56 Reviews For Google Inc. Headquarters & Corporate Office

Leaving google for good!

Because Google Inc refuses to recognize the Christian day of Easter, I will no longer recognize them as any Internet tool for me. When you insult millions of people who are Christians it is not a company that deems support. I would leave no stars, but the company is so conceited that a star MUST be selected - shameful.


I just received a NEXUS thanks to your generous contribution to the Hillsborough, NJ school district. I am so excited to have my special needs students use this device. The voice activated feature, the apps and the interactive writing features are so well designed. I teach children with Autism spectrum disorder, as well as others will severe learning disabilities. This device will make their learning easier, more appicables and most of all fun. The apps will help me to create individualized instruction for academics and to assist with behavior improvement. Thank you so much.

Google play

I am so over google, I purchased a smart phone and am forced to use g-mail to do any transactions on my apps. I forgot my password to my g-mail account, and tried to use the reset password option, they locked me out of that account, I was never able to get back into that account, so I had to set up a new one, I had a 5.00 credit on my other account and now I cant use it, because they are not allowed to transfer credits, I really feel that because they are such a huge corporation, that they can rob the general public and not give a damn one way or the other, what do they care, it doesn't affect there bottom line. We are just john q public, and our little measley 5.00 doesn't account for much. I will make sure in the future that if I have a choice at all I will never use google products again.


I've ordered 4 Google Earth Pro Licenses for the company I work for. After being charged for all four (and having the fee clear the credit card) I have yet to receive the digital downloads. It's now been 11 days since my order. I've literally sent over 10 emails to Google Earth Pro support and have called 7 different phone numbers. I am beyond frustrated! No one can connect me with Google Earth Pro/give me the money back. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

horrible customer service..or lack of

I am beyond frustrated with google. My 11 year old son ordered a gsme off of the google play website on his phone using my debit card. The game cost $6.99. In the last 3 days google has withdrawn on 15 different occations a total of $85.00. May not sound like much, but to a single mother, that's a bill. I can not reach anyone from google, and now am spending money for an attorney so maybe they don't do this to other people. Theft is theft even if you are a billion dollar company. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I do not work at Google, and I have no investment in the company; however, these comments simply criticize one of the most successful companies in business history. Maybe I should stop wasting my time reading useless complaints from ignorant people! ps. "costomers" is spelled customers, idiot! ps2 I think you meant bunch of pussies not "brunch of pussy's" although a brunch of pussies does sound erotic and exotic. DON'T BOTHER E-MAILING ME BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU MORONS, I DON'T USE MY REAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.

I enjoy having my own Photo for a back ground .SO now the Powers that think that they can force us to drop our private back grounds and force us to adopt to what ever THEY decide to shove at us. Thank goodness we have OTHER net works that we are able to adopt AFTER 11/16/2012 .BY BY !


Very poor now a days

As of today google is a promoter of violence around the world for not taking this hate video of Mohammed down from their YouTube videos and causing hundreds of deaths and anti-American protest all over the world. Of course every action has a price. If this video is not taking down today, as of tomorrow I am going to use my freedom of speech to email everyone I know in the middle-East and let them know Google is responsible for this video still running on YouTube, and for them to let everyone else know this as well. Also they need to go protest peacefully in front of any google offices around the world. Not sure if they have offices elsewhere or not. Also they all need to boycott google and use a different search engine. I am also going to promote the same here in US and Canada among all that will listen, especially Muslim community. So do our troops and your bottom line a favor and please take this video that I have not and will not see, DOWN.

Love being harassed by Google at work! How many times can you hit the please remove us from your list option to only continue to get calls. We are thinking of filing a complaint with the BBB. I used to like Google and used it on the daily but will no longer use the site for ANYTHING! Thanks for letting us know what kind of company you really are.

Play informative for me, Mr. internet wrtier.

I have been trying for several weeks to get on my gmail account. I have changed the password many times, but still the log in page will not recognize my password! Trying to reach help is also a trial and tribulation. I want a real answer not a canned general answer. Please help me! All I want is to get onto gmail. I have been considering switching my email account, but have to get on the site first!

You should shut these two guys down that are using Google Earth from an apartment somewhere to stalk and track this innocent guy. These devil worshiper have been following and trapping people through the acccount they have made up with you. Shut it down because they are evil and there are no Firm law to stop this type of stalking.


The irony here is that this very site that you all use to complain to Google is, in fact, tracking and reporting your activities to Google. Check your web browser and you'll see Google-Analytics and GoogleSyndication are embedded on this page. The part that really will bake your cookies is that your comments (and mine) will attract other people to visit this site, possibly entering comments that feed Google's adsense ads and ultimately earn Google even more money. So even your disparaging comments here made added to Google's profits. And what, you think you can make a statement by boycotting Google? Impossible. Too many websites participate in adsense. It would be easier for you to boycott gravity than Google.

Google-s extremely limited contact information would be expected from a junior startup company rather than a publicly-traded multi billion dollar corporation. I've tried to submit a proposal I thought Google.org might be interested in prusuing and have almost given up in frustration. I first rtied to find an E-mail address to submit my proposal to and couldn't. I therefore phoned the (single) main contact phone number and, after an almost ten minute wait, was told to submit the proposal to bizdev@google.com. I did that and shortly thereafter I received a no-reply generic E-mail that gave the proposal a number (1091401309) but told me to send any non-business development-related proposal to the "on-line contact form at www.google.com/support". When I visited the site, however, I couldn't find any such form that wasn't linked to a specific Google product. I've tried to contact Google by phone again but have given up after a ten-minute wait. I probably still haven't submitted my proposal properly. Providing a few more (human) contact E-mails and maybe beefing up the support desk probably won't affect Google's bottom line significantly. it will also improve Google's image in the eyes of we members of the Great Unwashed public. I urge Google to beef up its contact information.

I would not give you a breath of air, or a drink of water, for the way you've treated me.I don't know If its a computer or a personbut, someone has been giving me avery hard time ever since I asked who made africans slaves and honest to god I never meant it as racial slur ever honest to god I would say that unless I mean it!

Stop calling me 23 time in 6 months

This is Dibbu,i had recieved an email from google,but i don't know how to know about fake emails.iam suffering with this problem since two weeks

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