem theres some kind of problem going around in fb peoples ids are getting hacked and nude videos are uploaded into the hacked profile resulting in a lot of problems what should be done

Your pass the service you provide as commuication tool. My experiences is that censorship is your SOP. This is second time your commuication Nazi monkey. w/keyboards have blocked me. What part of NETWORKING do you bone heads not understand? I am in the AVIATION field....there exist a common thread of friendship in this field....thus direct/ personal knowledge is NOT A PREEXISTING CONDITION FOR THE FRIENDSHIP. Quit screwing with me...

Please explain to me why you keep kicking me off Facebook and I have to keep logging in.....what the hell is going on???? It's happening more and more lately.


I've been trying o log into my facbook account for hours now and it wont let me...im pissed off & your tech support facebook isn't doing anything at all to help. This is absolutely ridiculous!

My account has been hacked and also deleted from facebook. how can i reactive this account and recover it...Please anybody help me.please....

Por que o meu FB está temporariamente fora de serviço? Me ajudem? Qual o e-mail ou o telefone que consigo falar no facebook? Estou desesperada com medo de perder a minha conta! Pois ajo certo e não acho certo fazerem isso. Me ajudem?

I love Facebook, but I think that you need to think of some more groups of people.

I was disabled for showing a non sexually provocative photo of a circumcised penis to get votes to make circumcision illegal, or to show a serious complication that actually happened to me and a friend of mine whom is Nathan, and I began actively speaking his story and my own after he committed suicide. I recently just took a 3 month break from my job in order to try and push the legislation as much as possible, and depending on the grounds I can get my feet on, I will try and fight this on an international level. If I succeed I want to talk to our Geneva convention: Having circumcision honored as a violation of human rights. This is something I’ve chose to dedicate my life to. My mom doesn’t understand and thinks I should live a selfish life, and I’m selfless. It’s not about me it’s about our future generations, one hundred years from now I want those people to walk in their home and feel euphoric bliss, I want their life to be more beautiful than anything euphonious that I’ve heard, for our youth we share love and gratitude! In our youth we work so hard and some understand so little. I’ve recognized people who want to bring others down, I’m not that person. If you throw grabs in a bucket, I’m the one trying to get out.. When others pinch on me to bring me down, I pray: I’m strong enough to pull myself out of the bucket with others attached. Please don’t bring me down, understand my picture was none sexually proactive, and you shouldn’t have the right to tell me it’s too political. I live right here in Santa Cruz county, Your headcourters isn’t much of an hour away. I intend on having respect from you, and if I’m not respected that will be quite unfortunate for me, Because then I will be stuck in the bucket. This is why I’m praying that you will hear me out, and I know you god damn faggot fucking billionaires aint give a shit about no brown eyed spick, well guess what amigo, I got a job at 8 years old. I worked from the ages of ten to twelve and a half saving on average $100 a month, yeah it took me twenty six months to buy a computer at the age of twelve I purchased a intel Pentium 2 processor with 8ram and that was the number one computer in pc magazine. I earn my money, even if I open up a lemonade stand, even if I’m that ten year old pushing a lawn mower, if I’m that twelve year old with a paper boy route, the teenager working at the board walk. …so on.. You know who I am not? I’m not a collage graduate fuck! Not because my family didn’t have enough money, because I have no one to blame but myself. I educate myself, and I merit myself when I make my own achievements, its not about me. I just need to know how to know how to know what needs to be known! I get shit done, I learn quick, I’m highly motivated and dedicated. They call me: Strive. Ich Bin Streben! I hope you will understand how pissed off I am, and that I actually have the ability to keep my composure. I will deeply appreciate your support in the attempt of sharing love and gratitude.

I posted a picture on my wall, and some one reported it as sexual content. The picture was of a mutilated penis, although it was more of the lack of a penis as no actual penis is being show because it was cut off. What is shown looks like hairy arm and there was nothing erogenous about the picture. I will becoming out to Palo Alto to speak in person. I will appreciate your support in resuming my face book account and social network. The point of my post was to get votes to make circumcision illegal. This is extremely important to me as some one very close to me crumbled from their own narcissistic debauchery from their self discovery of what happened to them. I speak for my self and the dead men who cant tell tails. Squelching my voice is just going to cause me to grow louder at this time, I’ve been passive for ten years, and right now we have wind in our sails. I’m coming with the power of truth within love and gratitude, and I’m going to combat these political pirates. Un-squelch my voice and support the cause to protect innocence of our future. I’m not looking for a fight, I’m stuck in the struggle. The source of my power is my adroitness to strive. Please help change laws, allow my voice to be heard!

I have a facebook account and recently have been having trouble with a hacker. He gets into my account and uses my debit card to purchase items for games. I inform facebook through emails and they keep locking out my account, so I can't get excess to my account. They ask for a form which includes my name, email address and a copy of a government ID. When I do this they sent me back an email with the exact same instructions I just did, instead of unlocking my account. I don't know how this person keeps getting into my account, I've changed my password several times with no luck, they keep getting into my account. I thought facebook was a secure network, apparently not secure enough!!!! Facebook desperately needs a customer support center you can call with problems.

i used to love facebook until it changed the chat saying now you can chat with the people you talk to the most but now my chat is all messed up i wish it went back to its old self. anyone know how to fix that so i can see all my friends on chat?

hey u mad this sight!? ther's sum prblm wi/. chat mannnnnnnnnnn

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