2 Reviews For Streetman Homes Limited LLP Headquarters & Corporate Office

If I could give these people zero stars I would! Thank goodness we cancelled our contract with this company two days after signing it. We had a lawyer read their contract and she said that it was the worst, most one-sided contract that she had ever read in her lengthy career as a real estate attorney. Their contract is not a standard contract. It has many things in it that should not be. For example, it says if there are back taxes owed you will pay them. DO NOT sign their contract without having an attorney read it. Don't trust your agent as he/she wants to sell a house. It has been two weeks since I cancelled the contract and we have not received our earnest money back. The sales person, Belinda, was sweet as pie while in selling mode and nasty as can be after my cancellation. After doing further research on the internet I have read over and over that this company does not stand behind their product. Buyer Beware! I have heard from several real estate agents that Streetman is one of the hardest to work with.

1 2 3 4 5

I bought a StreetMan Home 6 months back(we are the first owners), and not at all satisfied with the quality of the home. The second floor was making squeaking noises during our final walk, and they fixed it, it passed inspection, we closed on time. and just after 4 months the noise came back. when they came to fix it, they rolled the carpet to one end of the room, and put more screws on it. they agreed that the noise is pretty bad. and right after two days I noticed the noise on the part which was hidden under the rolled carpet. when I told the superintendt about this, he said I had my chance to get it fixed and that's it. they are not going to fix it again. I am a normal home owner with out any construction experience/skills. they expect me to watch their back and tell them where to put the screw and check every inch after they fix it. they don't take resposibility for their work. and unfortunately, this is one of the major selling point they used when we bought the house. they said that the floor would never make noise. but we have seen it 2 times with in 6 months. and the superintendt tells me that he is doing me a favor in coming second time to fix it. and when we closed it, we marked some scratches and paint stains on the windows and floor. we marked them all during our final walk, but closed the house with out waiting for them to fix them all. they fixed some, and we told them about the rest immediately after we took the keys. and then they said that paint is non-warrantable, so they won't fix the scratches. they said that once we close the house, it is not their responsibility anymore (this is just two hours after closing). we keep having experiences like this with streetman homes. my uncles on 620 in Round Rock is 10 years old, and not even a small squeaking noise from the floor upstairs. the construction is solid and they never had to use any of the warranty till now. I had issues with cable, issues with electric wiring in a bed room, pickets from the fense came loose.....they are all small things..but I had them during the first year after the construction. and we can not trust the warranty, becuse if you have the same issue for a second time in that year, it will not be covered. they will come only once for each issue. note that I'm saying "they will come only once", it doesn't imply "they will fix only once". it is your responsibility to make sure it is fixed when they are in your home. even if the problem comes after few months, it will not be fixed.

1 2 3 4 5

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