3 Reviews For Regency Furniture Headquarters & Corporate Office

The worst customer service I've ever experienced. Received damage furniture and they will do anything to make it right. Don't ever shop there!!!!

1 2 3 4 5

Poor customer service. Poor delivery service. Liars and thieves. I will never buy or promote anything having to do with Regency furniture. Unethical and unprofessional practices. Whatever happened to the customer is always right??? Not with this company.

1 2 3 4 5

Retire military

You have the worst customer service in the world... I would fire the following at Brandywine: Elizabeth Amber The entire service department....who took more 5 weeks to solve a simple problem of replacing a merchandise...unprofessional group of people I have ever experienced and I wiill never purchase again, or promote my friend, colleague etc to ever buy at Regency, poor service relations, unethical company!

1 2 3 4 5

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