2 Reviews For Sluss Realty CO Headquarters & Corporate Office

Anna and I have been friends for over 10 years so going to anoyne else would be crazy. Our friendship first started while she was selling me my first home in east palmdale off of ave. S and papagayo. Now the time to sell and buy in lancaster is here and we are taking advantage of it!

1 2 3 4 5

The MLS is the most important maetrking medium for your home! It is paramount that you review your listing, as it is seen in the MLS, with your real estate agent. Make your Realtor print out both the agents copy and the public version of your listing. Together go over them with a fine tooth comb and then make all the tweaks necessary so that your home listing is compelling enough to entice a buyer to schedule a showing. This maybe your only opportunity (for your home) for a first impression to a large pool of buyers. Finally, look at the agent copy ; what is the co-broke offering? If it is less than 3% ask why!

1 2 3 4 5

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